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We are greatly bounded to our chairman, Thiru. T.S.R.Khannaiyan

secretary and correspondent Tmt. Sarasuwathy Khannaiyan for having
provided us with ample facilities to fulfill this task.

A word of special thanks is extended to our respected Advisor, Dr. S.

Annadurai, M.E., Ph.D., for Hindusthan College of Engineering and
Technology, Coimbatore, for approving this implant training.

We also express our heartily thanks to our adored principal Dr. T.

Kannadasan, M.Tech., Ph.D., for his heart full advices and carte blanche to do
this project in our college.

The tribute of our crew is honoured to our adorded Head of Civil

Engineering Department Dr. K. Akil, M.E., Ph.D., and we acknowledge with
pleasure the constant encouragement and moral supporting during the course of
implant training.

We are delighted and pleasure to extend our sincere gratitude to our

implant training coordinators Mr. V. Suresh, M.E., and Mr. R. Partha
Saarathi, M.E., Assistant Professor in department of Civil Engineering for this
enduring guidance with full fledged support of this implant training work with
his astonishing view and paved the way for our prosperous future life.

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