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Gove rnrnent Center, Maimpis,

' of Sail Fernando (pJ

Quarten 1

tl"d:gffhe $ffect of Textuat A[ds frm

e Understilnding of a Text
t i.t..

(ENlORC-Xa*2.,1 S.Z)

ffi 'ffi

ffi ,rBtH',
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*a*r*uqd- Y *r

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,\T* *offi,,ffiffi ffi


W h*I " .2.. ff. e e.4 . €e. S" ds


You i-ead stories, bfogs, etc" frorn the internet in different text complexity. Therefore,
ii:e significance of texiuaI aids like graph!c organizers and non-finear ilfustrations aflow you
:c atlatn integral knowledge and prcperly put into practice and think effectively.
Organizing ideas through textual aids helps indiviciuais who have difficulty to infor*
mation scheme visualize abstract ideas the easier u;ay.

At the end of this rnodule, you are expected to.

' identify Cifferent foi'ms of tex.t*al i*ids and their effects in understanding text;

" decode lnformation from text throuEh textr:al aids; and

' present specific graphic organizet's and non-linear ilfustrations to expose the

Wfuwt ff Ksaww
Ybu have experienced different joLrnerls in yor-rr life and encountereci difficult challer-lges.
Take a giirnpse of those signiflcant tinhes arncj reflect. Let your experiences create a bigger
picture of a new staft. [-Jo,s much do you knaw?

anslver what

1. A static visual illustration of a conce$t is cralled

a. picture c. chart

b. graph d. tiiles

2. One of the main functions of graphiq,organizers is to.

a. organize ideas and processes
b. show clearer picture of concept
c. help text become more comprefrensive
d. all of the above

3. A graphic crganizer used io e.xpcun me.u.aing of difficult yvords is called

a. ficlvchart c. pie gr-apl'r
b. vocabulary map J

4. One cf the ke}, con"uptu ,'-, using piclurc i lusii"a'rion is ____*
a. creativiiy c. passion
b. organieer d. ncne of the abcve

5. The uliimate purpose in Lrsing textua aids is

a. comprehension c. creatlviiy
b. reoreseniation r'{ elarifinaiinn
ai-e ihe resuii oi ihe cthers is
a. eonlpare and 60ntra$t tl" se and effect
b" order of events

7. A ru;hele unit dividecl \,*iith slices Llsed to interpret data

i details is called
a. tahles;
b. pie granh r' Irr chant

8. A chart that iliusirates systern ancl rank [n organization

is called
a. pie graph c' Picture
b. tables d' hierarchY chart
in logicai sequence is cailed
$. A graphic oi-ganizer coi"nnrcnly used to remember stories

a. ple graPh e' Pictutres

b. siory* maP d' concePt maP

10. cne of the key eoncepts about using graphic orllanizer is -.--":
a. tc clarify c- io recognize ccncept
b. ic elieit bigger d' all of the above
ihinking is called
11. Visual representation of idea that guides learner,3 in creaiive
a. norl-linean iilusiraticn c' texi
b. str:ries 6' n5rrels

12. A chart used to onganize and simpiify cempiex text

into sir-.lrple is caiied
a. flowcharl G. pi,e graph

b. hierarchy chart d' chain eif cvcie

of texi is called
13. An educationattoot uscd te better enhance the understanding
a. pen and PaPr+r e. textual aids
b. essaY d. exam

used tc cor-npare and contrast

14. A grapl:ic orgariizer that is ma;'ked by overla;;ping eircles
a. Venn eliagram
---.--.- c' Pte g raph
b, ffowchtart d' hierarahY chart

15. Cne *f the maiti funciions of a story map is

a. Lc *nhance rnemory c^ to pror-note passiort
b. io make text longer d' to gairl infcrnlation

"&rm*es tw *fu'w, #B€F

Ti:e ac.ti'.liiies in this morJule are arranged fl:om to cor,,iplex to heiP the learner
hirr.r/her the needed suPPorl and
giair-:aiiy nrasier thr: desired leanninE conrpeten:y"
guica:ce so ihat he /she w'iii be able io perforrn the to prepare himll-rer laier on using
r-rstratiol-rs cn ihe understandirig of
Lxuat aids: advanee organizers, titles, & non-iiirear
a text.

