Writing Instructional Model For Elementary Education Program

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Rohana Syamsuddin
Universitas Negeri Makassar


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Intternational Jou
urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

Wriiting Innstructio
onal M
Model fo
or Elem
mentary Educaation
Elementaary Educatioon Program of Educatio
on Faculty
Staate Universiity of Makaassar, Indoneesia
E rhnsyyamsuddin @gmail.com

Received: Decemberr 10, 2015 Accepted: December 27, 2015 Published:

P Deecember 28, 2015

doi:10.55296/ijele.vv4i1.8791 URL: httpp://dx.doi.orrg/10.5296//ijele.v4i1.88791

The maain objective of this ressearch is too develop an n instruction
nal model oof narrativee writing
in Engllish for studdents of Eleementary Edducation Prrogram (PG GSD). This rresearch co onducted
at of EElementary Education Program inn 2013/2014, the research was ccarried out through
researchh and deveelopment (R R&D) methhod. The qu ualitative data
d relatedd to respond dents in
general view on thhe model developed andd that of thee instruction nal model oof narrative writing.
The ressult of the field testinng through one group pretest-posst-test desiggn showed that the
student post-test average
a writting scores were signifficantly greeater than thhose of the pretest.
The ressult of testinng through pretest-post
p t-test works showed thaat the studennt post-test average
scores in the expeerimental groups
g weree significanntly greater than thosee of in the control
groups. The materrial of writing could inncrease stud dent competence in wrriting narrattive text
that. "Significantlyy; the expertts agreed too the theorettical design used devellop the instrructional
model oof narrative writing.
Keywords: writingg, narrative, instructionnal

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Intternational Jou
urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

A. Inttroduction
1. Back
kground of the Probleem
In learnning Englissh as the foreign
f langguage, we have to kn now the fouur basic sk kills and
compreehension. The four skills are reaading, speak king, writin
ng, and listtening. In learning
Englishh, writing iss the most difficult
d shaall to masterry because writing
w connsists of oth
her skills
and lannguage com mponents, such
s as orgganization, vocabulary y, and struccture. Furthhermore,
Donn B
Byrne ( 19884: 3) stated
d that,” Wee can now begin
b to seee why writiing is comm
monly a
difficultt activity foor most peoople, both iin the mothher tongue and
a in a forreign language. We
look att the problems which h are causeed by writiing under three
t headiing; psycho
linguisttic, and cognnitive, altho
ough these iinevitably overlap
o to so
ome extent.””
Writingg is applicaation of inteellectually, would shaare anything g and makee changes in i many
aspects of life by thheir writing
g, writing caan measure how many products off intellectuaal people
produceed by the coountry. We know that many book ks needed not only for education, but also
econommics, politicss, religion, and
a other asspects, but in
n general we still adoptt from foreig
gn book.
This is a proof off the lack writer
w in ourr country. Actually,
A In
ndonesia haas many inteellectual
people with their skill
s and knnowledge; hhowever mo ost of them
m are not skkilled to appply their
knowledge in writiing book.
Writingg is an activvity that can n be calledd as Re-creaation and Recreation
R RRichards (19986: 21)
stated thhat, “To re--create meaans to give fresh life too something g. Wheneveer someone paints a
picture or writes a poem orr even exp resses an opinion o thaat person iss using hiss or her
imaginaation to seee the world a little diffferently any yone else seees it. Writin
ing is the means
m by
which yyour choicee of what to t focus onn and give urgent emp phasize to, becomes a shared
experiennce. Writingg can also give
g both em motional and d aesthetic pleasure;
p thiis, we mightt call the
recreatiional as welll as the re--creation asppects of wrriting.” Therre are manyy ways to share
s the
feeling by writing as re-creatio on and recrreation in to writing pro oduct writiing productts can be
found aanywhere, forf examplee, when we go to the store s bookss we can finnd books an nd other
writing products; such
s as, maggazine, tablooid, story book, biograaphy, etc.
Collegee students should
s masster writing skill becau use there are
a generatiions who will w give
contribuution to thee future by their
t knowlledge and skills. Studeents can shaare their kno owledge
and expperience byy providing g books annd articles. In this caase, studentts can mak ke good
arrangeements and write exp perience onnly by learn ning writin
ng skills, eespecially narrative
writing. They mustt have good d ability in iit. Here, leaarn to make narrative esssay writing
g is very
importaant becausse of some aspects; nar arrative essaay will help students too find the problems
around them in thhe past or already
a happpened, they y have more ideas to ssolve the problems
becausee they learnn from experriences. F Furthermoree, students area able to m make other kinds of
writing products inn order to bee read by otthers and wo ould make a better chan
ange for hum man life.
Narrativve essays reely on concrrete and sennsory detaills to convey
y people's ppoint of view
w. These
details create a uniified, forcefful effect, a dominant impression in essay onn reader. As one of
the moddes of expossitory writinng, narrativve offers the opportunity
y to think an
and write, to
o explain

