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Internal Sources of Finance

Intro: The advantages and disadvantages of internal sources of finance allow companies to retain
more control and limit their overall expenses. It also means there are fewer insights to gain and
added risks to the budget should something go wrong. In most cases, it is usually beneficial to
avoid debt. There are times when it may also be advantages to explore some limited external
debt. That is why all options should stay on the table while making a financing decision.

Advantages Disadvantages

1. It allows an organization to maintain full 1. It may have a negative impact on your

control. operating budget.

When you are using internal sources of Because you are using internal sources for
finance, then you do not have the same your funding needs, that money is going to
repayment commitments as you would with need to come from somewhere. For most
external debt. You don’t need to worry about businesses, that means taking cash from their
that payment schedule matching up with your capital or their operating budget. That means
earnings schedule. Your main requirement is you’ll have less money available to manage
to ensure a repayment happens at some point, the expenses which happen every day. For
which means you can schedule your own that reason, most companies tend to use
repayments when it makes financial sense to internal sources of finance for short-term
do it. projects only. That way, the budget receives a
payback as soon as possible.

2. It improves the planning process. 2. It requires accurate estimates to be

Firms tend to be more careful when planning
new projects when using internal financing If internal sources of finance are being used
compared to external financing. There is no for a project, then the cost estimates must be
illusion that you have cash to spare when reasonably accurate for this financing option
using internal sources of finance. You’re only to be effective. You must be able to determine
spending the money that your company has the true costs of the work, and provide
earned or set aside for a project just like the accurate forecasts, to understand how the
one being considered. That makes it less investment will be recouped over time.
likely that spending on extraneous things will Accurate estimates are also required to be
occur, which creates positive spending habits able to calculate the anticipated return, which
over time. is necessary for future budget planning needs.

3. It reduces the overall cost of most 3. It may have fewer tax benefits for the
projects. organization.
When you’re using external sources of When a firm uses external financing for their
finance, then the lending generates interest projects, then the debt created may have
payments that can make borrowing expensive. specific tax benefits which internal financing
This happens on the individual level as well. is unable to provide. Although tax laws vary
Imagine that you’re purchasing an asset that is throughout the world, and can change at any
$21,000. If you use internal sources of finance time, most companies can take a tax
for the purchase, you pay the expense and that deduction in the interest they pay on external
completes the transaction. Then you can repay debt. Depreciation of assets is available for
the cost monthly, if needed, from other budget purchases as well. That means a company
lines. With external sources, at a 4% interest with a high tax rate will often avoid internal
rate over 6 years, you’d pay almost $10,000 in sources of finance whenever possible.
interest that wouldn’t be required with
internal sources.

4. It improves the overall value of the 4. It requires spending discipline.

Just because you have internal money
Investors don’t like to see a lot of external available to you doesn’t mean you are
debt with a company. High debt levels required to spend it. There must be high levels
indicate more risk, which reduces the overall of self-discipline within a company’s C-Suite
value of the company. You’ll also see for internal financing to be effective. Without
improvements in the credit score of your strict monitoring of the budget, project costs,
business if you are utilizing less debt too. and earnings, then it can be very easy for a
Internal financing resources may create company to get into financial trouble. When
expenditures that may be difficult to manage there are issues with internal sources of
in the short-term sometimes, but from a financing, a company often looks toward
long-term perspective, managing debt levels external debt to solve the issue. That creates
will always create long-term financial health even more debt than would have been
for most companies. necessary if external financing were used in
the first place.

5. It limits outside influences on the 5. It can take more time to complete

company. projects.

If you involve people from outside the With external sources of finance, you are able
company with your project, then you’re to obtain all the funds required for the project
ceding a certain level of influence to them immediately. That allows you to get started
over the outcome desired. Even if your right away, reducing the time commitments
external financing involves a bank which involved. With internal sources of finance,
wants nothing to do with the planning your access to funds can sometimes be
process, you must still prove to the lender that slower. You might be required to build up
your business plan is a low-risk opportunity to funding levels before you can get the project
create profits. You must show that you’ll have started. While you’re doing that, there is a risk
the ability to repay the financing. That means of missing new business opportunities
your decision is influenced by the need to because the focus is on developing internal
repay instead of the needs of your business at financing instead.
the time.

6. It offers several sources for the cash that 6. It can cause some companies to starve
you require. departments of cash.

