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United States Patent Office 3,246,970

Patented Apr. 19, 1966

minum fluoride in bonded abrasive articles gives superior
3,246,970 esults to those achieved by the use of either compound
POTASSIUM ALUMINUM FLUORIDE FILLER The filler of this invention has been used with mark
Roy Edward Zimmerman, Tonawanda, N.Y., assignor to 5 edly superior results in grinding wheels for cutting-off
The Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls, N.Y., a
corporation of Delaware operations, the wheels comprising abrasive grain bonded
No Drawing. Fied July 24, 1963, Ser. No. 297,210 with a thermosetting resin bond. However, other grind
9 (Caims. (C. 51-298) ing wheels such as snagging wheels, raceway wheels and
the like and other abrasive bodies may be made in ac
This application is a continuation-in-part of applica 10 cordance with this invention, using any of the conven
tion Serial No. 131,726, filed August 16, 1961, and now tional abrasives, for example silicon carbide or other
abandoned. hard carbides, alumina in any of its forms including fur
This invention relates to abrasive articles such as nace fused alumina, corundum and emery. Organic
grinding wheels. More particularly, it relates to grinding bonds selected from the group consisting of thermosetting
wheels in which abrasive grains are bonded together and 15 resins, rubber and shellac, which are conventionally used
a novel and improved filler is interspersed throughout in the manufacture of bonded abrasive bodies, may be
the bonded mass. used in this invention. Thermosetting resin bonds in
The use of fillers to improve the properties of bonded clude, for example, bonds that are based on phenolic
abrasive wheels is well known in the art. These fillers resins and amine formaldehyde resins.
serve two distinct purposes. First, fillers improve the 20 The mixture of iron sulfide and potassium aluminum
quality of the abrasive wheel by enabling an abrasive fluoride may be incorporated in the bond of bonded
wheel to remove metal from a work piece at an in abrasive articles in amounts from about 5% to about
creased rate or with a reduced wheel wear per unit of 60% by volume of the bond and preferably in amounts
metal removed or both. Thus, the fillers improve the ranging from 10% to 35% by volume. Ordinarily, the
efficiency of the abrasive wheel and therefore the econ 25 higher the content of the filler, the better is the quality
omy of the grinding operation. Second, fillers improve of the abrasive article, within the above limits. How
the quality of abrasive cuts. A large amount of heat is ever, the quantity of filler may also be limited by the par
generated when an abrasive wheel is used to cut metal. ticular requirements of a given abrading operation.
If this heat is not readily and quickly removed from the Resinoid bonded cut-off wheels have been successfully
surface of the cut, the metal being cut will be burned, 30 made and tested utilizing 34% resin, 15.5% filler and
causing discoloration of the metal near the cut and 50.5% abrasive grain on a volume basis.
possibly a modification in the properties of the metal. The amount of iron sulfide and potassium aluminum
Fillers assist in transferring the heat generated by the fluoride in the filler mixture may vary considerably.
cutting operation away from the cutting surface and there Resin bonded wheels have been successfully made and
by help to minimize this danger. 35 tested utilizing from about 25% to 75% by volume iron
Many fillers have been suggested for use in bonded sulfide particles and from about 25% to about 75% by
abrasive articles. The most widely used filler is cryo volume potassium aluminum fluoride particles in the filler
lite, a double fluoride of sodium and aluminum. The art mixture. However, it is preferred to use a filler com
also suggests the use of iron sulfides and alkali metal fluo prising 50% by volume iron sulfide and 50% by volume
borates. Various combinations have also been suggested 40 potassium aluminum fluoride, for at these percentages the
as fillers for abrasive wheels. For example, iron sulfide synergistic effect of the filler mixture is most outstand
and cryolite have been suggested. Combinations of 1g.
potassium fluoborate and iron sulfide and the alkali metal The iron sulfide in the filler mixture should be finer
salts of sulfuric, hydrochloric and hydrobromic acids with than 200 mesh, and it is preferred that it be 325 mesh
lead sulfide or antimony sulfide have also been suggested. 45 and finer. In general, the potassium aluminum fluoride
An object of the present invention is to provide an should be finer than about 100 mesh. The abrasive grain
abrasive article characterized by improved cutting rate used in forming the abrasive articles may vary in size and
and efficiency. amount in accordance with the use to which the bonded
Another object of the invention is to provide an abra abrasive body is to be put. In general, abrasive grain
sive grinding wheel containing a novel filler that con 50 having a grit size of from about No. 8 grit to about
