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International Business College

#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City

Telephone No. 9128366

A Study on the Factors Affecting the Study Habits

Of Senior High School Students

A Thesis presented to the school of

ABE International Business College - Cubao

By the following researchers:

Elveña, Nydia

Ariza, Irra

Consuelo, Robelyn

Manuel, Mariel

Jaymalin, Jennilyn

Vega, Dominic

Zamora, Pauline Grace

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366


Study habits play a very important role in the life of

students. Success or failure of each student depends upon his own

study habits. Of course, study is an art and as such it requires

practice. Some students study more but they fail to achieve more.

Others study less but achieve more. Success of each student

definitely depends upon ability, intelligence and effort of

students. No doubt, regular study habits bring their own rewards

in the sense of achievement of success. The findings are analyzed

and explained. Thus, study habit is found to be an important

correlate of academic achievement.

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366


This chapter presents the background of the study, the

statement of the problem, the significance of the study, and the

scope and delimitation of the study.

Background of the study

Education is one of the most important things in life that

an individual must have. As it defined, it is a form of learning

in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people

are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching

and training. Moreover, it frequently takes place under the

guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic. Any experience

that has a formative effect on the way one think, feels, or acts

may be considered educational (Wikipedia). That is the reason

why, the Philippine government assigns the highest budgetary

priority (Article XIV sec. 5 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution)

to provide free education to all.

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

It is absolutely beneficial for society on the whole. It is

a life-long process to each person that needs to be reinforced

throughout life. However, we need education system that may

eradicate illiteracy and may provide the common man an access not

only to basic education but also to higher and technical


Study habits defined as the regular tendency and practice

that one depicts during the process of gaining information

through learning and it enables the students to work on

privately. Indeed, establishing a proper and efficient study

habit will make one’s high school life meaningful and

challenging. In addition, it is a pre-requisite on attaining a

successful and prosperous life in the near future. But, if the

students do not have a good study habits, this could be a reason

for them to get low grades or failing the subject or dropping out

in the school. And that is the most of the problems of majority

of the schools and even in the entire country.

In this study, we will show you what, why, and how the

Senior High School does affects their study habits.

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

Statement of the Problem

In this study, we attempted to ask on what, why and how does

ABE International Business College – Senior High School Students

affects their study habits.

More specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. Do you regularly study at home? Please answer honestly.


2. What are the things that affects your studies? Check those


You don’t have enough time to study

Too lazy to study and don’t care at all

Doesn’t have a life goal yet

Due to family, social or peer groups, work, school

expectations, financial, health problems

Lack of passion, discipline and motivation

3. How do you think would this be

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

Objectives of the Study

The following are the objectives of the study:

 The research objectives are the specific accomplishment that

the researchers hopes to achieve by the study.

 The research aims to examine the factors affecting the study

habits and academic performance of the senior high school


 The research aims to let the people particularly the

students, teachers and parents who will use our research as

a guide and reference.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believes that students, particularly

ABE International Business College – Senior High School

students will be benefited from the findings of this study

since the study provides basis for awareness and better

understanding of how their current study habits affected

their academic performance. Likewise gives them a more

focused and clear perspective on how the specific

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

behaviors related to their studies influenced study

habits. Consequently, this awareness also gives a much

deeper understanding of themselves as students considering that

the college life is typically beset of developmental adjustment


School Administrators - like subject area coordinators, may

also be guided in the formulation of future modification

of educational policies, curriculum and strategies toward

a more effective delivery of learning.

Teachers – will also help in understanding better the diversity

of learning of their students. As such, it is hoped that they

could develop more effective methodologies in teaching their

subject matter and it will help them to know more and understand

the situation of why students doesn’t focus on their studies and

just rely on other people’s help because sometimes it goes like

this - we study for the sake of passing not for the sake of

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

Guidance and Counselling Centre – will also help by this

study through providing a more focused and factual knowledge on

the factors affecting high school students on their study habits.

This increased the knowledge is hoped to help by the Guidance and

Counselling Practitioners towards the development and

implementation of more effective programs in consideration of

these variables. Hence, it also enhance their commitment to the

importance of the needs to make an action and service oriented.