There are several sources of internal financing Some companies will also end up devoting
which may benefit a company over time. The too many of their financial resources to the
most common method is to use retained projects being considered with internal
earnings, as this does not create a dilution in financing. When that occurs, some areas of
ownership or control. You can also use the the company may find themselves being
sale of assets to fund projects, which can starved of cash. Without enough cash, even if
work for short-term or long-term needs. A it is just in one department, it becomes more
reduction in working capital is also possible, difficult for the company to stay healthy.
which streamlines your operations while
reducing bank charges.

7. It requires no additional equity to be 7. It limits the number of outside insights

issued. that are available.

Unless you take on debt, external financing Although there may be additional costs
almost always requires additional equity in associated with external sources of financing,
the company to be issued. That means there is you’re able to glean insights from multiple
dilution in the ownership structure of the third parties when you decide to take on some
business. Internal sources of finance eliminate debt. Those insights can be extremely
this issue. valuable to the company, offsetting the
overall costs of using external financing
instead of internal financing. If you are taking
on a project which requires expertise you
don’t have internally, then internal sources of
finance are not usually a good option.
8. It increases the risk of a bankruptcy for
some businesses.

If a company decides that a reduction in

working capital is the best source of internal
financing, then it will assume a higher risk of
bankruptcy. When working capital is at very
low levels, all it may take is one unexpected
expense to become the tipping point for
financial health. For that reason, even the sale
of certain assets may be a better option, even
if the useful life of the asset is still valuable
internally, because it does not impact the
bankruptcy risk as working capital reductions

External sources of Finance:

Advantages Disadvantages

Advantage: Preserving Your Resources Disadvantage: Ownership

One of the advantages of external funding is it Some sources of external financing, such as
allows you to use internal financial resources investors and shareholders, require you to
for other purposes. If you can find an give up a portion of the ownership in your
investment that has a higher interest rate than company in exchange for the funding. You
the bank loan your company just secured, it may get that large influx of cash you need to
makes sense to preserve your own resources launch your new product, but part of the
and put your money into that investment, financing agreement is the investor is allowed
using the external financing for business to vote on company decisions. This can
operations. You can also set aside your compromise the vision you originally had for
internal financial resources for cash payments your company when you founded it.
to vendors, which can help improve your
company's credit rating.

Advantage: Growth Disadvantage: Interest

Part of the reason organizations use external External funding sources require a return on
funding is it allows them to finance growth their investment. Banks will add interest to a
projects the company could not fund on its business loan, and investors will ask for a rate
own. For example, if your business is growing of return in the investment agreement. Interest
to the point that you need additional adds to the overall cost of the investment and
manufacturing space to keep pace with can make your external funding more of a
demand, external financing can help you get financial burden than you had originally
the funding you need to build your addition. planned.
External funding can also be used for making
large capital equipment purchases to facilitate
growth that the company cannot afford on its

Advantage: Advice and Expertise Disadvantage: It's a ​Lot​ of Work

Organizations willing to finance your Securing external funding can be a nearly
business can often also be useful sources of full-time job in its own right. You're faced
expert advice. Your banker, for example, has with the task of identifying potential sources
funded many other small businesses and may of funding, preparing a slick business plan,
be able to offer guidance as to how to avoid practicing a presentation, and calling dozens
pitfalls that created problems for some. An of people to arrange – or try to arrange – a
investor in your technology start-up likely has face-to-face meeting. All of these tasks take a
technology expertise of his own to offer, and good deal of time and resources. None of
even if not, may be able to steer you towards them are a guarantee that you'll get the funds
useful sources of advice. you're seeking.

Bank Loan (Advantages) Bank Loan (disadvantage)

Advantages ● Difficult to obtain without a
● Banks don't take an ownership substantial track record
position in the business. ● Possibility of seizure of personal
● There are no more obligations to assets in some cases
the lender once a loan has been ● High-interest rates, sometimes
paid off can't get enough funding to meet
● Option of fixed rate loans, where business needs
the interest rate doesn't change
for the life of the loan.

Business Angels (advantages) Business Angels (disadvantages)

● Free to make fast investment ● Takes longer to find a suitable
decisions business angel investor
● No need for collateral ● Requires giving up a share of
● Access to investor's knowledge your business
● No repayments or interest ● Less structural support than
from an investing company

Government Assistance (advantages) Government Assistance (disadvantages)

● Can provide huge amounts of ○ Very competitive and
investments hard to get
● Gives an organisation exposure ○ Must be spent
and credibility and public according to complex
exposure. regulations and laws
○ Often based on a

Issue Share Capital (advantages) Issue Share Capital (disadvantage)

● helpful in raising long term ● Owners no longer have full
capital for the company control of the business
● enable the business to expand, or ● Business becomes
invest in assets that will enable it ● accountable to stockholders
to grow in the future. ●
● ● Stockholders can block plans if
● The company does not need to they believe they pose too great a
repay this share capital, but risk to their investment.
instead agrees to distribute
future profits to stockholders in
return for their investment.

