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Q7.What are the flight controls used in helicopter?

'"[,here are fOLlr controls in the helicopter lh::Jllhc pilul musl use during !lighl



Q9.What is the purpose of collective control lever?

• ._ u" __

The collective pitch control (CPL) lever or stick is located by the left side of
the pilot's seat and is operated with the left hand.
This lever moyes up and down pivoting about the aft end and, through a
series of mechanical linkages, changes the pitch angle of the main rotor
blades. As the CPL lever is raised, there is a simultaneous and equal
increase in the pitch angle of all the main rotor blades, as the lever is
lowered, there is a simultaneous and equal decrease in the pitch angle.
The amount of movement of the lever determines the amount of blade pitch
As the pitch angle of the rotor blade is changed, the angle of attack of each
blade will also be changed. A change in the angle of attack changes the drag
on the rotor blades. As the angle of attach of increases, drag increases and
rotor RPM and engine RPM tend to decrease, as the angle of attack
decreases, drag decreases and RPM tends to increase.
The coordination of power change \"vithblade pitch angle change is
controlled through a collective pitch lever-throttle control can linkage with
automatically increases power when the collective pitch lever is raised and
decreases power when the lever is lowered.
The epe is the primary altitude control. Raising the epe lever increases
the rotor's lift and through the cam linkage with the throttle, increases the
engine power. *****

The throttle is mounted on the fonvard end of the epe lever in the form of
motor cycle-type twist grip.
The function of the throttle is to regulate RPM.
The throttle may be moved manually with the twist grip to make further
adjustlTlents of engine RPM ..
Twisting the throttle outboard increase rpm, tv/isting it inboard decreases
The throttle ITlust be coordinated with the epc so that a correct rotor rpm is
maintained, the throttle, therefore is the primary rpm control.


The thrust produced by the auxiliary rotor is governed by the position of the
anti-torque pedals.
They are linked to a pitch change mechanism in the tail rotor gear box to
permit the pilot to increase or decrease the pitch of the tail rotor blades.
The primary purpose of the tail rotor and its control is to counteract the
torque effect of the ma in rotor.


The tail rotor and its controls not only enable the pilot to counteract the
torque of the main rotor during flight, but also to control the heading of the
helicopter during hovering patterns.
In forward flight, the pedals are not used to control the heading of the hie,
rather they, are used to compensate for torque to put the hie in longitudinal
trim so that coordinated night can be maintained,.
The eye] ic control is Llsed to change heading by making a coordinated tum
to the desired direction.
The thrust of the tail rotor is dependent upon the pitch angle of the tail rotor
blades and, to a certain extent, upon the main rotor rpm.
With the pedals in the neutral position, the tail rotor has a medium positive
pitch angle. ln medium positive pitch, the tai·l rotor thrust approximately
equals the torque of the main rotor during cruising flight,. So the hie wi 11
maintain a constant heading in the level flight.
With the left pedal in forward position, the tail rotor is in a high pitch
position. In a high positive pitch position, tail rotor thrust exceeds the thrust
needed to overcome torque eiTeet during cru iSlllg 111ght so the h/c no~e will
yaw to the left.*******'

Q8.What is the purpose of cyclic control lever?


The total lift-thrust force is always perpendicular to the tip path plane of the
main rotor. When the tip path plane is tilted away from the horizontal, the
lift thrust force is divided in to two components - the horizontal acting
force thrust, and the upward force is lift.
The thrust component then pulls the hlc in the direction of the rotor tde
The cyclic control has no effect on the magnitude of the total lift-thrust
force, merely changes the direction of this force, thus controlling the attitude
and airspeed of the hie.
The rotor disc tilts in the direction that pressure is applied to the cychc.
If the cyclic stick is move forward, the rotor disc tilts forward, if the cyclic is
moved aft, the rotor disc tilts aft, and so on.

Q1.What is rigging of the flight Icontrol system?