Determine the Effect of Textual Aids
ise tfue Ualderstanding sf a ?ext

$&rfus.€es fpe

It is very important ihat you can identify different uses of textuai aids for easiei-
comprehension of a text.
ln your previous lesson, you learned thai graphic organizers and non-linear
help learners understand a text. 1

Pay attention to the following sentenc,es. Can you identify the textual
aids used in each
statement? Write e € [f the sentence is a cituse and effect, e e for
compare and ccntrast, and
sffi for sequence or order of events, processes, and derrelopment.
Wi-ite your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1'The Philippine governrnent declared a Naiionat ldeaith Emergency

cases of confirmed CoV$D-19 patients and i"apid transmission of the

2. Despite having one of the most advance m*dicalfacitities in the

worfd, USA
has the most number of COVID-19 r:onfirmed patients and cleath
toll of more
than 20,000 beyond wuhan's recorrjeci 3,g69 deaths cue to the vii-us.

3. Fighting against this pancemic wourld not be possible lvjihout first considering
personatr hygiene, fcllowed by maintaining sociai distance
fronr people even
your closest farnily mernbers, then vrtearing personai protective
everywhere you go.
4. The Provincial Government of Aurorr: flnaliy deciai'ed General Conimuniiv
Quarantine (GCa) after keeping the zei-o ccviE case recoi,r aniono all
provinces in Regicn ffi}.

5. lnfluenza is said to be the clos virus-reiated ciisease te Corona Vii-us. They

both attack respiratory sysiem c:use sevei"e respiiatory breakdown that
can lead to death.

You are correct if you answered CE nutnber i ana 4 because ihey express
of a certain event. F,.tean.whitre, itern n rs 2 anc 5 shcw ccmoarison of f,-,.;o ideasiconcepts.
The remaining number B shows a seq nce or ei'der ef what rree ds io
be done.
You wili learn a iot more as you p ceed reading this module.




*-31fus*'s ff-qes i

Textual aids are educatior$al supporting tools used to better

enhance the understanding Of conrfplex text' In other words, textual aids
,9'xrff;idF*o \ *
tet you learn things on your ovvn a$tivetY'

I '&JEIE&jg \
ln this nrodute, vou ar€I abqut to anallr-e functtons and diflerent
textual aids like grapfric organizels, titles, and non-linear illustratisns
that will help you r:nderstand lext tlre easier way'

anci lrifiuenza' After reading,

Llriree-eioris: lX.ead and study the difference heilveen Coro;iavirus
airswer the givem activitY-

