Kindergarten Observation Plan For Ms

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Jamiah Harrison

Block 1
Kindergarten Lesson Plan

Johnny Works with one Hammer


For this lesson plan, students will be familiarizing themselves with the concept of the

steady beat while they are singing. In the previous lesson, the students learned about the four

voices. They are singing, speaking, whispering, and shouting. With their background knowledge

about the four voices, I can transfer this into the concept of the steady beat. The song ​Johnny

Works with one Hammer ​goes from sequence to sequence. One hammer turns into two, then

three, four, all the way to 5 hammers. The purpose of the hammers going up sequentially is to

ensure that each student can add a new steady beat pattern with each number:

One hammer = one fist on one thigh

Two hammers = two fists on two thighs

Three hammers = add right foot (winding it back add one of your feet)

Four hammers = add left foot (winding it back add the other foot)

Five hammers = add a head-nod


1. I can sing songs using echo and ensemble singing.

2. I can demonstrate a steady beat using movement, body percussion, and my voice


1. We will open the lesson with me putting the ​Google Slides​ up on the google meets.

2. While the power-point is being presented I will tell them about my favorite word “steady

Jamiah Harrison
Block 1
Kindergarten Lesson Plan
a. “I want to share with you my favorite word, it is “steady beat”, can you say it with


b. Students: Steady beat

c. Amazing, can we use our different voices to say it

d. Whisper: “steady beat”

e. Speak “steady beat”

f. Sing “steady beat”

g. Shout “steady beat”

h. “I saw So many of you, doing the different voices great job”

3. Introduction to my “friend” Johnny:

a. “Well I have a friend named Johnny, He also likes the word steady beat. Johnny

likes a steady beat because it looks similar to a hammer.

b. Like this (demonstrate)

i. My right hand comes up like a hammer

c. Can we try it together?

d. Open and shut the hand after they have tried it.

4. Now let's take our hammer and our nail (hand)

a. Now with this hammer and hand, they will maintain the beat.

5. While they are using the hammer on the hand I will speak the song one time through

6. After that we will spend 3 times performing the song in these manners:

a. Then tap the beat with no vocals ( I will sing) 1st time

b. Sing and tap the steady beat (slowly) 2nd time

Jamiah Harrison
Block 1
Kindergarten Lesson Plan
c. Whisper and tap the steady beat 3rd time

7. So, we used one hammer, right? Now let’s see if we can use more.

a. Remember when I was using my speaking voice to tell you about Johnny and all

his hammers?

b. Do you remember how many hammers he used?

c. Show me with your fingers

d. Students: 5.

8. Very good,

a. Go on with the story adding more hammers

b. Interact with them to say “what part of the body should we hit/use for our


9. Now that we have all 5 hammers test their memory

a. Now, what's my friend's name again? (steve, Chris) Johnny!

i. Quiet hands

b. Very good!

c. And how many hammers did we use? Show me with your hands

10. By this time I will say, Okay everyone lets play a game with Johnny and his friends

11. Remember our body movements

a. Hands

b. Feet

c. head

12. Do that two times

Jamiah Harrison
Block 1
Kindergarten Lesson Plan
13. But wait! I forgot to tell you, in the end, Johnny goes to sleep! So we have to do

something to wake him up

a. Should we speak “wake-up Johnny”

b. Should we whisper “wake-up johnny”

c. What voice should we use? I am looking for a quiet hand. (shouting voice)

14. I will present the song and they will follow along with this video ​Johnny works with one


15. We will play the game two times

16. When they say “then he goes to sleep” have the class yell “wake up”

17. Then we will transition to storytime

18. I will present the story of ​Mr. Nogginbody Gets A Hammer b​ y​ David Shannon

19. via a youtube video, ​Mr. Nogginbody Gets A Hammer

20. During the story, I will ask them to show a hammer every time “Mr. Nogginbody” fixes

something with his hammer.

21. After that, I will allow students to raise their hands to make a connection or thumbs up if

they enjoyed the song.

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