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Rev. Adv.role
in chemical
Sci. 40 (2015)
vapor 235-248
deposition (CVD) process: a review 235



Haroon Ur Rashid1, Kaichao Yu2, Muhammad Naveed Umar3, Muhammad

Naveed Anjum4, Khalid Khan5, Nasir Ahmad5 and Muhammad Tariq Jan5
Department of Chemistry, Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P. R. China
Department of Chemistry, University of Malakand, Chakdara Lower Dir KPK, Pakistan
Department of Applied Chemistry, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Department of Chemistry, Islamia College University, Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan
Received: November 04, 2014

Abstract. The article describes significant role of catalyst in the deposition of various materials
on different substrates surface via Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. CVD is a complex
process of depositing thin coatings on a substrate surface via chemical reactions of gaseous
materials. It is a useful process to produce materials of high purity, density and strength. It has
emerged as a novel manufacturing technique in industrial sectors such as semiconductor and
ceramic industries. Catalyst Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (CECVD) is an enhance-
ment method, used for the synthesis of nanomaterials on thermally sensitive substrates in the
presence of appropriate metal catalysts. Such catalysts not only ensure the deposition to be
carried out at considerably low temperature but they also produce films of high purity. The article
provides the published data about nanomaterials synthesis by CECVD process. Catalytic chemical
vapor deposition (CCVD) is another efficient and low-cost method for the mass production of
highly pure carbon nanotubes (CNTs). In this process, CNTs are produced by the catalytic de-
composition of hydrocarbon vapors. Cobalt, Iron, Nickel and their alloys are the most widely used
catalysts in CNTs production through CVD process. This idea has been explained in detail with
appropriate examples from recent literature.

1. INTRODUCTION ties can be produced by changing the substrate

temperature, composition of the reaction gas mix-
Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) is a synthesis
ture, total pressure gas flow, and experimental con-
process in which the chemical components react
ditions, etc. [1,2]. For structural component appli-
in the vapor phase close to or on a hot substrate.
cations, deposition usually occurs at a tempera-
Activation of the substrate is usually performed by
ture of about 1000 r C. Reactive processes differen-
heating, radiation or plasma This process produces
tiate CVD from physical vapor deposition (PVD) pro-
a solid deposit. The deposition consists of either
cesses such as physical evaporation, sputtering and
homogenous gas phase reactions taking place in
sublimation processes [3].
the gas phase or heterogeneous chemical reactions
Volatilization of a solid or liquid feed produces
which take place on/in close proximity of a hot sur-
the gaseous compound containing the deposit ma-
face resulting in the formation of powders or coat-
terial. A carrier gas (usually Hydrogen or Nitrogen)
ings respectively. The technique is systematically
is then used to transport gaseous materials to hot
elucidated in Fig. 1. Materials with different proper-
Corresponding author: Haroon Ur Rashid,

s) (,6Ug
fUj8V e
Vc8 %
236 H.U. Rashid, K. Yu, M.N. Umar, M.N. Anjum, K. Khan, N. Ahmad and M.T. Jan

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of a Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process.

substrate. In a particular case of a transport, when WF6 is reduced by silicon [10]. Naturally, CVD is
the reactant and the deposit are of the same mate- valuable for the production of a very thin deposit.
rial, volatilization process is accompanied by reac- One of the most important applications of chemical
tion of the reactant with a gaseous transport agent. vapor deposition is the preparation of coatings and
An opposite process would result in the formation the manufacturing of materials to finished size for
of a solid deposit. Transport is dependent upon the those substances which are not conveniently fabri-
variation in equilibrium constant for the temperatures cated via more conventional ways. Such materials
of the substrate and reactant source [2,4]. It is im- cannot be suitably fabricated either by physical va-
perative that all parts of the system are at least as por deposition or electrodeposition. High melting
hot as the vapor supply otherwise condensation of point elements such as carbon, tantalum or tung-
vapors will occur on their contact with any com- sten cannot be deposited by applying physical va-
paratively cool surface. The reaction part of the sys- por deposition. While electrodeposition techniques
tem is usually much hotter than the vapor supply. cannot be used for some commercially significant
However, its temperature should be lower than the elements such as silicon, molybdenum and tung-
melting point of the deposit. It is also important to sten [11]. CVD has an additional benefit as it is
consider two other volatility aspects. (1) For the capable of depositing many alloys and some other
proper elimination of the unnecessary materials from compounds like carbides, oxides and nitrides. CVD
the deposition system, they must be in gaseous materials have applications in various fields. Prepa-
form. (2) The deposit must have vapor pressure low ration of hard coatings of Al2O3 and TiC has been
enough to prevent its volatilization. The deposition reported on cutting tools. Using deposits of materi-
reaction occurs either via thermal decomposition or als such as tantalum, SiC, MoSi2, and BN can offer
via chemical reduction. A general example of such protection against corrosion. Similarly coating of
a reaction is represented by Eq. (1). steel with tungsten can reduce corrosion.
Fabricability of some materials is limited by con-
AB 2(Solid or Liquid) AB 2(Gas) A (Solid) + B 2(Gas) . (1) ventional methods. Free standing shapes of such
materials have been prepared by CVD. Most impor-
Mostly organometallic compounds are used in
tant among such materials are the refractory met-
thermal decomposition. However, it is also appli-
als and their alloys. Most of the work is being fo-
cable to halides and some other simple inorganic
cused on energy conversion and solid state elec-
compounds. Sub-halides are being used at more
tronic devices [12,13]. In a CVD process the depo-
modest reaction temperatures if the decomposition
sition depends upon the thermal energy of the sub-
temperature of a halide is extremely high [5,6]. Simi-
strate. However, sometimes it is desirable to mini-
lar types of reactants are employed in chemical re-
mize the temperature of the substrate in order to
duction deposition. Buck made a survey of some
protect the materials that have already been formed.
reactant compounds appropriate for their applica-
For example, a film of aluminum formed via CVD
tion in the CVD process [7]. Hydrogen is frequently
process can be damaged by excessive heating. If a
used as a reducing agent in chemical reduction.
layer of aluminum already formed on a semicon-
However, metal vapors can also be employed for
ductor wafer (substrate) is heated to a high tem-
this purpose. For example, reaction of zinc vapors
perature, it can diffuse into the substrate as well as
with H2S and water vapors results in the formation
the adjoining materials. The electrical performance
of ZnS and ZnO respectively [8,9]. The substrate
of the aluminum will be badly affected resulting in
can behave as a reductant as well. For example,
the formation of a substandard semiconductor chip.
Catalyst role in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process: a review 237

