Verse of Bathing Buddha

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Verse of Bathing Buddha (Yokubutsu no ge 浴佛の偈, Yokubutsu ge 浴佛偈) (No.

We deeply bow our heads to the Most Holy Blessed One,
in the heavens above and this earth below, most revered of two legged beings.
We now, with this water of merit,
bathe the pure dharma body of the Tathagata.
keishu dai sho bagya bon 稽首大聖薄伽梵
ten jo ten ge ryo soku son 天上天下兩足尊
gatō kon iku doku sui 我等今以功德水
kan yoku nyorai jo hos-shin 灌浴如來淨法身

Verse of Bathing Buddha (Yokubutsu ge 浴佛偈) (No. 2)

We now bathe the various tathagatas;
their pure wisdom is adorned with an aggregate of merit.
The five impurities of living beings are rendered free from pollution;
together we bear witness to the pure dharma body of the Tathagata.

gakon kan boku shonyo rai 我今灌沐諸如來

jōchi sho gon kudokuju 淨智莊嚴功德聚
gojoku shujō rei riku 五濁衆生令離垢
do sho nyorai jo hos-shin 同證如來淨法身

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