fers improved grinding properties to the wheel. No. 220 grit may be used.
A further object of the invention is to provide a filler While the specification will be primarily concerned with
for grinding wheels and other abrasive products which -the use of pyrites as the source of iron sulfide in the filler,
improves the cutting rate and efficiency thereof. other iron sulfides may, of course, be used. For ex
Other objects and advantages of the present invention 55 ample, ferrous sulfide, ferric sulfide and iron disulphide
will be apparent from the following disclosure. may likewise be utilized, as well as the known minerals
In accordance with the present invention it has been containing iron sulfide, such as troilite and marcasite.
discovered that the cutting rate and efficiency of abrasive Pyrites is generally preferred because it is readily avail
articles, such as grinding wheels, may be materially im able and is inexpensive. It should also be noted that the
proved by incorporating therein a filler comprising an 60 potassium aluminum fluoride utilized in wheels made ac
intimate mixture of iron sulfide and potassium aluminum cording to this invention is also relatively inexpensive.
fluoride interspersed throughout the bond. More particu Thus, not only does this invention provide a filler giving
larly, Surprisingly improved results have been achieved improved properties, but also utilizes inexpensive ma
with an intimate mixture of 50% by volume potassium terials.
aluminum fluoride and 50% by volume pyrites used as 65 Bonded abrasive articles embodying this invention may
a filler for bonded abrasive wheels of the cut-off type. be made by the various standard procedures for making
bonded abrasive wheels. Where the bond is a phenol
It has been found that use of these materials in admix formaldehyde resin, the bond and filler materials, with or
ture as fillers in grinding wheels is not only superior to without modifiers, may be thoroughly admixed with the
cryolite and pyrites which have been used as fillers in to abrasive grain and after thorough admixture, the mix
the past, but also it exhibits a distinct synergistic effect. may be placed in a mold and pressed to form an abrasive
Thus, the combination of iron sulfide and potassium alu article of the desired shape. The shaped article may then
3 4.
be heated to cure or mature the bond. The body thus Thus, four identical sets of wheels were made, that is
formed comprises abrasive grain having a bond uniting identical except that a different filler was used for each
the grain as an integral body with the finely divided filler set of wheels.
interspered throughout the bond. The abrasive grain, 30 grit alumina, in each case was
In order to point out more fully the nature of the pres first wet with a solvent of furfural and cresol and the
ent invention, the following examples are given of illus abrasive grain then thoroughly mixed with a liquid
trative embodiments of grinding wheels incorporating the phenolic resin in order to coat the grains. A powdered
present invention. B stage phenolic resin and the finely divided filler were
EXAMPLE I Separately blended in a mixer and the wetted abrasive
Cut-off wheels embodying the present invention have 0 was then mixed with the blended powders to coat the
been made as set forth below. abrasive grains with the blended granular materials. The
Wheel mix: Percent by weight resulting mixture was then molded at a pressure of about
3000 p.s.i. to form wheels, according to standard pro
Al2O3 abrasive grain (30 grit) ----------- 65.00 cedures used in the manufacture of resinoid bonded
Powdered B stage phenolic resin ---------- 10.75 15 abrasive wheels. The moided wheels were then cured at
Liquid phenolic resin -------------------- 4.25 a temperature of about 350 to 400 F. for a period of
Iron sulfide (325 mesh and finer) -------- 12.70 about 36 hours.
Potassium aluminum fluoride ------------ 7.30 The wheels thus made were 16 inches in diameter and
Solvent (furfural and cresol), 1 cc./1000 gms. /8 inch thick and had a 1 inch diameter arbor hole. An
mix. 20 equal number of wheels of each type was employed in a
The abrasive grain, 30 grit alumina, is mixed with the Campbell cut-off machine, using as a work piece a 34
solvent in order to wet the abrasive grain. The wetted inch diameter rod of C1020 cold finished steel. Wheels
grains are then mixed with the liquid phenolic resin so of each group were tested under the same uniform op
that the liquid resin coats the abrasive grains. The pow erating conditions at a wheel speed of 3300 rp.m. Eighty
dered phenolic resin and finely divided filler are separately 25 cults were made on a work piece with each wheel at a
blended in a mixer to form an intimate mixture thereof rate of one second per cut, with no cutting fiuid used
and the wetted abrasive is then added to and mixed with for any of the wheels. The results observed are tabu
the blended powders to uniformly coat each particle of lated below.
Table 1
----n-mill - - - - - --