$f fi-*n"ence Bet-w ee n C+t'o:ia* i"* s *nd i m't *enza

t'fiarch 12, 2C2C Pasted 5Y Samanthi

-[]'rey caLise disea"ces in ai:,nosi aii iypes of oi'gan-

viruses are infecirous agenis.
host arganism' cr:ronavirus
isrns. Tiiey are obligaie parasiies thai wniie irisid+ a sper:ific
tnat are enveloped'
anci infli:enza virr:s are fuvo types cf vin-is=s. They are Ri{A viruses
s:i;-illiti--]ms' F{ow*ver, coi'cnar''i-
tsoih attack respiratory sys!,em of hunians aI,d snc\iv sinrilar
rus infection is rnore Oear-lty than ii^re in'i'1,-ienza
iliri;s inicciion. ivi*recvcr, 'iherc is a \iac'.ine
for"influenza. infection while there is nc vacciiie fci'ccrcpavirus ;ret'
Coronavinus is a trarge famiiy of enve icr:eci i,,iruses with helicai-shapeci
srcis. The nai'ne 'corona'wai given tc tiiis r"irus fatr-iiiyi
as they have crcwn-like projeciicns
on their si;rface. These viruses infect ihe res,pii-:iiory traci of nianrrrla{s'
cause liinesses r"anging from comrl.icil 'lcii anci pr-reunrcnia
to severe acute respiratr:ry
(f'IERS). rhey can alsc
syndrcme (SARS) ind the N4iddle East rssi:iratei"y syrriii"cme
i-ia';lr"us lnfeciion ai-e a runny
effcct the gut of mammals. The coirmon syr-,rntonrs c,f ci:re
of all ages are susc*'ptible to
nc5e, coilgh, sore ihraat, and possibiy a heacaclre- Peopie
this virus.
RNA virus that be-
influenza virus (cgmnnonly called flu virus't is a single-stranded
tongs ta the viratfamily Orihornyxoviridae. [t caus,=s ar1
infeciicus disease calted infiuenza
include high fever' runny
in vertebrates. The common symptoms of inflilernza,infection
and feeling of tiredness'
nose, sore throat, mu$cle and ioint pain, headaci'ie, coughing,

The virus spread through the air frorn c;oughing and sneezii:g'
lt can also be
then touching the nose'
spread by touching the objects Gontarninated b)i thelvirus and
to influenza virus' Then
mouth and eyes. The disease appears tivo days afier exposure
it can rast for less than a week. fn most people, tlre fnfection
resolves iisetf' But in certain
below 5, and
peopie, especially in imrnuno*o*pr"*iued people, young children aged
adulis aged abcve 65, it can tast for several we€rks and can cause


*i;'+eiions: List dou;n the differences cf both dlseases found in the given artiele.


1. l 1.
L, t.
!), J.

4. 4"

Wfus* ds f*
ffieaogrurze ffisfferemt Attrifuc.ttes and Coetacpf
Graphic organizers and non-linear il!urstrations are tools iri reccgnizing differerrt aiti'ibutes.
Cne of these organizers uiiiized in the previous article is Cor":':pare & eentrast" This g:-aphic
organizer helps you figure out two or more sirnilarities or differences of icieas.
Example: D[fferenee Betweerl Conon:avfls"uls amd f nf[uenza
ln this title, you are looking fon contras'rirtg concepts of Ccrona Virus and lnfluenza fi"om
a noticeabie key word'difference between'. Th[s phrase heips you undenstand the underiying
ideas or target inforrnation you are trying to look for. Venn diagram can help ycu break down
the attribules betu;een the two concepts;

-Posiiive sense -l',legaiive

Vit'us tha
singie sti-anded sense single
RNA genome strai-rded RhlA
i iness
-Spreads Causes
c l:,r;,lv -Spreads
irrfl:ct!on to rqniillrr
rps nirainrrr
icnger Shoi'ter

"rie prev;ous :cl;t in the activity? lf yes, Gompare

S;r,+PlrfY and Srgasl;ze ,{eiea:

You can use graPhic organi

ic simPlifY and crganize conrPiex
anizers is the fEo'er ehart' TaLe a
that yeiu find bcring' Cnr+ cf thsse
iook at the ex:anrPie betcw"

Ho0sil qn ffir[i[ ffiuiBdflng
Lu**l t Stmptc Drt[{: ffinop' Co*rer' amd

f;jRS;':S tha EriE!

