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Reported Speech is used when we are going to talk about a previous conversation that
happened in the past. For example when we want to say or repeat something that someone
else said before. However there are two ways to do a reported speech.
We can use the Direct speech method or indirect speech method.

What ls Direct Speech and Indirect speech?

Direct speech is when we repeat exactly the words that somebody said in the past.
There are few rules that we must follow when using direct speech.
• Keep the same words .
• Use quotation marks.
• Put a come before or after the quotation marks.
• Start each new piece of speech with a capital letter.
• Punctuate the speech before closing it.
New speaker, new line.
For example:
"I just passed the university entrance exams" Sam said excitedly.
"I've been robbed three times," he complained.

This isn't commonly used but we can use it when we want to write a quotation mentioned by
the speaker or when writing an article or a public opinion in the news.

What is indirect speech?

Indirect speech is often also called reported speech in English and it’s the most frequently
reported speech used in daily conversations. When you see indirect speech is not necessary to
use quotation marks or repeat exactly what ourselves or someone else said before. When we
are using this type of reported speech usually change.
There are few rules that you must follow when using indirect speech.

• Verb tense forms usually need to change.

• Changes in Time and Place.
• Pronoun change : In reported speech, the pronoun often changes.
• Use of 'That' in reported speech.

The chart below shows the sequence of tenses and how verbs change when using indirect

The Sequence of Tenses

      Original Tense  Changed to….  

Present >>>Past
Present Continuous >>>> Past Continuous

 Past>>>>  Past Perfect  

Present Perfect >>> Past Perfect

 will  >> would

   can >> could

 may >>> might

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