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I knew it was the first day of school and unlike the common feeling of being shy,
it's not what I felt. Actually, I was scared. There are many factors that caused me to be
scared. I don't know what my professor will be, I have this feeling that we won't have a
good time together but I was wrong. He's a very good professor indeed.

As a college student, I prepared myself for new things that I will encounter.
From the very first time that I stepped my feet on the floor of our classroom, everything I
see changed. Thoughts and expectations occupied my mind. I was like, "so this is going
to be our classroom for the whole school semester"? It's very unusual but I immediately
adjusted and told myself that it's going to be okay. In fact, I'm not the only one, I
considered myself and absorbed everything.

I listened to my Prof Well. I don't want him to be mad at me or worst, yell at me in

front of my classmates. For sure, they will criticize and judge me. Every little details has
been recorded in my mind. The pressure I felt became my motivation to get through that
intoxicated situation. Well, for me, it turned out well. I said to myself trying to comfort my
nervous soul.

Months passed and I can't even believe that I survived. I made new
friends and I gained self-confidence. Unlike before I was scared and not so active. I
could say that I completely adjusted, all I have to do is to enjoy so anything won't be
hard for me. Having crazy classmates, made me feel also that they're always there for
me during hard times. They may be naughty but I appreciate their presence whenever I
need them though sometimes, they are annoying. To have them, is a great relief. I can
still laugh at difficult moments; I can still smile though it's hard for me to breath
whenever I think of the requirements, papers, activities, projects, etc., that I need to
pass before the deadline ends. I know it's very silly to think specially because I'm a man
but for me they're my blessings in disguise.
A single mistake can cause everything to fall apart, what I mean is that
you will start the whole thing and your classmates will start murmuring and whispering.
Everyone will blame you like there's no tomorrow. Like they did not made a mistake in
their whole life. Like they are perfect, nobody wants that but of course I always avoid
being clumsy and careless 'cause there are these classmates who will hate you for like

My subjects itself became my friends as well. They are the kind of

friends who would never get tired of understanding though you're always making
mistakes. You will always have second chances and they always remind you that it's
okay not to be perfect that's why they exist. For few months that we are together I know
that they will play a greater role in my life. In the future, when I finished my course, I
know they will still be there and I won't forget them.

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