A number of methods have been developed to per- precursor at the surface of already prepared cata-
form CVD at lower temperature, allowing the coat- lyst particles supported on a surface. Since CCVD
ings to be grown at thermally sensitive substrates acT Vd dZdaVc Wc VURe ]he V aVc Refc
V u()
and therefore, improving the quality and purity of rC) and ambient pressure, therefore, it is particu-
these coatings. These include the use of Plasmas, larly useful for the synthesis of Carbon nanotubes
ion beams, reactive carrier gases, lasers and syn- (CNTs). The process can be performed using vari-
chrotron etc. Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor ous carbon sources in any physical state. Further-
Deposition (PECVD) is employed to accomplish high more, it allows the use of different substrates and
quality coating depositions at a reduced tempera- ensures carbon nanotubes synthesis in a variety of
ture. In this process, electron energy (plasma) is forms like films and powder [18,19].
used as an excitation method in order to perform
coating at a low temperature and at a moderate rate. 2. CATALYSTS USED IN CECVD
In PECVD, the injected gases are activated by a PROCESS
radio frequency field. This results in the generation
of a plasma zone containing free electrons, ionized Following metals have been found to be suitable as
gas molecules, free radicals and normal neutral gas catalysts in CECVD process.
molecules. Though in PECVD additional energy is
provided which then causes thin films to be pro- 2.1. Palladium
duced at a lower temperature. However, this pro- Palladium is considered to be a highly active cata-
cess needs additional expense related to purchas- lyst for both hydrogenation as well as oxidation.
ing and plasma producing equipment. Furthermore, Further, it provides an active surface for CVD of other
PECVD is carried out in vacuum, therefore, more metals [20-23]. Zhang and his coworkers chose
sophisticated reactor need to be purchased. Simi- palladium as catalyst component for CECVD. They
larly the use of high ion energy plasma (more than also used palladium complexes as precursor in the
20 ev) could cause serious damage to a few fragile CECVD of Yttria (Y2O3) and Zirconia (ZrO2). These
substrates [14-16]. Due to the above drawbacks of precursors were found to be useful in lowering the
the PECVD, use of catalysts is preferred to deposit temperature of yttria and zirconia coatings from their
thin films on thermally sensitive substrate. In cer- -diketonate precursors. They observed that no car-
tain CVD processes, catalytically active metals bon impurities were found and the palladium con-
deposited act as autocatalysts. Seeding a surface tent was low enough to be detected by XPS analy-
with such active metals can lead to selective CVD sis under optimum conditions. Coatings were grown
on the seeded zones especially if a reactive carrier on several substrates including aluminum, platinum,
gas like oxygen or hydrogen is used too. It is be- silicon, and glass and titanium nitride. All these
lieved that the adsorption and dissociation of the substrates showed brilliant adhesion [17]. In another
CVD precursor occur at the surface of the catalyti- attempt, they used CECVD technique to grow high
cally active metals since they act as reactive sites quality pure coatings of yttrium oxide from [Y(thd)3]
for these precursors. In the presence of a reactive (thd = 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato), us-
carrier gas such as hydrogen or oxygen, a catalyti- ing oxygen as a carrier gas. Several palladium com-
cally active metal serves for the elimination of the pounds were employed as catalyst precursor. The
ligand fragments from the surface by catalytic oxi- Palladium complexes used as catalyst ensured the
dation or reduction respectively. Consequently, a CVD of Yttria from [Y(thd)3] to be carried out at much
clean surface is reproduced for additional precursor milder conditions than in their absence. Character-
adsorption and decomposition. Therefore, it can be ization of yttria coatings by XPS (X-ray Photoelec-
concluded that co-deposition of catalytically active tron Spectroscopy) SEM (Scanning Electron Mi-
material causes catalysis of the CVD of a croscopy) and XRD (X-ray Diffraction) techniques
noncatalytic material. Such a phenomenon can be confirmed their open amorphous structures [24].
termed as Catalyst-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Jianhua et al. used Pd(hfac) 2 and Pd(3-2-
Deposition (CECVD). In this process small quan- methylallyl)(acac) as catalysts for the CVD of Pal-
tity of a catalyst precursor is introduced in the reac- ladium-Platinum bilayer nanofilms on polysulfone.
tor along with the major CVD precursor [17]. Cata- They reported the deposition of thin films of palla-
lytic Chemical Vapor Deposition (CCVD) or Hot Fila- dium, platinum and their bilayers on polysulfone
ment Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) is an- substrate. Use of Pd complexes as catalyst caused
other simple and economic process which uses a the CVD process to be performed at a significantly
hot filament for the chemical decomposition of the low temperature. The films were grown at the rate of
238 H.U. Rashid, K. Yu, M.N. Umar, M.N. Anjum, K. Khan, N. Ahmad and M.T. Jan

