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6 July 2020 Prepared by Kim Hao , Thameinthiran , Kelvin Lim ,

Total Marks

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4
6 July 2020 Prepared by Kim Hao

Task 1a5627

i) The total of forces F1, F2, and F3 in horizontal axis.

90° - 28° = 62°

F1x = -64 cos 62°
= -30.046kN

F2x = 60 cos 22°

= 55.631kN

F3x = 52 cos 35°

= 42.5959kN

Total of forces in horizontal axis = F1x + F2x + F2x

= (-30.046) + 55.631 + 42.5959
= 68.1809 kN

ii) The total of forces F1, F2, and F3 in vertical axis

F1y = 64 sin 62°

= 56.5086kN

F2y = -60 sin 22°

= -22.4764 kN

F3y = 52 sin 35°

= 29.826 kN

Total forces in vertical axis = F1y + F2y +F3y

= 56.5086 + (- 22.4764) + 29.826
= 63.8582 kN

iii) The magnitude and direction of the ship just before the wind blew.

The magnitude of the ship just before the wind blew

= √(68.1809)² + (63.8582)²
= 93.4158 kN

The direction of the ship just before the wind blew

= tan O ( ¿

= 43.1°

6 July 2020 Prepared by Kim Hao

iv) The magnitude and direction of the ship when it was blew by the wind.

F4x= -120cos46

F4y= -120sin46
= -86.3208kN

Total of forces in horizontal axis = F1x + F2x + F3x+F4x

= (-30.046) + 55.631 + 42.5959 +(-83.359)
= -15.1781kN

Total forces in vertical axis = F1y + F2y +F3y+F4y

= 56.5086 + (- 22.4764) + 29.826+(-86.3208)
= -22.4626kN

The magnitude of the ship when it was blew by the wind.

=√ (−15.1781 )2+ ( 22.4626 )2

The direction of the ship when it was blew by the wind.

=tan 0 ( )
= 55.95°

v) Suggest a solution(s) to ensure the ship arrived at the shipyard without ignoring the wind.

Fx cos 35°=15.18kN
cos 35 °

Fy sin 35°=22.46kN
sin 35°

-Add more than 18.53kN in horizontal axis.

-Add more than 39.16kN vertical axis.

6 July 2020 Prepared by Kim Hao




6 July 2020 Prepared by Kim Hao

Task 1b5627

a) All forces in the cable and the force in the pole AB to ensure the system is in equilibrium.
Neglect all other external forces in the system.
[All forces: FDE, FDB, FBC and FAB.]
tan O =

Total Fx = 0
-FBD cos36.87° +FDE cos 15°= 0
FDE cos15° =FBD cos 36.87°

Total Fy = 0
FBD sin 36.87° +FDE sin 15° -200= 0
FDE sin 15° =200 – FBD sin 36.87°

FDE sin 15 200−FBD sin 36.87 °

2 ÷ 1= =
FDE cos 15 FBD cos 36.87°

200−FBD sin 36.87 °

tan 15° =
FBD cos 36.87°

FBD cos 36.87°(tan 15° ) = 200 -FBD sin 36.87°

FBD = 245.6N

If FBD = 245.6N
FDE cos 15 = 245.6 cos 36.87°
FDE = 203.41 N

Total Fx = 0
245.6 cos 36.87° – FBC cos 60° =0
FBC =392.96N

Total Fy = 0
-245.6 sin 36.87° -392.96sin 60° = FAB
FAB = -487.67 N

b) Based on answer in Question (a), justify the direction of the force used in the cable DB and pole
FAB is higher than FBD, so the direction of the force is towards FAB.


In conclusion, equilibrium is the state of an object in which all the forces acting upon it are
balanced. In such cases, the net force is 0 Newton. Knowing the forces acting upon an object,
trigonometric functions can be utilized to determine the horizontal and vertical components of
each force. If at equilibrium, then all the vertical components must balance and all the horizontal
components must balance.

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