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[Project name]

Software Requirements Specification

Project Name
[Project Code:]

[Name of Student, IV Year, VII Semester, Batch (e.g. B-2)]

Approval statement by Project Guide: I Prof. (Name of Guide) have gone through the entire
SRS document of (Name of Student) and found it completely correct in terms of Formatting and

Signature: ............................................. Dated: .........../............/20............

Reception statement by Lab In-Charge: I Prof. (Name of Lab In-Charge) have received the
SRS Document from (Name of Student) on ........./......../20........

Signature: ..............................................

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

JIET College of Engineering
SRS [Page no]
[Project name]

Session 2019-20
Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................2
1.1 Scope..................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Technologies to be used.....................................................................................................2
2.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................3
2.1 Functionalities....................................................................................................................3
2.2 Use Case Model Diagrams.................................................................................................3
2.3 Interfaces............................................................................................................................3
2.4 General Constraints............................................................................................................3
2.5 Supplementary requirements..............................................................................................3
3.0 DEFINITION, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS....................................................4

4.0 REFERENCES........................................................................................................................5

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[Project name]


1.1 Scope

< Enlist the scope of the project work (keep the following questions in mind while thinking
about the scope: How this project is going to benefit the end user? What requirement or
problem of the end user will be resolved? What this project is going to do? What is its core
appeal? What concrete problem is it going to solve, or what part of life is it going to make
better? What is the practical utility of the project? What are its possible uses? etc.) >

1.2 Technologies to be used

< Mention the technologies to be used in your project >

 J2EE: (Servlet, JSP, JAXP, Java Beans) Application architecture.
 WASCE: (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition) Web Server
 DB2: IBM Database.
 RAD 7.0: Development tool.

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[Project name]


2.1 Functionalities
<Detail about the functionalities of the software/project which will be developed>

2.2 Use Case Model Diagrams

<Make use case diagram to show actions of every user in system>

2.3 Interfaces
< Detail about the software, hardware, communication interfaces >

2.4 General Constraints

< Details about the constraints which can be there in the project/assignment/software.>

2.5 Supplementary requirements

< Any extra requirement, it may be hardware, software, learning resources etc.>

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[Project name]

3.0 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations


 WASCE (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition): It is an application server

that runs and supports the J2EE and the web service applications.

 Ajax (Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in java script to create
dynamic web pages.

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[Project name]

4.0 References

< Enter the references taken for the document/project development in Standard IEEE format as
mentioned in the examples below>


[1] S. M. Hemmingsen, Soft Science. Saskatoon, Canada: University of Saskatchewan Press,

[2] A. Rezi and M. Allam, “Techniques in array processing by means of transformations,” in
Control and Dynamic Systems, vol. 69, Multidimensional Systems, C. T. Leondes, Ed. San
Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1995, pp. 133-180.
—example of a chapter
[3] J. A. Prufrock, Ed., Lasers, 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2004.
—example of an edition


The word “in” before the conference title is not italicized.

[1] N. Osifchin and G. Vau, “Power considerations for the modernization of telecommunications
in Central and Eastern European and former Soviet Union (CEE/FSU) countries,” in Second
International Telecommunications Energy Special Conference, 1997, pp. 9-16.
[2] S. Al Kuran, “The prospects for GaAs MESFET technology in dc–ac voltage conversion,” in
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Portable Design Conference, 1997, pp. 137-142.


[1] R. J. Vidmar. (1992, Aug.). On the use of atmospheric plasmas as electromagnetic reflectors.
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. [Online]. 21(3), pp. 876-880. Available:
—example of a journal article
[2] PROCESS Corp., MA. Intranets: Internet technologies deployed behind the firewall for
corporate productivity. Presented at INET96 Annual Meeting. [Online]. Available:
—example of a conference presentation
[3] S. L. Talleen. (1996, Apr.). The Intranet Architecture: Managing information in the new
paradigm. Amdahl Corp., CA. [Online]. Available:
—example of a report

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