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of a gold-dot pattern on a silicon substrate, reprinted with permission from
H. Suzuki, H. Araki, M. Tosa and T. Noda // Materials Transactions 48 ) . )) ) s ) .IYV RaR
Institute of Metals and Materials.

350-450 nm/h. They used oxygen and Nitrogen as lyst. Chemical vapor deposition of copper was car-
carrier gas at 220-300 r C at normal pressure. The ried out in a cold-walled reactor at 171-183 r
C. The
particle size was reported to be about 15-30 nm catalyst greatly enhanced the deposition of copper
while the thickness of the Pt-Pd bilayer was found on the substrate surface [29].
to be 120-180 nm [25]. Deposition of Pd and Pt and
their alloy on polyimide by CECVD has also been 2.2. Gold
reported. Pd(hfac)2 and Pd(3-2-methylallyl)(acac)
were applied as catalysts. In CECVD of Pd, Pt and Gold has been successfully applied as a catalyst
their alloy films on polyimide, Pd(hfac)2 and Pd(3-2- in CECVD process. In recent times, silicon
methylallyl)(acac) were found particularly useful nanostructures have attracted significant attention
under oxidative or reductive conditions. During this due to their potential of being probable building
process oxygen and nitrogen were used as carrier blocks for nanoelectronics [30-32]. Wei and his
gases. For the alloy film formation, co-deposition of coworkers used metal- catalyzed CVD method for
Pd and Pt complexes was performed under O2 at the synthesis of single crystal silicon nanobelts.
300 r C. The atomic ratios of Pd/Pt changed with Gold was used as a catalyst which greatly improved
changing deposition conditions. The alloy was found the formation of nanomaterials. The length of sili-
to be free from the contamination of carbon and fluo- con nanotubes was recorded to be more than 100
rine. It contained 37.2% palladium and 62.8% plati- m. These nanotubes were 0.2 to 2 m wide. Fur-
num [26,27]. Endong et al used CECVD for the depo- thermore these nanomaterials were reported to have
sition of nanosized nickel on Teflon. Different nickel flat surfaces, smooth edges and tiny thickness [33].
complexes served as precursors. Palladium com- Synthesis of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) from ther-
pounds Pd(hfac) 2 , PdCl 2 , and Pd( 3 -2- mal cracking of disilane by CVD, using Gold as a
methylallyl)acac were used as catalyst. These cata- catalyst, has been reported. The SiNWs were grown
lysts significantly decreased the CVD temperature on {100} silicon wafers coated with Gold and {100}
(180-250 r C). Hydrogen gas served as a carrier gas. silicon-on-insulator wafers at a temperature below
Substrate and precursors temperature controlled the 300 r C. Silicon nanowires were formed at tempera-
film growth rate. Characterization of Ni granular films ture lower than 250 r C. Gold particles present on
by XPS and SEM showed that the films had shiny the substrate surface assisted in their growth.
silvery color. The particle size was recorded to be Disilane was decomposed to form a liquid Au-Si
50-140 nm. XPS analysis also confirmed 90-95% eutectic on gold particles at a low temperature. The
purity of the Ni film [28]. Potochnik and his cowork- phase diagram of Au-Si reveals that the solubility of
ers developed a method for selective chemical va- Si in solid Au is extremely small. Thus at liquid-
por deposition of adherent, conductive copper films solid interface, pure silicon precipitated. As 363 r
on SiO2, Si, and diamond using a Pd-based cata- is the eutectic temperature of Au-Si, SiNWs were
Catalyst role in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process: a review 239

