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Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases (2017) 27, 18e31

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Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and cancer: An overview of

the literature
S. Sieri, V. Krogh*
Epidemiology and Prevention Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy

Received 6 May 2016; received in revised form 16 September 2016; accepted 30 September 2016
Available online 10 October 2016

KEYWORDS Abstract Aims: The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the current evidence for as-
Glycemic index; sociations between dietary glycemic index (GI) and dietary glycemic load (GL), and the risk of
Glycemic load; various types of cancer, and to summarize mechanisms proposed to explain the associations
Cancer risk found.
Data synthesis: Medline was searched for cohort studies, case-control studies, and meta-analyses,
published up to February 2016, that examined associations between dietary GI/GL and cancer.
Findings from the main meta-analyses showed a weak-to-moderate association of high dietary
GI/GL with increased risk of some cancers. High dietary GI but not GL was significantly and
consistently associated with increased colorectal cancer risk in both cohort and case-control
studies. Dietary GL was directly associated with breast and endometrial cancer risk in cohort
studies. Positive associations between dietary GI or GL and cancer risk were found more
frequently in case-control studies than cohort studies. The main mechanism for these associa-
tions is thought to be chronic hyperinsulinemia. Insulin is itself a mitogen and also increases
the bioactivity of insulin-like growth factors which can promote cancer by inhibiting apoptosis
and stimulating cell proliferation.
Conclusions: The review has uncovered consistent evidence that high dietary GI is associated
with increased risk of colorectal cancer, and that high dietary GL is associated with increased risk
of breast and endometrial cancer. However the risk increases are small or moderate.
ª 2016 The Italian Society of Diabetology, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the
Italian Society of Human Nutrition, and the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Feder-
ico II University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction disease in general, and coronary heart disease (CHD) in

particular [2]. However it is now clear that replacing
The consumption of carbohydrates has increased in recent saturated fat by sugars or refined starch does not reduce
years in western countries following advice to consume CHD risk and may increase it [3]; by contrast replacing fat
less fat [1], especially less saturated fat, as it was thought with carbohydrates from whole fruits, vegetables, pulses,
that this would lower the risk of developing cardiovascular and whole grains may decrease CHD risk [4].
In general, consumption of carbohydrate increases
glycemia and blood insulin, but to varying extents,
depending on carbohydrate type (including proportion of
* Corresponding author. Epidemiology and Prevention Unit,
digestion-resistant material that serves as dietary fiber),
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Via Venezian 1, 20133
Milan, Italy. Fax: þ39 02 2390 3510. amount, processing method, and presence of other nutri-
E-mail address: (V. Krogh). ents. These variations are captured by the glycemic index
0939-4753/ª 2016 The Italian Society of Diabetology, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, and the Department of
Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and cancer 19

(GI), a system that ranks carbohydrate foods according to analyses, or original studies not cited in meta-analyses,
their ability to raise blood glucose levels [5]. Glycemic load are included. Information on mechanisms was initially
(GL), the product of a food’s GI and its available carbohy- retrieved from eligible articles, but other papers (not
drate content, was introduced to incorporate the effect of referenced) were subsequently examined.
the total amount of carbohydrate consumed. Thus, dietary
GI reflects the overall ability of consumed carbohydrates to
raise blood glucose (a measure of carbohydrate quality), Cancer in general
dietary GL is the sum of the GLs for all carbohydrate-
containing foods consumed, usually on a daily basis, and We found a meta-analysis [9] that evaluated 36 prospec-
reflects both the quantity and the quality of consumed tive cohort studies, involving 60 811 patients considered to
carbohydrates. have a ‘diabetes-related cancer’ (DRC) according to a
Factors influencing glucose metabolism may play consensus report from the American Diabetes Association
important roles not only in the development cardiovascular and the American Cancer Society [10]. For all DRCs com-
disease and diabetes, but also in other chronic diseases bined (most but not all of the 36 studies included) a
including cancer [6]. In particular, chronically elevated modest-to-weak association between a diet inducing a
blood insulin e as a result of chronically high blood glucose high blood glucose response (high dietary GI) and risk of
e is thought to be the underlying mechanism for GI/GL- developing a DRC was found. A high GL diet was not
related increases in the risks of several cancers [7]. Insulin associated with cancer risk. The association between GI
acts as a growth factor and also increases the bioactivity of and DRC risk was more apparent for North American
insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), such as IGF-1, by studies than those performed elsewhere, and was also
enhancing their synthesis and decreasing their binding evident in women [9].
proteins. IGF-1 can promote tumor development by inhib- We found one cohort study that examined associations
iting apoptosis, and stimulating cell proliferation and sex- between GI and GL and overall cancer risk [11]. High GI
steroid synthesis [7]. IGF-1 has also angiogenic proprieties was associated with increased risk of total cancer among
[8]. Other conditions associated with chronically high blood men but not women, while high GL was associated with
glucose, such insulin resistance, obesity, and diabetes may decreased risk of total cancer in both men and women.
also influence cancer risk [6] and it is likely that both the Subgroup analyses found that the increased all-cancer risk
quantity and the type of carbohydrate consumed can in- associated with high GI was confined to men and women
fluence the risk of these diseases. with high body mass index; and the reduced all-cancer
risk associated with high GL was confined to men and
Topic of review women with low body mass index [11].

We examined epidemiological studies on associations be- Breast cancer

tween high GI/GL diets and cancer risk, assessing all cancer
sites for which data are available, and also summarizing We found three meta-analyses exclusively concerned with
the mechanisms proposed to mediate the associations GI/GL and breast cancer (BC) risk [12e14]. The first, pub-
found. The English language literature up to February 2016 lished in 2008, examined 6 cohort studies, and found no
was examined, providing an important update to previous association between GI/GL and risk of either premeno-
reviews. pausal or postmenopausal BC. However high dietary GI
was significantly associated with BC risk when only studies
Methods that used a food frequency questionnaire with over 100
items (considered more robust) were included [12]. The
We searched MEDLINE using the search terms glycemic second meta-analysis, published in 2011 [13] was per-
index or glycemic load combined with cancer, breast, colo- formed on prospective studies only (10 cohort studies) and
rectal, lung, kidney, prostate, endometrial, ovarian, esopha- found that high dietary GI was associated with signifi-
geal, stomach bladder, liver and pancreatic. We also cantly increased risk of BC, with no significant association
searched reference lists of retrieved studies. We identified between BC risk and GL. The most recent (2016) meta-
600 publications. Review team members screened analysis [14], which included new prospective studies,
retrieved titles and abstracts, eliminating publications and examined 20 973 BC cases from 12 cohort studies,
such as editorials, single case reports, cross-sectional found small increases in BC risk (5% and 6% respectively)
studies, and articles on treatment. The full texts of appar- associated with highest dietary GI and GL compared to
ently relevant articles were obtained. Eligible articles lowest. Associations between dietary GI and GL and BC
were: English language only, case-control studies, cohort were not significantly influenced by menopausal status
studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses, published [13,14] or geographic region [13].
from 1990 to February 2016, that investigated associations We found three other meta-analyses concerned with
of GI or GL with cancer in general, or one or more cancer GI/GL and various types of cancer, including BC [9,15,16],
sites, in adults only. We identified 122 such articles, but published in 2008 [15], 2012 [9] and 2015 [16]. One re-
because of a citation limit only references to meta- ported that high GL [15] and another that high GI [9] were
20 S. Sieri, V. Krogh

