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Task 1: (Monday, July 20, 2020) (11:59 pm)

My experience in a tourist spot

Each student must record a video in which he recounts his or her experience in a tourist spot; for example: Placencia, the island of San
Pedro, nature reserves, Mayan sites, etc. in its presentation should include:

1. Place name

2. Date you traveled to that particular location.

3. Location

4. Mention the activities that can be performed on site.

5. Mention the services they offer.

6. Define the target group for that place.

7. Describe the place (7 details minimum)

8. Explain why you selected that place

9. Explain how you spent it at the site.

10. Recommend the place

It is pertinent to speak in the time spent in this presentation.

I had some flashback pictures pop on my phone today, which reminded me about my trip to Caye Caulker in twenty fifteen. I went there on
vacation with my then girlfriend, where I was planning on proposing to her. It was the first time either of us stayed at Rachel Inn, we get in
contact with them through a friend on January first twenty fifteen and by the six we was there, they recommended the food was good and
the staff was excellent. They sell lots of fun recardo items and for fifty cents you can get a map to all the gates to exquisite area. Indeed, the
food was nice, and the rooms were so large and spacious love their twenty-four hours room service. Rachel Inn is forty-five minutes outside
of Belize City and We are both from Punta Gorda so we had to left a day before from the fifth and check out the tenth. My next trip to Caye
Caulker I’ll surely stay there again.

Proposal went great, the trip went great! The food and people were excellent. What stood out was the way they open their arms to us it was
so courteous and welcoming. The promotion they had going on was one thousand dollars for five night for a couple everything included, so
we take advantage of the offer and drink and live like king and queen, they also take us to Hol Chan Marine Reserve, chill at The Split, and
Snorkeling Caye Caulker’s clear waters,

Rachel Inn have a laid back environment, has restaurant at every turn and has and easy to get to swimming area that has a picnic
area, coffee shop, pizza, very friendly staff that will always help if you have any questions. Rachel inn was so Nice it’s like timeout
from reality you won’t want to live.
Hoy tuve algunas fotos de deja vu en mi teléfono,
que me recordaron mi viaje a Caye Caulker en veinte
quince. Fui de vacaciones con mi novia de entonces,
donde pensaba pro-ponerle matrimonio. Era la
primera vez que nos quedamos en Rachel Inn, nos
pusimos en contacto con ellos a través de un amigo
el primero de enero al veinticinco y para las seis
que estuvimos allí, nos recomendaron que la comida
era buena y el personal excelente. Venden muchos
artí-culos divertidos de recardo y por cincuenta
centavos puedes obtener un mapa de todas las
puertas de la zona exquisita. De hecho, la comida
era buena y las habitaciones eran tan grandes y
espaciosas que les encantaba el servicio de
habitaciones las veinticuatro horas. Rachel Inn
está a cuarenta y cinco minutos de la ciudad de
Belice y ambos somos de Punta Gorda, por lo que
tuvimos que irnos un día antes del quinto y ver el
décimo. En mi próximo viaje a Caye Caulker
seguramente me quedaré allí de nuevo.

La propuesta salió genial, ¡el viaje fue genial! La

comida y la gente eran excelentes. Lo que se
destacó fue la forma en que nos abrieron los
brazos, fue tan cortés y acogedor. La promoción que
tenían era de mil dólares por cinco noches para una
pareja todo incluido, así que aprovechamos la
oferta y bebemos y vivimos como reyes, también nos
llevan a la Reserva Marina Hol Chan, relajándonos
en The Split, y snorkel en las cristalinas aguas de
Caye Caulker,

Rachel Inn tiene un ambiente relajado, tiene

restaurante en cada esquina y tiene un área para
nadar de fácil acceso que tiene un área de picnic,
cafetería, pizza, personal muy amable que siempre
lo ayudará si tiene alguna pregunta. Rachel Inn era
tan agradable que es como un tiempo fuera de la
realidad que no querrás vivir.

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