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Intternational Jou
urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

experiennces lead to some imp portant reallization or conclusion

c about theirr lives or ab
bout the
world, in general. Through th he narrativee essay, peo
ople have thhe chance tto record an nd share
those eexperiences as a mean ns to substtantiate theiir new undderstanding,, by mastering the
narrativve essay wrriting, colleg
ge students will be mo ore productive writer, bbecause theey know
how to order their experience and more inntelligible in exploring g idea to be good writerrs.
The bigggest challeenge for teaachers trans lated writinng; this occurs when thhe English learners
developp their idea in
i native lannguage and then try to translate theem into Engglish. The writing
w is
fully off inaccurate verb tenses and unintellligible senttences. The chaotic struucture and grammar
make thhe writing difficult
d to understandd. This response indicaates little unnderstandin ng of the
narrativve task. Insstead, the writer
w proviides some observation
o ns about geetting attenttion, but
overloooks the needd to develop p a story. T
The writing does not esstablish an aappropriatee time or
place, aand there iss no movem ment througgh time in a chronological sensee. Ideas seem to be
irrelevaant due to their
t vagueeness and/orr weak con nnection to the writingg task (atteention is
somethiing that is hard
h to do).. Also, the rresponse sh
hows little sense
s of auddience and minimal
author iinvolvemennt. The writeer begins thhis fairly susstained resp
ponse with aan acknowleedgment
of beingg the centerr of attentionn on numerrous occasioons. Howev ver, the respponse indicaates little
understanding of thhe assigned d narrative ttask. Brian (2009) Resp ponding to another's writing
w is
always a challengiing task, prraise, questtion and wiish solves dilemmas
d oof tone by adopting
positivee language that
t strength hens the wriiter's
Syah (22006) writinng assignmeents are prim marily temp plate assign
nment that pprescribes the
t form
and thee content off compositiion; the wrriting process is often prescribed also as lin near and
sequenttial process. Carrol (19 982) Writinng a good composition
c n is not easyy, we must follow
many sttep, the writting steps (1
1) Get somee ideas, (2) organize thee ideas, (3) write a plan
n or first
draft (4)) make channges, revise and rewritee a (5) makee final plan, and check eeverything carefully
or make sure that don't have any mistakkes. Check grammar, spelling, annd punctuattion and
choose a title. Donnald and Glloria (2004)) every lang guage has itts own gram mmatical syystem of
written English .Inn order to help studentss write bettter, rewrite or reproducction written uses a
special approach based on ourr analysis off written En nglish and too improve sstudent written.
Many innstructionall practices of o narrativee writing immplemented by the stilll tend to em mphasize
the lingguistic aspects and neg glect studennt differencees in the in
nstruction oof narrative writing.
Besidess, the studennts had lack of opportunnities and gu uidance fromm teachers tto practices writing.
It is reaal that generally, the insstructional ppractices of writing hav
ven't changeed from timee to time
though the Englishh curriculum m has been cchanged. Th herefore, the developmment of instrructional
model oof narrative writing is necessary.
Based oon the descrription, it caan be concluuded that th
he main reasson of conduducting this research
is that the instructional praactices of nnarrative writing
w implemented bby the teacchers at
Elemenntary Educattion Program m of Educattion Facultyy in State Un
niversity off Makassar have
h not
been diirected to thhe achievem ment of the basic comp petence of writing
w in E
English as a foreign
languagge. That maain reason is evidenceed in some phenomena of instrucctional pracctices of
narrativve writing at
a Elementarry Educatioon Program (PGSD). Firstly,
F the ppractices off writing
instructtion are stilll emphasizeed the mechhanical and linguistic matters.
m Secoondly, the practices

