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Task 1- Previous Knowledge

Presented by:
Helmer Adrian Cruz


Dina Esperanza Bonilla


Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign

Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia
Degree in English as a Foreign Language
Valledupar, September de 2020

1. What is the difference between method and approach?

Method: Procedure to reach an objective. It is the level at which theory is practiced. Where
the content is taught in a certain order.

Approach: Ideology, Perspective, belief, or theoretical stance on something, It covers a set of

logical assumptions that could be made for a better understanding of the problems.

2. Have you had bad experiences in your English learning process?

Yes, I have experienced bad experiences in my English learning process about teaching
process of an English institution locate in the city Bucaramanga, I remember that I wished to
interact with other people and one teacher, I wished to know if my English learning process
about the books and audios, if it was ok, I decide to get into at English Institution but its method
to teach was bad, English institution only interested the monetary payments of the English
Course, just in three months I was graduated in English Advancing according the diploma but of
knowledge I didn´t consider it that way, time and money lost.

3. Do you consider that a teacher can use more than one English teaching method?

Yes, I do, teacher must use several methods so that class isn´t boring, several methods help
the teacher to implement the different learning styles become your class in an interesting
scenario, where all the students can opine and participate in the different activities.

4. What do you know about English teaching methodologies? What’s your favorite one?

Methodologies are a fundamental part and determine how learning is delivered, taking into
account different ages, cultures and mother tongues, and finding the perfect teaching method
that works for everyone students.

Face to Face Teaching Practice: The purpose of communicative language teaching is to

prepare students for the real world activity, saying that the learners should be able to express
language functions.

5. What do you think should be the role of the teacher in teaching in the classroom?

Main Role main of the teacher is be a leader, a leader with a lot of knowledge of your matter,
a leader that apply different methods and strategies, where the student is motivated to investigate
and to learn.” To create your own learning”

6. Do the materials used in the English classes play an important role in the teaching
process? Write some reasons.

The material used in the English classes play an important role in the teaching process

- It depend that the class is boring or it is interesting.

- To use different materials help our students to understand particular topic.
- Ends the class routine.
- Materials used in the English classes help the teacher to apply different methods and
strategies in your teaching process.
- Different learning styles are supported about the materials used in the English class

7. Do you think motivation is related to the English learning methodology applied by

the teacher in the classroom?

Yes, I do. Methodology applied is considered almost 90 percent of the effective one of a good
class, if the teaching methodology doesn’t fulfill the parameters of the class the student will be
unmotivated. Considering that a student motivated participates, learns and research.

8. What are your expectations about this course?

I want to learn the different methods of teaching, I after finish the course, I want to have the
capacity the implement methods and strategies that help me how future teacher teach and guide
interesting classes where the students always are motivated to investigate and learn.

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