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Theories of Personality Reviewer

Chapter 4
Carl Jung’s Analytical Psychology Ego – center of the conscious mind, gate keeper of the
conscious mind
Somebody who is highly individuated will have an ego that
Analytical Psychology allows for more contents to access consciousness
-Occult Phenomena can influence the lives of everyone
-Compendium of opposites Knowledge of the ego personality is often conflated with
-Pushed by past events while being pulled by future knowledge of the self. Many people think they know
expectations themselves merely by being conscious of their ego, but there
is so much more to know of
Collective Unconscious
We are not just motivated by repressed experiences but also 2. Personal Unconscious
emotionally toned experiences inherited from our ancestor Repressed, forgotten, or subliminally perceived experiences of
one particular individual.
Archetypes (highly developed elements of collective
unconscious) Formed by our individual experiences and is therefore unique
Self-Realization (most inclusive archetype) to each of us
Balance between various opposing forces of personality
Some images in the personal unconscious can be recalled
BIOGRAPHY easily, some remembered with difficulty, and still others are
beyond the reach of consciousness.
July 26, 1875 Kesswil Switzerland
Medicine and Religious background in both parents Complex - Emotionally toned conglomeration of associated
First ambition: Archeologist. But became medicine ideas from personal unconscious
2 personalities of her mother – women not reliable Individualized components of the personal unconscious
Father – reliable but weak “Unconscious fixation on a certain thing”
His “No.1 and No. 2” personality May be partly conscious and may stem from both the personal
Emma Jung and Toni Wolff and the collective unconscious
Confess feelings with Freud
Personal unconscious, Collective Unconscious, individuation 3. Collective Unconscious
June 6, 1961 Zurich Roots in the ancestral past of the entire species

LEVELS OF THE PSYCHE The contents of the collective unconscious do not lie dormant
but are active and influence a person’s thoughts, emotions,
1. Conscious and actions.
Anything that we are readily aware of
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 4
Humans’ innate tendency to react in a particular way Anima/Animus
whenever their experiences stimulate a biologically inherited Anima in men or the Animus in women is the archetype which
response tendency deals with ones feminine traits in the case of men, or
masculine traits in the case of women.
Such innate potential requires an individual experience before
it will become activated. (Inherited predispositions) Developed through years of interaction with the opposite
Emotionally toned collections of associated images (collective Repression of Anima/Animus – Archetypal Rebellion/Gender
unconscious) Dysphoria
Can be projected – “Love at first sight”
Ancient/archaic images, Generalized and derived from the
contents of the collective unconscious Appears in dreams, visions, and fantasies in a personified
Instinct – Unconscious Physical Impulse toward action
(Archetype: Psychic Counterpart) The Great Mother
Like wise old men, both are derivatives from Anima and
Express through Dream, Fantasies, and Delusions (when Animus
activated) Every man and woman possess this archetype
Represents 2 opposing forces (Fertility and Nourishment;
Persona Power and Destruction)
Side of personality that we show to the world ”Both nurturing and destructive”
Role in society
Should have a balance between the demands of society and Wise Old Man
what we truly are Archetype of wisdom and meaning
Should not confuse our public face with our complete self Symbolizes human’s pre-existing knowledge of mysteries of
life, or the life itself
Shadow Unconscious, cannot be directly experienced by an individual
Animalistic aggressive nature of man. It contains attributes
that have been repressed because they have been deemed Hero
unconventional by society. Based on overcoming obstacles and achieving certain goals
Overcome Monster of Darkness:
While the Shadow has its dark side, it is also highly Long-hoped for and expected triumph of consciousness over
responsible for creativity, spontaneity, and insights. the unconscious
Prone to psychological Projection
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 4
Self Teleology – Present events are motivated by goals and
Each person possess an inherited tendency toward growth, aspirations in the future
perfection and completion
Most comprehensive of all Archetypes Human behavior is shaped by both causal and teleological
“Archetypes of Archetypes” – unites other archetypes by Self- forces. Causal explanations must be balanced with teleological
Realization (completeness, wholeness, unity and order) ones

Symbolized by a person’s idea of perfection, completion and Dreams came from earlier experiences, but can also help the
wholeness person make decisions about the future

Mandala – “Ultimate Symbol” represents the strivings of PROGRESSION AND REGRESSION

collective unconscious for unity, balance and wholeness.
“Psychological expression” of the totality of the self Progression – Forward flow of psychic energy (outside world)
Help the person to react consistently to given environmental
Possess conscious and personal unconscious components. conditions
But mostly formed by collective unconscious image
Regression – Backward flow of psychic energy (inner world)
Overabundance of consciousness – lack of “Soul Spark” Necessary Backward Step in the successful attainment of goal
Overpowered by unconscious – pathological, one-sided (Balanced personality/Self Realization)
To achieve Self Realization, people must adapt to both
Unites the opposing elements (yang and yin) of psyche outside environment and inner world

