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Reflection Paper

While watching the documentary video about the Tagean- Tallano clan
there is a lot of things that pop out to my mind. This Tagean-Tallano clan
wasn’t new to me, I’ve already read some post on Facebook about them but it
was not detailed unlike in the video. It was hard for me to accept new things
from what I’ve read back then until I’ve watched this video. Knowing that there
are a lot of evidences that proves Tagean – Tallano clan owns the Philippines
turns my whole belief about Philippine history upside down.

This particular part of our history wasn’t taught on our history class
from our grade school to senior high school. So this makes a huge revelation
for everyone in the class and thanks to our professor for letting us watch the
documentary video. If this was true, it would be a big plot twist and big change
to the history of our country. Basically, what I have learned is that Philippine is
discovered by Ferdinand Magellan a Portuguese who led the search for the
spice island under the Spanish crown. And that the Philippine concept being a
country happened only during Spanish period. I haven’t encountered in our
previous history class that the Philippine was ruled by a royal family prior to
Spaniards. And there is this so called the kingdom of Maharlika that includes
the territory of Philippines, Guam and Hawaii that is being ruled by the
Tagean- Tallano clan.

Here are some shocking information I’ve got from the video, first is that
Philippines was once ruled by one family, next is the arrival of British race to
our country and that Rajah Soliman and Lapu Lapu are siblings. With this
surprising information, it makes me confused and has difficulty in choosing
what the right one is and what will I’m going to accept the history books or this
documentary video. I wonder why? If this is true why this thing are being
hidden? Is there something behind this that the Filipino shouldn’t know or is it
just a false claim that shouldn’t be given an attention? This makes me to dig in
more to know the truth regarding our country’s history.

The video shows a lot of evidences. One of it is the OCT No.-01-4 the very
first title issued to the country in 1764. This evidence was proven authentic in
the video. And some famous lawyers in the country defended this issue,
including the former President Ferdinand Marcos. In the video it shows
different lawyers prove that the documents of Tallano clan are authentic.

There is also this discussion in the arrival of the British race to our
country. Based from stock knowledge, Spanish colonization in our country
lasted for 333 years without interruption until the Americans came and served
as the protector of the Filipinos from the oppressive generals, leaders and friars
of the Spain. At this point, I could not imagine the various negotiations
between the Tagean-Tallano clan and the king and queen of Spain that granted
the title of the Philippine ownership to the Tagean-Tallano clan after the
country's leading Spanish leaders, generals and priest held possession of the
lands and wealth of the country. And it was not just during the Spanish period
that there were exchanges of documents and papers providing proof of
ownership of the Tagean-Tallano clan of the Philippines. This continued with
the Americans coming with receipts showing that this clan was the one who
gave millions of dollars to get the Philippines from the Spaniards in the Treaty
of Paris.

And until now, there are still official papers such as court decisions that
support the issue of ownership of the Tagean-Tallano clan of the Philippines.
And the Pasay Regional Trial Court also ruled that they were in favor of the
Tagean-Tallano clan. But this decision was dismissed as null and void by the
Court of Appeals. This decision also made me wonders about its authenticity,
because of the alleged burning down of one of the floors of the Pasay City Hall
where a lot of documents were hidden and stored about this case. It made me
think that maybe, it was meant to destroy and forever clear out the history of a
family that owns the whole of the Philippines. And it is now on your hands
whether to believe or not in the story of the Tagean Tallano clan.

After watching the documentary film I just realized that we should be

more observant on the things we read and we should learn to examine the
knowledge we have for us to be able distinguish it if it’s right or wrong.
Nowadays not all the things we read are true, some are fakes news and we
should be aware of it. There’s lot of factors that can manipulate the truth, just
like Marcos, when I was on grade school he is portrayed as a dictator, a bad
ruler in books but his good deeds was never been taught to us. This only
means that there are these high ranks people that can dictate what will be
released on the media.

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