formed at a lower temperature than the melting points chemical vapor deposition method (CVD) via direct
of Au and Si [34], see Fig. 2. reaction of Si vapor with flowing Nitrogen at 1450 rC
Crystalline GaN nanorods have been developed on the carbon felt deposited with Ni(NO2)3. The
by Au-Assissted CVD in an atmosphere of NH3 at -Si3N4 nanobelts prepared by this method were 40-
an elevated temperature under ambient pressure. 60 nm thick, 200-300 nm wide and up to few milli-
Si was used as a substrate. X-ray diffraction (XRD), meters long.VLS (vapor-liquid-solid) base growth
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scan- method caused their preliminary nucleation and pro-
ning electron microscopy (SEM) were used for the ton nanobelt development in the catalyst droplets
characterization of these nanorods. SEM images and later base growth [39]. Cimalla and his cowork-
showed a nanoparticle cap on the end of each ers used Ni as a catalyst for the growth of AlN
nanorod. Presence of such cap confined the diam- nanowires via metal organic chemical vapor deposi-
eter of nanorod [35]. Hofmann et al. used gold as tion. These nanowires had a diameter of 20 nm and
catalyst for the selective growth of silicon nanowires were grown stochastically via vapor Liquid solid pro-
at temperature below 400 r C via plasma enhanced cess. Ni catalyst played a key role in the formation
chemical vapor deposition. Silane was used as sili- AlN nanowires by this method [40]. Wei et al. have
con source. In this work gold proved to be a very successfully fabricated GaN nanowires on Si(111)
useful catalyst because it did not form a silicide substrates through chemical vapor deposition
and the bulk Au/Si eutectic temperature was com- method by applying NiCl2 as catalyst. The obtained
paratively low (363 r C) as compared to other cata- results reveal that GaN nanowires are single-crys-
lysts like Ti and Fe. The Si nanowires showed a tal with hexagonal wurtzite structure and possess
clean crystalline silicon core enclosed by a 2 nm high crystalline quality. These nanowires are sev-
thick oxide sheath. Variation in the catalyst thick- eral tons of microns in length with size of 20-50 nm
ness did not have any effect on the diameter of the in diameter. Some nano-droplets were also observed
Silicon nanowires. However, use of a thicker Au layer on their tips, which demonstrate that growth mecha-
resulted in the formation of amorphous worm like nism of GaN nanowires shows agreement with Va-
structures [36]. Han et al developed high-quality por-liquid-Solid (VLS) process. NiCl2 catalyst as-
single crystal gallium nitride nanowires by applying sists the fabrication of single-crystal GaN [41]. Fur-
gold nanoparticles as catalyst. Song claimed that ther, Saxena et al. has proved the importance of
this method has the potential to get control over nickel sulfate catalyst in the synthesis of carbon
several important aspects of the growth, i.e. control nano-fibers by using thermal chemical vapor depo-
of the nanowires diameter by using monodispersed sition method. The nano-fibers were obtained by the
gold clusters, control of the nanowires location via decomposition of turpentine oil in the presence of
e-beam patterning of the catalyst sites, and control nickel sulfate catalyst and had a diameter of ap-
of the nanowires orientation via epitaxial growth on proximately 3-5 m on the graphite surface [42].
na] R VdRaaYZ cVdfSde cReVs [37]. Gao and his co- The growth of high purity aluminum nitride nanowires
workers obtained CdS nanobelts as single crystal- has been successfully achieved via catalyst assisted
line with wurtzite structure by simple thermal evapo- chemical vapor deposition. For this purpose pure
ration of CdS powders in the presence of Au cata- aluminum powder was coated on the substrate and
lyst. These nanobelts are of several hundred na- ammonia was passed through the furnace at 1200
nometers in width, tens of micrometers in length, r C. Ni was used as a promising metal catalyst in
and tens of nanometers in thickness. Au catalyst the chemical reaction to grow these high quality
nanoparticles initiated the growth of CdS nanobelts nanowires. Ni catalyst played a vital role in the con-
via a catalyst-assisted vapor-liquid-solid process, trol of the nanostructure morphology. A route for the
and a side growth along the belt width direction via formation of high quality nanowires was provided by
a vapor-solid process [38]. the nucleation of AlN with metal catalyst assisted
reaction. Results gave a direct evidence of vapor-
2.3. Nickel solid-liquid growth mechanism for the synthesis of
this high quality, uniform nanowires. SEM images
Nickel is another metal which has been used suc- revealed that the nanowires were capped with the
cessfully as a catalyst in catalyst enhanced chemi- catalyst metal droplets at the tip [43]. Lourie et al
cal vapor deposition process for the growth of thin has developed BN nano-tube of controlled diameters
films of various materials. Huang and his coworkers and wall thickness by using monodisperse nickel
used Ni(NO2)3 as a catalyst for the preparation of boride particles as catalyst. The BN nano-tubes
high quality -Si3N4 nanobelts. They used better resemble those grown by the higher temperature
240 H.U. Rashid, K. Yu, M.N. Umar, M.N. Anjum, K. Khan, N. Ahmad and M.T. Jan

