Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig: Task A-1

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Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig

Mangagoy, Bislig City

NAME: ___________________________________________DATE: ____________
COURSE & YEAR: ___________________________________RATING:__________

Task A-1 Output: Paragraph. Direction: Which of the definitions of “Globalization” you agree? And why? Explain
your answer in one paragraph. Your answer will be graded using the rubric below. 25/25

Components 5 4 3 2 Score
The student The student The student The student
communicates communicates communicates communicates
and expresses and expresses and expresses and expresses
Topic Sentence/ the main idea the main idea the main idea the main idea
Main Idea with high degree with with some with limited
of effectiveness. considerable effectiveness. effectiveness.
The topic effectiveness. The topic The topic
sentence is very The topic sentence is sentence is
strong and very sentence is clear somehow clear unclear and very
effective. and effective. and effective. weak.
The supporting The supporting The supporting The supporting
details are details are details are details are
consistently effective, and somehow clear, unclear and not
Supporting specific, are related to sometimes related to the
Detail Sentences insightful and the main idea. related to the main idea. The
closely related The student main idea. The student
to the main idea. demonstrated student demonstrated
The student considerable demonstrated limited
demonstrated understanding. some understanding.
thorough understanding.
The closing The closing The closing The closing
sentence is very sentence is sentence is sentence is very
Concluding strong. It strong. It unclear and weak, unclear
sentence summarized the somewhat incorrectly and incorrectly
text successfully. summarized the placed. There placed. It does
text. was an attempt not summarize
to summarize the text.
the text.
Transitions are Transitions are Transitions are Transitions are
used to show used to show used to show used to show
Transitions the the the the
development development development development
from one idea to from one idea to from one idea to from one idea to
the next idea the next with the next with the next with
with a high considerable some limited
degree of effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness.
Consistent Some errors, but A few errors in Distracting
Mechanics standard English none major, in usage, spelling, errors in usage,
usage, spelling, usage, spelling, or punctuation spelling, or
and or punctuation. (3-4) punctuation
punctuation. No (1-2)
Total Score

Task A-2 Output: Short answers. Globalization Quotes by World Influencers. 15/15

Many world leaders, decision-makers and influential people have spoken about globalization. Some stand out its
positive benefits and others focus deeper on its negative effects.

Politic Globalization Quotes

Globalization quote by the former U.S President Bill Clinton 👇

“No generation has had the opportunity, as we now have, to build a global economy that leaves no-one behind. It
is a wonderful opportunity, but also a profound responsibility.”

Globalization quote by Barack Obama, former U.S. president

Globalization is a fact, because of technology, because of an integrated global supply chain, because of changes in
transportation. And we’re not going to be able to build a wall around that.

Globalization quote by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former International Monetary Fund Managing Director 👇

“We can’t speak day after day about globalization without at the same time having in mind that…we need
multilateral solutions.”

Globalization quote by Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada 👇

“We have to remember we’re in a global economy. The purpose of fiscal stimulus is not simply to sustain activity in
our national economies but to help the global economy as well, and that’s why it’s so critical that measures in
those packages avoid anything that smacks of protectionism.”

Globalization quote by Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia 👇

“My guiding principle is that prosperity can be shared. We can create wealth together. The global economy is not a
zero-sum game.”

The famous German sociologist Ulrich Beck also spoke of globalization 👇

“Globalization is not only something that will concern and threaten us in the future, but something that is taking
place in the present and to which we must first open our eyes.”

Globalization quote by Bill Gates, owner and former CEO of Microsoft 👇

“The fact is that as living standards have risen around the world, world trade has been the mechanism allowing
poor countries to increasingly take care of really basic needs, things like vaccination.”

Globalization quote by the spiritual leader Dalai Lama 👇

“I find that because of modern technological evolution and our global economy, and as a result of the great
increase in population, our world has greatly changed: it has become much smaller. However, our perceptions
have not evolved at the same pace; we continue to cling to old national demarcations and the old feelings of ‘us’
and ‘them’.”

The famous German sociologist Ulrich Beck also spoke of globalization 👇

“Globalization is not only something that will concern and threaten us in the future, but something that is taking
place in the present and to which we must first open our eyes.”

Globalization quote by Bill Gates, owner and former CEO of Microsoft 👇

“The fact is that as living standards have risen around the world, world trade has been the mechanism allowing
poor countries to increasingly take care of really basic needs, things like vaccination.”
1. Who among the world leaders, decision-makers and influential people did you agree with? And why?
2. List all the positive benefits and the negative benefits they emphasized about “globalization”.
3. Make your own positive (1) and negative (1) quotation about “Globalization”.

Task B-1 Output: Venn diagram. Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast the social structures in
your barangay or city/province in the last 10 years and its present social structures. 10/10

Task C-1 Output: Essay. Make an essay on this topic “How does Global Economy work?”20/20
Rubric for Scoring ESSAY:
20 Answers use specific details from the lesson/s in a very clear, cohesive, and coherent way. No
grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
17 Answers use specific details from the lesson/s in a clear, cohesive, and coherent way. Minimal
grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
14 Answers each question with only 1 detail from the lesson, minimal grammatical, spelling, and
punctuation errors.
11 Answers the question using specific but unrelated details. Minimal grammatical, spelling, and
punctuation errors.
8 Answers the question without using any details from the lesson/s. Several grammatical, spelling, and
punctuation errors.
No answer 0
Task D-1 Output: Chronological Order Graphic organizer. Using the chronological order graphic organizer,
trace the history of global market integration. 20/20

Task E-1 Output:Charts. Identify the international financial institutions, its members and its policies. 15/15
International Financial Institutions Members Policies
International Monetary

Exceeds Good Fair Poor
5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts
Chart meets all
required elements;
Does not have all of The chart is
however, it does
The chart the required lacking in
not utilize the
includes all its elements of the elements
resources in the
Chart required chart. Also, sources required and
most effective
Requirements elements. It also are not used in an in resources
manner. Includes
includes effective manner, or used. There
the minimum
effective use of there is not enough are many gaps
amount of
sources. information in information
presented. presented.

Work is done
with little
The work done
effort, quality
exceeds all The work was done
is not what the
expectations and with good effort Work is done with
learner is
shows that the that shows what fair effort, but the
capable of. It is
Work learner is proud the learner is quality is still not
evident that
quality/effort of his/her work. capable of. It is what the learner is
the work was
The effort that evident that time capable of. It is
rushed and
was put into this was put into this evident that the
little time was
task is the best it poster and work was rushed.
spent on the
can be by the presentation.
final product.
Work is

The chart has an

element of The chart lacks
creativity and The chart is clear a clear
The chart lacks style
style, and is not and logical and understanding
and reads more like
Style/Mechanic just a list of contains facts as of the subject
a list of facts than an
s facts. The chart well as very few matter and
oral presentation.
is presented in a mistakes. Good there are
The chart lacks
clear and concise clear presentation. many errors.
neatness and clarity
manner with full Chart is not
understanding of creative.
the subject.

Prepared by:
Mr. Darioz B. Lucero
GE 3 Instructor

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