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RELIGIOUS STUDIES Revelation in the Old Testament

73 – All books 1. God’s revelation began with creation and

the manifestation of Himself to Adam and
46 – Old Testament
Eve (CCC 54).
27 – New Testament 2. God spoke to our first parents, inviting
“them to intimate communion with himself
The story of family life is a story about love and clothes them with resplendent grace and
shared, nurtured, and sometimes rejected or lost justice” (CCC 54).
The Bible is one of the concrete evidences that we 3. The eventual sin of Adam and Eve did not
can read to know who God is thwart God’s revelation. “After the fall,
[God] buoyed them up with the hope of
Through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, the authors salvation, by promising redemption (CCC
who wrote what they have seen, witnessed, and 56).
experienced from God. 4. The covenant with Noah after the flood
These inspired Scriptures have varied literary exemplified the divine economy towards
types in one compiled book: prose, poetry, people separated into their own lands, with
history, prayers, songs, facts, and even fiction their own languages and families (CCC 56).
5. In order to gather the scattered human race,
Indeed, God reveals Himself to us in many God called Abram and chose him to be
unique and creative ways. We only have to the father of faith. Those descended from
believe and do what we have heard or read from the Abraham would be the stewards of the
Scriptures. promise made to the patriarchs, the people
Hearing and doing the word – James 1: 19-25 chosen to prepare for that day when God
should gather all His children into the unity
Church teaching about Scripture of the Church (CCC 59)
1. God reveals himself through the sacred 6. God continued to form “Israel as his
scriptures, transmitted orally by the apostles people, by freeing them from slavery in
and to us in a written form Egypt. He established with them the
2. Collection of sacred books or writings covenant of Mount Sinai” (CCC 62).
written by human authors under the 7. Through the prophets God prepared the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit people to accept the salvation intended for
3. The principal author is God Himself all humanity (CCC 64).

4. In order to reveal Himself to men, in the Revelation in the New Testament

condescension of His goodness, God 1. In Christ Jesus, God has fully revealed
speaks to them in human words: Himself
The church has always venerated the Sacred 2. Christ commanded the apostles to preach
Scriptures as She venerates the Lord’s body. She the Gospel as the source of all saving truth
never ceases to present to the faithful the bread of and all moral disciple (CCC 75)
life, taken from the one table of God’s Word and Additional Essential Knowledge about the Bible
Christ’s Body
1. Inspiration
In sacred scriptures, the church constantly finds a. Illuminated the mind of the sacred
her nourishment and her strength writers.
b. Moved the will of the sacred writers
c. Aided the sacred writers in the work of ▪ The Incarnation is therefore the mystery of
composition the wonderful union of the divine and
2. Inerrancy in the Bible human natures in the one person of the
• The Bible contains no error when it Word
comes to the question about religious
God's incarnation in Jesus Christ is the historical
message and truths about salvation
self-revelation of God that surpasses everything
3. Structure of the Bible
before it.
1. The Old Testament
• There are 46 books in the Old The gospel according to Luke expressly places the
Testament and these books are birth of the Son of God in a historical framework
grouped together into four main
Themes in Gospels
divisions: the Pentateuch, the
Historical Books, the Wisdom Matthew – poor
Writings; the Prophets.
Mark – history
2. The New Testament
• These are the following: the Gospel: Luke – history
(Matthew, Mark , Luke, John); the
John – love
Acts of the Apostles; the Pauline
Epistles (13 Letters attributed to St. Communion with God – reconciled
Paul), other Letters; and the Book
of Revelation (Apocalypse). We participate with the communion. Through
God is willing and out of His love and abundant
generosity, He reveals Himself to us in Jesus Christ The good news is that our salvation does not
depend on what we do—it does not depend on the
St. Paul, in his letter to the Colossians, affirms that strength of our faith or our repentance
Jesus Christ is the image and presence of God who
is invisible to the eyes of human Paschal Mystery

The Supremacy of Christ - He is the image of the ▪ Passion

invisible God, the firstborn of all creation ▪ Death
▪ Resurrection
Army of Angels
Life among believers
1. Thrones
2. Dominions • Teaching of the apostles
3. Principalities • To the communal life
4. Powers • To the breaking of the bread (Eucharist)

