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Distance Learning Distinguishing Essential Resources Role of Teacher Role of Parent or Role of School
Modality Feature Household Member
-Self-learning - Provide Self-Learning - Serve as learning - Availability of the
- Individualized modules (SLMs) in Modules (SLMs) print facilitators complete sets of self-
Modular Distance instruction where print or digital format, or digital format learning modules in print
Learning (MDL) learners use self- - Supervise and or digital format as well
learning modules -Textbooks / Learners - Monitor the learners’ monitor the progress of Textbooks / Learners’
(SLMs) Materials (LM) progress through text their children’s in Materials
messaging or modular distance
audio/video calls. learning
-Teacher - Various - Facilitate learnings - Supervise and - Ensure that learning
facilitates learning technologies monitor the screen facilitators are oriented
and engages connected to the - Gives assignment time of the learners on the recommended
Online Distance learners active internet (laptops, and learning tasks screen time, as well as
participation using tablets, smartphones, - Attend orientation to break time for the
Learning (ODL)
various and desktop - Monitor the learners be capacitated in the screen.
technologies computers) difficulties and to see use of Learning
connected to the how they have been Management System - Ensure that ICT
internet - Internet connectivity progressing in the (LMS), DepEd Coordinator and
lesson. Commons, and LR teachers are
- DepEd Common Portal knowledgeable on
- Provide interventions managing LMS and
- LR Portal to the learner’s navigating DepEd
difficulties. Commons and LR Portal
- Use of television - Facilitate learning - Ensure children’s - Orients the teachers,
on channels or - Televisions on through the allotted access to televisions parents and learners
TV-Based stations dedicated channels or stations airtime in the about the Television
Instruction (TVBI) to providing televisions network - Supervise and instruction policies and
learning context monitor the progress of directions to ensure that
to learners - Provide complete and their children as well as everyone is properly
appropriate context provide guidance to informed and guided.
(Learning Modules in their children. - Availability of
video format as well as MOA/MOU with a
in print / e-copy for first Television Network for
Quarter the needed airtime/slot.

- Distribute reference / - Provide complete and

supplementary appropriate content
materials to learners (Learning Modules/Self-
Learning Modules in
video format as well as
in print /e-copy) for
Quarter 1.

- Availability of
materials for distribution
to the learners.
- Use of radio - Radio programs on - Facilitate learning - Ensure children’s - Orients the teachers,
programs on stations. through the allotted access to radio parents and learners
stations dedicated airtime in the radio about the Radio-based
to providing station. - Supervise and instruction policies and
learning context monitor the progress of directions to ensure that
to learners. - Provide complete and their children as well as everyone is properly
Instruction (RBI) appropriate context provide guidance to informed and guided.
(Learning Modules in their children.
radio-based lesson - Availability of
format / radio script as MOA/MOU with a Radio
well as in print / e-copy Station for the needed
for first Quarter. airtime/slot.

- Distribute reference / - Provide complete and

supplementary appropriate content
materials to learners. (Learning Modules/Self-
Learning Modules in
radio-based lesson
format / radio script as
well as in
print/e-copy) for Quarter

- Availability of
materials for distribution
to the learners.
- Any combination - Self-learning - Provide Self-Learning - Serve as learning - Provide the complete
of the different modules (SLMs) in Modules (SLMs) print facilitators sets of SLM in print or
distance learning print or digital format or digital format digital format as well
Blended Distance types. - Supervise and Textbooks / Learners’
Learning - Various - Monitor the learners’ monitor the progress of Materials (LMs) and
technologies progress through text their children supplementary materials
connected to the messaging or
internet audio/video calls. - Attend orientation to - Ensure that learning
be capacitated on the facilitators, teachers and
- Internet Connectivity - Facilitate learning different distance learners are well
learning modalities oriented.
- DepEd Commons - Gives assignment
and learning tasks - Ensure children’s’
- LR Portal access to television,
- Monitor the learners radio and internet
- Televisions or Radio progress connectivity
programs on
channels or stations. - Provide interventions
to the learner’s

- Distribute reference /
materials to learners.

Note that when a vaccine is already available and F2F will be allowed by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) and by
the local government unit (LGU) concerned, any of the DL modalities may be combined with F2F learning to come up
with a BL.

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