SSHR Rubric

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10/18/2020 Quick Rubric :)

Harlem Renaissance Summative Assessment (Essay)

This rubric will be used to grade the essays for the assigned Harlem Renaissance Unit. Refer to this for
questions on grading, and if any questions arise my email is available.

11 - 15 Points 6 - 10 Points 0 - 5 Points

Argument/Evidence Argument is present and Argument is present and Argument is present, but does
thorough. Information used to detailed. Information is mostly not go into detail. No evidence is
support argument comes from opinionated or fails to mention presented or cited from previous
material in class and former significant figures or events part class material. Proves a surface
assignments on Harlem of the Harlem Renaissance in level base of knowledge in
Renaissance. Argument proves argument. Argument proves to subject.
to be insightful and proves be informative and proves
advanced knowledge in subject. proficient knowledge in subject.

Format/Structure Little to no mistake in formatting Essay is formated correctly; Lacks any format or structure
or structuring of essay. Work however, structure proves to be within essay. i.e. Wrong spacing,
flows as it presents argument an issue when reading through margins, essay format (MLA).
assigned. paper or vice versa.

Grammar/Punctuality Little to no error in grammar or A handful of grammatical and/or Several grammatical and
punctuation. punctual errors throughout punctual errors. Renders work
work. Does not hinder reading, difficult to read.
but can be distracting.

This rubric was created with Quick Rubric and can be found at - 1/1

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