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Forced Damped Vibration

Damped Forced Vibration

 Javaid Ahmad Ph. D. (Structural Dynamics)
(University of Windsor, Canada)

Forced Damped Vibration

Damped Forced Vibration

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 Assume a damped system is subjected to a harmonically

varying load p(t) of sine­wave form having an amplitude po
and circular frequency Ω.
 The DE (1) solution is combination of the complementary
and particular solutions,
 The complementary solution is same as free vibration
For particular solution, assume

up(t) = CsinΩt + DcosΩt (3)

 Substitute Eq. (3) into Eq. (1) and equate coefficients of
sine and cosine terms,

Forced Damped Vibration

Damped Forced Vibration (Cont’d)

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The constants A and B can be determined from initial
• A = uo­D
• B = (vo + Aξω – CΩ)/ωD
 Plot the response of Eq. (4) by taking uo=0, vo=0, ξ=0.05
and =0.2
 Largest deformation at the beginning
 Steady­state response at the later stage.

Forced Vibration

Damped Forced Vibration: Resonant frequency

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 Response at resonant frequency (=1.0):

 C=0, D = ­ust/(2ξ),
 With zero initial conditions
• A = ust/(2ξ), B = Aξω/ωD = ust/[2(1­ξ2)1/2]
 Eq. (4) becomes:
 Plot the response for ξ=0.05
 Compare with undamped system
 Damping limits the response by bound value of ub=ust/(2ξ).

Forced Vibration

Damped Forced Vibration: Resonant frequency

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 For very low damped system, sine term in Eq. (5) approaches
to 0 and ω = ωD(1­ξ2)1/2) ωD
 Eq. (5) becomes, (6)
envelope function
 Vibration amplitude varies as cosine function and strongly
influenced by damping.
 Plot envelope function.
 Now, plot Eq. (5) for different levels of damping ratio.

Forced Vibration

Damped Forced Vibration: Resonant frequency

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Now, introduce non­dimensional τ(cycle number)=t/T and

simplify Eq. (6):
 The system response in jth cycle is:

 Ratio of jth cycle response to the bound value response.

 Low damped system requires more

number of cycles to reach a certain

percentage of bound value response.

Forced Vibration

Transient Response
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 Mostly, we don’t care about the transient response unless it is

 For example:
 Response of an aircraft to a sudden wind gust or to a landing.
 Response of a building to an earthquake.
 Response of an offshore structure (e.g. oil rig) to a large wave.

Forced Vibration

Transient Response (Cont’d)

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The transient response with different combination of frequency

ratio β and the damping ratio ξ.
At resonance, amplitude grows
linearly and even an infinite time
is required to reach an infinite

Steady-State Harmonic Response
Steady­­State Harmonic Response
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Revisit Eq. (4),

Transient response Steady-state response

 In damped system, transient response damped out quickly,
therefore of no interest.
 However, the steady­state response continues indefinitely.
 Rewriting steady­state response,
uss(t)= sin(Ωt­ ) (8A)


  < 1 the response u(t) lags behind P0sin(Ωt) by a phase angle.

  > 1 the response u(t) leads P0sin(Ωt) by a phase angle.
 Displacement dynamic response/magnification factor.
Steady-State Harmonic Response

Steady­­State Harmonic Response (Cont’d)

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Plot Eq. (9) for three

values of β and ξ=0.20
(Frequency­response curve)

Steady-State Harmonic Response
Steady­­State Harmonic Response (Cont’d)
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Three regions
• β <<1
oρ st o
o Damping has no role
o Stiffness has major role
• β >>1 (Larger value of β)
o β4 is dominant
o β 2 (10)
o ω 2 Ω 2 Ω 2
o o 0
o Response is influenced

by mass
• β =1 (Use Eq. (9))
o st 2ξ= o ω (11)
o Response is sensitive to damping.
Steady-State Harmonic Response
Shaking Machines
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 Assume vibration generator with two masses (me/2)

 Amplitude of external force po= 2x(me/2)ac = meeΩ2
 Assume harmonic force p(t) = posinΩt = meeΩ2sinΩt
 Rest of the procedure is same as described before.

Sample Problem

Sample Problem 1
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A simply supported beam, with negligible weight, supports a

diesel engine at its centre. The beam has a span L=3.5m and
moment of inertia I=5.34 x 107 mm4 with E = 200 GPa. The
weight of the engine is 100kN and its motor runs at 300 RPM
and its rotor is out of balance and produces an unbalanced
force of 4500N. What is the amplitude at steady­state response
if the damping ratio ξ is 5%? Determine the phase angle of
response relative to that of the unbalanced force.

