An Introduction To The Cardiovascular System

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An Introduction to the Cardiovascular System ventricle pumps into.

It splits into pulmonary arteries which

take the blood to the lungs. The pulmonary veins take blood
The cardiovascular system can be thought of as the transport from the lungs to the left atrium. All the other veins in our body
system of the body. This system has three main components: drain into the inferior vena cava (IVC) or the superior vena cava
the heart, the blood vessel and the blood itself. The heart is the (SVC). These two large veins then take the blood from the rest of
system’s pump and the blood vessels are like the delivery the body into the right atrium.
routes. Blood can be thought of as a fluid which contains the
oxygen and nutrients the body needs and carries the wastes Valves
which need to be removed. The following information describes Valves are fibrous flaps of tissue found between the heart
the structure and function of the heart and the cardiovascular chambers and in the blood vessels. They are rather like gates
system as a whole. which prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction. They
are found in a number of places. Valves between the atria and
ventricles are known as the right and left atrioventricular
valves, otherwise known as the tricuspid and mitral valves
respectively. Valves between the ventricles and the great arteries
are known as the semilunar valves. The aortic valve is found at
the base of the aorta, while the pulmonary valve is found the
base of the pulmonary trunk. There are also many valves found
in veins throughout the body. However, there are no valves
found in any of the other arteries besides the aorta and
pulmonary trunk.

Structure and Function of the Heart

Function and Location of the Heart
The heart’s job is to pump blood around the body. The heart is
located in between the two lungs. It lies left of the middle of the

Structure of the Heart What is the Cardiovascular System?

The heart is a muscle about the size of a fist, and is roughly The cardiovascular system refers to the heart, blood vessels and
cone-shaped. It is about 12cm long, 9cm across the broadest the blood. Blood contains oxygen and other nutrients which
point and about 6cm thick. The pericardium is a fibrous your body needs to survive. The body takes these essential
covering which wraps around the whole heart. It holds the heart nutrients from the blood. At the same time, the body dumps
in place but allows it to move as it beats. The wall of the heart waste products like carbon dioxide, back into the blood, so they
itself is made up of a special type of muscle called cardiac can be removed. The main function of the cardiovascular
muscle. system is therefore to maintain blood flow to all parts of the
body, to allow it to survive. Veins deliver used blood from the
Chambers of the Heart body back to the heart. Blood in the veins is low in oxygen (as it
The heart has two sides, the right side and the left side. The has been taken out by the body) and high in carbon dioxide (as
heart has four chambers. The left and right side each have two the body has unloaded it back into the blood). All the veins
chambers, a top chamber and a bottom chamber. The two top drain into the superior and inferior vena cava which then drain
chambers are known as the left and right atria (singular: into the right atrium. The right atrium pumps blood into the
atrium). The atria receive blood from different sources. The left right ventricle. Then the right ventricle pumps blood to the
atrium receives blood from the lungs and the right atrium pulmonary trunk, through the pulmonary arteries and into the
receives blood from the rest of the body. The bottom two lungs. In the lungs the blood picks up oxygen that we breathe
chambers are known as the left and right ventricles. in and gets rid of carbon dioxide, which we breathe out. The
The ventricles pump blood out to different parts of the body. blood is becomes rich in oxygen which the body can use. From
The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs while the left the lungs, blood drains into the left atrium and is then pumped
ventricle pumps out blood to the rest of the body. The ventricles into the left ventricle. The left ventricle then pumps this oxygen-
have much thicker walls than the atria which allows them to rich blood out into the aorta which then distributes it to the rest
perform more work by pumping out blood to the whole body. of the body through other arteries. The main arteries which
Blood Vessels branch off the aorta and take blood to specific parts of the body
Blood Vessel are tubes which carry blood. Veins are blood are:
vessels which carry blood from the body back to the
heart. Arteries are blood vessels which carry blood from the
heart to the body. There are also microscopic blood vessels  Carotid arteries, which take blood to the neck and
which connect arteries and veins together called capillaries. head
There are a few main blood vessels which connect to different  Coronary arteries, which provide blood supply to the
chambers of the heart. The aorta is the largest artery in our heart itself
body. The left ventricle pumps blood into the aorta which then  Hepatic artery, which takes blood to the liver with
carries it to the rest of the body through smaller arteries. branches going to the stomach
The pulmonary trunk is the large artery which the right  Mesenteric artery, which takes blood to the intestines
 Renal arteries, which takes blood to the kidneys
 Femoral arteries, which take blood to the legs The role of red blood cells is to carry oxygen in the blood. They
take up oxygen from the lungs and deliver it to cells in the
The body is then able to use the oxygen in the blood to carry body’s tissues. Their biconcave shape means that the cell has a
out its normal functions. This blood will again return back to large surface area which helps it to absorb oxygen.
the heart through the veins and the cycle continues. Furthermore, red blood cells do not contain a nucleus, this
creates room inside the cell allowing them to carry more oxygen.