81 w
Intternational Jou
urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

of writinng instruction have nott given enouugh opportu

unities to thee students inndicated by the lack
of guidaance or otheers' responses.
In addittion, the ressearch is carrried out as a responsee to recomm
mendation onn the imporrtance of
innovattion on writting narrativve. Finally, writing mu ust be learniing and taugght since th
here is in
one cann take it foor granted. One of thee things to prepare by y the teachhers is an effective
instructtional modeel to teaching writing.
2 .Stateements of th
he Problem
The prooblem of thiis research is formulateed in the folllowing quesstion, “How
w is the instrructional
model oof narrative writing in English
E for Elementary y Education
n Program?””
B. Theooretical Deescription
1. The N
Nature of Innstructional Model
The termm ‘instructiional modell' has variouus meanings. Richard and a Renanddya (2002: 303)3 use
the term
m ‘teaching model' to reefer to the ddescription about the innstructional environment based
on whicch teachingg-learning process
p is ccarried out. Accordinglly, teachingg models arre really
models of ‘learninng' since the nature off teaching is i to facilitaate the studdents to exp
learningg process. So
S that it can
n be concludded that the idea of Joy and Weil abbout teachin
ng model
is similaar to instrucctional mod
In addittion, the terrm ‘instructtional modeel' is often used
u to referr to the connceptual fraamework
functionning as the guideline forf designinng and impllementing the t teachingg-learning activities
(Winataaputra, 2003:3) Furthermore, in reelation to laanguage insstruction, Ri Richards and d Rogers
(1986:220) define instructiona
i al model ass the result of an effort to impleement lingu uistics in
languagge teaching--learning an nd to make tthe most efffective relattionship betwtween linguiistic and
practicee of languagge instructio
Richardds, Platt annd Webber (1985: 1766) state thatt language instructionnal method is often
definedd as a way too teach lang guage throuugh a system matic proced dure based oon the vieww of how
languagge is taught and learned. Instructioonal model is a design n describingg detail proccess and
learningg environmeent in which h the studennt are possib
bly to interact so that leearning proccess take
place. inn edition, innstructional model talkss not only th
he procedures of teachinng-learning g process
(syntax) but also the t instructiional and nuurturing efffects, sociall system, reeaction systtem, and
supportting system to implemeent the teachhing-learnin ng activitiess.
Based oon the desccription aboove, it can be conclud ded that insstructional model of narrative
writing can be deefined as a conceptuall framework k used as a guideline for design ning and
implemmenting the teaching-lea
t arning activvities of narrrative writin
ng. This connceptual fraamework
contains the propositions to orrganize the teaching-learning of naarrative wriiting.
A goodd instructionnal model coonsists of fiive main co
omponents: syntax, sociial system, reaction
or respoonse system
m, supportinng system aand instructtional and nurturing
n efffects. Syntax deals
with thhe teaching--learning stages. In rellation to th
he teaching--learning acctivities of writing,
Richardd and Renaandya (2002: 303) staate that thee teaching-learning off writing generally

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Intternational Jou
urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

