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By Zyrine Jane D. Ada

The night was cold and dark, the view outside was serene, and the luminous moon is
captivating, then suddenly the bus stopped and new passengers went up and a woman
seated beside me.
"Find her! Find her!" a man in a white uniform shouted and two men went inside the bus
wearing also a white uniform with a dark black, gold logo with the initials P.M.I,
my heart were bouncing, and I can solemnly feel fear, but why? it is dark inside, the light
was turned off and many were asleep since it’s night ,they are looking for someone,
then the man with gold glasses ,he stared at me for a minute and it confused me, what
a familiar glare, the driver told them to get out since they are disturbing some
passengers, then the three men were left without a choice they went out unwillingly.
My eyes settled at the guy whose staring at me earlier, and I’m surprised that he is still
looking at me, and that’s weird and creep the hell out of me.

"Hey!" said the girl beside me waving, I looked at her while she’s staring at me, her eyes
were dull, she has long dry jet black hair ,long nails and she has dark under eye, she is
actually pretty, she has natural morena complexion, she hasn't trimmed her nails or cut
her dry hair also doesn’t have any bag or anything, is she the one they’re finding? What
could be the reason? I began to feel uneasy
“I’m Morticia, How are you?” she said while offering her hand
"My name is Elvira nice to meet you morticia" I smiled at her, It will be bad if I snob her
right? She seems to be friendly and nice maybe, I’m just being paranoid

"Elvira the mistress of dark, you're name doesn’t suits you dear" she suddenly said
" you're not from here.. aren't you? “she asked with a deep voice, as if she's certain at
her conclusion
" Yeah, I'm from Candelaria, Quezon" I stated
she smirked and that smirk just gave me goose bumps ,what the heck was that?
" A 'probinsyana' what are you doing in the big city little kitty, why did you left that little
hometown of yours?'"
"I'm actually hired on one of the mental facilities in Baguio, I’ve just received an email
that I’ve passed their qualifications"
"Oh mental facilities? You mean crazy people? they can't be helped they are incurable,
you're just wasting your time" she said while rolling her eyes

"I don’t think that way morticia and the mind-set of the society about mental patients are
wrong, physical health is just the same as mental health, it is a sickness, if cancer can
be healed mental illness can too."
I saw her eyes dazed
"oh okay did I offend you perhaps? I deeply apologized, I didn't meant it that way uhm..
why don't you join me instead? I’m also going to Baguio, I can help you find the perfect
place so are you in? or are you out?" she smiled but that smile is not sincere smile and
also not sarcasm, it's more of like a business professional smile like I’m making a deal
with her
" uhm..okay" morticia is familiar at the place it will be a great help for me so I won’t be
misguided after all she’ll just show me where and we’ll not cross our lives again

morticia wear that mischievous grin of hers

"It will be a fun day, you'll enjoy my company “she winked and I stared at her while she
kept that grin of hers

and I just swallowed thinking what will happen next.

ELVIRA felt the cold air against her skin, she opened her brown eyes, mesmerized by
the beauty of the lights, she checked at her watch the time is nearly 4:30 in the morning.
On their way to Baguio there are magnificent light from houses that surrounds the city
it's like pile of stars, huge number of stars, the bus are going up to reach Baguio City the
road was steep but the view was enchanting like a fantasy
"Baguio Baguio , sinong bababa" the driver announced when I looked beside me
morticia were still asleep, I don't know if I’ll wake her up or not, as I looked at her closed
eyes I notice a dried tear did she cried? why would she cry? there must be a reason for
her tear?