arc-discharge and laser-ablation methods. Nickel por deposition using gallium as a catalyst. Oxida-
boride catalyst replaced temperature and laser pa- tion of gallium was prevented by the used of plasma
rameters to grow the same BN nano-tubes [44].GaN and thus its catalytic role was maintained. The
nanowires have been prepared by Ni-assisted metal- growth direction of the nanowires was found to be
organic chemical vapor deposition method. Elec- dependent on temperature and gallium thickness.
tron diffraction, X-ray energy dispersive energy spec- Gallium was found at the end of the nanowires.
trometry and high-resolution transmission electron These results lead to good improvement towards
microscopy were used to reveal the structure and discovery of new catalysts to gold for the synthesis
chemistry of the catalyst particles. The obtained of nanowires [49]. They also successfully applied
results showed that the catalyst particles are Ni3Ga Indium as a catalyst for the synthesis of silicon
with an ordered L l2 structure. Further it was sug- nanowires from silane via plasma enhanced chemi-
gested that the catalyst was a solid particle during cal vapor deposition. The indium droplets were ex-
growth. Therefore under these conditions a vapor- posed to hydrogen plasma so as to promote its
solid-solid mechanism was suggested for the growth catalytic activity. Electron microscopy and Raman
of GaN nanowires [45]. spectroscopy revealed that the structure of the
nanowires is a function of the growth conditions.
2.4. Iron The nanowires crystallized along the <111>, <112>
or <001> growth direction [50]. Yoon et al. prepared
Iron has also been reported to be a useful catalyst carbon nano-fibers with a fast growth rate of 0.9
in CECVD process. Chemical Vapor deposition of m/s through thermal CVD process by using Co
SiH4 gas at 450 r C under the catalysis of Fe par- nano-particles as catalyst. Co nanoparticles pro-
ticles produced single-crystal silicon nanowires with vided template in the formation of nano-fibers. Size
the prism structures. Iron particles situated at the and shape of Co catalyst has a significant impact
tip of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were used as a on the diffusion of carbon atoms and nucleation of
catalyst. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) carbon nanofibers. However, the growth rate of
revealed that these silicon nanowires had a diam- nanofibers was also controlled by the flow rate of
eter of 50-70 nm. Their length was recorded to be acetylene and hydrogen [51].
several microns. Both CNTs and Fe catalyst played
a significant role in the growth process of SiNWs
[46]. Su et al. used Iron supported catalysts (Fe/
SiO2-Al2O3) for the large scale synthesis of Boron SYNTHESIS BY CATALYTIC
nitrides nanotubes (BNNTs) at a low temperature in CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION
a plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition sys- (CCVD) PROCESS
tem. Ammonia and dibornae were used as precur- Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are self-organized
sors. The BNNTs prepared were crystalline with tu- nanoscale allotropic forms of carbon. They possess
bular structures. Further they were reported to pos- superb mechanical, chemical and electrical char-
sess preferential zigzag arrangement. Boron dis- acteristics. Therefore, they are likely to have nu-
solved in iron precipitated and reacted with nitro- merous uses. A number of methods have been re-
gen. It formed BN sheet on catalyst surface [47]. ported for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes e.g.
Shang and his coworkers used Fe films as cata- laser ablation, arc discharge and catalytic chemi-
lysts for the synthesis of large area open ended cal vapor deposition. Arc discharge method was first
tubular graphite cones (TGCs) via microwave plasma used to develop multi-walled carbon nanotubes
assisted chemical vapor deposition method. Fe (MWNTs). Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs)
catalyst was found only at the base of the TGCs were grown by laser-ablation process. Among these
indicating that they were formed by base-growth methods, catalytic chemical vapor deposition has
mechanism. Fe played a crucial role to control the been found to be the most suitable technique as it
growth of TGCs. The density of TGCs was recorded needs much lower temperature than both laser ab-
e SV,% /{( 5 /cm2 whereas the average growth lation and arc discharge methods. In CCVD, metal
rate was 0.6 m/min. An apex angle of 2.5rwas catalyst nanoparticles (usually transition metals
recorded for the sharpest TGC [48]. such as Fe, Co or Ni) are prepared on substrate
surface which is put in the furnace. The nanoparticles
2.5. Miscellaneous are then subjected to reduction by heating them
Zardo and his coworkers reported the growth of sili- under hydrogen or ammonia. A hydrocarbon gas is
con nanowires by plasma enhanced chemical va- passed into the furnace. Carbon monoxide can also
Catalyst role in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process: a review 241

be used as a carbon source. Methane and acety- Majority of the articles available in the literature re-
lene are the two widely used gaseous carbon sources garding the CNTs growth in the presence of iron
used for this purpose. Liquid carbon sources such based catalysts, describe the synthesis of MWNTs
as methanol and ethanol are heated and then an [58-74]. However, a few groups have also synthe-
inert gas is used to transport their vapors into the sized SWNTs [75-84]. Nickel-based catalysts have
furnace. Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNs) generally been used for the synthesis of MWNTs
have been synthesized at a comparatively low tem- [69,85-87]. Occasionally, such catalysts have proved
perature (550 r C) by using alcohol as carbon to be useful for the growth of SWNTs [88-90]. Most
sources. Catalytic decomposition of the hydrocar- of the research work on Cobalt-based catalysts has
bon particles over metal catalyst nanoparticles re- also resulted in the growth of MWNTs [91-97]. How-
sults in carbon deposition at a temperature ranging ever, a few groups have also obtained SWNTs with
from 500-1200 r C [52-54]. The diameter of the CNTs such catalysts [89,90,98]. Apart from Fe, Co, and
formed is usually dependent on the physical dimen- Ni, noble metals such as Cu, Au, Ag, Pd, and Pt
sions of the metal catalyst. The unusual ability of have also been reported to be useful catalysts for
the transition metals to produce graphitic carbon is the CNTs synthesis via CVD process. Compared to
considered to be related to a number of factors which transition metals, noble metals behave differently
include their catalytic ability to decompose the vola- as they possess exceptionally low solubility for
tile carbon source, the formation of metastable car- carbon. However, their small particle size (less than
bides and the diffusion of carbon through metal cata- 5 nm) has been found to be useful for carbon solu-
lyst particles [55]. A well-established mechanism bility during CNTs growth [99,100]. Lee and his co-
for CVD is based on the hypothesis of hydrogen workers used tungsten-based catalysts for the syn-
release and carbon absorption into the metals sur- thesis of highly pure, well aligned, multi-walled CNTs
face after decomposition of the parent hydrocarbon. through CVD process [101]. Moisala et al have pub-
The overall energy gradient of the reaction is bal- lished a comprehensive review on the role of metal
anced by the exothermic decomposition of the hy- catalysts in synthesis of CNTs via CVD [102]. Alloy
drocarbon and endothermic crystallization of car- of different metals such as Iron-cobalt, [103,104]
bon species over the metal surface. Furthermore, Iron-Molybdenum [105] and Cobalt-Molybdenum
the catalyst-metal interaction can be weak or strong [106] considerably increase the yield of CNTs via
Vc V ee j aVd h Rdv e
ZaXche Y CCVD. Apart from the above metals, semi-conduc-
UV]wR Uv SRd VXche Y UV] wcVd
g V]j
% >eYV tors such as Si, Ge, and oxide nanoparticles like
former case, there is a longer CNT production while SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, La2O3, and Er2O3 have also been
shorter is expected in the latter one. Single or multi- reported to catalyze the growth of SWNTs via CVD
walled nature of CNTs is greatly controlled by the process. These findings challenge the traditional
size of the catalytic particle i.e. smaller particles concept that metals are required for SWNTs growth
support single-walled CNTs formation and vice versa via CVD process [107]. For carbon nanotubes syn-
[56]. thesis via CVD, a number of catalyst preparation
methods are available. One of them is to pattern
4. CATALYSTS USED IN CCVD the catalyst on the substrate. Sol-gel technique,
PROCESS ion exchange, incipient wetness impregnation and
organometallic grafting are the other catalyst prepa-
Transition metals have been found suitable cata- ration routes which are adapted during carbon
lysts for CNT synthesis. For CCVD synthesis of nanotubes synthesis [108].
CNTs, generally, nanometer-size metal particles
have been found to be suitable as they facilitate
precursor decomposition at a lower temperature than
the spontaneous temperature required for the de-
composition of the precursor. From literature study, PROCESS
it is evident that Fe, Ni, Co, and Mo have been widely Maoshuai et al used silica supported monometallic
used metal catalysts, mainly because of (a) high nickel catalyst for the synthesis of single-walled
solubility of carbon in these metals at high tem- carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) via thermal chemical
peratures and (b) high diffusion rate in these met- vapor deposition method. The catalyst supported
als. Moreover, low equilibrium vapor-pressure and the synthesis of small diameter SWNTs at com-
high melting points of these metals provide a wide paratively low temperature (450 rC to 800 rC). Dif-
range of temperature for a variety of precursors [57]. ferent spectroscopic techniques such as photolu-
242 H.U. Rashid, K. Yu, M.N. Umar, M.N. Anjum, K. Khan, N. Ahmad and M.T. Jan