comprisses four basic stages: planning, ddrafting, rev vising and editing.
e Moore specifically, the
stages oof writing begin
b with selecting a topic, form
mulating iddeas, planniing and org ganizing,
writing,, revising, editing
e and rewriting tto produce the final text. To writte the narrattive text
throughh those stagees, the students need too have the knowledge
k about
a the chharacteristiccs of the
text: funnction, geneeric structurre, and gram
mmatical features used in the text.. Thus, in th he initial
stage, thhe teaching--learning off narrative w
writing shou
uld be directted to build student' kno owledge
about nnarrative texxt, (Syah, 20006: 144).
The seccond compoonent of a go ood instructtional modeel is social system. It reefers to the situation
of the teeaching-leaarning proceess. To makke students learn writing g in optimall way, they must be
viewed as dynamicc individualls who havee some diffeerences, inclluding they are learnin ng speed.
Therefoore, the teaching-learn ning activitiies of narraative writingg should coonsider the student
learningg speed. Duulay, Burt an nd Krashenn (1982: 262 2) state that learners leaarn most froom their
peers annd from peoople with whom
w they iidentify. Th
hese need thhe implemeentation of teacher's
role as ttrainer and a guide and
d student rolle as negotiators.
The thirrd componeent of a good instructio nal model is i reaction or
o response ssystem refeers to the
way thee teacher ressponds to th he text writteen by the stuudents in thee teaching-llearning proocess. Its
main obbjective is to
t help the students wrrite their beest text baseed on their learning sp peed. To
achievee this objectiive, the teaccher should pplay as a traainer, guide and facilitaator and the students
are as nnegotiators (Brown,
( 20001: 340).
In addittion, the teaacher shouldd avoid corrrection all th
he times to correct the grammatical errors
since it is not an efffective witth the idea, Dulay, Burrt and Krash hen (1982: 2263) state th
hat each
grammaatical correction canno ot help the learners to avoid mak king errors. Many stud dents are
often coonfused andd frustrated with the coorrection or comments since they don't know what to
do withh them. Connsequently, there are too continue writing.
w Broown (2001: 355-356) proposes
that responses to thhe first drafft should bee directed on
o global errors and thoose of revissed draft
should bbe focused on local errrors.
The fouurth compoonent is sup pporting sysstem. This componentt refers to aanything neeeded to
ng-learning. This can bee in the form
supportt the processs of teachin m of instrucctional mateerial and
media. In relation to the teachhing-learninng of narrative writing,, the supporrting system
m can be
dictionaary, studentt worksheet or models of texts arraanged in thee form of sttudent workksheet to
The fiftth, the formmer refers to
o the learninng outcomee directly acchieved by the studentts as the
direct eeffect of leaarning-teach
hing processs (Winatapuutra, 2001: 8). Since cuurriculum is one of
pillars of languagge teaching g-learning, the instrucctional effect must bee in line with
w the
Conversely, nurtuuring effect is the leaarning outccome as th he effect too teaching-learning
circumsstance expeerience by the
t studentss (Winatapu utra, 2001: 8). This leearning outtcome is
obtained without teeacher direcction. to inffluence can be the increease of studdent togetheerness in
completting the taask, studentt bravenesss to express ideas in n English oorally, the student
knowledge on langguage aspects or other llanguage sk kills as the reesult of the situation prromoted.

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Intternational Jou
urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

Thus, nnurturing efffects naturally can bee achieved due to the situation oof teaching-learning
processs applied.
Based oon the descrription abovve, it can be concluded that
t a good instructionaal model consists of
five maain componeents. They area syntax, ssocial system
m, reaction system, suppporting sysstem and
instructtional and nuurturing efffects. Thosee componentts are related to each otther. Thereffore, this
researchh develops the
t instructiional modell of narrativve writing based on thoose componeents.
2. Narrrative Writting
Narrativve writing inn categorizeed as fictionn, which is basedb on im
maginative evevents or sto
ories that
did not actually happpen. The other
o categoory of writin ng is known as known aas nonfiction n, which
would bbe all writinng that is based on reaal facts. Thiis usually consists of nnewspapers,, essays,
reports and other innformative writing.
w Hoowever, som me nonfiction can in facct tell a story y, which
would cclassify it as narrative writing. In the case off nonfiction,, the story m must be a trrue story
with reaal people annd events. Autobiograp
A phies and biiographies are a examplees of nonfiction that
is narrattive writingg, as they telll the real stoory of a perrson's life. Writing
W a seqquence of seentences
arrangeed in a parrticular ordeer and linkked togetheer in certain n ways (Byyrne, 1984:1), and
narrativve is tellingg a story ab bout events or actions (Smalley, in i Brown 22004) an esssay is a
written argument which
w consists of an inntroduction n, a statemen nt of a thessis, support for that
thesis, aand a concluusion.
3. Charracter of Narrative Teext
In addittion to charracters, (Byyrne, 1984: 15-17), eveery story mu ust have a pplot, or eveents that
occur. E
Every story needs a plo ot, or eventss to give the characters something tto react to. Usually,
the plott consists off five comp
ponents: thee exposition n, rising actiion, climax,, falling acttion, and
One of the most im mportant co omponents of a story is the confllict. A confflict is any struggle
betweenn opposing forces. Im magine a stoory where there were no problem ms. The ch
simply lived their happy
h livess with no trooubles and nothing diffficult to deaal with. Wo
ould that
story innterest you? Conflict is very imporrtant to creaating interest in stories.
Usuallyy, the main conflict
c is between
b the protagonistt and the an
ntagonist, buut that is not always
the casee. The strugggles can exiist between society, witthin a characcter, or evenn with acts of
o nature.
There aare two basic types of conflict:
c inteernal and ex
xternal. Inteernal confliccts are the struggles
that occcur within a character, and externaal conflicts are
a the strug ggles of a ch
character. Thhese can
occur bbetween two characterrs, betweenn characters and societty, or betw ween characters and
natural events.
The settting is anothher compon nent of narraative writin
ng. The settiing is the tim
me and the location
in whicch the story takes placee. These faccts set the sccene for thee story and ccan determiine what
kind off conflict occcurs. For exxample, if a story is seet in the 180
00s, can thee protagonisst have a
conflictt that involvves losing his
h cell phonne? The settting can also be importtant to plot twists if
the readder makes assumptions
a s about the time or plaaces that turrn out to bee false. Oveerall, the
setting hhas an impoortant impacct on every story.