associated with increased BC risk (Table 1). Risk factors for proteins, which result in increased levels of bioavailable
BC are known to vary with cancer hormone receptor IGF-1. Epidemiological studies on circulating insulin e as
expression [17]. However there are few data pertaining to reflected by plasma C-peptide and IGF-1 e have found that
associations of dietary carbohydrate, GI, and GL with inferred high insulin is associated with significantly
receptor-defined BC. The meta-analyses discussed above increased risk of developing colorectal cancer [27e30]. As
[13,14] found that estrogen receptor status did not influ- with BC, obesity e a condition associated with chronically
ence the association of BC risk with dietary GI and GL. A elevated blood insulin e could be involved in the positive
study from the European Prospective Investigation into association between high GI/GL and colorectal cancer risk
Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), which was not included in by increasing insulin resistance [31].
previous meta-analyses, reported that a high GL diet was Another possible mechanism by which a high GI diet
directly associated with increased risks of ER and of ER/ may influence colorectal cancer risk is via an effect on
PR BC in postmenopausal women [18]. dietary fiber. A high GI diet is typically low in resistant
Dietary GI and GL have been proposed to play a role in starch (which escapes digestion in the small intestine),
BC etiology by acting through the IGF-1 axis [6]. High while many low-medium GI foods (e.g. wholemeal cereals,
glycemic diets are in fact generally associated with high pulses, and pasta) have high levels of resistant starch.
levels of blood insulin. And insulin may influence cancer Resistant starches have been associated with reduced
development by altering sex hormone metabolism and postprandial insulin levels and reduced risk of type 2
increasing IGF-1 bioactivity (partly by lowering levels of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes has in turn been related to
IGF binding protein). Furthermore, the adverse effects of a increased colon cancer risk [32]. Furthermore, resistant
high GI/GL diet on insulin sensitivity could be exacerbated starches are extensively fermented by large intestine flora
by obesity, which is an important determinant of insulin resulting, among other things, in increased butyrate levels.
resistance [19]. However the mechanisms of the differing Butyrate plays an important role in maintaining intestinal
associations of BC defined by ER and PR status with high homeostasis [33]; it also appears to induce the selective
glycemic diet are unclear. It is noteworthy that a 2010 apoptosis of colon cancer cells [33].
pooled analysis found that IGF-I was significantly associ-
ated with ERþ cancer [20], and a 2009 study on a Endometrial cancer
population-based cohort of 61 433 women found
increased risk of ERþ/PR cancer, but not ERþ/PRþ or Several meta-analyses have found that a high GL diet is
ER/PR cancer with high GI and GL [21]. associated with increased risk of endometrial cancer
Another possible mediator of the relation between high [9,16,34,35]. The risk has been reported as greater in obese
dietary GI/GL and BC is adiponectin. Adiponectin is an women [35]. Dietary GI was unrelated to risk of endome-
adipocyte-produced insulin sensitizer whose levels are trial cancer in these studies, although a 2008 meta-
lowered by high GI and GL diets, at least in diabetic men analysis [15]found that both dietary GL and GI were
[22]. Furthermore lowered adiponectin levels are associ- significantly associated with increased risk of endometrial
ated with increased risk of postmenopausal BC, irre- cancer (Table 3).
spective of levels of IGF-1 and IGF-3 [23]. Endometrial cancer mainly affects postmenopausal
women in industrialized countries [36]. Forty percent of
Colorectal cancer endometrial cancers have been estimated to be related to
obesity; while excessive estrogen exposure, high blood
A meta-analysis of studies on colorectal cancer published pressure, and diabetes may also be associated with
in 2009 [24], assessed case-control and cohort studies; increased risk of this cancer [36].
another [25], published in 2012, considered only pro- High carbohydrate intake may be associated with
spective cohort studies. Neither of these analyses found increased risk of endometrial cancer because such a diet is
any evidence that dietary GI/GL and colorectal cancer were often associated with obesity which increases estrogen
associated. However a 2015 meta-analysis of 15 studies (10 levels. Estrogen is a potent mitogen for the endometrium
cohort studies and 5 case-control studies) [16], a 2012 [37]and is strongly associated with endometrial cancer.
meta-analysis of 10 studies (6 cohort and 4 case-control The increased levels of insulin and increased bioavail-
studies) [26], and a 2012 meta-analysis that considered 9 ability of IGF-1 associated with high carbohydrate intake
prospective cohort studies [9] reported that high GI, but may also promote endometrial cancer [6].
not GL, was associated with increased risk of colorectal or
colon cancer. A single meta-analysis, published in 2008 Ovarian cancer
reported an association between high GL and colorectal
cancer [15] (Table 2). A high GI diet (and consequent hyperinsulinemia) has
As with BC, it has been proposed that a high GI diet may been hypothesized to increase ovarian cancer risk by
increase colorectal cancer risk via effects on insulin and lowering insulin growth factor binding protein, to thereby
IGF-1. Insulin influences short-term metabolism, while IGF increase IGF-1 bioavailability which in turn stimulates cell
axis exerts a longer-term integrating effect on growth [27]. proliferation and sex hormone synthesis [38]. However
Insulin stimulates cell proliferation by direct activation of 2008 [35] and 2015 [16] meta-analyses e the latter of 5
insulin/IGF receptors, or via inhibition of IGF binding studies (2 cohort and 3 case-control) involving 3578 cases
Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and cancer
Table 1 Characteristics of studies and meta-analyses on dietary glycemic index (GI) or glycemic load (GL) and risk of breast cancer.