Fig. 3. Ni 2p XPS spectra of as prepared and reduced Ni/SiO2 catalysts. The red dashed line denotes the
peak position of metallic Ni, reprinted with permission from He Maoshuai, A. I. Chemov, E. D. Obraztsova,
J. Sainio, E. Rikkinen, H. Jiang, Z. Zhu, A. Kaskela, A. G. Nasibulin, E. I. Kauppinen, M. Niemela and O.
Krause // Nano Res. 4 ) ( ( + s) ( (Hac ZXVc %

minescence emission (PLE), Raman spectroscopy employed as catalyst. Characterization of the

and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used nanotubes was performed by scanning electron
to assess the single-walled carbon nanotubes microscopy (SEM), high resolution transmission
(SWNTs) grown over Ni catalyst at various tempera- electron microscopy (HRTEM) and X-ray diffraction
tures [109], see Fig. 3. (XRD). The diameter of these carbon nanotubes was
Coiled carbon nanotubes were synthesized by recorded to be 45 nm. Carbon nanotubes of helical
Ni-catalyzed pyrolysis of acetone dissolved acety- (diameter of 50 nm) and curved (diameter of 90 nm)
lene (97%). A small quantity of co-catalyst PCl3 was morphologies were obtained by using Ni-Ce mixed
also introduced along with acetylene gas. However, oxides or NiO2 respectively [113]. Cobalt-nickel al-
the role of later component was not convincingly loy catalyst was used for the production of a large
obvious. Ni catalyst was loaded on a graphite plate quantity of straight CNTs by chemical vapor deposi-
substrate. The substrate was heated to 500-800 r C tion. Acetylene was used as carbon source at 820
in an electric furnace [110]. Chatterjee and his co- r C. The CNTs possessed better graphitization,
workers reported the synthesis of CNT by catalytic straightness, great inner diameter and fewer defects
CVD from the pyrolysis of turpentine oil. Finely di- than curved nanotubes. Due to these characteris-
vided cobalt metal (obtained by the decomposition tics, this method is valuable for the prospective uti-
of cobalt nitrate) was used as a catalyst. SEM and lization of carbon nanotubes [114]. Ansaldo et al.
TEM images of these CNTs showed that they are reported the effect of various catalyst preparations
closely packed having a diameter of 10-50 nm. From in an ethanol-CVD process for SWCNT onto silicon
the resistivity measurements, these CNTs were substrate. This process had advantages like sim-
found to be of significantly conducting nature [111]. plicity, low synthesis temperature, higher yield and
Iron as a catalyst and MgO as a substrate have producing high quality nanotubes. They also reported
been reported to be one of the most suitable cata- comprehensive comparison among various catalyst
lyst-substrate combinations for the production of preparations at different temperatures [115]. Adams
carbon nanotubes by catalytic chemical vapor depo- et al. studied the role of different chemical compo-
sition method. In such CNT synthesis, acetylene nents of a catalyst system employed in producing
was used as carbon source on MgO powder sub- CNTs by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). They
strate infused with iron nitrate solution. The tem- found that molybdenum plays a vital role in CNT
perature was kept 500-800 r C in this process [112]. growth and Y-junction and solvent can affect the
Farzaneh et al. prepared carbon nanotubes by the crystallinity of product. Their investigations revealed
catalytic chemical vapor deposition of ethane at 550 that growing multiple samples of CNTs of various
rC in a 2 h time. Nanoparticles of Ni-Ce-Zr were compositions simultaneously resulted in interaction
Catalyst role in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process: a review 243