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Intternational Jou
urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

One lasst componennt of narrative writing is point off view. Poin nt of view iss the perspeective in
which tthe story is told.
t The tw
wo main poiints of view
w are first-peerson and thhird-person.
4. Evaluating Stud
dent Narra
ative Text
There aare at least thhree method
ds usually u sed to scoree writing: ho
olistic methood, analyticc method
and primmary trait scoring
s meth
hod (Brownn, 2004: 141-146). Anaalytic methood is consid dered an
expert tthe best metthod (Brown n, 2001: 2433) for some reason. Anaalytic methood is consid dered the
best meethod for som me reason (Brown,
( 20001: 232).
Firstly, analytic method
m assessses all aspeects of writting thoughh the score wweight is different.
They arre contents, organizatioon, vocabulaaries, languaage use and mechanic (D (Dean Brow wn, 1984:
61-63; JJacob, et al., 1981 in Brrown, 2004 : 246). In adddition, Bro
own (2001: 3356-358) sccores the
writing based on thet content, organizatiion, discourrse, syntax,, vocabulari ries, and meechanics
while MMoreover, Brown
B and Bailey (19884: 39-41 cited
c in Bro
own2 004:2244-245) em mphasize
the aspects of orgganization, body
b and cconclusion, content, grrammar, meechanics, sttyle and
expresssion quality.. Secondly, it gives an eeffective feedback for students and
nd teachers. Thirdly,
it is moore objective than the other
o two mmethods. Th herefore, in this researcch, analytic method
was useed to assess students wrriting qualitty.
The asppects of narrrative text too score shouuld considerr the characteristic of nnarrative tex xt. Based
on this iidea, the asppects of narrrative text tto score are:: the content of story, oorganization
structurre, the deveelopment of story, lannguage use,, vocabularries: verbs and pronou uns, and
mechannics: spelling, punctuatiion marks aand neatnesss.
C. Reseearch Meth
The objjective of thhis research
h is to deveelop instrucctional mod
del of narrattive writing
g for the
Elemenntary Educaation Prograam of Educcation Facullty in State Universityy of Makasssar .The
researchh was condducted throu ugh Researcch and Deveelopment (R R&D) methhod. It is a research
methodd used to devvelop and vaalidate educcational prod
ducts (Borg and Gall, 1 983: 772; Sugiyono,
2006: 333).
There wwas Elementtary Education Program a the samples of targett clients taken using
m involved as
cluster random sam
mpling, the time needeed to compllete the reseearch was vvery purposse and it
spent onne year.
There w were two tyypes of data collected:: quantitativ ve and qualitative dataa. These daata were
validateed through triangulatio
t on techniquee, i.e., triangulation of data sourcee. The reliaability of
the quesstionnaires was
w analyzeed using Alppha Cronba ach statisticaal formula (D Djaali and Muljono,
2004: 778-79) indiccated that thhe instrumennts used weere reliable since the reeliability coefficient
was moore than 0.700 (Fraenkle and Wallenn, 1990: 136 6). The reliaability of thee writing sco
ores was
analyzeed using inteer-rater reliaability (Carrrol and Halll, 1985: 121-122).
D. Tech
hnique for Analyzing Data
The datta were anaalyzed in acccordance w with the typ
pe of data collected.
c TThe qualitattive data
related tto respondeents general view on thee model dev
veloped and
d that of the instructionaal model