Author, year (sex) Study name Study location and Age at baseline Cases (n) Cohort size/controls (n)h Comparison GI RR (95%CI) GL RR (95%CI)
follow-up (years) (years)
Prospective studies
Jonas et al., 2003 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 CPSII USA (5) 40e87 1442 63 307 High vs. low 1.03 (0.87e1.22) 0.90 (0.78e1.08)
Cho et al., 2003 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 NHS II USA (8) 26e46 714 90 655 High vs. low 1.05 (0.83e1.33) 1.06 (0.78e1.45)
Holmes et al., 2004 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 NHS USA (18) 34e59 4092 88 678 High vs. low 1.02 (0.82e1.28) 0.87 (0.70e1.12)
Frazier et al., 2004 (F)2,6 NHS II USA (8) 25e42 838 47 355 High vs. low 1.47 (1.04e2.08) 1.23 (0.91e1.67)
Higginbotham et al., 2004 (F)1,2,4,5 WHS USA (6.8) >45 946 39 876 High vs. low 1.03 (0.84e1.28) 1.01 (0.76e1.35)
Nielsen et al., 2005 (F)1,5,6 DDCHS Denmark (6.6) 50e65 634 23 870 Continuous 0.94 (0.80e1.10)a 1.04 (0.90e1.19)b
Silvera et al., 2005 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 NBSS Canada (16.6) 40e59 1461 49 613 High vs. low 0.88 (0.63e1.22) 0.95 (0.79e1.14)
Giles et al., 2006 (F)6 MCCS Australia (9.1) 40e69 324 12 273 Continuousc 0.98 (0.88e1.10) 1.19 (0.93e1.52)
Sieri et al., 2007 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 ORDET Italy (11.5) 34e70 289 8926 High vs. low 1.57 (1.04e2.36) 2.53 (1.54e4.16)
Lajous et al., 2008 (F)3,4,5,6 MGEN France (9) 42e72 1812 62 739 High vs. low 1.14 (0.99e1.32) 1.11 (0.96e1.29)
George et al., 2009 (F)4,5 NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 235 183 535 High vs. low 1.05 (0.97e1.15) 0.96 (0.81e1.12)
Larsson et al., 2009 (F)3,4,5,6 SMC Sweden (17.4) 40e74 2952 61 433 High vs. low 1.08 (0.96e1.21) 1.13 (1.00e1.29)
Wen et al., 2009 (F)3,4,5,6 SWHS China (7.4) 40e70 616 74 942 High vs. low 1.03 (0.79e1.34) 1.07 (0.82e1.39)
Linos et al., 2010 (F)3 NHS II USA (7.8) 34e53 455 39 268 High vs. low 1.18 (0.88e1.58) 0.89 (0.66e1.20)
Shikany et al., 2011 (F)4,5,6 WHI USA (8) 50e79 6115 148 767 High vs. low 1.01 (0.91e1.12) 1.08 (0.92e1.29)
Romieu et al., 2012 (F)5 EPIC Europe (11.5) 34e66 11 576 334 849 High vs. low 1.05 (0.99e1.12) 1.07 (1.00e1.14)
Case-control studies
Augustin et al., 2001 (F)1,5 N/A Italy 23e74 2569 2588 High vs. low 1.36 (1.14e1.64) 1.34 (1.10e1.61)
Levi et al., 2002 (F)1,5 N/A Switzerland 35e74 331 1145 High vs. low 1.60 (1.05e2.43) N/A
Lajous et al., 2005(F)1,5 N/A Mexico 35e69 475 1391 High vs. low 0.84 (0.62e1.15) 1.62 (1.13e2.32)
McCann et al., 2007 (F)1,5 WEB USA 35e79 1166 2105 High vs. lowe 1.02 (0.68e1.53) 1.01 (0.60e1.72)
WEB USA 35e79 1166 2105 High vs. lowf 0.80 (0.61e1.03) 0.74 (0.53e1.03)
Yun et al., 2010 (F)5 N/A South Korea 30e65 362 362 High vs. low 0.44 (0.23e0.85) 0.85 (0.48e1.50)
Hu et al., 2013 (F)5 NECSS Canada 20e76 2362 2492 High vs. low 0.94 (0.78e1.12) 0.83 (0.61e1.12)
Woo et al., 2013 (F)5 N/A Korea N/A 357 357 High vs. low 2.50 (1.46e4.31) 3.27 (1.94e5.50)
Amadou et al., 2015 (F) N/A Mexico 35e69 1000 1074 High vs. low 0.90 (0.68e1.12) 1.10 (0.82e1.10)
Author, year Medline search N studies Cases (n) Study size Studies assessed Comparison GI RR (95%CI) GL RR (95%CI)
Gnagnarella et al. 20081 Up to Oct 2007 11 14 119 370 113 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.08 (0.96e1.22) 1.14 (1.02e1.28)
Mulholland et al. 20082 Up to May 2008 14 17 673 492 011 Cohort High vs. lowd 1.14 (0.95e1.38) N/A
Up to May 2008 14 17 673 492 011 Cohort High vs. lowe 1.11 (0.99e1.25) 1.03 (0.94e1.12)
Dong et al. 20113 Up to Nov 2010 10 15 839 577 538 Cohort High vs. low 1.08 (1.02e1.14) 1.03 (0.98e1.09)
Choi et al. 20124 Up to Sept 2011 11 21 434 870 572 Cohort High vs. low 1.06 (1.02e1.11) 1.04 (0.96e1.12)
Turati et al. 20155 Up to Jan 2015 19f 43 926f 1 385 962 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.05 (0.99e1.11) 1.07 (0.98e1.16)
18g 43 595g control
Mullie et al. 20166 Up to Dec 2011 12 20 973 773 971 Cohort High vs. low 1.05 (1.00e1.11) 1.06 (1.00e1.13)
Each study is referenced by the meta-analyses in which it is included. Original references can be sourced from the meta-analyses.
F: Female; M: Male; N/A: Not available.
Unit for GI: 10 units/d.
Unit for GL: 100 units/d.
Unit: 1 SD.
For analysis on GI.

For analysis on GL.
Cohort size for prospective studies or number of controls for case-control studies.
Table 2 Characteristics of studies and meta-analyses on dietary glycemic index (GI), glycemic load (GL), and risk of colorectal cancer.