Students - will be given information on how study affects their

academic performance. The result of the study will make them

aware of the common study habits among their co-students. It’ll

help them realize how education is important than temporary

things that a teenager encounters causes them to neglect their

focus on studies.

Future Researchers - they may be able to use the result of the

study in farther research similar to what the study is. It can

also give them a concrete evidence that they may present or may

use in their discussion as a reference.

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was conducted at ABE International Business

College of Cubao, Quezon City - a member school of AMA

Educational System.

There are many factors that affect the study of students.

However, this study was focus on factors on how Senior High

School student help their study.

II. Review of Related Literature and Studies

Most of the studies and literatures about study habits would

point that the factors of affecting study habits are learning

skills, personality, time-management, parental involvement,

intelligence and achievement.

This chapter presented the aims at providing a strong

foundation to this study and literature or references gathered by

the researchers that were anchored on. It covers a review of

existing relevant literatures which was explained according to

its concern. Study habit is the daily routine of students with

regards to their academic duties and responsibilities. Each

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

student has his own study habits varying on his preferences with

the place and time of studying, techniques in studying and more.

It will depend upon the person if he will not get bored to browse

notes and can procrastinate (postpone doing something) the

distractions such as social networking, media exposure, gaming

addiction and more. Studying not only prepares a student to excel

in a class but reinforces the lessons already taught. Studying

reawakens the lectures and reading materials.

Local Related Literature and Study

According to Ms. Giniely Venturina, a teacher in MNHS

Cabcaben Mariveles, Bataan - We can look at this in part from the

view point of why students fail. Some reasons why students fail

are as follows: (a.) No Vision – some students do not have a

clearly articulated picture of the future they intend to create

for themselves. Thus, they may take programs of study without a

clear career goal or objective. In essence, they choose the wrong

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

major. (b.) Lack of Passion – successful students work out of

passion, a love for what they want to do, and recognize the

importance of the benefit it will bring others as well as

themselves. Without passion, study becomes a chore and not a

method for achieving clearly defined goals. (c.) Lack of

personal, work, school, family balance- whatever is going on in a

student’s personal life, will inevitably affect what’s going on

in school. Whatever is happening in school will affect what’s

going on in their personal life. A student needs time to be in

class, and appropriate time for study. However, there must be

time for family, friends, social activities, and time to just be

alone. The key is keeping proper balance. (d.) Lack of maturity

and discipline - some students are just not disciplined and lack

good organizational skills. They often fall under the pressure of

their peers. Rather than using good discretion, they feel

compelled to follow others, when they really should be attending

to their studies. (e.) Lack of appropriate balance - there are

probably hundreds of factors that affect academic achievement of

students: social, economic, medical/health, family, relationships

between teachers and students, school expectations, the students’

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

motivations and abilities, levels of popularity, types of

friendships outside of school and many more. They are all of a

sudden, first their attitude, vice versa, their family status,

civil status, age, sex, allowance, etc. but these are the similar

reasons. Laziness, addicted to computer games, socio economic

status, lack of sleep, and attitude towards the subjects. To the

readers, we should establish a clearer pact on how different

environments and people affect the different practices of a

learner in studying and if this aspects will greatly or badly

influence on someone’s mind and attitude towards learning.

As a teacher, learning is not something intrapersonal. A

person cannot learn all things all by himself. Facilitators,

simply teacher, play a very huge and important role in molding

one’s attitude, developing someone’s skills, and enhancing the

knowledge of every school child. In short, a teacher is essential

in putting up a brighter future for someone.

To the students- our national hero has once said,” Youth is

the hope of our nation”. Students, which make up the youth, have

been remarkably significant in this archipelago. Today’s

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

generation of pupils will be the one who will build a better

future through education and will establish a good development in

the economy of this country.

In addition, The PUP Web Site (1998) continues to evolve

dramatically as it gives its visitors information and online

services that is relevant and useful to them. And PUP Web Site

has matured into one of the University's most important promotion

medium. New Internet and Web technologies allow the delivery of

personalized and relevant information to our clienteles, who

respond by telling us about themselves. That customer information

helps us focus our content and provide services that assist

visitors in quickly finding the information they need. PUP Web

Site is replacing more expensive, traditional methods of doing

things with a more streamlined and efficient online solution.