85 w
Intternational Jou
urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

of narraative writingg used by the teacherss were analy

yzed qualitaatively: dataa display, reeduction
and makking concluusion.
The quuantitative data related to the rrespondent assessmentt on the innstructionall model
developped were analyzed using percentagge analysis. The focus of
o this analyysis is to find
d out the
percentage of the respondents
r who agree to the theorretical desig
gn of the insstructional model
m of
narrativve writing developed.
The effefectiveness of
o the final model
m deveeloped, t-tesst was used. The prereqquisites to ap pply this
statisticcal formula are: (a) testt the objectiivity of the scorers usin
ng inter-rateer reliability
y and (b)
test thee variance homogeneeity using F-formula. The two samples ar are assumed d to be
homogeeneous if thhe value of the F-observved is less th han that of the
t F-table..
The finaal product of
o the instru
uctional moddel developeed was conssidered effeective if the value of
the t-obbserved was greater than
n that of thee t-table with
h the degreee of freedom
m (df) 0f N-2
2 and the
significcance level 0f
0 0. 95.
E. Reseearch Findiings
This stuudy could develop
d andd instructionnal model off narrative writing
w in E
English as a foreign
languagge. This Innstructional Model is ddesigned bassed on the following
f thheoretical concepts,
studentss need analysis and some consideeration relatted to the prractice of teeaching-leaarning of
narrativve writing appplied as fo
1. Theooretical Con
The insstructional model
m of narrative
n wrriting in En
nglish was developed
d oon the basiis of the
followinng theoreticcal conceptss.
a. Thee topic seleection to write
w in the process on n contextuaal subject m
matters prod
duce, an
expecteed written teext, and the writer needds recursive process.
b. Thaat process innvolves con
ntrolled writting activitiies to free writing
w ones
c. Wrriting activitties in the process
p of llanguage in
nstruction cannot be seeparated froom other
languagge skills: listening, speaaking and reeading as well
w as langu uage aspectss. Narrativee writing
is a writting that tellls a story, past
p story orr event
d. Wrriting a narrative text iss writing a sstory
e. Thee initial sttage of thee teaching--learning of o narrativee text is cconducted to give
opportuunities to thee students to
o compreheend the charracteristic of narrative ttext.
2. Stud
dents Need in
i Narrativ
ve Writing Instruction
Based oon the resuult of need analysis, it was found d that in thee teaching-llearning pro
ocess of
narrativve writing, the
t students need the foollowings:
a. In thhis process teaching
t an
nd learning tthe student need to leaarn the moddel of narrative text
before ppractice wriiting,

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urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

b. The student neeed to practicce narrativee writing baased on giveen model off narrative text, the
student needs sharing ideas ab bout new toopic before starting wriiting the stuudent needss writing
draft baased on the result
r of disscussion.
c. The sstudents neeed relation of
o the reactioon or respon
nse system in correctinng their writting both
individuually and inn group, Thee student neeeds an oppoortunity to revise
r their text and to produce
best finnal text,
d. The student colllected and scored
s baseed on their learning
l andd the teacheer to return the text
already scored andd teacher to correct the errors in rellation to thee supportingg system,
e. The students neeed: (a) dicctionary, (b)) teachers to
t help the students inn learning narrative
d. The nurturing effects thee students w want to acchieve are to improvee: (a) gram mmatical
competence and voocabularies, the studentt needs learn
n listening ability,
a readiing compreh
speakinng ability to express opiinion and w
e. The sstudent neeeds to revieew the use of tenses, the t student need to di discuss vocaabularies
related to the topicc to write, th
he student nneeds to revview the usee of punctuaation markss and the
student needs to diiscuss or rev view the usee of spelling
3. The R
Result Insttructional Model
M Deveelopment of
o Narrative Writing
As desccried earlierr, this reseaarch was aiimed at dev
veloping instructional model of narrative
writing for the studdents of Eleementary Edducation. Based
B on thee result of ppreliminary study of
this reseearch, the researcher
r could develoop an instru
uctional mod del of narraative writing
g for the
clients pproposed. This
T instructtional modeel is called narrative
n wrriting Modeel.
a. Instrructional Writing
W Model
1)The m main instrucctional effecct of writinng Model deeveloped is proposed tto achieve the basic
competence of wriiting as it iss stated in tthe curricullum of English for Eleementary Ed ducation
Program m studentss, i.e., the sttudents are able to produce narrative texts thhrough the stages
s of
rhetoriccal developmment using acceptable English. 2))The nurturring effects are to prom mote: (a)
the stuudent coopeeration in completing
c writing taasks, (b) reesponsibilitty improvemment in
completting the wriiting tasks, (c)
( students braveness in i expressin
ng ideas usinng oral Engllish, and
(d) the iintegration of students language skkill through
h the teachin
ng-learning of narrativee text.
b. Synttax of Writiing Model
The synntax of narraative writin
ng is designeed on the baasis of the principles
p beelow:
1) The teaching-leearning pro ocess of narrrative writing is integ
grated to otther language skill:
readingg, listening, speaking an
nd languagee componen nts.
2) The teaching-leearning pro
ocess of naarrative wriiting implem
mented throough the cy
ycles of
learningg activities
3) The llearning proocess is indu
uctive-deduuctive proceess,\