"BABA NA PO BAGIUO NA PO" the bus driver announced that we are already arrived
on our destination ,morticia waked up and quickly fixed her hair and stand up and leave
as i was following her while getting my luggage she suddenly turn around and faced me
“ So what's your plan? where exactly are you going?" morticia asked
"Here, 720 Hillside Baguio City" I showed her the address that I’ve got from the internet
"I know that place, The Legendary phantom asylum, it's the only asylum near that
place.. that must be it" she said, I can only look at her and follow what she’s saying
“Come on follow me!” she said
“I'm hungry come on, let’s eat and I’ll show you my favourite places—“ I interrupted
“ But morticia I need to find this place urgently, that is where I’m staying and I supposed
to meet the doctor who hired me” I voice out

“Elvira it’s only morning I promise you I’ll guide you to that place but before that let’s just
enjoy! come on, we’ve just arrived, you need to see the city first before becoming an
employed woman of lunatics"
So I agreed to her since I’m just new here ,we travelled and arrived at restaurant called
Dr. Kane we are welcomed by the waitresses and waiters
“Welcome back mistress morticia, what’s your order for today?” morticia must be regular
customer here
“1 OCD for the main and Depression for dessert and a anarchophobia please.” I was
confused what was that?
“ Did you ordered food? Or mental illnesses ?” Morticia just shrugged and laughed

“I ordered food you dimwit Dr. Kane is a psychiatrist who owned this restaurant , they
typically served Filipino foods but named after an illness, It’s weird but it’s what makes it
in trend nowadays” oh now I understand

“Ordered yours, My order was OCD it’s for Tapsilog, depression is a leche flan and well
anarchophobia is a mango juice”
“what do you like?” she asked and I really can’t decide cause I don’t know what to order
“Is there sinigang here?”

Morticia smiled “Okay 1antisocial and an ADHD for her please” the waiter smiled as she
takes morticia’s order
“So I’m guessing that sinigang was the antisocial and what is ADHD?”
“It’s a Coke” I just nodded

The ambiance of this restaurant were very Filipino, the staffs were dressed in a modern
ethnic dresses and printed ethnic polo’s
We didn’t wait long ,the food was served and it taste amazing, as I taste my sinigang
and the very sour taste in my buds, I’ve sensed someone staring at me, I felt discomfort
and looked at the person, I had an eye contact with him, and how I wish I could shift my
gaze on the man sitting before our table, he is the same guy who were inside the bus
with that gold glasses but he’s now wearing a dark blue checkered shirt and a brown
“Hey where were you looking at?” Morticia got my attention and when I look back at the
other table the man was gone.
“Nothing” I stated
After Eating Morticia and Elvira went to the botanical Garden Elvira was mesmerized at
the beauty of the flowers and the forest that Baguio has.
It is amazing how they maintain the beauty of the garden, different species of flowers
and there are also seeds and plants that you can buy, many foreign people are here too
Japanese, americans and most of them are with their families, when I looked at
mortician her gaze were far away
“Elvira, I think we should go..” she said while looking at me
“Oh okay” I’ve agreed
We are now inside the taxi on the way to Phantom Asylum the ride was long

Phantom Asylum are on top of the hill it’s a long and rocky road but we managed to get
a long.
I’m now in front of a fancy old and rusty gate, that still shows nobility ,and it’s huge
enough to cover the entire asylum, It is a pure pitch black with a gold lettering that says
’Phantom Asylum Psychiatric Institute’
“so this is it?” I said should I bid my Goodbye? I should give Thanks to her.
“Yeah.. this is too creepy Elvira So.. I think I’ll come with you inside”
“Really? You’ll come with me?”
“yeah sure” morticia smiled and thank god morticia is here, I don’t know what would I do
without her I ring the doorbell and the gate just opened widely and I can see the
majestic white palace, wow is this really the phantom asylum ? this is so different from
what I’ve expected, this is so beautiful, how come there is an mental institute that is a
palace, a red hair girl with a high school uniform welcomed us she gives us a cheerful
“Hi I was hired here—“
“You must be miss Elvira, Welcome To Phantom Asylum where everyone’s dreams will
come alive” she stated and smiled

“He’s been waiting for you” she gently grabbed my hands and I’m shocked, who is the
person waiting for me? I looked at morticia who were scanning the place
“He? Who?” I asked
“Me” a deep familiar toneless voice appeared that made my heart flutter