Author, year (sex) Study name Study location and Age at baseline Cases (n) Cohort size/controls (n)h Comparison GI RR (95%CI) GL RR (95%CI)
follow-up (years) (years)
Prospective studies
Terry et al., 2003 (F)1,2,4 NBSS Canada (16.5) 40e59 616 49 124 High vs low N/A 1.05 (0.73e1.53)
Higginbotham et al., 2004 (F)1,2,3,4,6 WHS USA (7.9) >45 174 38 451 High vs low 1.71 (0.98e2.98) 2.85 (1.40e5.80)
WHS USA (7.9) >45 174 38 451 Continuous 1.05 (1.00e1.11)a 1.18 (1.04e1.33)b
Oh et al., 2004, (F) NHS USA (<18) 30e55 1715 34 428 High vs low 1.11 (0.94e1.32) 0.92 (0.76e1.11)
Michaud et al., 2005 (F, M)1,2,3,4,5,6 NHS USA (20) 30e55 1096 83 927 High vs low (F) 1.08 (0.87e1.34) 0.89 (0.71e1.11)
HPFS USA (14) 40e75 683 47 422 High vs low (M) 1.14 (0.88e1.48) 1.32 (0.98e1.79)
Larsson et al., 2006 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 SMC Sweden (15.7) 40e76 870 61 433 High vs low 1.00 (0.75e1.33) 1.06 (0.81e1.39)
McCarl et al., 2006 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 IWHS USA (15.0) 55e69 954 35 197 High vs low 1.08 (0.88e1.32) 1.09 (0.88e1.35)
Strayer et al., 2007 (F)1,2,3,4,6 BCDDP USA (8.5) 35e74 490 45 561 High vs low 0.75 (0.56e1.00) 0.91 (0.70e1.20)
Weijenberg et al., 2007 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 NCS Netherlands 55e69 1811 120 852 High vs low 0.81 (0.61e1.08) 0.83 (0.64e1.08)
Howarth et al., 2008 (F,M)4 MEC USA (8) 45e75 1086 105 106 F High vs low N/A 0.75 (0.57e0.97)
MEC USA (8) 45e75 1293 85 898 M High vs low N/A 1.15 (0.89e1.48)
Kabat et al., 2008 (F)2,3,4,5 WHI USA (7.8) 50e79 1476 157 324 High vs low 1.10 (0.92e1.32) 1.11 (0.82e1.49)
George et al., 2009 (F, M)3,4,6 NIH-AARP USA 50e71 1457 183 535 High vs low (F) 1.16 (0.98e1.37) 0.87 (0.64e1.18)
NIH-AARP USA 50e71 3031 262 642 High vs low (M) 1.16 (1.04e1.30) 0.88 (0.72e1.08)
Li et al., 2011 (F)3,4,5,6 SWHS China (9.1) 40e70 475 73 061 High vs low 1.09 (0.81e1.46) 0.94 (0.71e1.24)
Sieri et al., 2014 (F,M)6 EPIC-Italy Italy (11.7) 41e70 421 47 749 High vs low 1.35 (1.03e1.78) 1.43 (0.94e2.18)
Abe et al., 2016 (F,M) JPHC Study Japan (12.5) 45e74 579 38 941 High vs low (F) 0.97 (0.73e1.30) 0.82 (0.55e1.24)
JPHC Study Japan (12.5) 45e74 889 34 560 High vs low (M) 0.92 (0.73e1.14) 0.79 (0.58e1.08)
Case-control studies
Slattery et al., 1997 (F,M)1,2,5,6 N/A USA 30e79 894 1120 High vs low (F) 1.34 (1.00e1.81) N/A
N/A USA 30e79 1099 1290 High vs low (M) 1.37 (1.04e1.82) N/A
Franceschi et al., 2001 (F,M)1,2,5,6 N/A Italy 19e74 1953 4154 High vs low 1.70 (1.40e2.00) 1.80 (1.50e2.20)
N/A Italy 19e74 1953 4154 Continuous 1.16 (1.10e1.22)c 1.20 (1.13e1.29)d
Levi et al., 2002 (F,M)1,2,5,6 N/A Switzerland 35e74 323 1145 High vs low 1.82 (1.19e2.78) N/A
Murtaugh et al., 2006 (F,M)1,2,5,6 N/A USA 30e79 2450 2821 High vs low 1.19 (0.89e1.60) N/A
Hu et al., 2013 (F,M)6 NECSS Canada 20e76 2174 5039 High vs low 1.05 (0.90e1.24) 1.28 (1.05e1.57)
Zelensky et al., 2014 (F,M) N/A USA 1093 1589 High vs low N/A 1.61 (1.25e2.07)
Author, year Medline search N studies Cases (n) Study size (n) Studies assessed Comparison GI RR (95%CI) GL RR (95%CI)
Gnagnarella et al. 20081 Up to Oct 2007 11 12 523 491 053 Cohort þ case- High vs low 1.08 (0.96e1.22) 1.14 (1.02e1.28)
Mulholland et al. 20092 Up to Jul 2008 10 20 330 719 066 Cohort þ case- High vs low 1.15 (0.99e1.34) 1.17 (0.98e1.39)
Choi et al. 20123 Up to Sept 2011 9 15 568e 1 351 019e Cohort High vs low 1.08 (1.00e1.17) 0.99 (0.90e1.09)
11 18 563f 1 591 147f

S. Sieri, V. Krogh
Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and cancer 23

1.07 (0.99e1.15)g 1.01 (0.95e1.08)d e found no evidence for a link between GI/GL and ovarian
1.07 (0.99e1.16) 1.00 (0.91e1.10)

1.17 (1.00e1.36) 1.01 (0.84e1.21)

1.10 (0.97e1.25)
cancer (Table 3).

Prostate cancer

Two 2015 meta-analyses [16,39] e the former of 2 cohort

and 3 case-control studies, total 26 500 cases; the latter of
1.16 (1.07e1.25)

9 cohort and 18 case-control studies, 39 352 cases e found

no significant association between GI/GL and risk of
prostate cancer overall. However, associations were sig-
nificant for case-control studies and for studies carried out
in Europe [39] (Table 3).
One again a high carbohydrate diet has been proposed
to increase prostate cancer risk through hyperinsulinemia
High vs low

High vs low

High vs low

and increased IGF-1 availability [7]. This is supported by an

analysis of prostate cancer risk in relation to circulating
IGFs in up to 10 554 prostate cancer cases and 13 618
controls. In adjusted models, high circulating IGF-I was
significantly associated with increased prostate cancer
Each study is referenced by the meta-analyses in which it is included. Original references can be sourced from the meta-analyses.

risk, which, according to the authors, was strong evidence

that IGF-I is involved in prostate cancer development [40].
Cohort þ case-

Cohort þ case-

Abdominal obesity, especially visceral fat, is associated

with increased hepatic glucose synthesis, reduced glucose


metabolism, higher free fatty acids and lower levels of


SHBG, which may all increase prostate cancer risk through

various pathways [41].
1 146 121e
1 405 064f

Bladder cancer
994 154
994 154
589 746

The previously cited meta-analysis [9]on risk of ‘diabetes-

related-cancers’ found no association of GI/GL with
bladder cancer. Two other epidemiological studies exam-
ined GI/GL and bladder cancer [11,42]. The cohort study
22 692e
22 014f
12 382
12 382
13 015

Cohort size for prospective studies or number of controls for case-control studies.

[11] found a positive association of dietary GL with risk,

whereas the case-control study [42] found no association
of dietary GL with risk, but did find a direct association of
GI with risk (Table 3).

Kidney cancer

A 2009 cohort study [11] and 2013 case-control study [42]



found no evidence of a relation between GI/GL and renal

Up to Oct 2011
Up to Oct 2011

Up to Jan 2015

cancer. However a 2009 case-control study [43] found that

Up to 2011

GI/GL were directly related to risk of renal cell cancer.

Cigarette smoking, obesity, and hypertension are the most
consistently established risk factors for this cancer but
account for less than half of cases [44]. Since a high car-
F: Female; M: Male; N/A: Not available.

bohydrate diet can give rise to obesity it too may predis-

pose to this cancer, however the available data do not
support this hypothesis (Table 3).
Unit for GI: 1 unit/d.

Liver cancer
Unit GL: 50 units/d.
Unit GL: 10 units/d.

Unit GI: 10 units/d.