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urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

4) The learning prrocess impleemented thrrough study

ying model of
o narrativee text the geeneralize
the charracteristics of narrativee text
5) Thee characterristics of narrative
n teext functio
on, generic structure, and gram
Charactteristics useed in the narrrative text.
6) Textt learning cooncepts used is individdual and mastery learnin ng implemeented throug gh the
optimallly of writinng practice and
a of teacheer's roles as a trainer an
nd guide as w
well as studeents role
as a neggotiator.
7) The sstudents aree given chan
nce to produuce their besst narrative writing bassed on their learning
8) The teaching-leearning process of narr
rrative writiing is condu
ucted throuugh process--product
9) This is implemeented throug gh the continnuity of insttructional process startting from co
writing to free writting activities.
10) Thee students arrranging scrramble senttences and paragraphs
p onto
o a goodd paragraph.

11) Thee initial stagge of contro

ol writing acctivities is to
o develop student know
wledge on the
t topic
of the ggiven text model
m and to
o develop stuudents undeerstanding.
12) Thee students have compreehended thee characterisstics of the given
g narrattive
13) Thhe practice writing baased on thhe given text mode to
o strengtheen and app
ply their
14) Theese writing practice inv volves arrannging scram
mbled senten
nces or paraagraphs tak
ken from
the giveen text moddel, arrangin
ng scramble d paragraphhs.
15) Theese writing practice inv volves takeen from otheer text and substitutingg some Elem
ments of
the giveen text moddel to train student imaggination.
16) Thee students have comp prehended ththe characteeristics of narrative
n teext and to write
w a
Narrativve text baseed on the giv
ven text moodel.
t continue to practice free writing
17) Thee Students to g activities.
18) Freee writing activity
a is to
o give studeents learnin
ng writing experiences
e about the stage of
writing process.
19) Theese writing practice thee listing inteeresting top
20) Thiis writing prractice com
mparing the ttopics with friends.
21) This writing prractice Choo
osing one toopic to writee and writing
g the draft bbased on thee outline.
22) Discussing the result of peeer correctioon and rewriite the third draft to get the final tex
xt Based
on the rresult of discussion

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urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

23) Ediiting the drraft through

h proofreadding: self-ccorrection and
a peer coorrection using the
symbols of errors.
c. Instrructional Writing
W Mod
The maain instructional effect of Integrateed Model developed is proposed tto achieve the t basic
competence of wriiting as it iss stated in tthe curricullum of English for Eleementary Ed ducation
Programm students. The nurtu uring effectts are to prromote: (1)) the studennts' cooperration in
completting writingg tasks, (2) responsibiliity improveement in completing thhe writing taasks, (3)
studentss bravenesss in expressing ideas ussing oral En nglish, and (4) the inteegration of students
languagge skill through the teacching-learni
ning of narraative text.
The Efffectiveness testing resu ult of the fiinal model the final in
nstructional model of narrative
writing in Englishh as a foreiign languagge, called Narratives
N Writing moodel was teested its
effectivveness comppared to the model usedd by the teacchers throug gh the pre-ttest–posttestt control
group ddesign, two classes weere taken ran andomly froom each claass; one classs for experrimental
group aand other for control grroup. The exxperimentall group was taught usinng integrateed model
while tthe control ones were taught usiing conventtional model as the teeachers of English
usually applied in the teachin ng- learningg of narrativve writing. The instrucctional of narrative
writing is assumedd effective iff the post-teest average score of stu udents’ narrrative writin
ng in the
experimmental groupp is significcantly greateer than that of obtained d by the stuudents in thee control
group, statisticallyy, it is indiccated by thee value of t-test
t whichh is greater than that of
o t-table
with deegree of freeedom N-2 and the leevel of sign nificance 0, 93% the ddata analyzzed used
rankingg order metthod, it can n be concluude that the student’s writing m model of elementary
educatioon programm.
The result of testinng the effecttiveness of iintegrated model
m it is fo
ound that thhe average scores
s of
posttestt in the expeerimental grroups are siggnificantly greater
g thann those of inn the controll groups.
This is eevidenced in values of t-observed which are always
a higheer than thosse of t-table with the
degree freedom N-2 N and sig gnificance llevel 85%. This indiccates that tthere is sig gnificant
differennce betweenn students’ average scoores in the experimenttal groups aand those of o in the
control groups wheere the averaage scores iin the experimental groups are greaater than tho ose of in
the conntrol groups. it meanss that the writing model m is more
m effectivve to increease the
elementtary educatiion program m students’ ability in writing
w narraative text inn English. This
T fact
shows tthe writingg model is appropriatee for the teeaching –leaarning of nnarrative wrriting in
Englishh as foreign language of elementarry education n program (P PGSD)
F. Concclusion, Im
mplication and
a Recom mendation
1. Concclusion
Based on the result of the research cconducted and
a develop
pment (R&
&D) method
d, some
conclussion can draaw as follow
a) Effective instruuctional mo odel to incrrease the Elementary
E Education Program students’
ability E
English narrrative text,

