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Duration: 5 Days

Course Syllabus

Introduction to Ember.js

 The Model-View-Controller Pattern and Ember.js

 Models
 Controllers
 Views
 Handlebars
 The state the art in front-end development
 Overview of modern JavaScript frameworks.
 Why Ember?
 Ember as an MSC (Model-Service-Component) framework.
 Ember-CLI, one tool to rule them all.
 Intro to web components, the DDAU (data down, actions up) pattern.
 Managing server interactions with Ember-data.


 Functions and Scope

 Closures
 Prototypes
 jQuery

Building a View

 Overview of page architecture

 Interactivity as defined in the view

Key features of Ember.js

 Bindings
 Computed properties
 Auto-updating templates

Additional features

 Getters and Setters

 Observers
 Changes in Arrays
 Control flow
Bootstrapping an Ember application

 Ember-CLI application structure.

 Fetching data from an API using ember-data.
 Persisting state via URL.
 Managing client and sever-side validations.
 Authentication using OAUTH2 via ember-simple-auth.

Building a Complete Application

 Step 1: Top-level Container Views

 Step 2: Schema and Models
 Step 3: Adding interactivity to the views
 Step 4: Modals as views
 Step 5: Adding Controllers
 Step 6: Using routing

Testing an Ember.js app

 Unit tests
 Unit testing JavaScript applications QUnit

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