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Accenture Digital Skills | DM_L1_V2_The_5_Aims_of_Digital_Marketing

In this video, I'm going to be talking you through the five main aims which organisations should bear in mind when

creating the content for their digital marketing campaigns. The first aim is to ensure you're reaching out to the

right people at the right time and delivering the right message.

An example of this is when you go into any social media website, such as Facebook, and you realise that the

adverts that you see are around previously browsed products and services. Now this happens because

companies will start collecting information based on what you like and dislike and start targeting that towards you

so that you respond more favourably.

The second aim of digital marketing is engaging your audience. Brands can use online campaigns to get people

engaged in talking about their products. An example of this is when Domino's used Twitter to run their Let's do Lunch campaign.
They decided they would reduce the price of their pizza based on the number of people that
tweeted in time for lunch. By the end of it, the price of pizza went from 15.99 to just under 8 pounds, meaning,

their customers were kept happy and engaged.

The third aim of digital marketing is motivating your users to take action. What we mean by this is actually getting

people to do things with your brand. An example of this is when Nike ran their Fuel your Team campaign. They

were able to take a wide range of their products and link it to their FuelBand. The FuelBand is an activity tracker

which allows you to set personal goals and compete with others.

With this comes an associated mobile app which allows you to post all these things up on social media. By running

this campaign, Nike were able to motivate their users to take action, all in the name of exercising.

The fourth aim of a digital marketing campaign is spending efficiently. Let's think about how brands can spend

less but still reach out to a great number of people. An example of this is beats by Dr. Dre, a headphones

manufacturer who used a selfie campaign to do this. In their campaign, they used a call to action.

A call to action is a message that encourages your audience to act immediately. The call to action here was to

post a video selfie on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag, SoloSelfie. By doing this, they were really able to

create a buzz and get their fans engaged and interacting.

The final aim is really simple - creating a return on your investment. What we mean by this is increasing the

money you make as a percentage of the money initially invested through your marketing campaign.

So those are now the five aims of digital marketing.

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