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Module 1 Exercises: Practical Applications

Solve the following practical exercises. Round off any computed value to 5
decimal places. Submit and upload your answers in word document or pdf format
only on the link provided.

1. The upward velocity of a rocket can be computed by the formula below.

Compute for the time t at which the velocity is 1450m/s using Bisection method if
u = 2200m/s, m0 = 160,000Kg, q = 2680Kg/s and g = 9.8m/s2. Tabulate the results
and use Ea  0.00001 as terminating condition.

𝑣 = 𝑢𝐿𝑛 [ ] − 𝑔𝑡
𝑚0 − 𝑞𝑡

2. The second order linear differential equation representing the momentary

charge in the given series RLC the moment the switch is closed is given by the
equation below.

Determine the proper resistance value using Regula-Falsi method that will
dissipate the energy at a specified rate of 1 percent its original value (q/q0 = 0.01)
in the time span t = 0.05s with L = 5H and C = 10 – 4 F. Tabulate the results and use
a terminating condition of Ea  0.00001

1 𝑅 2
𝑞𝑡 = 𝑞0 𝑒 −𝑅𝑡/(2𝐿)
𝑐𝑜𝑠 [√ − [ ] 𝑡]
3. The output voltage on a given function generator with varying phase angle is
given below. Determine the magnitude value x that will output a value of -10v
using Fixed point iteration method. Test the following derived formula and show
the step-by-step solution for each iteration and terminate if Ea  0.00001

3cosx - x2 = -10

a. √3𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 + 10
𝑥 2 −10
c. 𝑐𝑜𝑠 −1 [ ]

4. The stability of the car is considered satisfactory if at steady state the maximum
distance Xm is below 0.4 for all driving speeds with a damping factor given by the
equation below for the shock absorbers on each wheel of the car.

√[1 − (𝜔/𝑝)2 ]2 + 4(0.1221)2 (𝜔/𝑝)2

Determine the damping factor ratio /p using Secant method. Show the step-by-
step solution for each iteration and terminate if Ea  0.00001

5. The velocity of a falling parachutist is given by the function. Using Newton-

Raphson method compute for the appropriate mass (Kg) of the paratrooper with
a 5Kg weapon so that his velocity is v = 52.75645m/s at t = 10.22s with a g =
9.8m/s2 and drag coefficient c = 14Kg/s. Show the step-by-step solution for each
iteration and terminate if Ea  0.00001

𝑔𝑚 𝑐
−( )𝑡
𝑣= [1 − 𝑒 𝑚 ]
6. Determine a root of the polynomial function given below using Muller’s
Method. Show the step-by-step solution for each iteration similar to the lesson
module. Terminate if Er = Es  0.00045%
f(x) = 0.0043x4 – 0.0016x3 – 0.7472x2 + 1.8249x + 12.6986

7. Determine all the roots of the given polynomial function using Bairstow’s
method. Show the step-by-step solution for each iteration including the synthetic
division similar to the lesson module with initial values of r = 0 and s = 0.
Terminate if Er  0.00752%
f(x) = x3 – 4x2 + 3x – 1

8. The following system of linear equations is designed to determine the

concentrations (g/m3) in a series of coupled reactors as a function of the amount
of mass input to each reactor (g/hr). Determine the concentration C’s using the
Matrix decomposition Crout’s/Cholesky’s method and Doolittle method. Show
the step-by-step solution for the decomposition process for both techniques. Use
either one of the decomposition techniques to evaluate for the concentration
value C’s and show its step-by-step solution.
C1 + 7 C2 – 4 C3 = 6
4 C1 – 4 C2 + 9 C3 = 39
12 C1 – C2 +3 C3 = 26

9. Evaluate the derived system of Linear equation from a given mesh analysis
circuit using Gauss-Jacobi Method. Tabulate the results and use a terminating
condition of Ea  0.00001 for each variable.
9 = -2 I1 + I3 + 6 I2
-6 = 7 I3 – I1 + I2
3 = – I2 + 4 I1 – I3
10. Evaluate the derived system of Linear equation from a given nodal analysis
circuit using Gauss-Seidel Method. Tabulate the results and use a terminating
condition of Ea  0.00001 for each variable.
0 = 5 I1 – 7 I3 + 3 I2
-8 = 2 I3 – 5 I2 + 3 I1
16 = 5 I2 + 7 I1 – 3 I3

11. The data was obtained from a creep test performed in at room temperature
on a wire composed of 60% lead, 40% tin and solid solder core. After measuring
the increase in strain over time while a constant load is applied to a specimen.
Use linear regression to fit the following data and evaluate its linear regression
model function and predict the strain % value on the time t = 12.45 minutes.
Determine the coefficient of determination r2 from the linear regression model
function. Show the step-by-step tabulated the solution.

12. Use Quadratic regression to fit a saturation growth model given on the data
below and evaluate its quadratic regression model function. Predict the growth
rate on the time t = 9.25 hrs. Show the step-by-step tabulated the solution.

t(hr) 0.75 2 2.5 4 6 8 8.5

F(t) 0.8 1.3 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.7
13. Further complexity in the calculation of work is introduced if the angle
between the force and the direction of movement also varies as a function of
position given by the function below.

𝐹 = 𝑓(𝑥) cos[𝜃(𝑥)]

Apply Lagrange interpolation to fit the given set of data points into a function and
determine the Force F at distance of x = 12.5ft. Show the step-by-step solution for
each of the Lagrange terms.

x (ft) f(x) (lbs)  (rad) F

5 9 1.230229 3.0062
10 13 0.919948 7.8762
15 14 0.837915 9.3662
20 10.5 0.828062 7.1012
25 12 1.122035 5.2062
30 13 0.328179 12.3062

14. The values of concentration measured at the exit pipe of the reactor is given
below, determine the concentration c at the time t = 32.5min using Newton’s
interpolating polynomial. Show the step-by-step solution and tabulate divided
difference results.

t (min) c (mg/m3)
5 5.02375
10 41.095
15 25.87625
20 34.78
25 40.46875
30 10.355
35 4.10125

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