For analysis on GL.
For analysis on GI.
Unit GI: 5 units/d.
Galeone et al. 20125

Turati et al. 20156

Aune et al. 20124

The previously-cited 2014 meta-analysis [16], assessed

1157 cases of liver cancer in four studies, and found that
dietary GL/GI were not associated with liver cancer risk.
Most of the individual studies had similar findings; how-
ever two case-control studies [45,46] found that high di-




etary GL was significantly associated with increased risk of

Table 3 Characteristics of studies and meta-analyses on dietary glycemic index (GI), glycemic load (GL), and risk of reproductive system and kidney cancers.

Author, year (sex) Study name Study location and Age at baseline Cases (n) Cohort size/controls (n)f Comparison GI RR (95%CI) GL RR (95%CI)
follow-up (years) (years)
Prospective studies
Folsom et al., 2003 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 IWHI USA (>15) 55e69 415 23 335 High vs. low 1.05 (0.77e1.43) 1.24 (0.90e1.72)
Silvera et al., 2005 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 NBSS Canada (16.4) 40e59 426 49 613 High vs. low 1.47 (0.90e2.41) 1.36 (1.01e1.84)
Larsson et al., 2006 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 SMC Sweden (15.6) 40e76 608 66 651 High vs. low 1.00 (0.77e1.30) 1.15 (0.88e1.51)
Cust et al., 2007 (F)1,2,3,4,5,6 EPIC Europe (6.4) 20e85 710 288 428 High vs. low 1.04 (0.84e1.28) 1.15 (0.94e1.41)
George et al., 2009 (F)3,4,5,6 NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 1.041 183 535 High vs. low 0.85 (0.70e1.04) 1.25 (0.86e1.81)
Cui et al., 2011 (F)6 NHS USA (1980e2006) 30e55 669 68 070 High vs. low N/A 1.48 (1.14e1.92)
Coleman et al. 20146 PLCO USA (9.0) 55e75 386 36 115 High vs. low 0.94 (0.70e1.26) 0.63 (0.46e0.84)
PLCO USA (9.0) 55e75 386 36 115 Continuous 0.94 (0.85e1.04) 0.81 (0.72e0.92)
Case-control studies
Augustin et al., 2003 (F)1,2,4,5,6 N/A Italy 23e74 419 753 High vs. low 1.90 (1.25e2.91) 1.10 (0.60e2.03)
N/A Italy 23e74 419 753 Continuousa 1.34 (1.07e1.69) 1.48 (1.13e1.94)
Nagle et al., 2013 (F)5,6 ANECS Australia 18e79 1290 1436 High vs. low 1.43 (1.11e1.83) 1.15 (0.90e1.48)
ANECS Australia 18e79 1290 1436 Continuous 1.13 (1.03e1.24)b 1.14 (0.93e1.40)c
Galeone et al., 2013 (F)4,6 N/A Italy 18e79 454 908 High vs. low 1.03 (0.85e1.32) 1.01 (0.64e1.61)
N/A Italy 18e79 454 908 Continuousa 1.06 (0.85e1.32) 1.04 (0.83e1.29)
Brenner et al., 2015 (F) N/A Canada 30e79 511 980 High vs. low 0.77 (0.44e1.36) 0.87 (0.52e1.46)
Xu et al., 2015 (F)6 N/A China 30e69 1199 1212 High vs. low 2.20 (1.20e4.00) 1.40 (1.00e2.00)
Prospective studies
Silvera et al., 2007 (F)7 NBSS Canada (16.4) 40e59 264 49 613 High vs. low 1.27 (0.65e2.47) 1.72 (1.13e2.62)
George et al., 2009 (F)7 NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 475 183 535 High vs. low 0.90 (0.67e1.23) 0.48 (0.28e0.84)
Case-control studies
Augustin et al., 2003 (F)7 N/A Italy 23e74 1031 2411 High vs. low 1.65 (1.30e2.09) 1.65 (1.30e2.09)
Nagle et al., 2011 (F)7 ANECS Australia 18e79 1366 1414 High vs. low 1.09 (0.87e1.36) 1.24 (1.00e1.55)
Hu et al., 2013 (F)7 NECSS Canada 20e76 442 2492 High vs. low 0.84 (0.61e1.17) 1.10 (0.62e1.95)
Quin et al., 2015 (F) AACES USA 20e79 406 609 High vs. low 1.03 (0.70e1.50) 1.35 (0.93e1.97)
Prospective studies
Shikany et al., 2011 (M)8,9 PLCO USA (9.2) 55e74 2436 38 343 High vs. low 0.95 (0.82e1.09) 0.89 (0.71e1.12)
Nimptsch et al., 2011 (M)8,9 HPFS USA (1986e2007) 40e75 5112 49 934 High vs. low 1.00 (0.91e1.10) 0.92 (0.84e1.00)
George et al., 2009 (M)8,9 NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 15 900 262 642 High vs. low 0.98 (0.93e1.03) 0.48 (0.28e0.84)
Case-control studies
Hu et al., 2013 (M)8,9 NECSS Canada 20e76 1799 2547 High vs. low 1.26 (1.03e1.54) 1.29 (0.92e1.81)
Augustin et al., 2004 (M)8,9 N/A Italy 46e74 1204 1352 High vs. low 1.57 (1.19e2.07) 1.41 (1.04e1.89)
N/A Italy 46e74 1204 1352 Continuousa 1.28 (1.11e1.47) 1.22 (1.05e1.41)
Vidal et al., 2015 (M)9 N/A USA 63 (SD 6.0) 156 274 High vs. low 2.16 (1.06e4.42) N/A
Prospective studies