To experience self, one should overcome the fear of the Alone, neither progression nor regression leads to
unconscious, not letting the persona to dominate personality, development
recognize their shadow and have the courage to face the They must work together to attain a healthy personality
Anima and Animus
CAUSALITY AND TELEOLOGY Predisposition to act or react in a characteristic direction
Introverted and Extroverted attitude
Causality – Present events have their origin in previous One may be conscious while the other is unconscious
Turning inward of psychic energy
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 4
Orientation toward the Subjective React to external world in a highly subjective and creative
Tuned in to inner world of biases, fantasies, dreams and manner, interpreting old data in new ways
individualized perceptions Inventors, Philosophers
They also perceive the external world, but they do so
selectively and with their own subjective view 2. FEELING
Process of evaluating an idea or event
Turning outward of psychic energy Evaluation of every conscious activity
Person is oriented toward the objective and away from the Most of these feelings have no emotional content
subjective Any of the four functions can lead to emotion when their
Pragmatic and well rooted in the realities of everyday life strength is increased (stimulating physiological changes)
Suspicious of the subjective attitude Difference between feeling and thinking:
Freud and Adler’s Theory: Feelings are experienced consciously
Freud’s view is Extraverted but his personality was Introverted Emotions manifest either consciously or subconsciously
Adler’s view is Introverted but his personality was Extraverted
People neither completely introverted nor completely Extraverted Feeling
extraverted Use objective data to make evaluations
Guided by external values and widely accepted standards of
FUNCTIONS judgement
Ease in social situations
Sensing – Tells people that something exists Business people, Politicians
Thinking – Enables them to recognize its meaning Making of value judgements based on objective information
Feeling – Tells them its value or worth
Intuition – Allows them to know about it without knowing how Introverted Feeling
they know Based their value judgements on subjective perceptions
Individualized conscience, taciturn demeanor and
1. THINKING unfathomable psyche
Logical intellectual activity that produces a chain of ideas Ignore traditional opinions and beliefs
Nearly complete indifference to the objective world and people
Extraverted Thinking (Causes people around them to feel uncomfortable)
Objective Art critique
Rely heavily on concrete thoughts (but can also use abstract
ideas) 3. SENSING
Mathematics, Engineers, Accountants Individual’s perception of sensory impulses
Sensation – Receives physical stimuli and sends to
Introverted Thinking perceptual consciousness
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 4
These perceptions are not dependent on logical thinking or Inventors who must inhibit distracting sensory data and
feeling but exist as absolute, elementary facts concentrate on unconscious solutions to objective problems.
within each person.
Introverted Intuitive
Extraverted Sensing Guided by unconscious perception of facts that are basically
Perceive external stimuli objectively, in much the same way subjective and have little or no resemblance to external reality.
that these stimuli exist in reality
Proofreader, house painter, wine taster, or any other job Mystics, prophets, surrealistic artists, or religious fanatics
demanding sensory discriminations congruent with those of
most people May not clearly understand their own motivations, yet they are
deeply moved by them
Introverted Sensing
Largely influenced by their subjective sensations of sight, “A person who has theoretically achieved self-realization or
sound, taste, touch, and so forth. individuation would have all four functions highly developed.”
Guided by their interpretation of sense stimuli rather than the
stimuli themselves
Portrait artists
Give a subjective interpretation to objective phenomena yet
are able to communicate meaning to others.
Extreme subjective sensing attitude may lead to hallucinations,
esoteric incomprehensible speech

Intuition involves perceptions beyond the workings of
Difference from Sensing: More creative, adding subtracting
elements from conscious sensation

Extraverted Intuitive
Oriented towards facts in the external world

Rather than fully sensing them, they merely perceive them


Intuitive people suppress many of their sensations (strong

sensory stimuli interfere with intuition)
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 4
DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY - Avoid the natural tendency to regress from childhood to avoid
problems in the present (also in middle -life and old age)
Personality develops in every stage of development that leads - Conservative Principle (desire to live in the past)
to Individuation/ Self Realization
3. Middle Life (Afternoon Sun)
Second Half of Life (35 – 40) - age 35-40
- Attained Self realization - Decline can increase the anxieties of middle-aged people,
but it is also a period of tremendous Potential
Psychological health of middle-aged people – achieving - Must look forward to the future with hope and anticipation,
balanced between opposing forces surrender the lifestyle of youth, and discover new meaning in
middle life
4. Old Age (Evening Sun)
1. Childhood (Early Morning Sun) - Diminution of consciousness
- Death is the goal of life
Anarchic Phase - Life can be fulfilling only when death is seen in this light
- Chaotic and sporadic consciousness
- Island of consciousness Jung treated middle-old age patients with backward orientation
- Primitive images, incapable of being accurately verbalized by establishing new goals, find meaning in death first before
meaning in life.
Monarchic Phase He also use Dream Analysis – dreams of rebirth, unconscious
- Development of the ego (primitive) attitudes toward death, and Meaningful Philosophy of life
- Logical and verbal thinking begins
- “Third person” (not aware as perceiver) SELF-REALIZATION (Psychological rebirth/ Individuation)
- Process of becoming an individual or whole person
Dualistic Phase - Process of combining opposite poles into one homogenous
- Ego is divided into subjective and objective individual
-“First person” - “Coming to Self-hood” (all psychological components
- “Ego-complex” functioning in unity with no psychic process atrophying)

2. Youth (Morning Sun)

- Puberty-middle life
- Period of increased activity, maturing sexually, growing
consciousness and recognizing that the problem-free
childhood era is gone forever
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 4

1. Word Association

2. Dream Analysis (Big dreams, Typical dreams, Earliest

dreams remembered)

3. Active Imagination
-Reveal archetypal images emerging from the unconscious
Books: Man and His Symbols;
Word and Image; Psychology and Alchemy; Carl Jung;
Wounded Healer of the Soul

4. Psychotherapy
1. Catharsis (confession of a pathogenic secret)
2. Interpretation, Explanation, Elucidation
3. Education of patients as Social beings
4. Transformation

Purpose of Jungian Therapy:

Help neurotic patients to be healthy and help healthy
individuals to work independently to achieve self-realization
(Dream Analysis, Active Imagination)

Important during the first 3 stages of therapy
-Therapist’s feeling towards the patient

Jung used Dream Analysis and Active Imagination to discover

the contents of the patients’ collective unconscious

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