(in the eveni of a
1 . \ria rhe pubric annolincemenr
(pA) uvut-t*1,:l-'11'l;ll1-;:::fi:-tt'"n
the Lesinnins ot shaking rtserr):
l,=J; :J[:#-#;il#-i,.,ii*-
ccmputei' in each ciassrcom"
unciei"'-tl:t:'".5t:3 , studerrts and teachers
: Suggest that vuhiie dr"opplng
earttiqueke rhese items shc'uid
be se-
cui-ed or nrsved after the dr-ill'
effecis, then atfter at }easi ciie niinute, announce that
2. lf nct using auciio tape for so..;nd
ihe shaiiing is sver'
sturjents anC siaff fcllow school
3. Based upon your school disaster qtan' ftavl
#J.l"ffi'ot"J*t;" accot"ding to the schooi di:;asi{ Plan'
On uniiiihe sha'ring
cccurs while 5iou are ex'iilng Drop' iover' and Ficlti
4. !f an aftershock

:;;". vrI,
(cr wnenl',':i
stooped \v'
ake a H:?fli5;1.?i'ilJ;
I Wherr tlre na$ $tuPir*u
rire shaliins has
arolinc' menlai note of damage
fr:re 1.'ou erii
you;' take ien seconts ic
sruce;:i: .^':t:;l;"LTi:'f:?
a s,rnaiiri:"e c]o so Ask L-#;;j;
a*i can.qers, check tc see if anv responsibie J#ff*|:
-:;;Uff:?,:*iil..i 0,r,.'
il:J:[x;; injured' Ncn-amburl't"'Y i;j;to O- reassureci ancj r'vait for ireatnrent
to asslst lighttv
tU dbuiot !rYI rtt) rr')*'--- :-1'::1:tr main'
tne! aie, uniess it is rncre dangerrus
5. rake
- cl assroo m R
lrou classroom
I ak e lroui-
Nlotebaok)' h'4ake
uiio!\r drr\r
olt beo
1:5:ii i: T:::,iff :".#,XK;ffi itr J::;
these siaY with ihe perso n acttraily
esrnrting the ciass
; ;;*.-'F-",;i"gency Ass*rti=iv Area

6 use the BrJDDY s"Ysr:t:-.i:::"^""::?';,$l:IJ,ifk",.ifffit::,*-:i:'ffii*T:

lviih t"he tea
to cheek brie{i'l
in Lle back- Take a ferry sec'cncls need'
the haii to see ii ihei' are in
iefi, ic the right, a''d across
: lifiP s ;'iwww. s l'ta\e o ut' o r;1

r time pid you spenci tryirrg

io undoi-starrd the
the mpre boring anC tedt:ul; ii


Here is ihe simplified ilfusiration of ther ie:xt.

SimpEe Dml[: til,J}(Elutt t,1e il ilnI: After at ieast one rninuie,

1. Via the pubiic
announce that ihe shaking is
Brop, Cover, and
announcemenl over.
HeEd on DriB$ and
EuriEding (PA) syste"m,
Evae urat[om .alarms, or
Foltrow school evacuation
'verbal direction procedures according to the
2. Announce tf"at schoofdisaster plan.
the earthquake,
drill has begun
and to Drop,
Cover, and F{old lf an afiershock cccui's: DROF,
On. COVER, AND HOLD untiithe
shaking stops.
3. \luatch for

il\,'ifutEDtATELY and before you

exit your roonr take ten
seconds tc fook arouni.

Stay with the person escorting
the class to the Emergency
AssemhlyArea (EAA).


e iasses sheuld exit in pairs
w:ih one ieacher in frcni ar:d
one at the back.

The chart srnrplifies ,r- ."rr, -l

text with more ccmprehesrsive flow nrarked by arrows
connecting the bores. Thls organize[ car also be used to fiEure out the cause and effect




Vel rur nt m{Y
Er:'he race

P*'h*!,1,]:: 4'* f'nii*'''lar with
st*ies ycu have
-6ffi-4f:\' \lou remember thenr?
- #ffitf ) "
iead and n:ovies you ha're I
- '=ffi{l under rhis caiegcry cf
Erements of a story is _fagTr of a stony
is caile! ;.;;# o'*r'' dr'tt.'i* otgunizer' eiernenis
orcranizers. Et
.1",-1. ii#iJ t* n*nt**lber details c{ a
pfot, conftici,-resotuilLn' vuetl' Here are
surh as enaratrters,-*Jttl*S, ;;;;;;-tl'i''tt understand the iciea as
sioi-ir easli;,. Remen-,ber
t#t when ,"-
so.r,e tipsl

by cornpleting
such as oharari*r;;, settlngs, pioi, theme, eic"
Tip 2: Diselres the elements
a storY maP'
; by one
map, discuuu ,61tthu significant eiements one
conrpieied the
Tlp 3: Once you have

Siate the Plot:

Where did the
story tak-e Piac'e?
characters? ;

\r'Jhen di'J tt
Who are the minor hePPen?

