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Topic 1 Summary of Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo 1.

Topic Objectives:

At the end of this topic, the students should be able to:

1. compare and contrast the two novels of Rizal ; and

2. analyze the issues and concerns expressed in these literary works.


Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are the two novels of Jose Rizal depicting the
pitiful situation of the Philippines in the hands of its colonizers. A brief summary is reflected here
for the purpose of discussion.



After seven years of study in Europe, Crisostormo Ibarra returned to the Philippines. He
was given a welcome party by Capitan Tiago, the father of Maria Clara. Maria Clara is
Crisostomo's childhood sweetheart though numerous guests warmly welcomed him, Padre
Damaso immediately showed coldness and rudeness, much to the surprise of unsuspecting

On the way back to his hotel, he was approached by Lt. Guevarra. The soldier told
Crisostomo that his father, Don Rafael Ibarra, died while trying to help a boy who was being
punished by a tax collector. Don Rafael accidentally pushed the tax collector who fell and hit his
head on a stone. Don Rafael suffered and died inside the prison cell. Later, he was buried in a
Chinese cemetery. Crisostomo found out that his father's body was missing because those who
were ordered to remove Don Rafael's body from the grave threw it into the river. Crisostomo
was so shocked and hurt by what he heard.

Crisostomo visited his sweetheart Maria Clara the following day. Though the meeting
proved to be romantic and sweet for the lovers, Crisostomo's heart was still burdened by what
he heard about his father. Crisostomo was determined to find out the truth about his father's
death. He went to San Diego to investigate. From the grave digger, he learned how his father's
remains were disrespected. Upon seeing the present parish priest of San Diego, Crisostomo,
blinded by fury, collared the priest and demanded justice. Cowardly, Padre Salvi told him the he
was not the parish priest of San Diego when his father died. Padre Salvi even told him that it
was all the doings of Padre Damaso. Feeling numb from what he heard, Crisostomo left.

In the course of the story, Crisostomo met Pilosopo Tasyo whose line of thinking was
different and advanced for his generation; thus, to some he is "lunatic"

The most affecting part in the novel was the story of Sisa. She was a rich girl-turned-
poor after marrying Pedro, who was not only a gambler but an irresponsible husband and father
to their children. Sisa became insane when she lost her two sons, Crispin and Basilio. Crispin
died from the hands of a heartless Sacristan Mayor, and Basilio disappeared not fully
comprehending what happened to him, to his brother and to his mother.

Meanwhile, Maria Clara together with Capitan Tiago and Tia Isabel arrived in San Diego
for a planned picnic. Crisostomo was there to be with Marla Clara. Girlfriends of Maria Clara
also came to join them. They were Sinang, Neneng, Victoria, and Iday. The boatman was a
young man named Elias.

The cheery picnic was disrupted by the crocodile incident. Elias tried to save the life of
everyone in the boat by diving into the water to kill the crocodile. But when Crisostomo saw that
Elias's life was already in danger, he, too, jumped into the river to save Elias. After the incident,
the frightened atmosphere of the day was temporarily forgotten when Maria Clara played the
harp and sang the "Song of Maria Clara." It was followed by a sumptuous meal enjoyed by
everyone. Later, Crisostomo and Capitan Tiago played chess while the girls played the "Wheel
of Chance." The happy mood of the day was once again disrupted when Padre Salvi snatched
the book and destroyed it. He reprimanded everyone because he said that it is a sin to play
such a game.At the same time, the guardia civil arrived to arrest Elias because he assaulted
Padre Damaso. But before he was arrested, Elias quietly sneaked away and successfully
avoided the arresting officers.

The following day, Crisostomo consulted Pilosopo Tasyo about his plan to put up a
school in San Diego. The laying of the cornerstone coincided with the celebration of the town
fiesta. Though the old sage was pessimistic, Crisostomo was determined to make it work.

And while everyone in San Diego was happily celebrating the town's fiesta, Elias
discreetly warned Crisostomo about the plot against his life. It was when Crisostomo was about
to lay the cornerstone for the schoolhouse, a suspicious Yellow Man was spotted by Elias.
Elias's presence of mind and quick reflexes saved Crisostomo from death. Crisostomo was
pushed away from the collapsing derrick.
Another tial came to Crisostomio when he again crossed paths with Padre Damaso.
They were dining with some chosen guests at the house of Capitan Tiago when Padre Damaso
repeatedly insulted him. He lost his self-control and attacked the priest with a knife in his hand.
Maria Clara pleaded for him to stop. The incident caused him his engagement with his
childhood sweetheart. He was also excommunicated. What happened became too much for
Maria Clara to bear. She got sick and was treated by a fake doctor named Don Tiburcio de
Espadaña. He was the henpecked husband of Doña Victorina, an indio woman desperately
trying to become a European. She was also the one who introduced Don Alfonso Linares de
Espadaña to Maria Clara. Linares was favored by Padre Damaso despite the fact that he was
jobless and penniless and was just in the Philippines to look for a rich woman to marry.

