Five Year Plan - Iqra Hussain

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Five-Year Career Plan Template

The Five-Year Career Plan is designed to help you develop skills in your current job or
to prepare for your next job. Your five-year plan is very much an individual and
personal plan, and is designed to facilitate your growth, development and advancement.
Always use the SMART model when setting goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Realistic and within a specific Timeframe.

Plan Period: From - 2020 To - 2025

My Current Position: Studying at Shipley College

My Long-Term Goal: To become a Financial Analyst

Intermediate Steps Over the Next Five Years to Reach My Goal

Try to set two or three short term goals (i.e. those in the next 2 years) and
the remainder for the medium term (following 3 years)
● Find relevant work experience that will help me in my future career.
Year One ● Get my college coursework upto distinction level.
● Submit my university applications.

● Complete first year of university.

Year Two ● Do some volunteering in the field I am going to work in.
● Complete all assignments and projects for that year in detail and
finish them on time.
● Could start looking at companies who have the job role I want to
have in the future.
● Complete year 2 of university.
Year Three

● I am going to use this year to do a placement.

Year Four ● Look for placements that are suitable for me and start asking
companies if they do them.
● Complete last year of university.
Year Five ● Graduate
● Find my dream job.

Personal Development Objectives to Meet My Goals

(what do I need to do to get where I want to be?)
First I need to complete college and get distinction level grades. I also need to get a
good grade in Core Maths. This is because I am going to be doing a finance degree at
university. In between this I also need to do my personal statement and submit my
university applications. To gain experience I need to do some volunteering in the sector
that I am going to be studying which is finance.
How can others help me accomplish these objectives?
Others can help me accomplish these objectives by guiding me to the right path. Here
are a few people who can help me:
● Chris Holgate (College career advisor)
● Teachers/Tutors
● Connexions
These people will help me because they have experience and expert advice for young
students like me about their future careers.

What are some educational activities that will help me reach my goals?
Training or Course Scheduled Completed
Finish College (still at college) 2019
Go to University 2021

What are my development areas and my plan to address these areas?

Development Area: Do more volunteering/Gain more skills and experience.

Plan: Look for businesses who accept volunteers and Scheduled Completed
ask them if I can work in their finance department a few 2020
days a week for a few hours.

What are my development areas and my plan to address these areas?

Development Area: Get started on personal statements and submit university

Plan: Start to write personal statements and submit Scheduled Completed
university applications. 2020

What are my development areas and my plan to address these areas?

Development Area:
Plan: Scheduled Completed
Plan to revisit your plan often to make sure you stay on track and that your goals remain relevant to your
career plan.

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