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Recent trends in computing

Mobile Computing
As more workers report to their virtual offices from remote locations, computer manufacturers
must supply this new breed of on-the-go worker with sturdier products loaded with the ability to
connect to, and use, any available type of Internet connectivity. Mobile users look for
lightweight, durable, easy-to-use devices that “just work,” with no lengthy or complex
configuration and setup. This agility will come from these smart devices’ ability to pull data
from cloud-based applications. Your applications, your data and even your computing
environment (formerly known as the operating system) will live comfortably in the cloud to
allow for maximum mobility.
Virtualization technology has already touched every data center in the world. Companies of all
sizes had either converted their physical infrastructures to virtual hosts and guests or moved to an
entirely hosted virtual infrastructure. As more business owners attempt to extend their
technology refresh cycle, virtualization’s money-saving promise brings new hope to stressed
budgets as we collectively pull out of the recession.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing, closely tied to virtualization and mobile computing, is the technology that
industry observers view as “marketing hype” or old technology repackaged for contemporary
consumption. Beyond the hype and relabeling, technology companies will leverage cloud
computing to present their products and services to a global audience at a fraction of the cost of
current offerings. Cloud computing also protects online ventures with an “always on”
philosophy, guaranteeing their services will never suffer an outage. Entire business
infrastructures will migrate to the cloud during this new decade, making every company a
globally accessible one.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI & ML)
Artificial intelligence has had a great impact among the top technological developments, and for
quite a few years, too. Not surprisingly, it has also found a place in the forecasts of the 2020
technology. AI applies to computer systems that are programmed to mimic human intelligence
and perform tasks such as image recognition, speech or patterns, and decision making. AI can

Grid and Cloud Computing (BCA507) Unit 1 Notes By: Pragati Jain

perform these tasks more quickly and accurately than a human. ML and AI will offer
organizations unprecedented insight into their competitive landscape, current performance, and
allocation of resources. And, in effect, marketers can use these insights to dramatically improve
performance, along with many others.
Internet of Things (IOT)
There is no doubt in the world of science and technology that people choose the internet as a
mode of communication. It is one of those reasons that are responsible for bringing in a fraction
of seconds or sometimes minutes millions of people together. IoT will soon establish a strong
foothold for all of us in the near future, and our lives will be completely transformed. It will
connect each object to the internet in some way or the other. Whether it’s the refrigerator door or
the furniture, the sensors that would calculate and send the data to the cloud will be mounted.
Using knowledge and technology together to turn education would make the educational tool
much more effective. There will be more training with the reach of IoT for learners, which would
also be simple and quick. This offers better acceptance of the community, good effects, and even
the outcome of performance, so students will not be disappointed at any time. Sure it is a path-
breaking yet an everlasting solution that can be chosen.

Grid Computing
Grid Computing can be defined as a network of computers working together to perform a task
that would rather be difficult for a single machine. All machines on that network work under the
same protocol to act like a virtual supercomputer. The task that they work on may include
analyzing huge datasets or simulating situations which require high computing power.
Computers on the network contribute resources like processing power and storage capacity to the
Grid Computing is a subset of distributed computing, where a virtual super computer comprises
of machines on a network connected by some bus, mostly Ethernet or sometimes the Internet. It
can also be seen as a form of Parallel Computing where instead of many CPU cores on a single
machine, it contains multiple cores spread across various locations. The concept of grid
computing isn’t new, but it is not yet perfected as there are no standard rules and protocols
established and accepted by people.

Grid and Cloud Computing (BCA507) Unit 1 Notes By: Pragati Jain

A Grid computing network mainly consists of these three types of machines
1. Control Node: A computer, usually a server or a group of servers which administrates
the whole network and keeps the account of the resources in the network pool.
2. Provider: The computer which contributes it’s resources in the network resource pool.
3. User: The computer that uses the resources on the network.

When a computer makes a request for resources to the control node, control node gives the user
access to the resources available on the network. When it is not in use it should ideally contribute
it’s resources to the network. Hence a normal computer on the node can swing in between being
a user or a provider based on it’s needs. The nodes may consist of machines with similar
platforms using same OS called homogenous networks, else machines with different platforms
running on various different OS called heterogeneous networks. This is the distinguishing part of
grid computing from other distributed computing architectures.
For controlling the network and it’s resources a software/networking protocol is used generaly
known as Middleware. This is responsible for administrating the network and the control nodes
are merely it’s executors. As a grid computing system should use only unused resources of a
computer, it is the job of the control node that any provider is not overloaded with tasks.
Another job of the middleware is to authorize any process that is being executed on the network.
In a grid computing system, a provider gives permission to the user to run anything on it’s
computer, hence it is a huge security threat for the network. Hence a middleware should ensure
that there is no unwanted task being executed on the network.

Grid and Cloud Computing (BCA507) Unit 1 Notes By: Pragati Jain

Let's understand the difference between cloud computing and grid computing.

Cloud Computing Grid Computing

Cloud Computing follows client-server Grid computing follows a distributed

computing architecture. computing architecture.

Scalability is high. Scalability is normal.

Cloud Computing is more flexible than Grid Computing is less flexible than cloud
grid computing. computing.

Cloud operates as a centralized Grid operates as a decentralized

management system. management system.

In cloud computing, cloud servers are In Grid computing, grids are owned and
owned by infrastructure providers. managed by the organization.

Cloud computing uses services like Iaas, Grid computing uses systems like
PaaS, and SaaS. distributed computing, distributed
information, and distributed pervasive.

Cloud Computing is Service-oriented. Grid Computing is Application-oriented.

It is accessible through standard web It is accessible through grid middleware.


Evolution of Grid Computing

The meaning of the term Grid Computing has changed over the years, according to “The Grid:
Blueprint for a new computing infrastructure” by Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman published in
1999, the idea was to consume computing power like electricity is consumed from a power grid.
This idea is similar to current concept of cloud computing, whereas now grid computing is
viewed as a distributed collaborative network. Currently grid computing is being used in various
institutions to solve a lot of mathematical, analytical and physics problems.

Grid and Cloud Computing (BCA507) Unit 1 Notes By: Pragati Jain

Advantages of Grid Computing:

1. It is not centralized, as there are no servers required, except the control node which is just
used for controlling and not for processing.
2. Multiple heterogeneous machines i.e. machines with different Operating Systems can use
a single grid computing network.
3. Tasks can be performed parallelly across various physical locations and the users don’t
have to pay for it (with money).

Grid and Cloud Computing (BCA507) Unit 1 Notes By: Pragati Jain

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