Red blood cells contain a substance called haemoglobin, a red

chemical which contains iron. Haemoglobin helps red blood
cells absorb oxygen. In the lungs, haemoglobin combines with
oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin. In the body’s tissues,
oxyhaemlobin breaks down to haemoglobin, releasing oxygen
from the red blood cell. The released oxygen can be taken up by
Red Blood Cells

What is the Cardiac Cycle?

The cardiac cycle is the sequence of events that occurs in one

complete beat of the heart. The pumping phase of the cycle, also White Blood Cells
known as systole, occurs when heart muscle contracts. The White Blood Cells defend the body against infection from
filling phase, which is known as diastole, occurs when heart microorganisms. There are two different types of white blood
muscle relaxes. At the beginning of the cardiac cycle, both atria cell; each type does a slightly different job. Both types are
and ventricles are in diastole. During this time, all the suspended in the blood plasma.
chambers of the heart are relaxed and receive blood. The
atrioventricular valves are open. Atrial systole follows this Phagocytes are the first type of white blood cell. Phagocytes
phase. During atrial systole, the left and right atria contract at kill microorganisms
the same time and push blood into the left and right ventricles, like bacteria if they
respectively. The next phase is ventricular systole. During get into the blood. White Blood Cells – Phagocyte
ventricular systole, the left and right ventricles contract at the Phagocytes have to be
same time and pump blood into the aorta and pulmonary very flexible as they
trunk, respectively. In ventricular systole, the atria are relaxed kill microorganisms
and receive blood. The atrioventricular valves close immediately by surrounding and
after ventricular systole begins to stop blood going back into the engulfing them.
atria. However, the semilunar valves are open during this phase Once inside the
to allow the blood to flow into the aorta and pulmonary trunk. phagocyte, the
Following this phase, the ventricles relax that is ventricular microorganism is
diastole occurs. The semilunar valves close to stop the blood digested by powerful
from flowing back into the ventricles from the aorta and enzymes and killed.
pulmonary trunk. The atria and ventricles once again are in
diastole together and the cycle begins again.

Components of the Heartbeat

The adult heart beats around 70 to 80 times a minute at rest.
When you listen to your heart with a stethoscope you can hear The other group of white blood cells are called Lymphocytes.
your heart beat. The sound is usually described as “lubb-dupp”. Lymphocytes produce chemicals called antibodies. Antibodies
The “lubb” also known as the first heart sound, is caused by the stick onto foreign microorganisms in the blood, this either kills
closure of the atrioventricular valves. The “dupp” sound is due the microorganisms or causes
to the closure of the semilunar valves when the ventricles relax them to clump together, making it
(at the beginning of ventricular diastole). Abnormal heart easier for phagocytes to engulf and White Blood Cells –
sounds are known as murmurs. Murmurs may indicate a destroy them. Besides helping to Lymphocyte
problem with the heart valves, but many types of murmur are kill microorganisms Lymphocytes
no cause for concern. (For more information see: (see Valvular also protect the body as they are
Heart Disease) able to neutralise the harmful
poisons or ‘toxins’ produced by
Blood Components microorganisms.

Blood contains a variety of cell types suspended in a liquid

called plasma. Each part blood performs a specific role. The Platelets
features of each component reflect the role that they carry out. Platelets are small fragments of
cells, they have no nucleus and are suspended in the blood
Red Blood Cells
Red blood cells are the most common blood cells, they travel Platelets
suspended in the blood plasma. Red blood cells are biconcave,
this means that they are shaped like a flat disc with a dimple on
each side. Red blood cells look like a Trebor mint or a doughnut
with the hole in the middle filled in.
plasma. Platelets play an important role in helping blood to clot  After plasma has delivered its nutrients and removed
at a wound. When the wall of a blood vessel is damaged debris, it leaves the cells. 90% of this fluid returns to the
platelets seal and clot the wound. This prevents blood cells from venous circulation through the venules and continues as
being lost from the blood and also stop microorganisms entering venous blood.
the blood through the wound.  The remaining 10% of this fluid becomes lymph which
is a watery fluid that contains waste products. This
If you did not have any platelets your wounds would never be waste is protein-rich due to the undigested proteins that were
able to clot and heal. removed from the cells.

