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F3 fy F3 mz
Vertical load P Fy 172.00 140.00 t
Horizontal Load in X-Direction Hx Fx 0.30 0.13 t
Horizontal Load in Z-Direction Hz Fz 10.70 12.20 t
Moment about x-x Mx Mx 24.00 26.20 t-m
Moment about y-y Mz Mz 0.60 0.36 t-m
Load factor 1.50 1.50
Net SBC S 20.00 20.00 t/m2
Grade of concrete Fck 25 25 N/mm2
Grade of Steel Fy 500 500 N/mm2
Type of Load N N
Width of Footing W 3.50 3.50 m
Length of Footing L 3.50 3.50 m
Thickness of Footing T 0.60 0.60 m
Depth of footing below FGL H1 6.22 6.22 m
Depth of footing below Top of Pedestal H2 6.22 6.22 m
Width of col w 0.85 0.85 m
Length of col l 1.05 1.05 m
Diameter d input 12 12 mm
Spacing s input 100 100 mm
Diameter d input 12 12 mm
Spacing s input 100 100 mm
For bearing Pressure SAFE SAFE
For shear in x-x direction SAFE SAFE
For moment in x-x direction SAFE SAFE
For moment in y-y direction SAFE SAFE
For punching shear SAFE SAFE

Footing area A W*L 12.25 12.25 m2
Weight of Footing WF A*T*2.5 18.38 18.38 t
Weight of soil above Footing WS (A-(w*l))*(H1-T)*1.8 114.89 114.89 t
Column/Pedestal weight WC (w*l)*(H2-T)*2.5 12.54 12.54 t
Total load WT WF+WS+WC+P 317.81 285.81 t
Eccentricity along z-z Ez Mx/WT 0.08 0.09 mts
Eccentricity along x-x EX My/WT 0.00 0.00 mts
P/A PV WT / A 25.94 23.33 t/m2
Z about z-z ZXX (1/6)*(W*L*L) 7.15 7.15 m3
Z about y-y Zzz (1/6)*(W*W*L) 7.15 7.15 m3
Mx/Zx PX Mx/Zx 3.36 3.67 t/m2
My/Zz Pz My/Zy 0.08 0.05 t/m2
Overburden soil Preasure GS S+(H*1.8)*(1.25 for WL/SL) 31.20 29.90 t/m2
Base pressures :
Pmax (Pa) PA PV+PX+PY 29.39 27.05 t/m2
Pmin (Pb) PB PV-PX-PY 22.50 19.61 t/m2
(Pc) PC PV+PX-PY 29.22 26.95 t/m2
(Pd) PD PV-PX+PY 22.67 19.72 t/m2
Design of footing-about X-X :
Avg max base pressure PE (PA+PC)/2 29.30 27.00 t/m2
Avg min base pressure PF (PB+PD)/2 22.58 19.66 t/m2
Max base pr. At col face PG ((PE-PF)*((L/2+l/2)/L))+PF 26.95 24.43 t/m2
Avg pr. PAVG (PE+PG)/2-Over burden pr. 16.51 14.10 t/m2
Cantilever length Lz L/2 - l/2 1.23 1.23 m
Moment at face of col Mz ((PE-PG)*0.5*L*2L/3)+((PG-Wdead)*L*L/2) 12.68 10.90 t-m
Over burden load from top wdead T*1.5+(H1-T)*1.8 11.62 11.62 t-m
Factored moment MUY MY*lf 19.02 16.35 t-m
Depth reqd dredq sqrt(MUY*10^7/2.76*1000) 239.4 222.0 mm
Depth provided dprod T*1000-(50+10) 544.0 544.0 mm
Required Area of Steel 958.4 822.6 mm2
Min Steel (0.12% of C/S Area) 720.0 720.0 mm2
Area of steel reqd 958.4 822.6 mm2
Area of steel provided Ast-p 1000/s*(area of one bar) 1131.1 1131.1 mm2
pt (provided) ptprod (Ast-p / dprod)*10 0.21 0.21
Cantilever dist for shear ls (LY*1000)-dprod 681.0 681.0 mm
Cantilever dist for shear ls (LY*1000)-dprod 681.0 681.0 mm
pressure ordinate at "d" away psh ((PE-PG)/L)*((L/2)+(l/2)+d)+PF 28.00 25.57 t/m2
Shear force Vu ((PE+Psh)/2-Wdead)*ls*lf 17.40 14.98 t
Actual shear stress tv Vu*10000/1000*dprod 0.32 0.28 N/mm2
Allowable shear stress tc as per IS456 0.34 0.34 N/mm2

Design of footing-about Z-Z :

Avg max base pressure PE (PA+PD)/2 26.03 23.38 t/m2
Avg min base pressure PF (PB+PC)/2 25.86 23.28 t/m2
Max base pr. At col face PG ((PE-PF)*((W/2+w/2)/W))+PF 25.96 23.34 t/m2
Avg pr. PAVG (PE+PG)/2 14.38 11.75 t/m2
Base pr. At col face PE ((PA-PD)/W*(W/2+w/2))+PC 25.96 23.34 t/m2
Avg pr. PAVG 14.38 11.75 t/m2
Cantilever length LX W/2 - w/2 1.33 1.33 m
Moment at face of col MX 12.63 10.32 t-m
Factored moment MUX MX*lf 18.95 15.48 t-m
Depth reqd dredq sqrt(MUX*10^7/2.76*1000) 238.96 215.96 mm
Depth provided dprod T*1000-(50+10) 532.00 532.00 mm
Required Area of Steel 976.44 796.20 mm2
Min Steel (0.12% of C/S Area) 720.0 720.0 mm2
Area of steel reqd 976.4 796.2 mm2
Area of steel provided Ast-p 1000/s*(area of one bar) 1131.1 1131.1 mm2
pt (provided) pt (Ast-p / dprod)*10 0.213 0.213
Cantilever dist for shear ls (LX*1000)-dprod 793.00 793.00 mm
Check for cantilever dist for shear - 793.00 793.00 mm
pressure ordinate at "d" away - 25.99 23.36 mm
pressure ordinate at "d" away ps 25.99 23.36 t/m2
Shear force Vu (PAVG)*Lx*ls 17.12 13.98 t
Actual shear stress tv Vu*lf*10000/1000*dprod 0.32 0.26 N/mm2
Allowable shear stress tc as per IS456 0.28 0.28 N/mm2

Punching shear :
max pr. Ordinate at + d/2 ps1 27.47 25.00 t/m2
min pr. Ordinate at - d/2 ps2 24.41 21.66 t/m2
Avg pr. Ordinate ps3 25.94 23.33 t/m2
Punching shear-length 1.59 1.59 m
Punching shear-width 1.39 1.39 m
Area for punching shear 2.22 2.22 m2
Punching shear force 197.34 158.05 t
Punching shear stress 0.62 0.50 N/mm2
Allowable shear stress as per cl. of IS 456 1.64 1.64 N/mm2
Beeta-c 0.81 0.81
Beeta-c 0.81 0.81
Ks 1.31 1.31
tc 1.25 1.25

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