1 2 3. 4.

Filler Type
Potassium FeS2
Cryolite Aluminum FeS2 Potassium
Fluoride Cryolite Aluminum

Filler percent by volume of bond 3.9 31.9 3.9 31.9

Volume percentratio of total filler
used.-------------------------- 100 100 50:50 50:50
No. of cutsisq. in abrasive used. 14. 13.7 i5.0 20.2
Hetal removed, vol. abrasive 4.32 4.1. 4.59 6.18
Relative efficiency of filler systems,
percent------------------------- 94.0
91.0 100 34.5

abrasive with the blended powdered materials. The re- The data of Table I clearly shows that the iron sulfide
sulting mixture is then loaded into a suitable mold and potassium aluminum fluoride filler of this invention pro
cold pressed at about 3000 p.s.i. to form a wheel 16 inches. 50 vides an improved cutting rate and greater efficiency over
in diameter X /8 inch thick with a 1 inch diameter cen other fillers.
tral hole. The wheel thus formed is removed from the EXAMPLE III
mold and cured at a temperature of about 350 to 400
F. for a period of about 36 hours. Wheels made in this Another series of grinding wheels was made in accord
manner have a density of about 45.5 grams per cubic inch. 55
ance with the procedure described in Example II. In this
Series of wheels, one group of wheels was made having
a particulate cryolite filler and two groups of wheels were
To demonstrate the improved cutting ability of grind made in which the novel filler of this invention was used.
ing wheels containing the novel filler of this invention For each group of wheels the type, quantity and grit
over wheels containing fillers heretofore used, four groups 60
size of abrasive, type and quantity of bonding material,
of bonded abrasive wheels were made, each group having type and quantity of solvent, proportion of filler relative
a different filler. One group of wheels was made using to the bonding material and standard wheel making tech
a filler of finely divided cryolite; a second group having a nique Were kept constant. In each case 30 grit alumina
filler of finely divided potassium aluminum fluoride, a was the abrasive, phenolic resin was the bonding material
third group having as a filler a particulate mixture equal and the solvent was a mixture of furfural and cresol.
parts by volume of cryolite and pyrites and a fourth group 65 Thus, according to the procedure set out in Example II,
having as a filler a particulate mixture of equal parts by three identical sets of wheels, each 16 inches in diameter
volume of pyrites and potassium aluminum fluoride, in and /8 inch thick and having a one inch diameter arbor
accordance with the present invention. hole Were made, that is, identical except that one group
In order to provide comparative results a standard pro 70
had a filler of finely divided cryolite while the other two
cedure was followed for making all of the bonded abrasive groups had as a filler a finely divided mixture of equal
wheels. That is, the type, quantity and grit size of abra parts by volume pyrites and potassium aluminum fluoride.
sive grain, type and quantity of bonding material, type The wheels thus made were subjected to standard testing
and quantity of solvent, proportion of filler relative to conditions in which a 2 inch square hot rolled steel bar
the bonding material and standard wheel making tech 75
was used as the test piece. Ten cuts were made with
niques were kept constant for all the abrasive wheels. wheels of each group and the cubic inches of metal cut
5 6
per cubic inch of wheel removed was calculated. The of iron sulfide finer than 200 mesh and potassium alumi
results are shown in Table II. num fluoride finer than about 100 metal interspersed
Table II throughout the bonded mass, said filler constituting from
about 5% to about 60% by volume of the bond.
Cu, In,
2. An abrasive article consisting essentially of abrasive
Filer Seconds metall Burn, grains, a bond selected from the group consisting of
per cut Cu, In. percent
thermosetting resins, rubber and shellac uniting the grains
and a filler of iron sulfide finer than 200 mesh and potas
Cryolite-------------------------------- 13.5 1.70 20
sium aluminum fluoride finer than about 100 mesh inter
Pyrites and potassium aluminum O spersed throughout the bonded mass, said filler constitut
Pyrites and potassium aluminum
10, O 2, 40 5 ing from about 5% to about 60% by volume of the bond.
fluoride.------------------------------- 1.0 2.47 5 3. An abrasive article consisting essentially of abrasive
grains, a thermosetting resin bond uniting the grains and
EXAMPLE IV a filler of finely divided iron sulfied or less than 200 mesh
5 grain size and potassium aluminum fluoride of less than
The improved cutting ability of grinding wheels con about 100 mesh grain size interspersed throughout the
taining as a filler a mixture of finely divided pyrites and bonded mass, said filler constituting from 5% to 60% by
potassium aluminum fluoride over wheels utilizing only volume of the bond.
the pyrites filler of the prior art is shown from the follow 4. An abrasive article consisting essentially of abrasive
ing data. The wheels were made and tested according 20 grains and a thermosetting resin bond uniting the grains,
