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Pride Film Review

The movie my class chose for our film review is entitled Pride.
By watching the trailer, I observed that this Matthew Warchus
directed film would represent strength, independence, and
other challenges that we still face in today's world such as
prejudice and discrimination. I think is important matter, and I
was excited to see what the film would have in store.
The plot revolves around a group of English gay activists and
their response to the UK miners' strike of 1984-1985. After
experiencing a life of discrimination, the films protagonist-Mark
gathers his friends and commences an organisation named
‘Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners’. Marks shares that he
has been through some of the conditions miners have been
through and he can relate to the hard times they have
experienced, because of this he feels that he must share his
voice and work for what is right. His group (LGSM) spends their
time gathering money on the street, speaking at events and
travelling down to the miners in Wales. Throughout the movie
we see LGSM’s attempts to win over the undermining,
prejudice people of Wales and England. Although much people
stand firm with their discriminative opinions of the LGBTQ
community, as the movie persists we can tell the public
becomes much more open and understanding of the
community. One of the elders even screams ‘Where are my
My favourite scene in the film is when a miner named Cliff
comes out to his wife-Hefina expressing that he in fact is also
gay. This scene was very simple in the way that it was shot and
in how it was written. As Cliff and Hefena are preparing
sandwiches for the miners, out of context Cliff announces, ‘I am
gay’ and continues preparing the bread. With no big reaction
Hefena comforts him and expresses how she has known for a
while and comforts him. The way it is shot is at eye level-
showing that there is no assertive character in the scene and
they both accept each other. The lighting is natural which
further shows how simple the scene is. I ultimately loved this as
I could grasp the huge difference and affects LGSM had on the
miner’s lives. I observed that Cliff has now been surrounded by
a society where he now feels comfortable to be and express
An aspect of the movie in which I thoroughly enjoyed was
lighting. I observed that the lighting was usually much darker in
Wales and brighter in London. It helped me understand the
stress and struggles that the miners are facing and how it
affects their everyday lives. The movie resolves with the Annual
London Pride march. LGSM are in the march supported by all
the Miners they helped with. This scene is full of bright colours
and lighting. This displays that as a community they have found
happiness, victory and acceptance.
Although Mark was set to be the protagonist of the film, I still
believed that there was a lack of focus on one particular
character. I think that as the movie had a big cast it became
quite overwhelming and hard to follow. I have the opinion that
I would have preferred this film if I had followed one character
throughout and understood their story more in depth.
An observation made in the movie is the symbolism of a hands.
After LGSM had been introduced to some miners, one of the
disgusted men shows their unacceptance and hatred towards
the community and leaves the building. After this his friend
hears that LGSM had been supporting him through this rough
time he goes over to present them with a handshake. I noticed
that in this handshake the miner showed he had set free of his
negative thoughts and beliefs and showed that he will be
accepting as they are both working for the same goal. Another
time hands were symbolized was when Ben (a member of
LGSM) left home as his family weren’t accepting of his
sexuality. His anxious self moves in with a friend named Steph
and they lay in bed together, holding hands. It represented that
even though they were both nervous of what is next to come
they both had and supported each other.
As I comprehend that this movie tackles very important themes
and ideas, I would highly recommend it. It normalizes sexuality
and could make some viewers more comfortable with
themselves. I think the age rating should be for 12s as I think
that it is necessary for kids to understand it at an early age due
to it being a very relevant topic. I would rate this movie 4 out of
5 stars as I believe it was shot very well- fitting the setting, good
costumes and plot. My only critic was the multiple storylines I
had to follow through the film.
In conclusion I felt this was a very heartwarming and enjoyable
film. It left on a happy and inspiring note with the feeling of
acceptance and triumph.

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