“I’m doctor Hades Spane the director of Phantom Asylum, don’t you think you’re quite
late for your first day Ms. Elvira?” as I look at the back were the voice came from I saw a
man wearing a hospital gown and a casual attire inside his gown.
“I’m sorry sir” I bowed my head and apologized sincerely
“ And you brought a mouse inside our home?” he said with a tone of insulting, he might
be offended since it’s there territory and I’m just a newbie
“Oh no sir, morticia is—“
“I’m her cousin sir, My name is morticia I was hoping to have job here inside the asylum,
I’m sorry , I didn’t apply for the job I just think that it will be great if I can talk to you face
to face”
Why the hell did morticia did that? She should go outside now why did she consider
going in? and she lied at the director, oh god!

“come with me” he stared at morticia coldly

“ blair show miss elvira her room and her ward”
“ Yes, doctor” blair said

“Come Elvira let’s go to the hall first, as you can see these is a palace you might get
lose if you didn’t know the way, on the very top floor are the doctors and nurses places
there are 12 rooms per floor and your room is in room 7” I just nodded and looked
around, this is literally a palace, gigantic windows and painted ceiling like an ancient
roman architecture full of chandeliers and gold everywhere, the marbles on the ground
are gold too and there is a red carpet from the gate to the gold stairway

Phantom Asylum is different than the asylum that I’ve been to, it’s too majestic and
“this is the patients rooms,they have separated rooms for privacy, they were still asleep
today since it’s day they are only awake when night comes, you should adapt to our
sleeping time, after all you’ll start to work here”

“Am I in a whole different world ?”

She stopped at walking and faced me
“ Elvira, Phantom Asylum is really different, the old owner of this mansion has a vision
to make every patient feels that they have a control over there life, so it’s easy for them
to gain their confidence and to be cured, not unlike some filthy mental institute who
treats patients like a dog and a prisoner”
“I get what you mean and I had such a huge respect for phantom asylum’s ways how to
treat your patients”
“Thank you Elvira, I know you’ll understand us” and then she smiles
“We called the patients Queens and Kings you should know that, every morning and
when I said morning it’s 5 pm ,we go and have breakfast together let them drink their
medicines and look after them, joined them if you must and play along”
She said
“uhm.. Blair I shouldn’t ask you this but why are you wearing a high school uniform?”
I even thought earlier that she must be one of the patients

she sighed and start speaking ”One of our patients woke up earlier looking for his
daughter so I wear this to act like I was his daughter so I can calm him down”
“ well what happened to her daughter?” I asked curiously
“oh sorry”
She just shrugged and we went upstairs and she showed me my room
“Wow” I said, the room is huge enough it’s like for a princess it has a queen size bed
and a pink blossom cabinet and also painting of a woman who were looking at the stars
I put my luggage beside the wall mirror
“Oh! I forgot to tell you at the second floor there are library and music room for patients
nurses and doctors”
Wow, this place isn’t like a work place, it’s like a paradise

“ Well I should be sleeping today Elvira enjoy you’re room, later 5:00 pm were going to
have a breakfast at 6:00 am everyone should be at their bed okay?”

“oh okay, thank you!” as fast as blair left I silently went out and look for morticia I just
walk around and near the library there are the director office, as I saw morticia come out
I grabbed her hand
“What do you think you’re doing morticia? Is this a game for you? This is a mental
institute and you don’t belong here, what happens if they found out you are lying?,you
are going to be a dead meat morticia!” I was furious this wasn’t a joke and she shouldn’t
be here
“I am here for a reason Elvira! And you don’t belong here either! Elvira, look Elvira you
aren’t safe here!” what does she mean? Morticia seemed to be worried about something

“ What do you care? you didn’t even know me we just met earlier at the bus for god’s
sake” I yelled

Morticia looked around and took me to the music room it’s dark inside but because of
the gigantic window the afternoon light can go through the window, no one was inside
the room except us, Morticia looked at me first
“Haven’t you seen that man ? he’s been following us since we arrived at bagiuo..”
“wait what? What do you mean?” I was shocked
“Dr. Snape?”I asked and she just looked at me with her dull eyes

“ At the bus, at the restaurant, at the botanical garden he’s been eyeing us actually no
it’s you Elvira, he’s been staring at you, don’t you sensed it?”

