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Archetypes Essay - DUE in class October 3rd

Choose an archetype, and compare and contrast the traditional characteristics with a modern example.

Step 1: Choose one of the 11 archetypes discussed in class (hero, villain, misfit, outcast, faithful
companion, caretaker, trickster, rebel, rugged individualist, earth mother, innocent) Example: Hero
Step 2: Choose a character from a literary work or movie that exhibits characteristics consistent with a
traditional archetype and one the exhibits characteristics that have changed or adapted in modern
works. Example: Beowulf = traditional, Harry Potter = modern
Step 3: Create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the characteristics of both examples.

Beowulf Harry Potter

-boastful -humble
-seeks fame and -seeks justice
glory -physically and
-physically strong mentally average

Similarities: brave, loyal, determined

Step 4: Pick one similarity and two differences (or vice versa) and write your thesis. The body of your
paragraph will follow the outline stated in your thesis.

Example Thesis Statement: Beowulf and Harry Potter are both heroes that are brave, but Beowulf is a
traditional hero that seeks fame and is boastful, while Harry Potter is a modern hero that is humble and
seeks justice rather than his own glory.

Paragraph 1 – Introduction
Paragraph 2 – Similarity EX: Discuss how Harry Potter and Beowulf are both brave. Give examples from
the text that support brave actions and/or words. Be careful not to summarize!
Paragraph 3 – Difference #1: Seeking fame/glory versus seeking justice etc. Give examples from the
text that show the difference in Beowulf and Harry Potters intentions. Beowulf comes to the Danes to
defeat Grendel and win fame, glory, treasure etc. Harry Potter seeks to defeat Voldemort to save the
world… etc.
Paragraph 4 – Difference #2: Boastful versus humble. Give examples from the text that show Beowulf
boasting of his previous victories and Harry Potter showing humility despite his many “victories”.
Paragraph 5 – Wrap-up and conclusion. This is a good time to state your opinion and close out your
thoughts on the archetype you chose to discuss.
Step 1: Choose one of the 11 archetypes discussed in class (hero, villain, misfit, outcast, faithful
companion, caretaker, trickster, rebel, rugged individualist, earth mother, innocent)

Step 2: Choose a character from a literary work or movie that exhibits characteristics consistent with a
traditional archetype and one the exhibits characteristics that have changed or adapted in modern

Step 3: Create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the characteristics of both examples.

Step 4: Pick one similarity and two differences (or vice versa) and write your thesis. The body of your
paragraph will follow the outline stated in your thesis.

Thesis Statement:
Drafting – Archetypes Essay
Title: _________________________________________________________________________

1st paragraph: Introduction
 Start with a hook!
 Introduce your topic and the archetype you’ve chosen
 Introduce your two characters and a brief background of their stories (2-3 sentences max!)
 End with thesis statement

2nd paragraph: Body paragraph #1 – Difference or similarity #1

 Main topic sentence states your characteristic clearly and confidently
 Supporting sentences include examples, details, and descriptions

3rd paragraph: Body paragraph #2 – Difference or similarity #2

 Main topic sentence states your characteristic clearly and confidently
 Supporting sentences include examples, details, and descriptions
4th paragraph: Body paragraph #3 – Difference or similarity #1
 Main topic sentence states your characteristic clearly and confidently
 Supporting sentences include examples, details, and descriptions

5th paragraph: Conclusion – END your compare/contrast:

 wraps-up your discussion and states an opinion

Editing Checklist
_____has a hook that engages the reader and introduces the topic of the assignment
_____provides 2-3 sentences of support describing the topic
_____ends with a clear thesis statement (highlight)
_____is ONE complete sentence and answers the prompt and gives a preview of discussion
_____organization follows the thesis statement and is at least three paragraphs
_____paragraphs have a main topic sentence (based on thesis)
_____main topic sentences have 2-3 supporting details, examples, and descriptions
_____wraps-up ideas/thoughts and gives an opinion
_____relatively free of spelling/grammar mistakes
_____names, proper nouns, and first word of the sentence are CAPITALIZED
_____written in 3rd person POV (NO I, me, my, myself etc.)
Archetypes Essay Rubric

Requirements Points Points

Possible Earned
 5 paragraphs typed, double spaced, standard font.
 Relatively free of spelling and grammar mistakes. 20
 Compare and contrast writing style.
 Third person point of view.
 Evidence of the writing process (prewriting, drafting, and
 MLA standard formatting (works cited list, in-text
 Clear, concise, and cohesive thesis statement.
 Organization is clear, consistent, and guided by the thesis.
 Discusses a minimum of three (total) 30
differences/similarities in the characteristics and
character development of the traditional archetype and
the modern example chosen.
 Focus is on characteristics and not plot/events.
 Includes specific examples, details, and descriptions from
the works to defend the thesis.
 Opinion is stated in the conclusion.

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