S. Sieri, V. Krogh
George et al., 2009 (F,M)10 NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 235 183 535 F High vs. low 0.91 (0.60e1.38) 0.89 (0.41e1.91)
NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 1246 262 642 M High vs. low 1.29 (1.07e1.54) 0.99 (0.72e1.36)
Case-control studies
Hu et al., 2013 (M) NECSS Canada 20e76 1029 5039 High vs. low 1.26 (1.01e1.58) 0.92 (0.69e1.22)
Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and cancer
Prospective studies
George et al., 2009 (F,M) NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 322 183 535 F High vs. low 0.84 (0.59e1.21) 0.78 (0.39e1.51)
NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 857 262 642 M High vs. low 1.05 (0.84e1.31) 1.05 (0.72e1.55)
Case-control studies
Galeone et al., 2009 N/A Italy 24e79 767 1534 High vs. low 1.43 (1.05e1.95) 2.56 (1.78e3.70)
N/A Italy 24e79 767 1534 Continuousa 1.23 (1.05e1.44) 1.39 (1.17e1.64)
Hu et al., 2013 NECSS Canada 20e76 1345 5039 High vs. low 1.18 (0.98e1.43) 1.09 (0.86e1.38)
Author, year Medline search N studies Cases (n) Study size (n) Studies assessed Comparison GI RR (95%CI) GL RR (95%CI)
Mulholland et al. 20081 Up to Dec 2007 5 2569 413 558 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.20 (0.95e1.51) 1.38 (1.08e1.77)
Gnagnarella et al. 20082 Up to Oct 2007 5 2578 428 780 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.22 (1.01e1.49) 1.36 (1.14e1.62)
Choi et al. 20123 Up to Sept 2011 5 3200 611 562 Cohort High vs. low 1.00 (0.87e1.14) 1.21 (1.07e1.37)
Galeone et al. 20124 Up to Sept 2011 6 3619 612 315 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.09 (0.92e1.29) 1.19 (1.06e1.34)
Nagle et al. 20135 Up to Jul 2011 7 4909 613 751 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.15 (0.95e1.40) 1.21 (1.09e1.33)
Turati et al. 20156 Up to Jan 2015 10d 6939d 651 078d Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.13 (0.98e1.32) 1.17 (1.00e1.37)
11e 7608e 719 148e control
Turati et al. 20157 Up to Jan 2015 5 3578 239 465 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.11 (0.85e1.46) 1.19 (0.85e1.68)
Turati et al. 20158 Up to Jan 2015 6d 26 656d 354 818d Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.06 (0.96e1.18) 1.04 (0.91e1.18)
5e 26 500e 354 544e control
Wang et al. 20159 Up to April 2015 6 39 352 355 092 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.06 (0.96e1.18) 1.04 (0.91e1.18)
Choi et al. 201210 Up to Sept 2011 1 1481 446 177 Cohort High vs. low 1.14 (0.82e1.58) 0.97 (0.73e1.31)
Each study is referenced by the meta-analyses in which it is included. Original references can be sourced from the meta-analyses.
F: Female; M: Male; N/A: Not available.
Unit: difference between 80th and 20th percentile.
Unit for GI: 5 units/d.
Unit for GL: 50 units/d.
For analysis on GI.
For analysis on GL.
Cohort size for prospective studies or number of controls for case-control studies.

26 S. Sieri, V. Krogh

hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic increased blood insulin which may promote cancer
hepatitis. development by altering sex hormone metabolism and
A supposed link between GI/GL and liver cancer has increasing IGF-1 bioactivity, which may in turn inhibit
been suggested as mediated by the association of high apoptosis [57]. IGF-1 has been shown to stimulate growth
dietary GI/GL with obesity and positive energy balance, in human esophageal cancer cell lines [58]. By increasing
which may lead to insulin resistance. Positive risk associ- insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia,
ations have been reported between GL and risk of diabetes obesity may exacerbate the effect of the high GI diet, and
[47], which is in turn risk factor for liver cancer [47], as is contribute to the risk of esophageal cancer.
obesity [48] (Table 4). Insulin resistance can increase fatty
acid turnover, leading to altered liver metabolism in turn Lung cancer
resulting in increased glucose output, greater synthesis of
proinflammatory cytokines, and alterations in lipoprotein Few studies have addressed associations of GI/GL with
metabolism [49]. These changes could increase the risk of lung cancer. Two case-control studies [59,60] found that
hepatocellular carcinoma. high GI was significantly associated with increased lung
cancer risk; whereas none of the epidemiological studies
Pancreatic cancer (3 case-control and one cohort studies) that addressed the
issue [11,42,59,60] found a significant association of GL
A 2008 meta-analysis of four studies [15], two 2012 meta- with lung cancer (Table 4). Animal and cell culture studies
analyses of ten cohort studies [9,50], and a 2015 meta- show that IGF-1 is a potent mitogen for lung cancer and
analysis of 11 studies [16] found no evidence of a link other cancer cells [61]. However a meta-analysis of nested
between a dietary GI/GL and risk of pancreatic cancer. case-control studies found no evidence for a significant
However, these findings are in contrast to those of a 2005 association of circulating IGF-1 levels and lung cancer risk
case-control study on men smokers, which found, after [62]. Further research is necessary to understand the
adjusting for age, smoking, and body mass index, that mechanisms linking GI/GL, the IGF axis, and lung cancer
baseline fasting serum concentrations of glucose and in- risk in humans.
sulin, and presence of insulin resistance, were directly
associated with risk of pancreatic cancer [51]. Similarly, in Discussion
a 2007 study, on 33 293 women, 31 304 men and 2478
incident cases of various types of cancer, risk of pancreatic The main finding of this review is that a high GI/GL diet is
cancer was significantly associated with high fasting associated with weakly or moderately increased risk of
glucose that was unaffected by adjustment for BMI [52] only a few types of cancer. In particular high GI was
(Table 4). associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer in
cohort and case-control studies [9,16]; and high GI and GL
were associated with increased risk of breast cancer [14],
Stomach cancer
and high GL with increased risk of endometrial cancer [9]
in cohort studies. For cancer in general (diabetes-related
A 2016 meta-analysis that analyzed six studies (2 cohort
cancers) [9] a modest-to-weak association between high
and 4 case-control) found no significant association be-
dietary GI and increased risk was found, with no associa-
tween dietary GI/GL and risk of gastric cancer overall [53].
tion for GL.
However, high GL was significantly associated with gastric
Although several etiological hypotheses have been put
cancer in males but not females [53] (Table 4). The
forward, chronically high blood glucose giving rise to
increased blood glucose and insulin levels resulting from
hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance and enhanced bioac-
high GI/GL diets have been suggested to contribute to
tivity of the IGF axis (and in particular of the potent mitogen
gastric carcinogenesis by the activation of the IGF axis [7].
IGF-1) is the most commonly-invoked mechanism to ac-
IGF-I has been linked to increased mitogenesis in gastric
count for associations of high carbohydrate diet with
cancer cell lines [54], and high IGF-I levels have been
increased cancer risk [27]. Insulin may also influence cancer
found in patients with gastric cancer in comparison to
development by altering sex hormone metabolism [63].
healthy controls [55]. Furthermore a cohort study reported
The differing associations of dietary GI and dietary GL
a direct relationship between fasting plasma glucose levels
with different types of cancer probably reflect that fact
and risk of stomach cancer in people seropositive for
that GI is a measure of glucose availability (carbohydrate
Helicobacter pylori [56].
quality) and is independent of quantity, while GL is a
measure of the total glycemic effect, and is hence an in-
Esophageal cancer dicator of the insulin demand of the diet. If risks of breast
and endometrial cancer are related to the overall insulin
A 2015 meta-analysis of four studies for a total of 1097 demand of the diet, then that risk should show a stronger
cases reported summary relative risks for esophageal relation to GL than GI, since GL is more likely to lead to
cancer in relation to high dietary GI and GL that were chronically increased blood glucose levels [64]. By contrast
above unity, but were not significant [16] (Table 4). As colorectal cancer risk seems to depend on the quality of
noted, high carbohydrate intake is associated with the carbohydrate consumed rather than the overall
Table 4 Characteristics of studies and meta-analyses on dietary glycemic index (GI), glycemic load (GL), and risk of other types of cancer.

Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and cancer

Author, year (sex) Study name Study location and Age at baseline Cases (n) Cohort size/ Comparison GI RR (95%CI) GL RR (95%CI)
follow-up (years) (years) controls (n)h
Prospective studies
George et al., 2009 (F,M)1,2 NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 72 183 535 F High vs. low 0.95 (0.43e2.10) 0.18 (0.04e0.79)
NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 238 262 642 M High vs. low 1.62 (1.05e2.48) 0.47 (0.23e0.95)
Fedirko et al., 2013 (F,M)2 EPIC Europe (11.4) 34e66 191 477 206 High vs. low 1.09 (0.71e1.66) 1.19 (0.72e1.97)
EPIC Europe (11.4) 34e66 191 477 206 Continuous 1.04 (0.71e1.51)a 1.19 (0.64e2.21)b
Vogtmann et al., 2013 (F,M)2 SWHS/SMHS China (11.2) 40e70 139 72 966 F High vs. low 2.17 (1.08e4.35) 1.02 (0.59e1.79)
SWHS/SMHS China (11.2) 40e70 208 60 207 M High vs. low 0.89 (0.58e1.37) 1.07 (0.68e1.67)
Case-control studies
Rossi et al., 2009 (F,M)2 N/A Italy 43e84 185 412 High vs. low N/A 3.02 (1.49e6.12)
N/A Italy 43e84 185 412 Continuousc N/A 1.40 (1.15e1.69)
Lagiou et al., 2009 (F,M)2 Greece 63.9 (9.6) 333 360 High vs. low N/A 1.50 (0.90e2.50)
Continuousc N/A 1.08 (0.93e1.25)
Hu et al., 2013 (M)2 NECSS Canada 20e76 309 5039 High vs. low 0.71 (0.49e1.01) 1.17 (0.75e1.84)
Prospective studies
Michaud et al., 2002 (F,M)3,4,5,6 NHS USA (18) 55e69 180 88 802 High vs. low 1.16 (0.69e1.97) 1.53 (0.96e2.45)
Silvera et al., 2005 (F)3,4,5,6 NBSS Canada (16.5) 40e59 112 49 613 High vs. low 1.43 (0.56e3.65) 0.80 (0.45e1.41)
Johnson et al., 2005 (F)3,4,5,6 IWHS USA (16) 55e69 181 33 551 High vs. low 1.08 (0.74e1.58) 0.87 (0.56e1.34)
Patel et al., 2007 (F,M)3,4,5,6 USA (9) 50e74 401 124 907 High vs. low 0.80 (0.53e1.20) 1.10 (0.73e1.64)
Nothlings et al., 2007 (F,M)4,6 MCS USA (8) 45e75 434 162 150 High vs. low N/A 1.10 (0.80e1.52)
Heinen et al., 2008 (F,M)4,5 NCS Netherlands (13.3) 55e69 408 3980 High vs. low 0.87 (0.59e1.29) 0.85 (0.58e1.24)
NCS Netherlands (13.3) 55e69 408 3980 Continuous 0.98 (0.81e1.19)a 1.03 (0.77e1.39)b
George et al., 2009 (F,M)4,6 NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 348 183 535 F High vs. low 1.00 (0.71e1.40) 0.49 (0.26e0.94)
NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 601 262 642 M High vs. low 1.19 (0.92e1.55) 0.67 (0.42e1.08)
Jiao et al., 2009 (F,M)5 NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 1151 482 362 High vs. low 1.09 (0.90e1.32) 0.95 (0.74e1.22)
Meinhold et al., 2010 (F,M)4,5,6 PLCO USA (6.5) 55e74 266 109 175 High vs. low 1.00 (0.69e1.47) 1.41 (0.97e2.07)
Simon et al., 2010 (F)4,5 WHI USA (8) 50e79 287 139 503 High vs. low 1.13 (0.78e1.63) 0.80 (0.55e1.15)
Case-control studies
Rossi et al., 2009 (F,M)6 N/A Italy 43e84 326 652 High vs. low 1.78 (1.20e2.62) 1.26 (0.83e1.91)
Hu et al., 2013 (F,M)6 NECSS Canada 20e76 628 5039 High vs. low 1.09 (0.84e1.42) 1.00 (0.94e1.53)
Prospective studies
Larsson et al. 20067,8 SMC Sweden (17$4) 40e74 156 61 277 High vs. low 0.77 (0.46e1.30) 0.76 (0.46e1.25)
George et al., 2009 (F,M)7,8 NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 127 183 535 F High vs. low 1.12 (0.64e1.97) 0.67 (0.24e1.90)
NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 440 262 642 M High vs. low 1.50 (1.09e2.08) 1.42 (0.81e2.49)
Case-control studies
Augustin et al. 20047,8 N/A Italy 19e79 769 2081 High vs. low 1.06 (0.82e1.38) 1.94 (1.47e2.55)
Bertuccio et al. 20097,8 N/A Italy 22e80 230 547 High vs. low 2.10 (1.20e3.60) 2.70 (1.50e4.8)
N/A Italy 22e80 230 547 Continuousc 1.40 (1.10e1.90) 1.50 (1.20e2.00)
Lazarevic et al. 20097,8 N/A Serbia 45e85 102 204 High vs. low 0.39 (0.14e1.15) 1.28 (0.44e3.76)
Hu et al. 20137,8 NECSS Canada 20e76 1182 5039 High vs. low 0.90 (0.74e1.11) 0.93 (0.67e1.29)
Prospective studies
George et al., 2009 (F,M)9 NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 76 183 535 F High vs. low 1.27 (0.60e2.67) 2.18 (0.57e8.32)
NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 425 262 642 M High vs. low 1.50 (1.10e2.05) 0.65 (0.38e1.11)
Case-control studies

(continued on next page)
Table 4 (continued )