“Why didn’t you even tell me that earlier morticia?” yeah I remember that guy in the bus
and that guy at Dr. Kane’s they are Dr. hades, why didn’t I notice that?

“well, actually I don’t really care earlier, you know! I just thought that he was an admirer
of yours but I didn’t expect that he’s also here at the phantom asylum and be your
employer, isn’t that disturbing elvira? What if he had planned this?”

“Morticia, I don’t like this feeling, nor this atmosphere, If Dr. Hades Snape really had a
bad Intention then I’ll leave right away”

“No!” she seemed tensed “Don’t worry I’m going to protect you, just keep your distance
from him, We can’t trust anyone here”
“But Morticia why? Why are you doing this? Staying with me until now? Don’t you also
have intention? In fact I really think you are more suspicious than every one else, I’m
just stranger morticia, you don’t need to do that, follow me even at work” I gulped as I
said my thoughts

Morticia really looked hurt and urge of crying, but why?

“No you’re not just a stranger Elvira.. I-I know you, we know each other long time ago
but you can’t still remember, I know that but I just want you to trust me okay we can’t
trust anyone here inside so you can only trust me okay? after all we went here together”

I know her and she know me how? Did I loss my memory perhaps? No that’s impossible
“ what do you mean morticia? I lost my memory? that’s unbelievable” I don’t know
anymore if morticia were lying or not
“ Okay, you want me to prove it? say elvira where did you graduated from ?”
“ In..I- I d-don’t know” why can’t I remember?
“See?” she grinned
n-no way what the heck was that, I just knew that I was a BS psychology student, And
my purpose is to work here in Baguio, why did I even want to work here? My mind are
puzzling I know something wasn’t right why couldn’t I remember that?

“ Don’t worry I’ll tell you soon, I’ll explain everything to you, now sleep, we need to
prepare for tonight devils are everywhere” maybe she’s right I can only trust morticia for

I WOKED up at the sudden noise I’ve heard , I realized that It’s the breakfast for the
patients, I quickly have a quick bath and had my self groomed
As soon as I went down holding the handle of the stairs, I can hear there laughs and
cries of every residents
There is a woman wearing a purple shirt who carries an off white towel carrying it like a
baby, while singing lullabies.
An old man calls me mommy
There are also some people who were dancing and singing, and there is someone who
got my attention a man who has full glam make up on and dressed like a European
princess, everyone who noticed her are bowing and showing their respect.

“ Don’t look at her like that, you’ll be punished, she is the queen of Phantom Asylum,
literally a Queen, every year we are organizing a beauty pageant, we also want them to
have that normal life, since people on your pathetic world just treats them differently”
someone with a familiar deep voice spoke behind
“ Thank you for that information Doctor, and your perception are quite impressive Dr.
A person who has this vision and a person who understands, how can she tell that this
man, could be dangerous

As looked at his eyes and bid goodbye, I felt that familiarity on his dark brown eyes, It’s
captivating, and luring me to look more, like a shining moon in a dark gloomy night, Mr.
Hades looks handsome with his red tuxedo, he had this angelic soft looking face when
he smiles, but when he had this poker face you can feel his demonic and wicked aura.
I’m actually quite scared at him, I think he’ll be one of the reasons of my death, So I
continued to stay away from him,
”Good Morning Mommy” the old man said he’s like a child his voice were screechy
“Good Morning, My King My name is Elvira, I’m a new nurse here”
“Mommy you can just call me matt as always, Did daddy hurt you again? Don’t worry I
promise you, Once I grew up I’ll protect you from him” he’s so thoughtful, his childhood
must be painful.

