4 5 and 2 3 Lesson Plan - No Feedback

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Jamiah Harrison

Block 1
4th and 5th-grade Rhythm Brick lesson


Students will brainstorm food sounds that align with rhythm bricks. Students will then

use these rhythm bricks and food items to create their 8-beat patterns. Students will also do a

review with the steady beat and elemental forms.


1. I can show Cougar Pride online.

2. I can identify and match words to rhythm bricks.

3. I can create 8-beat rhythm patterns using the elemental form.


1. Read Music message and learning targets

2. Start first with the poll with strings and band (5th grade)

3. Play the book Feathers for lunch

a. T: You may have seen this book before, and it is actually in the library

b. T: so if you wanna borrow it from the library you can!

4. Play the story

5. T: now I have a song for you, it says

a. Big cat is sneaking, Looking for a spicy munch. Big cat is sneaking But couldn’t

find his lunch.

6. Speak it twice

7. T: now grab your recorder if you have it and if you do not it’s ok you can use your hands

8. Two times speaking with the recorder clap (steady beat)

Jamiah Harrison
Block 1
9. T: great job now I’m going to read these rhythm bricks

a. That was tricky

10. Do it again only the first line only

a. Have a student do it

11. T: remember when I said “sh” when I got to this squiggly line does? Does anyone know

what that is?

a. S: it is a rest.

12. Very good, now give them options on what they can say when they get there

a. You can say “rest”

b. Remain quiet,

c. Or say “sh”

13. Work only on the first four bricks

a. In the chat “what would you like to eat”

i. Show some emojis or type.

14. Then Brainstorming food items for each brick

15. Make sure to demonstrate the sound before you ask them to give you one

16. T: a cool trick to do if you are not sure if a word has 2, 3, or 4 sounds is to clap and say it.

17. Create a poll for each rhythm brick

a. T: we made a great list here! But I want us to pick on food items for each brick.

18. Say the rhythm/food items that we have chosen as a class

19. Grab the recorder and say it again

20. T: before we go, let’s review some elemental forms, and then we will take more
Jamiah Harrison
Block 1
questions about strings or band.
Jamiah Harrison
Block 1
3rd and 2nd-grade Rhythm lesson


Students will associate different food words with quarter notes and eighth notes. So that

they can create their own 4-Beat Pattern.


1. I can show Cougar Pride online.

2. I can identify quarter (ta) and eighth notes (ta-ti).

3. I can read 4-beat rhythm patterns.

4. I can identify elemental forms.

5. I can create rhythm patterns using elemental form.


1. First, start with music message and learning targets

2. Introduce the poll to them

a. With the slides

3. Show the good foods video

a. T: remember this video?

4. Review of Tommy tucker

a. Say it once

b. Say it with them

5. T: I wonder if we can use a different kind of voice

6. Let’s use our singing voice,

Jamiah Harrison
Block 1
a. Sing two times

b. Sing it together

7. T: Now I wanna use my special instrument, the xylophone. I am going to use C and G.

Who can remember what C and G are on the xylophone?

a. Sing once

b. Sing together

c. Who can remember what C and G are on the xylophone? ​(drone)

8. Now reveal the food with 1 sound then 2 sounds

a. T: The foods with one sound are (name them)

b. T and S: say it together

c. T: the foods with two sounds are (name them

d. Tand S: say them together

9. Ask the students to choose the different sounding foods in the chart.

10. Then ask for other volunteers.

11. Name all the foods on each slide again.

12. T: using our poll we are going to choose one food to use for one sound and then one food

for two sounds.

13. Put them in the slide and say them

14. Review elemental form

15. Create different patterns

a. say/clap them twice

b. Ask what elemental form they are

Jamiah Harrison
Block 1
16. For the fourth pattern maybe ask a student to say the rhythm and clap it for the class then

ask them what elemental form it is.

17. Then move to the note patterns

a. Ask what they notice and how it is different.

b. S: they are notes

c. Then ask about the different notes

d. T: what’s this?

e. S: Ta or Ta-ti

18. Read all the patterns together

19. Guessing game

a. Pick two students each time

b. Sing Tommy tucker with them first

c. Then say I am going to say a pattern and I want you to tell me which one it is.

d. Repeat 2 times

20. End with Sweet Beats.

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