from one sample to neighboring one [116]. Wang et et al. successfully synthesized SWNTs via Cu-cata-
al. reported a new method of depositing aligned lyzed CVD process. They applied two types of cop-
single and double-walled CNTs by using a mixture per nanoparticles as efficient catalysts on silicon
of C2H2/NH3 gas following microwave plasma-as- wafers or silica spheres at an optimum temperature
sisted CVD. They improved the efficiency of cata- of 825-850r C. Monodispersed copper nanoparticles
lyst by using the elevated substrate temperatures (with the size of about 10 nm) were prepared by the
and manipulation of the Fe catalyst thickness which reduction of CuCl2 with cetyltrimethylammonium
resulted in growth of well graphitized vertically aligned bromide (CTAB) solution. Similarly, they also used
CNTs. [117] Chen et al. used the alkali-reducing Cu2O nanoparticles (prepared by the thermolysis of
pretreated hydrogen storage alloy (MlNi4.0 Co0.6 Al0.4) cupric formats in coordinating solvents) as catalyst.
powder as catalyst and prepared CNTs following the It was revealed that the weaker interactions between
CVD and observed that the surface modification of Cu and SiO2 played a key role in the formation of
the alloy is effective to provide the catalytic active random SWNT network as well as horizontally
sites for the growth of CNTs. These composites of aligned SWNT arrays [122]. Recently, Li and his
CNTs have advantage of being used as hydrogen coworkers discovered some new catalysts for the
storage material [118]. Carbon nanotubes have been synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes
grown on Co-Ni catalytic metal particles deposited (SWNTs). Cu was observed as a very suitable cata-
SiO2 substrate via thermal chemical vapor deposi- lyst for growing SWNT arrays on silicon as well as
tion. The growth was achieved at a low temperature quartz substrates. Pb is a remarkably useful cata-
(500-550 r C) with the help of co-catalysts like Pd, lyst for growing SWNTs without any metallic con-
Pt and Cr. It was observed that Pd was the most tamination. SWNTs developed with these catalysts
effective co-catalyst for the reduction of tempera- have been found to be appropriate for manufactur-
ture in the carbon nanotubes growth. Pd co-cata- ing high-performance nanodevices [123]. Zhu et al.
lyst produced noodle-like CNTs of 60-80 nm at 500 have synthesized double-walled nanotubes (DWNTs)
r C. Curled carbon nanofibres were grown by using by catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD). A
Cr co-catalyst at 550 r C [119]. Valentini et al. ob- mixture of CH4 and H2 was caused to flow over sup-
tained CNTs by plasma enhanced chemical vapor ported metal catalysts. These catalysts were ob-
deposition in the presence of Ni catalyst. They re- tained by the decomposition of Fe (CH3COO)2 and
ported that the nanotubes growth took place via the Co(CH3COO)2 on mesoporous silica. Transmission
diffusion of carbon into the Ni catalyst particle, electron microscopy (TEM) revealed a large percent-
present on the nanotube tip. They further concluded age of DWNTs in zones where tubular layered struc-
that CNTs growth was dependent on Ni layer thick- tures could be clearly resolved [124]. Bi et al. re-
ness because no growth was observed for a layer ported an unconventional CVD method for the syn-
thickness above 20 nm [120]. Choi and his cowork- thesis of high-quality carbon microcoils (CMCs) and
ers deposited thin Ni films (of 70 nm thickness) by wave-like carbon nanofibers (WCNFs) using Ni-P
using rf magnetron sputtering on Si substrates. They alloy as catalyst. This simple and high-throughput
used Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Va- technique can be used to control the morphology
por Deposition (MPECVD) for CNTs growth on Ni- and structural properties of a wider range of carbon-
deposited Si substrates at 700 r C, applying a gas based micro and nano-materials [125]. Lee et al.
mixture of CH4 (20%) and H2 (20%) as precursor. reported the influence of Fe, Co, and Ni on the CNTs
From their experiments, they concluded that diam- synthesized via thermal CVD of C2H2 gas and CNTs
eter, growth rate and density of the vertically aligned grown on these three different catalyst particles
CNTs were dependent on the microstructure of Ni under the same conditions revealed almost same
thin films. Furthermore, variation in surface morphol- morphology irrespective of the catalyst used. How-
ogy of the Ni catalyst controls the CNTs growth [121]. ever, the crystallinity of CNTs was dependent on
Yudasaka and his coworkers investigated the spe- the catalyst. Therefore, growth rate, the diameter
cific conditions for the CNTs synthesis via CVD pro- and the crystallinity of CNTs can be tuned by the
cess catalyzed by Ni. They used Ni particles hav- selection of the catalyst [126]. Laser-treated high
ing a diameter of 10-500 nm for CNTs growth via surface area vanadium pentoxide has been reported
CVD of 2-methyl-1,2-naphthyl ketone at 1000 to 600 as a catalyst support for the synthesis of carbon
r C. They observed the CNTs formation at 700 r C nanotubes via catalytic chemical vapor deposition
when Ni particles of 20-30 nm diameters were used (CCVD). The synthesis was performed by the de-
as catalyst [85]. Metallic carbon is considered to composition of acetylene at 720 r C using Fe, Co,
be a contaminant in the CNTs growth. However, Zhou and Ni as catalyst. Decomposition of acetylene in
244 H.U. Rashid, K. Yu, M.N. Umar, M.N. Anjum, K. Khan, N. Ahmad and M.T. Jan

