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What are some of the key aspects of Reflective Practice in Teaching/Training?

Key aspects of reflective practice in Teaching/ Training include planning, Acting,

Observing, and reflecting.

Planning a lesson, delivering, self observing and then improving teaching based on the

noted flaws are a continuous cycle throughout teaching. This varies based on types of

learners as each class may have different types of learners.

How can one engage in continuous learning through reflective practice?

Reflective practice allows us to continuously improve our teaching methods. One most

effective method I’ve come across is video recording the lesson. This allows one to

observe all small details. Written reflective practice may not record all aspects.

For example, am I making sure all students are given equal opportunity to express

themselves in class?

Is my language of expression simple and easy to understand? Is my lesson engaging

students well?

Journal writing is another effective method for reflective practice. For example, certain

detailed events can be recorded and reflected upon.

Self observation and various other reflective practices can allow one to improve the

teaching strategies and become an effective educator. This is a continuous process

throughout the career. In today’s education system it is important that we realize how

much of the content delivered is being grasped by the learners.

Feedbacks from students and colleagues can help improve teaching methods based on

the types of learners in a class.

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