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Rape and how the best laid plans go awry .

I am continuing with the escapades of me and my colleagues. Timelines keep going back and forth, so the
events, I write about, are not in chronological order.

Some developments had occurred in the organization. A new division for marketing, some electronic relays
was added. Our colleague H, handling electronics, was from Andhra and did not know a word of kannada.
His hyderabadi hindi, was equally amusing. Over and above this, he was a hard core fan of Chiranjeevi.

Rape ..Read on for the humor small words can bring.

Like I said, H, did not speak a word of kannada. Apart from that, his coordination efforts, more often than
not, would be in telugu.

Frequently, we could hear him saying : “Repu cheputanu” ( I will let you tomorrow) or “ Repu vostunde” .
For those of us who knew telugu, this was okay. For the rest, this was difficult to hear. I do not have to tell
you why!!.

On evening, as this fellow kept repeating these dialogues, Pradeep, who could not stand it, stood up and in
all seriousness said :“Bhaskara, one day, I am going to do what he is saying”.

It took a few seconds for those in the office, to realize what Pradeep meant. The loud laughter that followed
from every inch of the office, nearly brought the building down. My god, the cheeks of the ladies were
apple red. I nearly fell of my chair, but Pradeep, he was back to his notes and calculator.

H, later started to use “tomorrow”, even if he had to complete the sentence after that in telugu.

To his credit, he picked up kannada and did become very good at it. He has his own business now in

The best laid plans go awry ..

One afternoon, things were pretty bad. The BM was reviewing our performance and all the guys, were
getting it from him. Not one division was spared that day. By late afternoon all of us were tiring.

Into this atmosphere, walked Ram, with a big smile. He was still based in Bangalore, but had had joined a
new company. All of us needed a break and his presence did it.

Suddenly a thought occurred. Why not go watch a movie and have dinner together. A Chiranjeevi movie,
was on in Urvashi theatre, which was walking distance from our office. The BM and an attender were left
behind to lock up the office.

Idea was okay, but how to seek permission from wifey. By the way, most of us were married.

As the thought was circulating, I piped up an idea. Chiranjeevi, our auditor from HO, had arrived ahead of
schedule and all of us had to stay back!!.

In a flurry of activity, each called the other’s residence and conveyed this message in a sombre tone.
Snacks and coffee at MTR and, off we went to watch Chiranjeevi as Mechanic Alludu . Alludu in telugu
means, Son In Law. We must have been around 8-10 that day, including our colleagues from finance.

Spicy Andhra meals for dinner, a beeda closed the day. The thought was, we should do this more often.

As I parked, I saw dad chuckling at the gate, something amiss, this was not in the script. Mom was saying
something, I could not hear yet. All of them were wide awake. Something certainly amiss!!

Was there a twist in the tale ……….? Wait for a week!!.


Disclaimer: There is some fiction in this. Happy Reading.

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