Plasma is a straw coloured liquid. Plasma carries all of the
different types of cell contained in the blood. Since the blood The lymph is
plasma is a liquid some substances are carried by being moved through
dissolved directly in the blood plasma. For example, Carbon the body in its
dioxide is produced as a waste product by cells in the body own vessels
tissues, this carbon dioxide is dissolved in the blood plasma so making a one-
way journey
from the
interstitial spaces to the subclavian veins at the base of the

 Since the lymphatic system does not have a heart to

pump it, its upward movement depends on the motions of the
muscle and joint pumps.
 As it moves upward toward the neck the lymph passes
through lymph nodes which filter it to remove debris and
 The cleansed lymph continues to travel in only one
direction, which is upward toward the neck.
 At the base of the neck, the cleansed lymph flows into
the subclavian veins on either side of the neck. 

that it can be transported to the lungs and removed from the

body. The sugar glucose is also carried to the body tissues by
being dissolved in the blood plasma.

The Lymphatic System


 The lymphatic system aids the immune system Lymph returning to the 

in removing and destroying waste, debris, dead blood cells, subclavian veins.
pathogens, toxins, and cancer cells.
 The lymphatic system absorbs fats and fat-soluble THE ORIGIN OF LYMPH
vitamins from the digestive system and delivers these Lymph originates as plasma (the fluid portion of blood).
nutrients to the cells of the body where they are used by The arterial blood, which flows out of the heart, slows as it
the cells. moves through a capillary bed. This slowing allows some
 The lymphatic system also removes excess fluid, and plasma to leave the arterioles (small arteries) and flow into the
waste products from the interstitial spaces between the cells. tissues where it becomes tissue fluid.

THE TRANSFORMATION  Also known as extracellular fluid, this is fluid that

Arterial blood carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones for the flows between the cells but is not into the cells. This fluid
cells. To reach these cells it leaves the small arteries and flows delivers nutrients, oxygen, and hormones to the cells.
into the tissues. This fluid is now known as interstitial fluid and  As this fluid leaves the cells, it takes with it cellular
it delivers its nourshing products to the cells. Then it leaves the waste products and protein cells.
cell and removes waste products.  Approximately 90% of this tissue fluid flows into the
small veins. Here it enters the venous circulation as plasma
After this task is complete, 90% of this fluid returns to the and continues in the circulatory system.
circulatory system as venous blood.  The remaining 10% of the fluid that is left behind is
WHAT IS LYMPH? known as lymph.
The remaining 10% of the fluid that stays behind in the
tissues as a clear to yellowish fluid known as lymph. LYMPHATIC CAPILLARIES
In order to leave the tissues, the lymph must enter the
 Unlike blood, which flows throughout the body in a lymphatic system through specialized lymphatic capillaries.
continue loop, lymph flows in only one direction within its Approximately 70% of these are superficial capillaries located
own system. This flow is only upward toward the neck. Here, near, or just under, the skin. The remaining 30%, which are
it flows into the venous blood stream through the subclavien known as deep lymphatic capillaries, surround most of the
veins which are located on either sides of the neck near the body’s organs.
Lymphatic capillaries begin as blind-ended tubes that are only a
single cell in thickness. These cells are arranged in a slightly
overlapping pattern, much like the shingles on a roof. Each of
these individual cells is fastened to nearby tissues by
an anchoring filament.
The lymphatic capillaries gradually join together to form a
mesh-like network of tubes that are located deeper in the body.

 As they become larger, and deeper, these

structures become lymphatic vessels.
 Deeper within the body the lymphatic vessels become
progressively larger and are located near major blood veins.
 Like veins, the lymphatic vessels, which are known
as lymphangions, have one-way valves to prevent any
backward flow.
 Smooth muscles in the walls of the lymphatic vessels
cause the angions to contract sequentially to aid the flow of
lymph upward toward the thoracic region. Because of their
shape, these vessels are previously referred to as a string of


Lymph nodes kill pathogens and cancer cells. They also

 remove debris and excess fluids.

There are between 600-700 lymph nodes present in the average

human body. It is the role of these nodes to filter the lymph
before it can be returned to the circulatory system. Although
these nodes can increase or decrease in size throughout life,
any nodes that has been damaged or destroyed, does not

 Afferent lymphatic vessels carry unfiltered lymph into

the node. Here waste products, and some of the fluid, are
filtered out.
 In another section of the node, lymphocytes, which are
specialized white blood cells, kill any pathogens that may be
present. This causes the swelling commonly known as swollen
 Lymph nodes also trap and destroy cancer cells to
slow the spread of the cancer until they are overwhelmed by
 Efferent lymphatic vessels carry the filtered lymph out
of the node so that it can continue its return to the circulatory

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