“ He is one of the kind patients here, everyone’s friend, and you’re his new mommy
huh?” Blair said I looked at her and move a bit space so Matt couldn’t hear
“What happened to him?”
“ All I know that when he was young her mother committed suicide in front of him”
“ Post Traumatic Disorder, and Dementia eventually” when I looked at my side matt was
“AHHHHH!” The Queen yelled and cried as we saw on the floor A nurse suddenly fell
down and her body were shivering, some patients cried, and some are saying may sapi
“It’s back the curse is back!”a person who said bluntly while looking at the nurse who
collapsed and now tooked by the doctors and other nurses,there facing the way to
psychiatric ward, shouldn’t it be on hospital or nursing station? Why psychiatric ward
where electric shock therapy happens?

“Kings and Queens of Phantom Asylum, Let’s eat our breakfast we will settle this things
don’t be afraid every thing will be okay”
“I’m not crazy,Why am I at the asylum?”
“ Wen got crazy HAHAHA” other stated
“Nurses please accompany our majesties and enjoy your meal please” He stared at me
for a second Is that fear that I see in his eyes fear for what?

They seated at a marble table act like nothing happens and eat like no one collapsed
earlier, some patients went to the garden accompanied by their nurse
“You are next” the lady with red lipstick said
“no she isn’t ,don’t scare mommy” the old man earlier seated beside me while holding
my arms
“Do you know what happened earlier?”
“It is always happening” on the corner of the table a teen boy said

"This is part of the past of the Phantom Asylum, a young doctor who had a vision of
treating patients and curing them like a royalty" the lady with red lipstick stated with a
British accent

"This doctor created a drug that would eventually cure any mental disease but
something happened" the man said

" As what I've heard he tried the drug himself but instead of a cure he just got crazy" an
old lady added
"And until now he's been experimenting, making the right formula and finding a new
mouse to play"
“That nurse probably loss her sanity now”
“ I-It’s a curse the D-doomed Curse, We w-won’t be cured, we w-won’t have chance t-to
be cured, I-I missed my family, I want to go home” A man cried out loud the nurse who
is beside him guide him to stand up and they went to the garden

"We don't know who he is and where he is, he might be just here with us, watching us
listening , We don't know".
" Yeah and this doctor are also with us inside the asylum we don't know who he is but
we know that he's only here might be listening to us"
Everyone on the table stated

"There are rumors that it's dr. snape winter seen him making leron our friend drink
some kind of drug” everyone gasped
No it can’t be him, I felt the urge to say that but I don’t have that much evidence
“Mommy, I’m Scaared..”
“Don’t worry I’m here matt” I hugged him
" Different gazes looked at Dr. snape who just arrived ,most of them we're alarmed
some looked at him with abomination

Dr. Hades snape as usual in his poker face went to the table near us and eat I looked
at him is it him? how can it be him?

It’s already 5 am we just had dinner earlier and It’s sleeping time
“MORTICIA!” I yelled and called here when I saw her going to her room
“how are you?” I asked
“I’m fine, Elvira I think they are separating us I was sent to served doctors but it’s okay”
“Morticia, earlier there are nurse who collapsed, they said it was because of the psycho
doctor who are experimenting people still now they don’t know who’s who everyone’s
worried they think once this doctor let them drink the formula there wouldn’t be a chance
they’ll be cured most of them only have a month to leave the asylum, they are getting
better, they said I-it’s Dr. Snape but I don’t believe that it’s him”
“Elvira, we can’t be sure , but I’ll find a way to find who’s behind this all okay? Were you
willing to exchange for a day Elvira, I’m going to take care of the patients and you on

Another day come I went to the office of the doctors and only see Dr. snape
“ Dr. Snape Good morning”
“What are you doing here?”
I exchanged work with morticia for a day sir
I explained

“and one of you didn’t even ask my permission?”

