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1) I am expecting that you have read a short History of Spain. In two (2) paragraphs write
down what you knew or learned about Spain. (10 pts.)
Spain is one of the largest country in the world where beliefs, culture, and traditions are
being passed down and exercised up to these days. Shortly speaking, Spain is one of the
world’s countries’ most influential place.
After reading short history about the interesting country – Spain, I learned that aside from
them colonizing us, Spain was sharply divided between conservatives and liberals, and rural
and urban society during the 19th Century. Coups d'etat and changes of government were
frequent. With the increasing power of the working class, in 1931 king Alfonso XIII was
forced to abdicate, and Spain was declared a republic. Conservative reaction from the church
and army sparked the Spanish Civil War, which ranged from 1936 to 1939 and was a prelude
to World War II. 

2) In two (2) paragraphs relate why Spain colonized our country. (10 pts.)
If you will trace the location of the Philippines in the world map, you can realized that we are
lucky because we are located in one of the routes that Spain tried to acquire for spice trade.
Also, it is obvious that during that time, Filipinos gave those “new faces” a good hospitality.
After docking in Cebu and further exploration in our land, Spain realized that we have so
much natural resources that they could utilize. On top of these, they colonized us in order for
them to widen their religious practice: Christianity.
3) Mention at least ten (10) practices/beliefs that we learned from Spain especially their
culture during their 333 years in administering our country. (10 pts.)

 “Mano po” to every elders.

 Go to church (especially Sundays)
 We Filipinos use surnames or first name that comes from Spain ( Alejandro Flores)
 Our love for art
 Our way of clothing
 Our use of Spanish dialects (uno, dos, tres)
 Prohibition of same-sex marriage
 Fiesta celebration
 Being respectful to elders

 During Holy Week, processions take place when participants wear a capirote which is
a pointed hat of conical form and is part of the uniform of some brotherhoods and
fraternities. They walk barefoot and carry a burden which is symbolic of a penitent.

4) What is the importance of studying Spanish Language? (5 pts.)

In order for us to be on par of one of the top countries in the world and also, to showcase
how far do we have in our educational system.

5) Be sure to locate on the map, Spain in the Continent of Europe.


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