C la rify
ff tationsh ip Betvreen Concepfs

You ai-e i:lreac'.' f|Siiiar

i F- i every classi-oom wi:li anc
rviih crganizaiicna; si.iuctuies
pcsied in
office cirectcriJs] in faci, you
evervv'here. rt is see ihem armost
x: iff*ranehy;t-;;;:iriu, ,oo, can
easiiy the iliustration cf the system, rank in oi-ganizaticn
help ycu rsr=;ember
-' ) lor^"est positicn' Ycu
can u=u tt * to;rri*tnut."superordinate
fronr highest io the
ciass of the topic ,r,f if,*i, and subordinate
chart to und-5rsrand ccncept,
Ii,Y::'l_:'- :.h''
1' ldentifv the significani
aspect of tire topic and
rouow rhese sreps:

2' List oowt'l elements that ycu

write ir ,- ,n" ;;r;;;, of the organizei-.
finci significant frorn the
first aspect you identified.
3. Cluster the efen:ents
intc Cifferent iev,eis of rank.
You can use the triangle
organize r c r the pyraniid-shaped
frorn the mosi irnporranr char_t to list cicr,vn yoi,-
io tneleas,-ri,.-, upiri,;rlii; pi-ioriii*-s
etc. ,;ffil,il,l,,onunips, educaiion,

Top prioriiy:
\fl/hereudo yr:u spend
*o.t of your time?
Whriwhat do you think
cofiies next to priority?

l_east of
your priorities

can also be used to show

,",r,,il1r-Jart hr;w thir:gs or evenrs aie
reiaied like cause and effect

frifficutt Fff*rds

One of I mcst lnrportant

toois that !/ou can use
vocabulary is th to assess your
you learn unfa rar
:fT-5ifi:Y,,f,:ri::T:' v*n*our**
or diffjcuit worcjs and synonr*u"*[*uffiJrf ;-*
can heip
Here are tips to lo,,v
Step 1: put the
or ccncept in the center
Sien ?. of the organizer.
identfy tne niuitipfe
and nrake conneciions.
L\+^,^ ..
u.rcl,.J. Use the r.nrord in a Cfues can aisc ne
faunC w;thin the sentence"
Lool< for various synonyins
ilntcniiils of the word/s.
bIeD b. #ri1 ,,y' a ptcture after
ng tlle meaning to l.;sr_lajize
the jdea.

Beiow is an example of
a vocabulary ,rrpAnr*.

it in a senienie

srnonffiffiffi Diffjcurt \iVord

Dra'uv a picture

Fart ta V{fuoi* _iJr:der.sfa rtding ar -{cxt

Fie Gnaph/efuart
oiher graphic organizers tike pie
graph/cf'ra rr, bar,anc
tables are uscd to interpret
;i'1.-IXl;illiff#f.H:Hty.,:ff:U*r#pie graph iu u u,r,or* unit

You can use ti:e pie cha;-t

-i- Here
ure some stePs:
to aiiocate yorrr personar
: AIf, ,
Step 1: ideniify your slrb;e,:i
_ T**
" s./ cr topic
Siep 2: Calcuiate ihe pei"c*ntage
cf the to the whole.
step 3: Dra*: srices rei:-rtiv*
to the acir-rar caicuJation of parts"

*bserve and sLudy the graphs beln,v"