the presence of iron catalyst supported on vanadia to be necessary even at 680 r C temperature. Addi-
produced carbon nanotubes of well graphitized walls. tion of 20 wt.% Mo to the Fe-catalyst gave syner-
While amorphous or fiber like material was obtained gistic benefit. They did not observe the co-produc-
by the decomposition of acetylene over cobalt and tion of MWNTs [132]. Chatterjee et al used finely
nickel catalysts [127]. Synthesis of multi wall car- divided Co metal catalyst for the synthesis of highly
bon nanotubes (MWNTs) has been investigated in dense and intrinsically n-type carbon nanotubes
the presence of iron, Cobalt and mixture of iron and from the decomposition of turpentine oil at 675 r C
Cobalt supported on Al2O3 and SiO2. Acetylene through CVD process. These nanotubes were found
served as carbon source while nitrogen gas was suitable for electrochemical and electronic applica-
used as a carrier gas. The decomposition of acety- tions due to their low resistance [133]. A combina-
lene was carried out at 500, 600, and 700 rC. MWNTs tion of Ruthenium Chloride, Iron(III) nitrate,
of high yield and best quality were obtained in the nanohydrate, and alumina nanoparticle catalyst
presence of mixture of Iron and Cobalt catalyst sup- mixture placed on silicon chips under the ultra-low
ported on alumina prepared from aluminum gas flow process via CVD produced long carbon
isopropoxide [128]. Atthipalli et al. explored that a nanotubes (over 800 microns in length). Many of
Ni enriched surface on the bulk copper foil substrates the CNTs showed alignment parallel to the gas flow
assisted the growth of dense vertically aligned car- [134].
bon nano-tubes when using a thermal CVD method
with additional Fe catalyst supplied during the 6. APPLICATIONS OF CECVD AND
growth. A single thin Ni layer is more beneficial in CCVD PROCESSES
the growth of precise carbon nano-tubes as com-
pared to others that use multiple barriers films of Catalyst enhanced chemical vapor deposition
different thickness which would also add to the con- (CECVD) is a useful process to produce thin films
tact resistance. Furthermore, xylene/ferrocene mix- of high purity on thermally sensitive substrates at
ture is critical for the growth of carbon nano-tubes low temperature. Therefore, catalyst enhanced
by applying only nickel film [129]. Li et al. devel- chemical vapor deposition (CECVD) of noble met-
oped multi-walled carbon nano-tubes with the di- als has great importance for practical applications
ameters from 15 to 50 nm and length from several in semiconductor industry, protective coatings, elec-
microns to several tens of microns by using Ni/Al tronics, catalyst industries, optoelectronics and re-
composite catalyst through CVD of methane at tem- fractory ceramic materials. Thin films of noble met-
perature range of 450 to 650r C. Growth rate, diam- als deposited on a substrate surface have high ther-
eter and crystallinity of CNTs can be controlled by mal/chemical stability, high electrical conductivity
varying the synthesis temperature and catalyst com- and catalytic activity. Coatings of fully dense mor-
position [130]. Multi-walled carbon nano tubes have phology developed by CECVD method are neces-
been reported to be grown by thermal chemical va- sary to offer effective corrosion/oxidation protection.
por deposition in the presence of Ni and Fe as cata- Thin films of palladium developed by CECVD are of
lysts. Two types of multi-wall CNTs were grown de- enormous interest in catalysis and microelectronic
pending on the type of catalyst. When iron was devices. CECVD is particularly useful for the deposi-
used as a catalyst, the synthesized CNTs had spi- tion of thin films on polymer surface due to its low
ral structure and curled shape. While in the pres- melting point as compared to the glass or silicon
ence of Ni catalyst, CNTs of bamboo-like structure [26,135]. Silicon nanowires are prepared by cata-
and straight shape were formed. Both types of CNTs lyst assisted chemical vapor deposition. Silicon
have been reported to possess the tip-growth mecha- nanowires based solar cells fabricated on stainless
nism [131]. Pradhan and his coworkers synthesized steel, have been developed [136].Yttrium oxide thin
SWNTs from methane at low temperature using Fe films formed by catalyst enhanced chemical vapor
and Fe/Mo metallic and oxide catalysts in the CVD deposition have potential applications as electronic
process. They observed that in the presence of these insulators, protective coatings, optical or magneto-
catalysts SWNTs were obtained at low tempera- optical materials and reaction barriers [23]. Cata-
ture (680r C) and low methane flow rate (40 cc/min). lytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD) has emerged
The reduced Fe catalyst was found to be active even as one of the most flexible and efficiently attractive
at these mild conditions. Further, it was observed technique for the synthesis of single walled as well
that at the same conditions, addition of 20 wt.% Mo as multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Nano-sized tran-
(i.e. Fe: Mo = 5:1) was enough to activate the cata- sition metal particles such as copper, nickel, Co-
lyst in oxide form i.e. activation in H2 was not found balt, molybdenum and iron have been successfully
Catalyst role in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process: a review 245

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