RZL Exam

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Rizal also brought to attention the problems of farms far from the towns as they are prone to banditry

and thievery. – TRUE

Anderson argues that the Fili was an attack on the Spanish colonial Regime for executing the three
priests – Gomez, Burgos, Zamora – even without evidence of their involvement in the Cavite Revolt.

Anderson argues that one obvious absence in the Fili is any direct reference to political institutions,
classes and ideologies which Anderson explains as due to Rizal’s lack of knowledge of political thought
and political theories and his being fundamentally a moralist- TRUE

Rizal was soliciting for a revolution that will demand for immediate independence.- FALSE

Rizal also condemned Filipinos who out of greed, selfishness, complacency and cowardice permit the
Spanish abuses.-TRUE

Rizal condemned gambling among his fellow young men from the Philippines because he felt it showed
the Spaniards that his compatriots did not possess moral integrity, seriousness and intellectual ability.

Rizal argues that the most flourishing countries in the world owe their wealth and advancement to
foreign commerce are international trade.-FALSE

According to Rizal, the principal and most terrible cause of the indolence of the Filipino is the
suppression of the teaching of the Spanish language.-FALSE

Rizal’s life in Dapitan was more than him living in exile and historians considered it as a very fruitful
episode of the hero’s life.-TRUE

Even living in Dapitan, Rizal never became interested in studying the lifestyle, values and beliefs of the

His day-to-day dealings with the minority group in Dapitan changed his mentality towards the “razas
primitivas”. In fact, the cultural minorities gained Rizal’s respect and considered the group as also an
important contributor in creating national consciousness.-TRUE

His day-to-day dealings with the minority group in Dapitan changed his mentality towards the “razas
primitivas”. In fact, the cultural minorities gained Rizal’s respect and considered the group as also an
important contributor in creating national consciousness.-TRUE

His popularity feared the Spaniards, and as such, payed careful attention to his every moves – all houses
where he had been were searched and the Filipinos seen in his company were suspected. -TRUE

For Rizal, indolence can be ultimately traced to the abuse and discrimination being experienced by
Filipinos under Spaniards which leads to the deterioration of Filipino values.-TRUE

Graciano Lopez Jaena and Jose Rizal’s withdrawal from the La Solidaridad was caused by the their
personal cause and ambitions.-FALSE
The desire of other Filipino nationalists to establish a new organization to go against the Spanish rule
resulted to the success of the revolution initiated by La Solidaridad. – FALSE

In El Filibusterismo, Rizal warned the Spanish government that their corrupt and self-seeking colonial
government will only lead to disaster such as what happened to Kabesang Tales and Basilio. – TRUE

Rizal was not soliciting for a revolution to demand for immediate independence. Instead, the task for
Filipinos is to prepare themselves for eventual independence once proven to be worthy and ready.-

It was said that he was exiled in a far island so communicating with family, friends and comrades in the
revolution would be difficult. – TRUE

As what the Spaniards expected, Rizal’s life in Dapitan was miserable and unproductive. – FALSE

Rizal’s death was considered in Philippine history as an emotional episode because it did not only
produced a martyr but it also paved the way for reforms in society and transformation in the Filipinos’

Rizal was presented with two kinds of evidence which he was able to confront and refute. These
included both documentary evidence and testimonial.-FALSE

Rizal was charged and put to death for what others, his enemies, believed and said as “subversion” . -

Thinking that it was futile to resist, during his last minute, Rizal obediently listened to his captors.-

The shot at the back allowed him to turn his body sideways after he was shot and fell on the ground
with his face upward.-TRUE

Rizal fought against the excesses of friar-led Spanish colonial rule all his life.-TRUE

Rizal was the central figure of the revolutionary government. – TRUE

One of Rizal’s foremost dream was that the Philippines be known as a nation of writers and intellects. –

Rizal’s death was considered in Philippine history as an emotional episode because it did not only
produced a martyr but it also paved the way for reforms in society and transformation in the Filipinos’
lives. – TRUE

Upon his arrival in Manila, Rizal established a new organization, the Hispano Circulo Filipino, a secret
society that embodies the ideals Rizal presented in El Filibusterismo – FALSE

All are aims of La Solidaridad except: - improving agrarian reform policies

According to Rizal, all are means to achieve freedom except: - joining revolutionary organizations

All are grounds for Rizal’s arrest except: - fighting the land owners

Activities Rizal focused on while in exile. - all of the above

Rizal outspokenly objected the revolt because of various reasons except: - he has personal issues with

All are documentary evidence presented against Rizal except: - Article in La Solidaridad

All personalities gave their testimonial evidence against Rizal except: - Marcelo H. Del Pilar

Rizal willingly supported the revolutionary movement of Bonifacio despite some reservations. – FALSE

Rizal also aimed at the inclusion of religion in the culture of the Filipinos.- FALSE

Rizal’s death was considered in Philippine history as an emotional episode because it did not only
produced a martyr but it also paved the way for reforms in society and transformation in the Filipinos’
lives. – TRUE

The subversion charge against Rizal was due to his two novels - the Noli and El Fili. – FALSE

Rizal did not do anything to defend himself during the trial. – FALSE

Rizal’s aspiration for what is ideal ceased when his family faced oppression from the Spaniards. – FALSE

All are reasons why Rizal was considered as the First Filipino except: - because Rizal was from an affluent

All are reasons why Rizal was chosen as the national hero except: - Rizal was the only one among the
choices to achieve higher education.

The position that Rizal holds is to recognize his contribution to the significant social transformations that
took place in the Philippines- TRUE

Rizal's ideologies and philosophies includes the following except: - Fasting is a sacrifice

Rizal’s constant effort to improve himself showed how much he valued time. He invested much time and
persistence in his own education, taking up sculpture, painting, aside from the usual academics. And this
is a self-serving effort. – FALSE

Rizal never accepted the term indio because of all the negative connotations related to it.- FALSE

Rizal shattered the myth of the indolence of the Filipino brand because he believed that the Filipino is a
worthy race. -TRUE

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