Church Teaching Organization of the Church

▪ Jesus is true God and true man, the Word • Universal Church – Vatican – Pope
made flesh • Local Church – Philippines – Cardinal
▪ Jesus Christ possesses two natures, one • Diocese – Cathedral – Bishop
divine and the other human, not confused, • Parish – St. Nino Parish – Priest
but united in the one person of God’s Son • Chapels – 25 Chapels
▪ Christ, being true God and true man, has
a human intellect and will, perfectly attuned
and subject to his divine intellect and divine
will, which he has in common with the
Father and the Holy Spirit
God revealed himself in the Church ▪ Vatican Council II spelled out clearly that
the Church is the People of God. This
1. God continues to manifest Himself today
strong community- oriented image pointed
through the Holy Spirit in the Church.
out how much the Church should be a
2. He is present in the Church’s preaching of community focused on the
the truth of the Sacred Scriptures interrelationship and mutual loving and
service among members.
3. in its witness of loving service, and through
the celebration of its Christ- given ▪ the principle of shared responsibility
▪ practicing and living out the humble
The Church as Mystery servanthood way of living is a concrete
manifestation of becoming a Church, as
▪ faith in the continuing presence of Jesus Body of Christ and the People gathered by
among us, faith in “the purpose of God’s God.
plan, which is “to unite all things in him.’’
▪ The Church is the Body of Christ (CCC The Church Magisterium, guardian and
669, 787- 795), the People of God (LG 2; authorized interpreter of Revelation
CCC 781- 786), and the temple of the Holy
▪ “The task of giving an authentic
Spirit (CCC 797- 80).
interpretation of the Word of God,
The Church is the Sacrament of Christ whether in its written form or in the form of
Tradition, has been entrusted to the living
▪ The continuous presence of Christ in the teaching office of the Church alone.
world. As Sacrament, the Church is Christ’s ▪ “The Church’s “living teaching office,”
instrument made up of the bishops in communion with
▪ It is “the universal sacrament of St. Peter’s successor, the bishop of Rome,
salvation” by which Christ is “at once (POPE) is a service rendered to the word of
manifesting and actualizing the mystery of God and has as its aim the salvation of souls.
God’s love for men.” ▪ “this Magisterium is not superior to the
Sacraments – visible presence of the invisible God Word of God, but is its servant. It teaches
only what has been handed on to it. At the
Jesus is the sacrament of the God the Father divine command and with the help of the
The Church is the sacrament of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, it listens to this devoutly, guards
it with dedication and expounds it
▪ The Church “is the invisible plan of God’s faithfully. All that it proposes for belief as
love for humanity” because God desires” being divinely revealed is drawn from this
that the whole race may become one People single deposit of faith.”
of God, form one Body of Christ, and be
built up into one temple of the Holy Spirit” The four marks of the Church
(CCC 776) 1. The Church is one because of her source,
The Church is the Body of Christ the one living God in Three Persons; her
one founder, Jesus Christ: Her one soul, the
▪ We are part of this body and each part of Holy Spirit, who dwells in the life of the
the body has unique and specific work to faithful, and who unites them into one
do. We cannot live separated from the body. communion of believers
Just like the vine and the branches, we 2. The Church is holy because of her founder,
cannot do anything apart from Jesus (Jn Jesus Christ, the source of all holiness
15:5). 3. The Church is catholic because it possesses
fullness of faith and all means of salvation.
The origin of the word “catholic” is derived
from Greek word meaning “universal.”
4. The Church is apostolic because she guards
and transmit the teachings and witness of the
Revelation of God
1. Creation
2. Scriptures
3. Jesus Christ
4. Church
Catechism for Filipino Catholic (CFC)
The CFC also points out the following
characteristics of Christian Faith:
1. Total and absolute adherence to God
(CFC 123)
2. Trinitarian- Our Faith as Catholics then,
consists of our personal conviction and
belief in God our Father revealed by Jesus
Christ, His own divine Son- made man,
and their presence to us through the Holy
Spirit, in the Church (CFC 124).
3. Loving, maturing and missionary- Our
Christian Faith is life- giving and mature
only through love; thus impels us to
mission, to evangelize, by bringing others
the Good News (cf. 1 Cor 9:16) (CFC 125).
4. Informed and Communitarian – Catholic
Faith must be “informed” that is “believing
Jesus’ words, and accepting his teachings,
trusting that he has
5. “the words of eternal life” (cf. Jn. 6:68
NCDP 147) must be “communitarian”
since it is the Church that transmit to us
Christ’s revelation through Sacred Scripture
and its living Tradition, and alone makes
possible for us an adequate faith- response
(CFC 126).
6. In – culture -ated- This Catholic Faith in
God and in Jesus Christ is never separated
from the typical Filipino faith in family
and friend (CFC 127).

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