Through this means, we are able to reduce paper, printing, and

postal costs by distributing information online instead of on

paper. And we are reducing media production and distribution

costs by distributing relevant files online. They are reducing

errors in customer data by allowing customers to submit and

update their information online, instead of filling out

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

registration cards that are transcribed by data entry personnel.

These are just a few of the ways that an academic Web site can

impact the bottom line of the University.

AISIS Online (2006) posted a precise definition of Ateneo

Integrated Student Information System (AISIS) serves as the

portal for Ateneo students, faculty and staff. Through the AISIS

Online officially enrolled Ateneo students may view pertinent

school information including their Individual Program of Study

(IPS), grades, class schedules and the like. Students may also

eventually enlist using AISIS Online. Ateneo faculty and staff

with access to AISIS, on the other hand, may submit grades and

access their class schedules from outside the campus.

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

Foreign Related Literature and Study

A number of factors have contributed to declining class

attendances around the world in the last 15 years. The major

reasons given by students for non-attendance include assessment

pressures, poor delivery of lectures, timing of lectures, and

work commitments (Newman-Ford, Lloyd & Thomas, 2009). In recent

times, students have found a need to seek employment while

studying on a part-time basis due to financial constraints. The

numbers of part-time and mature students has also risen sharply.

The use of information technology also means that information

that used to be obtained from sitting through lectures can be

obtained at the click of a mouse. Indeed, web-based learning

approaches have become the order of the day. Given all these

developments that either makes it impossible or unnecessary for

students to attend classes, the question that needs to be asked

is whether absenteeism affects students ‘academic performance.

A review of literature highlighted the importance of

students study habits and attitudes in their academic

performance. According to Menzel, cited by Rana and Kausar

(2011), many students fail not because they lack ability but
International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

because they do not have adequate study skills. Students who have

difficulty in college frequently do not have adequate study

habits that affect their academic achievement. A central problem

noted was that many of these students had not learned how to take

effective notes and manage time for studying (cited by Mutsotso

S.N. & Abenga E.S., 2010). Moreover, a study by Nagaraju (2004)

found that students usually do not devote sufficient time to

their studies and seldom have proper study habits. Efficient

study habits are associated with a favorable attitude toward

learning in general. As cited by Otto (1978), beliefs in the

value of intellectual pursuits and in the importance of education

are positively related to academic performance. An important

aspect of a student’s attitude toward education is the value he

sees in what he has to learn. In the study of Sarwar et. al

(2010), it was discovered that a significant relationship between

student attitudes and academic performance exists. Another

research found discrepancy between the study attitudes of high

and low-achieving students. High-achieving students had a more

positive attitude toward study in that they detected and reacted

positively to the favorable aspects of the situation they found

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

themselves in, while the low-achieving students tended to be

fault-finders, reacting to the negative aspects of study such as

distractions and minor annoyances. The high-achieving students

found tertiary work an interesting challenge, accepted the

restrictions and conformed to the demands made upon them more

readily, while the low achievers appeared to lack high-level

motivation. The more successful group was also found to be more

realistic and discriminating in their assessment of those

situations which were highly relevant to scholastic achievement,

such as discipline and work priorities, and they were better

organized in both their work and leisure activities.

In terms of attitude towards teachers, the high achievers

generally have a positive attitude towards teachers. For

instance, as compared to low achievers, the high achievers more

often say that their teachers are competent, impartial, and

interested in their duties (Sarwar, M., Bashir, M., Khan, M.N., &

Khan, M.S., 2009). Yu (2011) in his study revealed that among the

SHSA factors examined, student perception of teacher

effectiveness influence accounting performance.

International Business College
#878 Rempson Bldg., Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone No. 9128366

Definition of Terms

Study Habits – Are the behaviors used when preparing for tests or

learning academic material

Factors – A circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to

a result or outcome

Develop – Grow or cause to grow, and become more mature, advanced

or elaborate, start to exist, experience or possess

Students - A person who takes an interest in a particular subject

Illiteracy – lack of knowledge in a particular subject; ignorance

Autodidactic - A person who has learned a subject without the

benefit of a teacher or formal education; a self-taught person

Higher Education - Education beyond high school, especially at a

college or university

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