The quarrel between Dona Victorina and Dona Consolacion was laughable. The vulgar
exchanges between the two foolish social climbers almost reached to physical fight if not lor the
timely arrival of Padre Salvi. Elias considered Crisostorno as his trusted friend. He openly told
Crisostomo what happened to his family. He told Crisostomo everything about his life-from one
tragic story to another. His grandfather was wrongly accused, flogged, and crippled. His
grandmother became a prostitute to support her family. His uncle named Balat was beheaded.
His father was jailed for falling in love with a rich girl. He, as the son out of wedlock, had a twin
sister. They were sent to a good school by their rich grandparents. One day, a distant relative
exposed the shameful truth about them. They were forced to leave Tayabas and hide in shame.
One day, his twin sister disappeared and was found dead in San Diego. From then on, he lived
a vagabond life.

Meanwhile, Crisostomo was arrested. He was accused by his enemies of leading those
who attacked the barracks of the guardia civil. Elias burned all the possible evidence which can
be used against Crisostomo in order to help and save his friend. Afterwards, he helped
Crisostomo to escape from prison. For the last time, Crisostomo found the time to see Maria
Clara. He came to forgive her for giving up his letters which were used by the Spanish
authorities against him. Maria Clara tearfully told him how she was blackmailed by Padre Salvi,
forcing her to give up Crisostomo's letter in exchange for her mother's scandalous letter. She
said that she just wanted to save the reputation of her mother, Doña Pia. She also revealed the
painful truth that her biological father was Padre Damaso.

After the emotional goodbyes, Crisostomo returned to Elias quietly waiting on his banca.
While they were hurriedly rowing at the Pasig River, they heard gunshots from the pursuing
guardia civil. Elias told Crisostomo to hide under the zacate while he jumped into the water
unmindful of the bullets from the enemy's guns. Elias effectively diverted the attention of the
chasing soldiers away from his friend.

Elias, who was seriously wounded, reached the forest. There he saw Basilio who was weeping
over his mother's dead body. Elias told Basilio that he was too weak to help and would be dying
soon. He instructed Basilio to burn him and Sisa. He also told Basilio to dig and get his buried
gold and to use it for his education. Before dying, Elias uttered-"l die without seeing the dawn
brighten over my native land! You, who have it to see, welcome it-and forget not these who
have fallen during the night!"

The novel has an epilogue which tells us what happened to the other characters in the
novel. Sad Maria Clara entered the Santa Clara convent despite the pleading of Padre Damaso.
Padre Salvi left San Diego to follow Maria Clara in the convent. Padre Damaso was found dead
in his new parish. Capitan Tiago became an opium addict. Doña Victorina continued harassing
her henpecked husband. Linares died of dysentery.The alferez returned to Spain leaving Doña
Consolacion, his mistress.


The novel opens with the steam ship labo navigating through the Pasig River. Same of
the characters of the novel are introduced here but the social stratification of the Philippines is
best depicted in the passenger arrangements inside the Tabo. The life of Basilio was introduced
and while he was in a cemetery during Christmas Eve, he saw a person digging in one area.

The situation of education in the secondary level was described in a Physics class. There were
students who clamored for the teaching of the Spanish language in their school. Simoun
encouraged corruption in the government and promoted oppressive measures to the governor
general who listened to his advice, he also smuggled arms to the country to encourage
rebellion. The first uprising that Simoun planned did not materialize when he got so sick
because he learned that Maria Clara died in the convent.

Paulita Gomer chose to marry a Spania d, Juarito Pelaez, over her boyfriend, Isagani,
who was a dreamer. Isagani was also a student but was a native Filipino. During the wedding
feast, Simoun intended to blow up the entire house where the guests would have their feast.
Isagani was watching the entire proceedings but he was warned by Basilio to leave the place
because the house would blow up. On hearing this plan, Isagani could not bear to lose his
beloved so he rushed to the house, seized the lamp, and throw it to the river where it exploded.
The revolution was thus discovered and Simoun was cornered by the soldiers, but he managed
to escape. He went to the house of Padre Florentino by the sea.

It also happened that Don Tiburcio was hiding at Padre Florentino's place but he rushed
out for fear of being discovered. Simoun drank poison and as he was dying, he confessed his
true identity to Padre Florentino and his plan of igniting a rebellion among the people to destroy
his friends and enemies and to avenge his losses. When Simoun died, Padre Florentino threw
his treasure chest to the sea.

★ Noli Me Tangere was the first novel of Jose Rizal published in 1887. The book, written in
Spanish, is a sweeping and passionate unmasking of the brutality and corruption of
Spanish rule in the Philippines (1565–1898).
★ El Filibusterismo was Rizal’s second novel, a continuation of Noli Me Tangere dedicated
to the three martyred priests GOMBURZA.

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