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1.discuss the effects of the globalization on this ongoing pandemic situation.

- on this ongoing pandemic situation the effect of the virus in the globalization is that some of the company’s or
the tradings that a country has , as what the government agreed that all the markets except for the foods are
should be closed one of those are the malls , restaurants and other company to keep the country safe from the
virus people should stay at home but also with the help of technology some of online business were being used .
the globalization may not be how it used to be but at some point with technology we can still have access and
buy our wants and important needs .
2.discuss what are the advantages and disadvantages of the ongoing pandemic to our global situation
-advantages of the ongoing pandemic to our global situation is that the earth that humans live is having its rest
from the pollution and the other company that is not wellknowned for example the company that sells
facemask , ppe’s ect. They are now being knowned , the country dont have to wait for the other country to
supply some when infact our own country , company can sustain the needs of having some .
-disadvantage are most of the malls are closed and totally lockdown , the hospital’s got more stricted , the
medical employee’s safety . the country’s bankruptcy if this will continue do economic forces facilitate the deepening of globalization
-maybe by giving relief goods , specially the preserved foods like sardines , some company that is not knowned
were now showing up for example the King Sardines , noodles , rice that are not famous and now they are being
distributed with that people can recognize their product .
4.explain the factors that effects globalization
-factors that effects globalization is the lockdown of the country , because of the lockdown there will be no use
of globalization in market tradings , the minimum amount of buying something such alcohol , mask and other
important used nowadays , the no work no pay , we can just globalize through social media
5.explain in what ways do international organizations help our country’s economy on this kind of situation
-for example the china , china’s doctor’s or scientist are making the antidote for this pandemic even though
there are some rumors that they already have the antidote they just don’t want to let people know or have , and
as in our country Philippines , some friendly international country donates money , ppe’s , mask ect. this situation we are facing, how will political sector can be more productive than traditional politics
The political sector is now making a law for the safety of everyone , they are being productive because they are
the one to decide what to do with the distributions of relief goods and other. could you define globalization? Based on what happening nowadays
-todays globalization happens to be slow , market tradings in globalization is being use in online marketing ,
todays needs are foods and safety equipments
8.discuss how does the coronavirus affects its impact on globalization
The impact of coronavirus in globalization is the it stops from sending and receiving market tradings from
different country an ordinary citizen, what can you contribute to our country

As an ordinary citizen I can contribute to my country by following their rules and regulations such as staying at
home and the cleanliness of our home inside and outside your own opinion does globalization contribute to the rapid spread increase of corona virus infections.
Well as coronavirus is really an globalization virus I can say that yes , globalization contribute to the rapid
spread of it because when a person has a virus and then he or she went to another country there will be a
tendency of spreading the virus because when you transact a globalization there is a involvement of human help

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