to the procedure set forth in Example III. The wheels said bond having intimately associated therewith a filler
were similar except that one had a filler of 100% pyrites consisting essentially of a mixture of finely divided pyrites
and the other had as a filler a finely divided mixture of of less than 200 mesh grain size and potassium aluminum
50% by volume pyrites and 50% by volume potassium fluoride of less than about 100 mesh grain size, said filler
aluminum fluoride. The results of this test are shown in 25 constituting from 10% to 35% by volume of the bond.
Table III. 5. An abrasive article consisting essentially of abrasive
Table III grains, a bond selected from the group consisting of
Filer: Cu. in, metal/cu. in. wheel thermosetting resins, rubber and shellac uniting the grains
100% pyrites ---------------------------- 1.8 and a filler interspersed throughout the bonded mass, said
50% pyrites-50% potassium aluminum fluoride 2.2 30 filler consisting essentially of a mixture of about 25% to
From the foregoing description it is apparent that the 75% by volume iron Sulfide having a grain size of less
novel filler of this invention improves the cutting rate and than 200 mesh and about 75% to 25% by volume potas
efficiency of grinding wheels. Also, when grinding wheels sium aluminum fluoride having a grain size of less than
having the iron sulfide-potassium aluminum fluoride filler about 100 mesh, said filler constituting from about 5% to
of this invention were used to cut metal objects, the ob
35 60% by volume of the bond.
6. The article as defined in claim 5 in which the bond
jects showed a reduction in the amount of burn and burr is a phenolic resin.
as compared to the burn and burr noted when wheels 7. An abrasive article consisting essentially of abrasive
having other fillers were used. grains, a thermosetting resin bond uniting the grains and
While the specification has been primarily concerned 40 a filler incorporated in the bond, said filler consisting es
with the use of the novel filler of this invention in resin sentially of 50% by volume of pyrites and 50% by
bonded wheels, it is to be understood that this novel filler volume of potassium aluminum fluoride, the pyrites hav
can be used in all types of abrasive wheels in which a ing a grain size of less than 200 mesh and the potassium
filler is commonly utilized. Thus, the filler of the present aluminum fluoride having a grain size of less than 100
invention may be incorporated in rubber bonded grinding 45 mesh, said filler constituting from 10% to 35% by vol
wheels made by any conventional process. The novel ume of said bond.
filler of this invention may also be utilized in grinding 8. An abrasive article consisting essentially of abrasive
wheels having a shellac bond made by any conventional grains, a thermosetting resin bond uniting the grains and
process, such as, for example a process in which abrasive a filler interspersed throughout the bonded mass, said filler
grain, the filler and dry powdered shellac are mixed, 50 consisting essentially of 50% by volume iron sulfide hav
placed in a mold and heated to set the shellac and bond ing a grain size of less than 325 mesh and 50% by volume
the grain. It is also to be understood that thermosetting potassium aluminum fluoride having a grain size of less
resins other than phenolic resins, such as, for example than 100 mesh, said filler constituting from about 5% to
amine formaldehyde resins can also be used as the bond 60% by volume of the bond.
in abrasive wheels made in accordance with this invention. 55 9. An abrasive article consisting essentially of abrasive
in the manufacture of cut-off wheels and other bonded grains, a phenolic resin bond uniting the grains and a
abrasive bodies in accordance with this invention, it will filler interspersed throughout the bonded mass, said filler
be understood that standard manufacturing procedures consisting essentially of 50% by volume pyrites and 50%
for making bonded abrasive bodies are followed. Ac by volume potassium aluminum fluoride, the pyrites hav
cordingly, abrasive grain, grain size, the specific bond and 60 ing a grain size less than 325 mesh and the potassium
the proportion of grain relative to the bond may be aluminum fluoride having a grain size less than 100 mesh,
varied in accordance with the particular application for said filler constituting from about 10% to 35% by volume
which the bonded abrasives are intended.
The above disclosure is to be interpreted as illustrating of the bond.
the general principals of this invention and the preferred 65 References Cited by the Examiner
types and compositions of abrasive articles, and not as
limitations on the invention as defined in the appended UNITED STATES PATENTS
claims. 2,308,981 1/1943 Kistler ------------- 5-307
I claim: 3,032,404 5/1962 Douglass et al. ------ 51- 307
1. An abrasive article consisting essentially of abrasive 70
grains, an organic bond uniting the grains and a filler ALEXANDER H, BRODMERKEL, Primary Examiner.

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