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Imageability is the measure of place’s capacity to
create a strong visual image in the minds of an

It is influenced by a city's legibility; the degree to

which the different elements of the city are
organized into a coherent and recognizable pattern
which allow people to create a clear mental map of
the place.

Kevin Lynch was the first to use the word Imageability

for cities. He said that cities contain a key set of physical
elements namely Paths, Edges, Districts, Nodes and
Landmarks that people use to understand the
environment, orient themselves inside of it and assign it
Representation of a mental map of
REF : [An individual's knowledge of a city is, according to Lynch (1960, 1981), a Mexico City by a person
function of the imageability of the urban environment: that is, the extent to which
the components of the environment make a strong impression on the individual.]

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