“Well, I just informed you sir”
“ Well if you are that smart, go to the library and get the documents from Mrs. Fal”
“ Am I your secretary Doc?”
“What do you think you’re here then?”
That stopped me , yeah I’m just going to
“I’m now going sir” he ignored me

“Doctor Spane here are the documents”

“Just put it there, and miss Elvira.. Just call me Hades”
Okay what was that?
Hades It’s so familiar, I seemed to speak that name a lot, I felt like I missed that word
“ Yes Ms. Elvira? You calling Do you need me?”
“ oh no sir-Doctor- uhm Hades” he smirked

“ Well I need you miss Elvira, We need to go to the music room later, there is a birthday
party there, wear a nice dress and put some makeup on, I’ll fetch you at 12 pm, you can
go home now” how she misses going to parties, she felt excited

ELVIRA quicly wear the yellow dress that she has on her luggage, fixed her hair and did
a little make up, wear her hills and wear an enticing perfume, a knock on her door got
her attention she excitedly open the door, expecting for hades to come
“Hi mommy!” Matt is holding a 2 glass of wine, having that red flushed on his cheeks
“ Hi matt were you having fun?”
“yes mommy , there are so many candies outside and this wine too look I brought you
some wine for you, they really liked it”
“ aww you’re so thoughtful matt”
“ Am I mommy? Why don’t you taste the wine?”
“Okay I’ll taste it”
I took the wine but suddenly morticia pushed me then the glass of wine broked
“Morticia” I felt morticia’s nails dig upon my skin
“ Oh, I’m sorry I’m too drunk haha”
“ be careful” I said I can feel that morticia is faking it there is something she wanted to
say, I carefully bring morticia to her room.
“do you’ve something to say?”
“ I know who’s who Elvira”
“Matt, He’s the doctor from the past”

No that can’t be

“I’m wrong It’s not Spane ,It’s the matt, the wine it has the formula Elvira, he’s the
psychopath we just need to show to everyone, I’m sure to this Elvira, I observed them
earlier I already knew who’s who”

“ We just need a plan We need Dr. spane”

“ But how?”
“ Ask yourself that guy, fell head over heels for you”

The night blah blah blah and I went
“Weren’t you scared?” hades asked, I’m still at the doctors, morticia said it will be safe
for me to avoid matt and ask Hades for a help that’s my mission

“why should I?”I asked

“Everyone thinks I’m the killer, that I’m the doomed doctor”
“ So what if you are?”
“ Im not!”
“ You know sometimes there were illness that we ourselves are the only one who could
be the cure like depression, you are the only person who can heal yourself, who can
accept and forgive yourself, As you said you are not the killer, so why are you worrying?
You know yourself more than others so believe on yourself.”

“ Everyone is scared of me, Everyone thinks I’m the curse, why aren’t you scared?”
“ Cause I’m not everyone, have you forgotten my name? ehem, Hi, I’m Elvira, also if you
are really the killer why didn’t you killed me in the first place?
“ Cause I like you”
I spaced a second, silence filled the Garden, I can feel the butterflies on my stomach,a
sudden change of a heart beat, I want laugh or smile, I’m Fluttered
“Should I react?” I asked alwardly
“Of course you should”
“Omygod really? Thank you!” he laughed
“You’re really cute”
“why do you even like me?”
“ Cause youre different, you have courage and confindence even before”

“Hades can you help us?” This is my chance, hades is the director of phantom asylum,
it would also help him to clear his name.

Hades forwned his brows, and I know It will be a long story to tell.

“THE DOOMED Doctor is uncontrollable everyone move!!”

“Get out!! Get out!!”
“ The curse is here!!!”
The people were in chaos, they didn’t expect the catastrophe
A doomed man came out holding an axe full of blood
Everyone was frightened, Everyone leave the asylum and went to the garden

Everyone’s shivering.

Everyone’s Afraid

The chatastrophe were uncontrollable

The doomed doctor were Dr. Hades Snape

He had this anger and fearless in his eyes
He’s on the corner side of the stairs

“Dr snape”I called

“such a great actor”

We planned everything,I told him we can clear his name

“how’s everyone?”
“theyre fine just scared” I smirked

He sighed

“We need the devil to show himself”

“There are only one left inside the Asylum”

It’s matt, I’m sure It’s him how could he

We planned everything

“ you are the bad person”