89 w
Intternational Jou
urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

b) The instructionnal effect of

o English narrative writing insstruction m
must be direected to
achieveement of thee basic comp
petence of w
writing skills.
c) To aachieve the instruction
nal effect, tthe instructtional effectt, the instruuctional pro
ocess of
narrativve writing must
m be sup
pported by instruction nal circumsttances from m controlledd to free
writing activities,
d) Narraative writing must be su
upported guuide and traiin the studen nt improve ttheir writing so that
can produce their, final narratiive text as eexpected baased on theirr learning sppeed.
e) The instructionaal process ofo narrativee writing in English as the foreignn language must be
systemaatically arraanged into twwo continuuous major stages
s of wrriting activiities: contro
olled and
free wriiting activitties implemeented.
f) Narraative writinng instructio
on must givee students opportunitie
o es to experieence the prrocess of
narrativve writing, starting fro om controllled to freee writing acctivities byy applying and the
teacher’s role as guide
g and a trainer.
g) Narrrative writinng instruction is to givve students learning ex xperiences to compreh
hend the
characteeristics of narrative
n tex
xt function, generic stru
ucture, and language
l usse.
h) The process of narrative writing
w instrruction is co
onducted th
hrough the iinductive-deeductive
learningg process.
i) The sselection of the topics to
t write musst be contex
j) The iinstruction of
o narrativees writing m
must give stu udents oppoortunities too publish th
heir final
narrativve text prodduce is apppropriate foor the teach hing of narrrative writting, the reesults of
validatiion that thee model is effective
e forr the teachin
ng of narraative writingg to the Elementary
Educatiion Program m.
o narratives writing is appropriatee a model off instructionn for the Elementary
k) The iinstruction of
Educatiion Program m the effecttiveness thiis model was evidenceed in the t-ttest analysiis which
showedd that the vaalue of t- ob
bserved wass greater thaan the valuee of t- tablee with the degree
d of
m N-2 and thhe significaant level 93%%.
2. Impllication
There iss some of thhese research findings , they are described
d beelow: (1) inn concerns, with the
instructtion effect of
o narrativee writing innstruction. The T researcch finding m makes the teachers
conductt the teachinng –learning g process off narrative writing
w whiich must be directed to achieve
the basiic competennce of writinng skill itsellf, not to thee mastery off linguistics matters, (2)) it deals
with thee social systtems or the circumstannce of the teaching-learning of narrrative writin ng, from
this sidde, the reseearch findinng makes th the teacherss implemen nt the sociaal system whichw is
harmonnious and innteractive learning
l situ
tuation. (3) It is relateed to the pprinciples of giving
responsses to the stuudents writin
ng in the insstructional process
p of narrative
n wriiting, the peedagogic
implicaation relatedd this component is thaat it makes the teacherrs respond tto students’ writing
during tthe process of writing in order to help them be b able to produce theiir final text.. (4) it is
related to the suppporting sy ystem of innstruction model m of thhe supportiing system of that

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urnal of Englissh Language Education
ISSN 2325-0887
2016, Vol. 4, No. 1

instructtional modeel of narrativ

ve writing to this aspeect this reseearch findingg has an afffected to
the teacchers prepaare students’ related w worksheets in their teaaching learnning the pro ocess of
narrativve writing so that the students can learn to write systematica
s ally.(5) finaally, the
implicaation deals with
w the teaaching –lean
aning stages of narrativee write, its iimplication is that it
makes tthe teacher design and implement their narrattive writing instructionn by consideering the
balancee between prrocess and product
p apprroach, inductive as welll as the inteegration of narrative
writing with otherr language skills.- the deductive learning process, indivvidual and mastery
learningg concept
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