Sample Problem
Sample Problem 1: Solution
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 k = 48EI/L3 = 11.97 x 106 N/m

 W = 100 kN
 ω2 = k/m >> ω = 34.27 rad/sec
 f=RPM/60 = 5 Hz
 po = 4500 N
 Ω=2πf = 10π rad/sec
 β = Ω/ω = 0.917
 ξ = 0.05
 Use Eq. (9)

 ust = po/k = 0.376 mm

 Rd = 5.43
 ρ = 2.04 mm (Use Eq. (9)
 Use Eq. (8B) to get phase angle
 Phase angle ϕ = 30°

Sample Problem

Sample Problem 2
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The displacement amplitude of a SDF system due to

harmonic force is known for two excitation frequencies. At
Ω=ω, Ω=5ω, . Estimate the damping
ratio of the system.

Sample Problem

Sample Problem 2: Solution

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 For Ω=ω, use Eq. (11)

 st 2ξ >> 5= st 2ξ (i)
For Ω=5ω (β=5, Ω>>ω), use Eq. (10)
 st β 2 >> 0.02=
st 25 (ii)
 Solve (i) and (ii)
 st ξ=0.05

Sample Problem

Short Question
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In your resume, you claimed to have good understanding of

structural dynamics. In recent interview with your potential
employer, you were asked about the kind of dynamic
mechanism worked when you put the cell/mobile phone on
‘vibration’. Explain the mechanism by using the
understanding of ‘Application of forced vibration’ as you
learned in the class.

Sample Problem

Short Question: Answer

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 There is a small DC motor inside the cell phone and the

motor's shaft/axis/gear has an imbalance mass. As soon as
the call/message comes in, an electrical signal from
hardware is sent and the motor rotates, then the imbalance
mass causes the phone to vibrate.

Steady-State Harmonic Response

Dynamic Response Factors

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Rewriting Eq. (8)

u(t)= sin(Ωt­ ) = Rdustsin(Ωt­ )
 Its velocity response can be obtained by differentiating Eq.

where Rv =Rdβ is velocity dynamic response factor
 Acceleration response factor is,

where Ra =Rdβ2 = Rvβ is acceleration dynamic response factor

 Relation among these three dynamic response factors
Rv =Rdβ = Ra/β (14)

Steady-State Harmonic Response

Dynamic Response Factors (Cont’d)

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 Plotting three dynamic response factors ( along X­axis),

 Notice that resonant frequency is not same in three cases
 Set dRd/dβ = 0 (Eq. 9)
• Displacement resonant frequency

Similarly, use dRv/dβ and dRa/dβ
Velocity resonant frequency

Rv,r = 1/2ξ
Acceleration resonant frequency

Damped Systems: Applications

Damped Systems: Application

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Modal Properties from Harmonic Tests

Resonance Testing
 Based on Eq. (11), i.e. st 2ξ
ξ st 2 β=1 (16)
 Practically, accelerations are easy to measured but
displacements are difficult to measure.
• Displacement = Acceleration/ω2
• How to measure ω
• Forcing frequency is adjusted until phase angle =90

(corresponding frequency is ω)
 Static displacements ust are measured manually and not
through dynamic shaker (Impractical and very difficult).
 When both ust and β=1 are known, apply Eq. (1) to evaluate
damping of the system.

Damped Systems: Applications

Damped Systems: Application (Cont’d)

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Frequency­Response Curve
 Disadvantage of Resonance testing
 Static displacements are very difficult to measure using
dynamic shaker.
 Therefore, frequency­response curve approach is preferred to
determine the modal properties of real structures.
 One of the popular approaches is half-power bandwidth

Damped Systems: Applications
Half Power Bandwidth Method
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 Used to evaluate the damping of the system

Equate displacement response factor from Eq. (9) and from Eq.
(15) times 1/21/2, it gives β2 = 1±2ξ
 Assuming ξ is so small and its ξ2 can be neglected After
simplification, ξ=(Ωb­Ωa)/(2ω) (18)

Damped Systems: Applications

Damped Systems: Application

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Force transmission:
[Prevention of harmful vibrations in supporting structures due
to oscillatory forces produced by operating equipment.]
 Assume mass­spring­damper system subjected to harmonic

 Introducing non­dimensional term Transmissibility TR =

fT,max/po (maximum transmitted force to the amplitude of external



 Plot Eq. (19) as function of frequency ratio β.