Mortgage (advantages)
● can keep ownership of business
Mortgage (disadvantage)
and business premises. no
requirement to give up business
control or ownership. ● need a decent sized deposit. (money
which could be used for other
● can make substantial capital purposes)
gain ● harder to move business when
● tax deductible interest premises are owned rather than
repayments leased
● fixed interest options ● variable rate mortgages are
● lower interest rates than vulnerable to mortgage rate
overdrafts increases
● if the property loses value, capital
will be reduced

Leasing (advantages)
● lease startup costs are lower
Leasing (disadvantage)
than buying equipment/premises
● you can claim lease payments as ● more expensive that outright
business expenses purchase over the long term
● relocating from a leased ● lessee never actually own the item
property can be easier than ● rent money does not contribute to
depending on the sale of an business assets or capital growth
owned premise ● you depend on the landlord for

Overdraft (advantages) Overdraft (disadvantage)

● flexible - an overdraft is there
● Cost - overdrafts carry interest fees,
when you need it, allows the
at much higher rates than loans. -
business to make essential
expensive for long-term borrowing,
payments whilst chasing up your
legal charges if overdraft limit is
own payments, helps maintain
● Recall - the bank can recall an
● quick - overdrafts are easy and
overdraft at any time
quick to arrange, providing a
● Security - overdrafts may need to be
good cash-flow backup with
secured against business assets,
minimum fuss
which puts them at risk if
repayments aren't met

Trade Credit (advantages) Trade Credit (disadvantage)

● reduced capital requirements ● if repayments are not made by
● improves cash flows deadlines, the business will receive a
● businesses can buy now and pay poor credit history which will
later, can pay for products after severely damage the business's
they have been sold and profit ability to secure loans
made ● only companies with credit history
● business can focus on sales, will get trade credit, this is
marketing and research especially difficult for new

Venture Capital (advantages) Venture Capital (disadvantage)

● Mentoring - venture capitalists
● pricing - venture capitalists may
provide companies with ongoing
drive harder for a bargain
strategic, operational and
● intrusion - venture capitalists will
financial advice.
want to influence the company's
● Alliances - venture capitalists
strategic direction
can introduce the company to a
● control - venture capitalists will
network of strategic partners
interested in taking control of the
● Venture capitalists are
company if the management is
experienced at organising IPOs
unable to drive the business

Debt Factoring (disadvantages)

● Reduction in profit margins on each

order or service fulfilment
● Some customers may prefer to deal
directly with the business.
● The factor deals with the customers
and not choosing a reputable can
damage business reputation.

Bank Loan (Advantages)

● Banks don't take an ownership position in the business.
● There are no more obligations to the lender once a loan has been paid off
● Option of fixed rate loans, where the interest rate doesn't change for the life of the loan.
Bank Loan (disadvantage)

● Difficult to obtain without a substantial track record

● Possibility of seizure of personal assets in some cases
● High-interest rates, sometimes can't get enough funding to meet business needs
Business Angels (advantages)

● Free to make fast investment decisions

● No need for collateral
● Access to investor's knowledge
● No repayments or interest
Business Angels (disadvantages)

● Takes longer to find a suitable business angel investor

● Requires giving up a share of your business
● Less structural support than from an investing company
Cash at Bank (advantages)

● highly liquid
● cash can be accessed at any time
Cash at Bank (disadvantages)

● Inflation can grow at a faster rate​ ​than these low yield investments
● Business loses spending power
Debentures (advantages)

● Different to shareholders are there are no voting rights

Debentures (disadvantages)

● High cost of raising capital, high stamp duty.

