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Trainee Assessment

Cultural diversity
Unit standard Version Level Credits

28989 Apply strategies to support cultural diversity in

1 4 6
a health or wellbeing setting

Your name:      

Your workplace:      

Your date of birth:      

NSN number (if you know it):      

 I was told about and understand the assessment
requirements and appeals process.
 I have prepared my answers myself.
 Any evidence I have provided as my own, I produced myself.
 I understand that this assessment may be used for
moderation and quality control purposes.
 I understand that when I achieve this unit standard my result
will be registered with the New Zealand Qualifications
I confirm the above declaration: Yes No Date:      
Assessment summary (completed by assessor)
Trainee’s performance summary
Assessment tasks Assessor’s signature Date achieved

Task 1: Knowledge of cultural diversity            

Task 2: Cultural diversity            

Task 2 Verification            

Unit standard results

I have assessed the trainee and confirm that the requirements have been met to demonstrate
competency in:

Unit standard Version Level Credits

28989 Apply strategies to support cultural diversity

1 4 6
in a health or wellbeing setting

Assessor’s name:       Assessor’s number:      

Signature:       Date:      

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 2
Trainee information
Before you start
 The assessor/verifier will meet with you and talk about what
you need to do.
 Read through the Careerforce workplace learning and
assessment guide if you need more information about the assessment process.

As you go
 Answer all questions.
 Follow the instructions for each task.
 If you answer by writing, you may write either electronically
or by hand.
 If you answer verbally, your assessor will write your answer(s)
or may use a voice recorder.
 Your assessor or verifier will use the checklists in this Trainee
Assessment when they observe your work.
 If you need help with this assessment, please contact your

When you finish

 Make sure you have completed any parts where the
assessor/verifier has said you need to do more work.

If you wish to appeal against the assessment result or process, talk to your assessor.
If you are still not satisfied, you can appeal to Careerforce by completing the assessment result
appeal form. You can find this form online at

Careerforce regularly reviews our assessment and learning resources. As a user, we would
appreciate feedback on how you found it. Feedback can be provided to Careerforce via:
 our online feedback form at
 email to

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 3
An organisation’s policies and procedures are the policies and procedures of the employer and
include ethical codes, standards and other organisational requirements.
Culture includes but is not limited to cultures based upon:
 age.
 disability.
 ethnicity.
 gender.
 sexual orientation.
 cultures within Māori, Pākehā, Pasifika and Asian groupings,
including identification with a culture through birth, adoption, genealogy or whakapapa.
Culturally safe in a health or wellbeing setting is a concept of an environment in which all
individuals’ cultural identity, background, needs and differences are recognised and respected.
People are able to express themselves freely and safely without being judged by others.

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 4
Task 1: Knowledge of cultural diversity
For this task you need to show your understanding of cultural diversity in a health or wellbeing
When answering this question you may wish to think about people you support, their
family/whānau and your peers.

1 Identify three different cultural groups (one of these must be Māori) and
answer the questions below.
Identify the differences between these three cultural groups. Differences could include:
 values and beliefs.
 use of language.
 cultural practices and protocols.
 gender roles.
 stigma and discrimination.
 other difference.
Compare these three groups in terms of their differences. How do these differences impact on
your workplace?

First cultural group


Second cultural

Third cultural

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 5

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 6
2 Identify effects of cultural stigma and discrimination.
How will these effects impact on service delivery in your workplace?

Task 1: Assessor’s feedback to trainee


When the assessor agrees that you have completed this task successfully, they will sign it off on
the assessment summary page at the front of this assessment.

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 7
Task 2: Cultural diversity
For this task, you need to show that you have applied strategies to support cultural diversity and
maintain cultural safety in your workplace.
When completing this task, consider appropriate values, processes and protocols in relation to
working with Māori, Pasifika and/or people from other cultures.
Complete all the written parts of this task before asking your verifier to complete the
verification checklist.

1 Describe three strategies you use to support cultural diversity and maintain
a culturally safe environment in your workplace.
The first strategy must be a communication strategy. The other two strategies may include:
 challenging stigma and discrimination.
 providing access to information.
 having support services available.
 the language that is used.
 observation of cultural practice.
 the arrangement of the physical environment.
 protocols.
 any other strategy

What communication      

strategies do you use to
support cultural diversity
and maintain a culturally
safe environment in your

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 8
Describe two other First strategy:      
strategies you use to
support cultural diversity
and maintain a culturally
safe environment in your

Second strategy:      

2 Answer the questions below as part of evaluating the strategies you used.

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 9
How did the strategy Communication strategy:      
establish and maintain a
culturally safe
environment and support
cultural diversity? Second strategy:      

Third strategy:      

What worked really well Communication strategy:      

when you used this

Second strategy:      

Third strategy:      

What were the challenges Communication strategy:      

you faced when you used
this strategy?

Second strategy:      

Third strategy:      

What will you do Communication strategy:      

differently next time you
use this strategy?

Second strategy:      

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 10
Third strategy:      

When and how will you Communication strategy:      

review this strategy in your

Second strategy:      

Third strategy:      

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 11
Ask your verifier to complete the verification checklist. Read the checklist so that you know
what is being verified.
Your verifier is likely to be your workplace supervisor, manager, team leader or assessor. They
must be a person who has observed you work over a period of time and can confirm that you
have completed the tasks to the standard required. Your assessor may contact your verifier to
discuss their comments.

Verification form

Note to verifier:
You have been asked to complete this verification as the supervisor/manager of the trainee.
You must have observed the trainee working over a period of time.
You need to be confident that the information the trainee has provided in Task 2 Question 1 is
correct and that the trainee consistently performs to the standards listed in the checklist
If you agree that the trainee meets these standards, please tick the boxes below. If you do not
agree, please discuss the requirements with the trainee. Please comment on the trainee’s
performance. The assessor may wish to contact you to discuss this verification.

I confirm that the information provided is correct, and that the trainee
consistently performs to the the standards listed below.
The trainee:

 selected and used an appropriate

communication strategy to support cultural diversity and maintain a
culturally safe environment in their workplace.

 evaluated and reviewed the communication

strategy they used to ensure that it was appropriate at all times.
Please comment:      

 selected and used two other strategies that

were appropriate to support cultural diversity and maintain a culturally safe
environment in their workplace.

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 12
 evaluated and reviewed these two other
strategies to ensure they are appropriate at all times.
Please comment:      

 worked within the boundaries of their role.

 reflected appropriate values, processes and

protocols during their practice in relation to working with Māori, Pasifika
and/or people from other cultures.

Please comment on the trainee’s performance:      

If you are a verifier, please give your details as the assessor may wish to contact you.

Verifier’s name:       Designation:      

Signature:       Date:      

Contact details      


Task 2: Assessor’s feedback to trainee


When the assessor agrees that you have completed this task successfully, they will sign it off on
the assessment summary page at the front of this assessment.

Cultural diversity (US 28989 v1) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 1.0 –December 2015 13

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