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Blown to atoms: how to

make metal powders

Before anything can be manufactured from metal powder, the powder itself has to be made.
Most powders are made by the atomisation of molten metal John Dunkley looks at the
major atomisation methods in use...

p owt)Ek Metallurgy depends on the economic sup-

ply of consistent quality metal powders. T h e
majority of metal powders are now produced from
melted and poured satisfactorily. However, it is tbund
that metals melting below about 500"C give extremely
irregular particles due to ultra-rapid freezing, which is
molten metals by atomisation. In water atomisation, often undesirable. Thus zinc is the lowest melting metal
high-pressure water jets are used to break up, and quench produced in this way commercially.
the molten metal. Particle size is closely related to pres- In general, water atomisation is cheaper than other
sure. While many units operate at 100-200 bars and make methods because of the low cost of the medium (water),
powders around 30-100 pro, some special units in Japan low energy use fi~r pressurisation compared with gas or air,
operate at up to 1500 bars and make powders as fine as 10 and the very high productivity that can be achieved - up
~+Inl+ to ~0t/hour or 500kg/min. T h e main limitations of water
atomisation are powder purity and particle shape, partic-
hi terms of tonnage, water atomisation is n o w the pre- ularly with more reactive metals and alloys. Melting units
eminent mode of atomisation for metal, especially ferrous from a few kilos to over 100 tons are in use.
metal, powders. Over 500 kt/yr of iron powder is atom- A schematic flow sheet of water atomization is shown
ised. Any metal o r alloy that does not react violently in Fig. 1. Melting of metals follows standard procedures.
with water can be water atomised, provided it can be Air induction melting, arc melting, and fuel heating are

Hot water
~ ~ ] Cooelr "' ~ I ~ H°ttank
water ~

• t' - JndishH.~P.Pump

Slurry 3ump

Figure t - Schematic Flow Sheet of W a t e r Atomisation

18 /', :'~; N o v e m b e r 2002 0o26-o657/o2/$- seefrontmatter© 2002ElsevierScienceLtd.All rightsreserved.

below 50 to 60 pm on iron-
base material. However, they
are fairly simple and reliable.
As well as vertical designs
resembling water atomising
A Gassupply f Exhaust designs, there are a number of
II system II horizontal free-fall designs,
] ~ ] ~-~Z , ' ~ n d i s h l " - - ~7---~J where a melt stream is atom-
ised by essentially horizontal
gas jets. These designs are
widely used in zinc, aluminium
and copper alloy air atomisers.
Closed or "confined" nozzle
designs enhance the yield of
fine powder particles (~ 10 pro)
by maximising gas velocity and
............ i-- Sieve density on contact with the
metal. The gas contacts the
metal as it leaves the ceramic
nozzle. However, although
confined designs are more effi-
cient, they can be prone to
x ~
freezing of the molten metal at
Figure 2 - Schematic How Sheet of Gas Atomisation the end of the tundish nozzle,
which rapidly blocks it. Great
care is needed in setting up
all suitable. Typically, the molten metal is poured into a close-coupled nozzles, and the closer the coupling, the
tundish, which is essentially a reservoir that supplies a greater the care (as well as the efficiency).
uniform and controlled head of molten metal to the Inert gas-atomised powders are normally spherical,
tundish nozzle. The nozzle controls the shape and size of while air-atomised powders are often irregular, due to an
the metal stream and directs it through an atomising noz- oxide fihn forming on the molten droplets and inhibiting
zle system in which the metal stream is atomised by high- spherodisation.
velocity water jets. World-wide production of inert gas-atomised powder
The slurry of powder and water is pumped to a first- is much less than that of water atomised powders, at
stage dewatering device (e.g. cyclone, magnetic system around 50,000t/yr. Metal feed rates are lower than in
etc) which often feeds a second stage (e.g. vacuum filter) water atomisation (typically 10-50kg/min), and melt size
dewatering unit to reduce drying energy use. The pow- is smaller, ranging up to six tons. The largest units are
der is then dried and may be sieved or further processed used to produce High Speed and other special alloy
as required. In the case of iron powder, annealing in a steels fur subsequent HIP compaction to produce either
reducing atmosphere is necessary to achieve good PMHSS bar steel or special HiPped shapes (e.g. in dual-
compressibility. phase stainless steels).
Gas atomisation is the process where the liquid metal is The second largest market is probably for thermal
disrupted by a high-velocity gas such as air, nitrogen, spraying using plasma, flame and high-velocity oxygen
argon, or helium (Fig 2). Operating pressures range from fuel torches. More modest amounts are vacuum melt-
5-100bar. The higher pressures, often in the 15 - 60-bar ed superalloys for gas turbine applications. However
range, are used to make inert gas-atomised iron, nickel tonnage of air-atomised powders, especially zinc and
and cobalt alloys, for example. Air-atomised non-ferrous aluminium, but also tin, lead, and copper alloys, prob-
metals are normally made with pressures ranging from 3- ably exceeds 300,000 t/yr. Most of these air atomisers
15bars. operate continuously for many hours or even days.
Gas atomisation differs from water atomisation in many Multi-nozzle units are often used to boost output on
respects. Rather than being dominated by pressure like aluminium and zinc. Applications for air atomised
water atomisation, the gas flow rate is the dominant fac- powders include non-ferrous powder metallurgy (e.g.
tor controlling particle size. Gas atomisers also come in a bronze filters, PM brass, tin for bronze bearings) but are
wider range of designs than water atomisers, and are most- predominantly outside PM in fields such as chemistry,
ly classified as either "confined" or "free-fall" nozzle con- smelting, pyrotechnics, paints and batteries.
Free-fall gas units are very similar in design to water The auth~
atomising units. The metal falls into gas atomising jets
some distance from the ceramic nozzle with the result that John Dunkley is the founder of Atomising Systems
it is very difficult to bring the mean diameter of powder Limited, based in Sheffield, UK. Mt. R November 2002

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