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Ecole Supérieure Privée Technologies & Ingénierie

1. Which of the following is an entry point of ASP.NET Core application?

a) Main method of Program class

b) Configure method of Startup class

c) ConfigureService method of Startup class

d) Application_start method of Global.asax

2. By default, static files can be served from __________ folder.

a) bin

b) wwwroot

c) Any folder under the root folder

d) StaticFiles

3. The host for ASP.NET Core web application is configured in

_________ file.

a) Program.cs

b) Startup.cs

c) Middleware

d) None of the above

4. Every command in .NET Core command line interface starts with


a) core

b) dotnet

c) .net

d) Aspdotnet
5. The Startup class must include _________ method.

a) ConfigureService

b) Main

c) BuildWebHost

d) Configure

6. The _________ method in Startup class is used to registering

services with IoC container.

a) ConfigureService

b) Configure

c) Main

d) All of the above

7. Which of the following is executed on each request in ASP.NET Core


a) Startup

b) Middlewares

c) Main method

d) All of the above

8. Middlewares can be configured using instance of type


a) IHostingEnvironment

b) ILoggerFactory

c) IApplicationBuilder

d) IMiddleware

9. Middlwares can be configured in ___________ method of Startup


a) Configure
b) ConfigureService

c) Main

d) ConfigureMiddleware

10. Which of the following is environment variable in ASP.NET Core






11. Which of the following extension method allow us to configure

custom error handling route?

a) UseExceptionHandler

b) UseDeveloperExceptionPage

c) UseWelcomePage

d) Run

12. Which of the following middleware must be installed to serve static

files in ASP.NET Core application?

a) Microsoft.AspNetCore

b) Microsoft.AspNetCore.Static

c) Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles

d) Microsoft.AspNetCore.Extensions

13. The full form of LINQ is _______.

a) Link-List Inner Query

b) Language-Integrated Query
c) Linked-Integrated Query

d) Lazy Integration Query

14. LINQ supports ________ syntax.

a) C# and F#

b) VB and F#

c) C# and VB

d) All of the above

15. Which of the following supports LINQ queries?

a) Object collection

b) XML Document

c) Entity Framework

d) All of the above

16. A class must implement ____________ interface in order to

provide querying facility using LINQ.

a) IEnumerator or IQueryable

b) IEnumerable or IQueryable

c) Enumerable or Queryable

d) None of the above

17. LINQ supports which of the following syntaxes?

a) Query syntax

b) Method syntax

c) All of the above

d) None of the above

18. var teenAgerStudent = from s in studentList

where s.Age > 12 && s.Age < 20
select s;
The above query is an example of ________ syntax.
a) Method syntax

b) Query syntax

c) C#

d) VB

19. What is the difference between First and FirstOrDefault?

a) First throws an exception whereas FirstOrDefault returns default value, if

no elements found for specified criteria.

b) First returns NULL whereas FirstOrDefault returns default value, if no

elements found for specified criteria.

c) First throws an exception whereas FirstOrDefault returns NULL, if no

elements found for specified criteria.

d) First returns void whereas FirstOrDefault returns NULL value, if no

elements found for specified criteria.

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