Ako lang ba elvira

You are also part of us elvira

Sino and doctor na yon While working she’s doubting who is who
Mag kaka love sila ni hades nakikipag kita sya kay hades para tulungan ito lutasin ang
problema, but as always snape always told her na itatakas sya nito
Mag kaka selosan nag salita kasi si shizo nagging close sila ni Elvira or sinadya talaga
gusto ni snape na wag lapitan ni Elvira si shizo
Sa sunod lalabs na si shizo talgaa yon kakausapinulit sya ni morticia nawalan kasi sila
ng oras sa isat isa di sila nag kikita nalaman ni morticia na si shizo ang may kasalanan
ng lahat pero sa last ilalabas ni shizo na si morticia ginagamit lang si Elvira akala
At the last ginagamit lang pala ni mortician si Elvira para makapasok sa phantom
asylum sinabi nya sa mga tao na she is also a nurse dahil may mission si mortician to
know the secret of phantom asylum the deep secret na pag nalaman ng iba madaming
madadamay mawawala ang phantom tas papakita na masama siguy kahit hindi yun
ang nakikita ni girl sasabihin na si guy ay may ginagawa sa patient nya edi wag ka
maniwala but soon you’ll know pati ikaw mamanipulahin ka nya sasabihin na
manipulator si guy

Ang tanong anong secret iyon?so at phantom asylum may owner nanaagwa ng gamut
to cure sanity but instead of curing sanity nabaiktad yung gamut pag naiinom to
nagakakrron ng sanity pati yung doctor naloko and no one knows who and how age that
doctor is minsan ginagamit nya yung mga attendist para maging experiment nya
nagiging baliw ito kaya pumasok sa loob si mortician totoo na binabantayan nya si
Elvira pero may motives para malaman kung sino yung doctor at makuha ang gamut
ngayon ang mangyayari mabait pala yung doctor tas si mortician ang masama sya pala
ay matagal ng na
Sabi ni lalaki ililigtas nya si babae itatakas kasi pati sya baka madamay kaya iniingatan
nila wala pang nakakakita sa doctor nasa paligid lang sya kaya lahat nagtataka kung
sino ang doctor
Sasabihin nung doctor kay Elvira na she is part of them paano ko pa gagawing baliw
ang taong baliw na
Hindi sya maintidihanni Elvira tas sasakit ulo ni Elvira mag seseisures sya tas babalik
yung memories nya dahilan kung bakit sya nabaliw tas pupuntaa yung lalaki sa kanya
habang yakap yakap sya keep saying sorry and it’s my fault iyak iyak sila tas makikita
pa yung doctor na may ka loveteam sa story ko papatayin nya yung ka loveteam nya
tas tatawa sya ng malakas

Tas ipapalabas yung totoong nangyari pov nung lalaki nag papaliwanag sa korte kasi
may pinatay nga diba pinag hihinalaan kasi na si Elvira ang pumatay pero hindi si
doctor yon yung pag taksa ni Elvira sa mental yung paghahanap sa knya nung dalwang
alalaki yung sinundan sya ni mortician kasi Elvira is morticias sister alam ni mortician na
alam ng kapatid tungkol sa phantom asylumat ang plano nyang pag hahanap ditto at si
mortician ang nag utos kay Elvira na tumakas tutulungan sya nito and all of a sudden
hindi nanaman sya kilala ni Elvira cause Elvira has false memory syndrome boom

wrlcome to makikita nya si guy nalingon ng lingon sa kanila mapapad pad sya sa
asylum kasam nya parin si morticia creepy si guy biglang kukunin ng mental si morticia

gabi sila pupuntang phantom asylum

t they ride on the taxi

"Where were you going ma'am"

they were on the way she noticed the high gate huse desceibe
are ypu sure maam

let me

the asylum paano nya nakita ang asylum

kakausapin nya tas mag tratravel sila not knowing na baliw pala yon ikukuwento no
ategirl na andito sya sa lugar nato para nagtrabaho this girl would have nice funny

but the place where

I should feel fear but I just got the chills
I looked at the window and it just made me feel how lonely I am
the stars were stumbled and feared


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