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Name : Iqra Hussain

Course : Level 3 Business

Date : 8/10/20

Skills Analysis
The following form will help you to understand the skills you possess and any skill gaps you may

Working effectively with others

(For example, on a group project or with children).
Key words: approachability, team work, co-operation, rapport, adaptability

I have two experiences where I have worked effectively with others. The first one
is when I was the captain of my rounders team in year 7. I had to work closely with
the team and lead them to success. We all had to adapt to the ways we all worked
so we can function smoothly as a team. I also worked effectively with children
when I was volunteering at my community centre. I had to complete numerous
activities with the children in which some had the use of teamwork.

(For example, expressing your ideas, explaining something complicated)
Key words: listening, enthusiasm, clarity, pertinence, confidence

In year 1 of college we had to present to the governors of the college about a topic
we had learnt about in our time at college. We had to come up with a presentation
and present it for 10 minutes and answer any questions asked. We had to make
sure our communication was strong and clear so the governors could understand
what we were saying.

Judgement and decision making

(For example, choosing which assignment to do, which information to include in a project)
Key words: decisiveness, research, planning, reaching a conclusion, evaluation
I have had to make decisions in the past such as for my rounders team I had to
make decisions as to which player was to be placed where to be suit the team. On
a daily basis in college I have to make a decision as to which assignment or piece
of work I should prioritise to do first. In the past I have led a group project and I
had to make the decision about which team member is doing which task. I had to
judge based on the team members' skill which task would best suit them.

Persuading and influencing

(For example, persuading someone to come to a party or accepting your argument)
Key words: communication, leadership, negotiation, charisma, motivation, determination,
forcefulness, vision, empathy
I have had one experience in high school with persuading people. I had a bake
sale linked with a charity event. A few days before the actual bake sale I had to go
into each and every class and talk to the students about what was happening and
persuade them to visit the stall.

Ability to solve problems

(For example, maths assignments, coping when team members don't pull their weight)
Key words: critical thinking, analysis, lateral thinking, creativity)
At the moment in college I am studying Core Maths. In this there are a lot of
problem solving questions and analysing graphs. I am gaining experience and
learning new ways to solve mathematical problems. When I was leading the
rounders team in year 7 I had to solve problems such as switching some team
members around. This is because I would have thought they weren’t suitable for
the position they are placed at.

Time Management
(For example, ensuring your assignments are done on time)

I have learnt time management in college. This is because we are getting a lot of
assignments and work to do every week. I have to schedule when I should do
which work and which needs to be handed in first. I have also learnt about
prioritizing which piece of work needs to be done first and which needs to have the
most time spent on it. In year 11 I also learnt time management because I had to
schedule times in my day where I could study for my exams.

Use of IT
(For example, word processing a report, using a specialist package to solve a maths problem)

In my high school years I used different types of softwares to do pieces of work

such as coding and making websites. Also currently we are using a website maker
to help us create a website for our assignment.

Achieving your goals

(For example, getting enough votes to be elected to a role in society)
Key words: determination, commitment, will-power, resolution, stamina, ambition, energy,
In year 1 of college I got elected to be the course rep. Being the course rep means
listening to any worries and concerns of the students on your course and then
raising the issue with the course coordinator. Also in high school I got elected to
be a form rep twice and a charity rep for my whole key stage.

Specialist subject knowledge

I have learnt skills to do with finance which is my chosen career in my college
course. I have finance lessons every week and we have gone through different
charts and graphs used in finance.

In which skills can you offer plenty of examples where you are using the skill?

At the moment I am using time management everyday because I have work from
tutors every week and every other week I am getting assignments handed out to
me. Making time to do these and scheduling them allows me to stay on top of it all.
I am also using the ability to solve problems a bit more because I have core maths
classes every week and work from them too.

In which skills do you have no evidence?

I have evidence in all of them.

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