● Must pay interest irrespective of the non-availability of profits
● Change in earnings can prove fatal for the company
Debt Factoring (advantages)
● Debt factoring companies are usually competitive on price.
● Frees up time to manage business.
● Assists in ensuring smoother cashflow and financial planning
● Debt factoring companies will always pay you back.
Debt Factoring (disadvantages)

● Reduction in profit margins on each order or service fulfilment

● Some customers may prefer to deal directly with the business.
● The factor deals with the customers and not choosing a reputable can damage business
Government Assistance (advantages)

● Can provide huge amounts of investments

● Gives an organisation exposure and credibility and public exposure.
Government Assistance (disadvantages)

○ Very competitive and hard to get

○ Must be spent according to complex regulations and laws
○ Often based on a reimbursements system
Hire Purchase (advantages)

● Item belongs to the business once all payments are made.

● Higher acceptance rates than other forms of unsecured borrowing.
Hire Purchase (disadvantages)

● item can be repossessed if payments are missed

● usually costs more than buying the item upfront
Issue Share Capital (advantages)

● helpful in raising long term capital for the company

● enable the business to expand, or invest in assets that will enable it to grow in the
● The company does not need to repay this share capital, but instead agrees to distribute
future profits to stockholders in return for their investment.
Issue Share Capital (disadvantage)

● Owners no longer have full control of the business

● Business becomes accountable to stockholders
● Stockholders can block plans if they believe they pose too great a risk to their
Leasing (advantages)

● lease startup costs are lower than buying equipment/premises upfront

● you can claim lease payments as business expenses
● relocating from a leased property can be easier than depending on the sale of an owned
Leasing (disadvantage)

● more expensive that outright purchase over the long term

● lessee never actually own the item
● rent money does not contribute to business assets or capital growth
● you depend on the landlord for maintenance
Mortgage (advantages)

● can keep ownership of business and business premises. no requirement to give up

business control or ownership.
● can make substantial capital gain
● tax deductible interest repayments
● fixed interest options
● lower interest rates than overdrafts
Mortgage (disadvantage)

● need a decent sized deposit. (money which could be used for other purposes)
● harder to move business when premises are owned rather than leased
● variable rate mortgages are vulnerable to mortgage rate increases
● if the property loses value, capital will be reduced
Overdraft (advantages)

● flexible - an overdraft is there when you need it, allows the business to make essential
payments whilst chasing up your own payments, helps maintain cash-flow
● quick - overdrafts are easy and quick to arrange, providing a good cash-flow backup
with minimum fuss
Overdraft (disadvantage)
● Cost - overdrafts carry interest fees, at much higher rates than loans. - expensive for
long-term borrowing, legal charges if overdraft limit is exceeded
● Recall - the bank can recall an overdraft at any time
● Security - overdrafts may need to be secured against business assets, which puts them
at risk if repayments aren't met
Retained Profits (advantages)

● self dependence - don't need to approach anyone for a loan

● saving on interest - no interest payments
● maintaining secrecy - no financial position documents have to be released to a lender
● can be used to pay dividends
● may be issue share bonuses
Retained Profits (disadvantage)

● profit deprivation - depriving shareholders of money owed to them

● can be misused by company management
● can lead to over-capitalisation
● long-term retained profit is wasteful, prompt deployment of those funds could help the
business grow
Sale of asset (advantages)

● quick money
● ability to reduce debt
● can have tax benefits
Sale of asset (disadvantage)

● can incur taxes

● reduce's a company's capital value
Trade Credit (advantages)

● reduced capital requirements

● improves cash flows
● businesses can buy now and pay later, can pay for products after they have been sold
and profit made
● business can focus on sales, marketing and research
Trade Credit (disadvantage)
● if repayments are not made by deadlines, the business will receive a poor credit history
which will severely damage the business's ability to secure loans
● only companies with credit history will get trade credit, this is especially difficult for
new businesses
Venture Capital (advantages)

● Mentoring - venture capitalists provide companies with ongoing strategic, operational

and financial advice.
● Alliances - venture capitalists can introduce the company to a network of strategic
● Venture capitalists are experienced at organising IPOs
Trade credit (disadvantage)

● pricing - venture capitalists may drive harder for a bargain

● intrusion - venture capitalists will want to influence the company's strategic direction
● control - venture capitalists will interested in taking control of the company if the
management is unable to drive the business
Short term​ refers to the current fiscal (tax) year. In terms of external sources of finance, this
means anything that has to be repaid to creditors within the next twelve months.

Medium term​ refers to the time period of more than twelve months but less than five years.
Medium term sources of finance include commercial loans or hire purchase agreements in excess
of a year.

Long term​ refers to any period of five years or longer. The longer the time period in question,
the harder it becomes to plan effectively. Examples of long-term sources of finance include
long-term loans such as mortgages and debentures.

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