Why B.F. Skinner May Have Been The Most Dangerous Psychologist Ever

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Why B.F.

Skinner May Have Been The Most Dangerous Psychologist Ever

B.F. Skinner was a pioneer in his times, because of the proposition of Behaviourism and the thought
that we all are just doing as the consequences of our past actions. B.F. Skinner was very intriguing if
not dangerous. He had many ideas that disaproved the mere existence of biological underpinnings
of behaviour. He said that all which matter is the environment we live in and that influence our
actions and thoughts. though his idea of conditioning and reinforcements was true to many cases
like phobia and anxiety, it would make chaos to some illnesses like autism. The clear dismissal of
naturistic groundings of our actions and thoughts, was one of the many factors Skinner's theory is

The Truth About Pavlov's Dogs Is Pretty Disturbing

When did Pavlov's dogs start salivating? When they heard a bell, you say? Au contraire. Pavlov's
dogs started salivating when they saw lab coats. Workers at a lab that studied digestion noticed
that the dogs used in the experiments were drooling for seemingly no reason at all.

Behaviorism Theory: This theory in education consist of positive reinforcement, conditioning, and
behavior modification.

Founder: John B Watson

Big contributor: Edward thorndike (law of Effect) plays a major role in measurement. He came up with
Psychological Connectionism: compare it to a switchboard. Connection was made between a stimulus
and response.

B.F Skinner: Operant conditioning

John Watson: little Albert

Ivan Pavlov: Conditional Reflex (dog ang food)

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