Fu?an g *c-{a$x,s E*tcr-pntses penfsdie

EvTang -iuar-r'*c Entcrpnises Fen$odie
$a$es fm p0.?[]
iti: clr $aies in ?CIig
'-'- -' , 9i;
3rd Qtr' - ;

].st Qtr

r Lst etr Zi;d etr

I J,d qtr s etr
,: 1sl etr 2n.l etr
*1 3r.i Qtr
'i 4lh Qtr
Graph i.0
Graph 1"1

Text may be blrino,io start
wiih, sipecifically if you write your

a shorter t-r;& respsnse with e_rcessive
ccnsisting orar reast 100-1s0
words io e.xprain a

ri"iilisii1ll1:'ampfe below. Afte,';-eadins, conj-pare

the rexi from ihe abcve giann.
Graph 1'0 shows frlang Juan
t>nterp.,'se sares grWA*,-
""r/v vcltr w' zo/o irom me prev'iaus
aiid 9,% in the fourth quarter wtith
lts cowrtfai! continues ctasirca
diminis,,.2s?(, v,ji,t
lly from 23% io 1a%
a tremendct:s loss gap.
{nGraph1'f itisquiieimpre:;si','efhaf
improved aver iis pericdic rfs recordedsa/esrn 201gseemrsrchaye
operatlan. itru *nt*rpr--
over the last years' tj has
a record cf yT"rawing saies fiom'fit:st
*te inconsisfenf sa/es
betier in its succeediLg br:smess quarler anct poperi,g even
first quarler 1Z?(, in the secanrt,
ii*ilrl,tion i nun rr*iinuu}y grovvti sares from l aato in
z'2r," ii third ro 6t% ;*;;; lis
through over thepasf years Thus, maxi;ig 20i9 a bi.eak_
in the inttustry

*,",5n'ir*.X?Ti?#iiJ;-lh,:i;';5il#ilX,Jj,or,, oiganizers whiie savi,g time


-#frfl\u, pictures ai'€r
:ffirf \* $t*iic visuai iriusire.rians that perform
substantial cues to anrplify your" effeciiv* and
r B_dhH
Ti*es and itaiicize d charactei's
*8. siEnificance in understanding ai"e aiso kno,,r,rn for their
Take a look at these e-rarnpies:



ihe ijtie Diary of a Wirnpy Kio, su

teii ;vou eracily wi;at to expect"or -"sti; a tl-:cught ef an ove;"aii eontent
at let of a baoi<. it ray,
gives yeu a hint of the iciea
rvitf:in ino L^,
Ycii can aiso arrive from the
idea sinply r-rniccking the mear_:ing
at these sleps. cf the tiile. fuke a rooi<
ar^- :
,:lceniiiy ihe rneaning of tire
fnc$si. lo

"ffhai 3 Heeei io Knew

lArn.n L.U .].D 4,A 5.4 6. C 7R 6.U LB .10.D
11A 1?a 1?r t+- A 15. A
Lfrhat's Xm

i'-f a
^^ J. bt tr ,^^

What's f{ew

:SVIS-{9: Fositive singie

Stranded RNA genarile
preads slo,,n,ly

F-{F'L{JEruZA: Negative sense

single sirandeci RI.JA genome
ipreads rapidly

fdhat's ll{ere
1.8 2.C 3.8 AA 4r-
lndepeneient Aetivity I

fuiart:d by fla,..,1+.-rs crailsrrranslrin nr h,, -lis God-gir",en sklil

b,:i,.rtiir:i. ingeni,tus, dericai*, or j"ilr# '=*+"<<lxq
in arls is iruly
LriS iie


i=dcpe*eiemt Assessmemt j $nde pemdcr:t Aetfr vity E

Ansi,';e,,S fnAy,lAry

or e-based
Str-ideni-* inii:r- leaming
iluL M/rln
eacll Siudenls do
oiher learning
not ir_-:teract wilh
DeveloFs teiiin- each other
Develops indi-
vidual learnino
skili .,

ffi"tr;"6,n#6EdE/ G,

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