Damped Systems: Applications

Force Transmissibility (Cont’d)

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 Three observations
• Force transmitted influenced by damping only if β < 21/2

• Region with TR < 1.0

o Higher value of β is required.

o Damping even increases the TR

 No damping is desired.

• β = 21/2: Important for the design of
vibration absorber or isolator.

Damped Systems: Applications

Damped Systems: Application (Cont’d)

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Vibration Isolation:
 In this case, an harmonic support motion forces a steady state
response (e.g. ground motion due to earthquake). ut(t)=ug(t)+u(t)
 Only the relative displacement u produces stiffness and
damping forces, i.e. fS=ku, fD=cu and fI=mut

Assume ground motion is harmonic,


 Now, the task is

 (20)
 Use Eq. (3) to calculate acceleration of relative displacement u
and (21)

Damped Systems: Applications

Vibration Isolation (Cont’d)

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 Substitute Eqs. (21) and (22) into Eq. (20)

 (23)
 where and

 Rewriting Eq. (23)

 where

 The maximum value of mass acceleration is,

 The transmissibility (the ratio of maximum acceleration

transmitted to the mass To the amplitude of the ground
acceleration) of the system.

Damped Systems: Applications

Vibration Isolation (Cont’d)

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 Compare Eq. (24) and with Eq. (19)

 The transmissibility in ground excitation problem is the
same as for the external/applied force problem.
 Figure on slide 23 is also valid for ground excitation
 In case of lower value of β (TR approaches 1), the system
mass and the ground move with the same acceleration.
 Higher value of β (TR approaches 0), the system mass
stands still (isolated) while the ground is moving. When ??

o Lower value of system natural frequency (lower

stiffness >> very flexible support.
o Concept of natural rubber bearings.
 Isolation effectiveness: IE = |1­TR|
 IE =1 represents complete isolation.
 IE =0 represents No isolation.
Sample Problem

Sample Problem 3
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Some sensitive instruments are installed in a nuclear lab

where the vertical acceleration is 0.1g at a frequency of 10 Hz.
In order to minimize the disturbance, all the sensitive
instruments are mounted on a rubber pad of stiffness 80 lb/in.
The weight of one of the instruments is 100 lb and the
damping ratio for the system is 10%. Calculate the maximum
acceleration transmitted to this instrument. If the instrument
can tolerate only an acceleration of 0.006g, suggests the
remedial measures without changing the rubber pad


Sample Problem

Sample Problem 3: Solution

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 W=mg=100 lb, k = 80 lb/in and ξ=0.1
 ag=0.1g and Ω=10x2π rad/sec
 aall=0.005g
 Damping coefficient of rubber pad, c=0.911 lb.s/in
 β = Ω/ω = 3.575
 TR = 0.104 = amax/ag=0.1 >> amax = 0.0104g

 Increase β to reduce TR value,

 No control on k, increase mass
 Assume m2=200 lb, calculate ξ, ξ=0.071
 β = Ω/ω = 5.06
 TR = 0.05 = amax/ag=0.1 amax = 0.005g < 0.006 OK

Sample Problem

Sample Problem 4
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An automobile is travelling along a multi­span bridge deck

supported at every 100 ft as shown. Due to long term creep,
the road profile can be approximated as a sinusoidal with an
amplitude of 3 in. If the automobile is idealized as a SDF
mass­spring­damper system, then determine (a) the amplitude
of vertical motion of fully­loaded (4 kips) (b) and driver­only
(3 kips) vehicle travelling at 40 mph. Take the effective
stiffness and the damping ratio of the automobile system as
800 lb/in and 40%, respectively.

Sample Problem

Problem 4: Solution
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 W=mg=4000 lb, k = 800 lb/in and ξ=0.4

 ug=3in
 ω = (k/m)1/2 = 8.786 rad/sec
 Frequency of bridge deck excitation Ω=?
 v=40mph =58.67 ft/sec = 58.67/100 >> f= 0.5867 Hz
 Ω = 2πf = 3.686 rad/sec >> β = Ω/ω = 0.42
 TR = 1.186 = umax/ug >> ua,max = 3.56 in

 ω = (k/m)1/2 = 10.15 rad/sec

 ξdriver ­only =?
 Damping coefficient of automobile c = ?
 ξ=c/2mω,
 c = 2x4000x8.786x0.4/386 = 72.84 lb.s/in

Sample Problem

Problem 4: Solution
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 (b): (Cont’d)
 ξ = =c/2mω =72.84x386/(2x3000x10.15) = 0.46
 β = Ω/ω = 3.686/10.15 = 0.363
 TR = 1.13 = umax/ug >> ub,max = 3.39 in


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