Tutorial 1 Quiz For Distribution

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Tutorial #1 quiz

Questions that are not colour-highlighted expect students to recall material from required readings or
tutorial #1. Questions that are blue-highlighted expect students to apply ideas to novel scenarios.
Questions of the former type are relatively simple and concrete. Questions of the latter type are
relatively complex and abstract; they require a deeper understanding of the material. Correct answers
are yellow-highlighted.

1. Which of the following statements can research test?

a. Sixty-five percent of people believe God exists.
b. There is a 65 percent chance that God exists.
c. God exists.
d. God does not exist.

2. Theories describe relationships among concepts. What is the MEASURABLE form of a concept
a. an independent variable
b. a dependent variable
c. a control variable
d. a variable

3. Which of the following statements describes an association?

a. Flowers are beautiful.
b. The rain in Spain falls mainly in the region of Madrid.
c. Sometimes people laugh even when they are sad.
d. The Himalayas are very high.

4. Which of the following statements describes a cause-and-effect relationship?

a. More flowers bloom in spring than in autumn.
b. The rain in Spain falls mainly in the region of Madrid.
c. When bees pollinate, they enable fertilization and the production of seeds.
d. The height of Mount Logan, Canada’s highest mountain, is just 59 percent of the height of
Mount Everest.

5. In the section of SOC+, chapter 1, titled “Sociological theories and the problem of fashion,” how
are functionalist, conflict, symbolic interactionist, and feminist theories characterized?
a. as complementary
b. as contradictory
c. as comprehensive
d. as conjunctive
6. Which theory of fashion cycles focuses on the way clothes communicate meaning?
a. functionalist theory
b. conflict theory
c. symbolic interactionist theory
d. feminist theory
e. poststructuralist theory

7. The section of SOC+, chapter 1, titled “The problem of sexuality,” discusses functionalist and
poststructuralist theories. How are the two theories characterized?
a. as complementary
b. as contradictory
c. as comprehensive
d. as conjunctive

8. You were asked to read some material for tutorial #1. Which of the following statements is an
ACCURATE reflection of conclusions reached in that material?
a. The Indian caste system is a product of religious belief and patterns of land ownership.
b. People’s sexual feelings and behaviour are binary.
c. Feminist theory provides the most accurate interpretation of fashion cycles.
d. Even research that is not published is useful to the scientific community.

9. Following is an outline of one of the main theories to which you were introduced:
Human behaviour is governed by social structures. Social structures are characterized by
inequalities of wealth and power. Members of privileged and subordinate groups engage
in a continuous struggle to increase their advantages. Consequently, social structures are
unstable; sometimes they rupture, leading to social change or even social
Which of the following theories does this outline describe?
a. poststructuralist theory
b. functionalist theory
c. symbolic interactionist theory
d. conflict theory
e. feminist theory

10. In the section of SOC+, chapter 2, titled “The problem of caste,” you read about Hira Singh’s
claim that the Indian caste system is an outgrowth of patterns of land ownership. Singh’s claim
is most similar to which of the following theorist’s work?
a. Karl Marx
b. Max Weber
c. Michel Foucault
d. George Herbert Mead

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