UT IV Class 4 EVS Sample Paper

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UNIT TEST 4 (SESSION 2019-2020)

Time allowed- 2 hours [Maximum Marks – 50]

NAME__________________________ SEC:____ ROLL NO._____ DATE:____________

• Read the questions carefully
• Attempt all the questions in a neat and legible handwriting
• Revise the answers before submitting the answer sheet

1. Tick (√) the correct option in the given questions. (1 x 10 = 10)

i) In which of the following years did the partition of India take place?
a) 1921 b) 1947 c) 1949 d) 1950
ii) The floor of a kutcha house is coated with a mixture of _______________ to keep insects away.
a) cow dung and mud b) mud and cement
c) cement and cow dung d) paint and mud
iii) Which of the following are water borne diseases?
a) diarrhoea b) cholera c) typhoid d) all of these
iv) How much water on Earth is available for drinking?
a) 69 % b) 9 % c) 1% d) 82 %
v) ORS stands for________________________________________
a) Oral Rehydration System b) Oral Rehydration Solution
c) Open Rehydration Salts d) Oral Rejuvenating Solution
vi) Which of the following are the reasons for migration of people from villages to cities?
a) employment b) better schools and colleges
c) good medical facilities d) all of these
vii) What was Nandita afraid of in Mumbai?
a) thieves b) crowded bus c) injection d) collection of water
viii) _____________________ is one of the ways to store rainwater for future use.
a) Chlorination b) Rainwater Harvesting
c) Filtration d) both (a) and (b)
ix) What is the main source of water on Earth?
a) lake b) river c) pond d) rain
x) Which of the following is a cause of water pollution?
a) oil spill by ships b) burning of fuel c) planting trees d) rainwater harvesting


2. State true (T) or false (F) for the following statements. (0.5 x 6 = 3)
i) One of the reasons for water shortage is that many people waste water every day. ( )
ii) Water absorbed by clouds form groundwater. ( )
iii) One of the best ways to clean water is by boiling it. ( )
iv) A condition occurring due to scarcity of water is called flood. ( )
v) Employment is one of the major needs of every individual because through it
he/she can earn money to live a comfortable life. ( )
vi) Water found above the Earth's surface is known as ground water. ( )

3. Complete the following. (2 x 0.5 = 1)

Write any two

features of

4. Fill in the blanks. (6 X 0.5 = 3)

(i) Water that is fit for drinking is called as ____________________________.
(ii) We cannot drink sea water because it has large amount of ____________________ in it.
(iii) In villages, people used to get water from __________________ and __________________.
(iv) ____________________ is the main source of water for people living in slum areas.
(v) ____________________ water harms our body.

5. Observe the following pictures and write the name of the worker. (0.5 X 4 = 2)
repairs tap and fits electric wires and plugs. lays bricks and tiles makes things out of
pipes wood


6. After coming to India Chetandas’ family lived in three types of houses. Write any
two materials that were used by them to build their house. (3x1 = 3)
i) Chetandas’s old house ii) when Chetandas got married iii) when his son got married

7. Observe the picture and differentiate the given things depending upon their solubility in
water and fill the tabular column given below. (0.5 x 10 = 5)

S. No. Name of the substances that Name of the substances that

dissolve in water do not dissolve in water


8. Give reasons of the following statements. (1 x 5 = 5)
a. In cities, there are many fights for water at the public tap.
b. People living in slum areas often have to vacate their houses and move to another place.
c. The rivers of India play an important role in the lives of the people.
d. Ground water is less contaminated than surface water.
e. A pucca house is a permanent house.
9. We all know how important water is to human life. This is why, we should remember to take
care of our water sources as it is most important for the existence of life. Fill in the following
clouds with the names of four different sources of water. ( 1 X 2 = 2)

1.__________________ 3._____________________


10. We all use water in so many different ways, we should remember to take care of our water
sources as it is important for the existence of life. List down any three methods through which
we can save water or use water wisely. (1 x 3 = 3)


11. Answer the following questions. (2 x 5 = 10)
a. Nikita is a forty-year-old lady. She is a government employee and belongs to an educated
family. She thinks that the work which does not require much of brain is not challenging for
example, work of a sweeper, gatekeeper and white washing buildings. She thinks that such
professions should not get respected. Do you think that Nikita is right in her thought
process? Give reason to support your answer.
b. Write any four features of houses in high rise buildings.
c. Ramu, from a village, got an appointment in a multinational company (MNC) in Delhi. He
was so excited to spend his life in the city, but as he started to know the place, he got highly
disappointed to see the water conditions there. People in the city tend to misuse water a lot
for example- washing their cars with water pipe, kids playing with water for the sake of fun
etc. Ramu believes that water is very precious and it has to be used carefully and should not
be wasted. He started talking to the people living in his society to create awareness about
water conservation. Write any four ways which he might have suggested to the people in the
society to conserve water.


d. Water is one of our most precious commodities and no life can survive without it. It has been
predicted that water scarcity will become the subject of “Wars” in the near future. Write any two
ways in which water is getting polluted? Also mention any two measures to stop water
pollution at you level.
e. Where will you find the river cleanest? What happened to the water as the river flowed through
the cities?
12. Name and mark any three neighbouring countries of India on the given map. (1 X 3 = 3)


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