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Summary of Pros and Cons for Plastic Bag Regulation

Categories Plastic Bag Regulation Supporters Plastic Bag Regulation Opponents

Litter Plastic bag litter is highly visible making Plastic bags make up a small
it a “low-hanging” fruit opportunity to percentage of municipal waste
create more action and awareness stream at 1% and are not a
around litter removal and waste significant litter issue.
reduction efforts.
Local Environmental Plastic bag litter impacts Evanston Plastic bags are not a large part of
Impact beaches and Lake Michigan. During a the local (Evanston or Cook County)
one day beach clean-up around Lake waste stream and there is not a
Michigan, 400 plastic bags were strong local environmental impact.
collected. Plastic bags currently make
up about 0.9% of our landfilled
material, which equates to 31,000 tons
per year in Cook County.
Life Cycle Assessments The most environmental alternative is Plastic bags are more
(Environmental Impact) to use no bag whenever possible and to environmentally friendly than paper
use durable, washable reusable bags bags because they require less
when necessary. Life Cycle energy and water to produce,
Assessments reveal that paper bags generate less waste and can be
produce more waste and greenhouse repurposed, reused and recycled.
gas emissions than plastic bags but
both use significant resources.
Recycling Most commercial plastic shopping bags Plastic bags are 100% recyclable,
on the market do not include a high contain recycled content and are
amount of recycled plastic film and reused for household purposes.
recycling programs are not capturing
the majority of plastic bag and film.
Cost Stores can save money by encouraging Plastic bag ban will cost retailers
“bring your own bag” and eliminate the money as more people decide to use
need to provide free plastic bags. Many paper bags which cost 3 times more
consumers already have reusable bags than plastic.
and would be more likely to remember
them if plastic bags are not provided.
Reusable Bag Access While most people have reusable bags, Cost to purchase quality re-usable
(specifically designed & many forget to bring them. A bags will put a financial strain on
manufactured for multiple coordinated reusable bag campaign for lower-income households that do
reuses and durability) Evanston could drive down the cost of not already have reusable bags.
bags for those who need them and
make a reliable bag available at
impacted retailers. People could
continue to use all types of bags
(including plastic) that already exist.

Dog Waste Collection There are many other sources of plastic Eliminating plastic bags from
film that could still be used for dog shopping stores will cause more dog
waste pick-up: produce bags, owners to purchase bags for dog
newspaper sleeves, plastic film from waste pick-up and cost people
toilet paper and paper towels and film money.
packaging from online shopping.

List of Pros and Cons was summarized from feedback received at community meeting and materials
provided by residents and stakeholders.

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