Author, year (sex) Study name Study location and Age at baseline Cases (n) Cohort size/ Comparison GI RR (95%CI) GL RR (95%CI)
follow-up (years) (years) controls (n)h
Augustin et al. 20039 N/A Italy <77 304 743 High vs. low 1.5 (0.90e2.6) 1.3 (0.5e2.9)
N/A Italy <77 304 743 Continuous 1.1 (1.0e1.4)d 1.2 (1.0e1.5)e
Mulholland et al., 2009 FINBAR Ireland 85 220 260 High vs. low 1.52 (0.84e2.76) 1.14 (0.55e2.33)
FINBAR Ireland 85 220 260 Continuous 1.42 (1.07e1.89)d 0.93 (0.63e1.39)b
Eslamian et al. 20139 N/A Kurdistan 47 96 High vs. low 2.95 (1.68e3.35) 2.95 (1.68e3.35)
Lahmann et al. 20149 N/A Australia 18e79 245 1507 High vs. low 0.73 (0.46e1.14) 0.52 (0.33e0.82)
N/A Australia 18e79 245 1507 Continuous 0.89 (0.66e1.21)d 0.70 (0.50e0.97)b
Prospective studies
George et al., 2009 (F,M) NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 2228 183 535 F High vs. low 1.12 (0.98e1.27) 0.81 (0.64e1.03)
NIH-AARP USA (1995e2003) 50e71 3769 262 642 M High vs. low 1.08 (0.98e1.20) 0.93 (0.78e1.11)
Case-control studies
Hu et al., 2013 NECSS Canada 20e76 3341 5039 High vs. low 1.04 (0.89e1.23) 0.98 (0.80e1.21)
De stefani et al., 2016 N/A Uruguay 30e89 463 465 High vs. low 2.77 (1.28e5.97) N/A
Melkonian et al., 2016 N/A Texas Mean 60.7 1905 2413 High vs. low 1.49 (1.21e1.83) 1.16 (0.94e1.42)
Author, year Medline search N studies Cases (n) Study size (n) Studies assessed Comparison GI RR (95%CI) GL RR (95%CI)
Choi et al. 20121 Up to Sept 2011 1 310 446 177 Cohort High vs. low 1.38 (0.86e2.23) 0.37 (0.16e0.84)
Turati et al. 20152 Up to Jan 2015 4f 1157f 1 061 595f Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.11 (0.80e1.53) 1.14 (0.78e1.67)
6g 1675g 1 062 367g control
Gnagnarella et al. 20083 Up to Oct 2007 4 874 296 873 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.11 (0.86e1.43) 1.14 (1.02e1.28)
Choi et al. 20124 Up to Sept 2011 8f 2183f 1 157 858f Cohort High vs. low 1.05 (0.93-1-19) 0.95 (0.79e1.13)
9g 2617g 1 320 008g
Aune et al. 20125 Up to Sept 2011 8 2550f 1 031 893f Cohort High vs. low 1.04 (0.93e1.17) 1.01 (0.88e1.15)
2986g 1 194 043g
Continuous 1.02 (0.93e1.11)a 1.03 (0.93e1.14)b
Turati et al. 20156 Up to Jan 2015 10f 3680f 1 001 399f Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.10 (0.99, 1.22) 1.01 (0.85, 1.19)
11g 4114g 1 163 549g control
Ye et al. 20157 Up to March 2015 6 3600 515 325 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.17 (0.80e1.69) 1.06 (0.90e1.26)
Turati et al. 20158 Up to Jan 2015 6 3600 515 325 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.17 (0.83e1.66) 1.10 (0.85e1.42)
Turati et al. 20159 Up to Jan 2015 4 1097 448 523 Cohort þ case- High vs. low 1.46 (0.90e2.38) 1.25 (0.45e3.48)
Each study is referenced by the meta-analyses in which it is included. Original references can be sourced from the meta-analyses.
F: Female; M: Male; N/A: Not available.

S. Sieri, V. Krogh
Unit for GI: 5 units/d.
Unit GL: 50 units/d.
Unit: difference between 80th and 20th percentile.
Unit for GI: 10 units/d.
Unit GL: 100 units/d.
For analysis on GI.
For analysis on GL.
Cohort size for prospective studies or number of controls for case-control studies.
Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and cancer 29

quantity. Thus, although the Italian EPIC study found that glucose and insulin responses to a food item are influenced
high dietary GI was significantly associated with increased by other items or macronutrients eaten with it, the cook-
risk of colorectal cancer, when carbohydrate intake was ing procedure, and even the chewing time. Such factors are
divided into that from high GI (mainly white bread, sugar/ not easily assessed by an FFQ.
honey and jam, pizza and refined rice) and that from low- Once consumption estimates has been obtained from
medium GI foods (mainly pasta and fruit), only high car- an FFQ, it is necessary to use food composition tables to
bohydrate intake from high GI foods was significantly estimate GI. However the GI of a given food may vary
associated with increased colorectal cancer risk, while between countries since food variety, processing and
high carbohydrate intake from low GI foods was signifi- cooking vary. Local composition tables that measure GIs of
cantly associated with decreased cancer risk [65]. local foods are likely to be more accurate than those pre-
The overall finding that associations of GI/GL with sent in international food composition tables.
cancer risk are only weak-to-modest is in line with the fact Finally, positive associations between dietary GI/GL and
that dietary GI/GL is one of several factors that contribute cancer risk were more frequently reported by case-control
to hyperinsulinemia. Others are genetic predisposition, than cohort studies. A possible reason for this is that case-
adiposity, physical activity [66], non-carbohydrate foods control studies are more prone to problems of recall and
that influence insulin secretion [67], and coffee con- selection bias than cohort studies. Furthermore most case-
sumption that influences insulin resistance but not insulin control were carried out in Europe and most cohort
secretion [68]. studies were carried out in North America. The differences
The plasma insulin response is not, in general, propor- in results between European and North American may also
tional to the blood glucose response Protein and fat intake reflect differences in dietary habits between the two
may also exert strong influences on insulin secretion [69]. continents. People in Europe consume higher levels of
For some cancers significant associations of high dietary carbohydrates and also a greater variety of carbohydrates
GI/GL intake with cancer risk were found only for those [77] than for people in North America [78], who tend to
who were overweight [16]. BMI strongly influences insulin consume proportionately more fats. This apparently more
resistance and hyperinsulinemia [31] and overweight homogenous and fat-rich diet of North Americans
persons may in general have a greater insulin response to compared to Europeans, would explain why North Amer-
dietary intake than those who are lean [70]. ican studies often fail to find associations between carbo-
Most of the reviewed studies did not do separate sub- hydrate and cancer risk.
site analyses. Subsites for some cancers may have differing To conclude, this review has uncovered consistent evi-
sensitivities to the effects of a high carbohydrate diet, that dence that only the risks of colorectal cancer, breast can-
would not have been revealed by the aggregate analyses. cer, and endometrial cancer are increased by a diet
For example, colon cancer cells are more susceptible to the inducing high blood glucose levels. The risk increases are
growth-promoting effects of insulin in vitro than rectal in all cases small-to-moderate. The risks of developing
cancer cells [71] It is noteworthy also that colon and other cancers do not appear to be influenced by dietary GI
rectum derive from different segments of embryonic in- or GL. However low GI diets have several other health
testinal tract and differ in function [72]. advantages and tend to be rich in dietary fiber, micro-
For esophageal cancer, the main histologic types nutrients and phytochemicals (e.g. plant sterols) that may
adenocarcinoma, gastro-esophageal junction adenocarci- be important elements in a healthy diet.
noma, and squamous cell carcinoma, are distinct entities
with distinct risk factors [73]. For gastric cancer also, the
various anatomic locations and histologic types appear to Funding
be etiologically heterogeneous [68].
Errors in measuring carbohydrate consumption, and This research did not receive any specific grant from
between-study variation in methods of estimating carbo- funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-
hydrate consumption, could also weaken hypothesized profit sectors.
associations between dietary carbohydrate and cancer risk.
Carbohydrate consumption is estimated by food frequency Acknowledgement
questionnaires (FFQs). Various FFQs are in use, varying
from one with only 29-items [74]to one with 200 items The authors thank Don ward for help with the English.
[75]. The more comprehensive instruments may provide
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