Control surt~lces should move ~IC~.'n~llll dISLIll\..C III '..'lllll:l dll,-',-IIUii liUll1llh.'
neutral position. These movements must be synchlUlllL.ed Wllh movement or
the cockpit controls.
The flight control system must be adjusted (rigged) to obtain these
req Lll remen ts.
Rigging consist of the following:
I. Positioning the flight control system in neutral and temporarily locking it
there with rig pins or locks
2. Adjusting surl~lce travel. system c(\hlc tension. c1djusting stops to thc
c!lrcraf! Ill,lIlll!',lcllll\'r \j1l'lllll1ltiolls
\Vhcn rigging lllght t.'nllllt)! ~\ S!l:m"" \:l'rlclin ill'l11:-;()!' rigging equq)mcl1ts arc
The equipment consist of tensiometers, Cable rigging tension charts,
protractors, rigging fixtures, contour templates and rulers,

To determine the amount of tension on a cable, a tensiometer is used.

Cable tension is detemlined by measuring the amount of force needed to
make an offset in the cable between two hardened steel blocks. A riser is
pressed against the cable to form the offset.


The tools of measuring SurhlCC travel primarily include protractors, rigging

fixtures, templates and rulers.
These tools are used when rigging flight control systems to assure that the
desired travel has been obtained.


Rigging fixtures and contour templates are special tools designed by the
manufacturer to measure' control surface travel. Markings on the fixture or
templatei:ldicate desired control surface travel.


In many instances, the aircraft nlanufacturer gives the travel of a particular

control surface in degrees and inches. If the travel in inches is provided, a
ruler can be used to measure surface travel in inches.


The purpose of this section is to explain the methods of checking the

relative alignment and ,ldjllsllllent of the aircr,1Ws structureal components.
Iris not intended to imply[h~l(lhl' pi U(cdllll'S ~lll' l'\dl'lly ~IS lh\~y Ill~IY be III
a particular aircraft.

..-- ..

The position or angle of the main structural components in related to a

longitudinal datum line parallel to the aircraft center line and a lateral datum
line parallel to a line joining the wing tips.
Before checking, the position of the main components, the aircraft should be
There are methods for checking structural alignment dnd rigging angles.
Special rigging boards which incorporate a speci~i1 inslnlment 1'01'
determining the angle are used on some ~lircr(lft
When checking alignment, a suitable sequence shuuld be develuped and
followed to be certain that the checks are made at all the positions speciJicd.
The alignment checks specified usually incl ude:

1. Wing Dihedral angle.

2. Wing incidence angle
3. Engine alignment
4. Horizontal stablilizer incidence.
S. Horizontal stabilizer dihedral
6. Verticality of the fin
7. A symmetry check.


The dihedral angle should be checked in the specified positions using the
special boards provided by the ale manufacturer.
If no such boards are available, a straight edge and a clinometer can be
used. *****

Incidence is usually checked in at least two specified positions on the

surface or the wing to ensure that the \ving is rree fI-om twist.
A number of incidence boards are used to check the incidence angle.
Some have forward stops at the forward edge which must be placed in
contact with the kc1ding Cclgl: orthe wing******


After the rigging of the horizontal stabilizer has been checked, the verticality
of the vertical stabilizer relative to the lateral datum can be checked. The
measurements are taken from a given point on the left and right horizontal
stabilizers. The measurements should be similar with in the prescribed
limits. *******


Engines are usually mounted with the thrust line parallel to the horizontal
longitudinal plane of symmetry. Generally, the check entails a measurement
from the center line of the mounting to the longitudinal center line of the
fueselage at the point specified in the applicable manual.
Q17.Explain symmetric check on aircraft?

The principle of symmetry check is mentioned in the fig.

The precise figures, tolerances and check points for a particular aircraft will
be found in the applicable service manual.
On small aircraft the measurements between points are usually taken using a
steel tape when measuring long distances, it is suggested that a spring scale
be used 'with the tape to obtain equal tension****


in order for a control system to function properly, I[ IllLlst be CUrI,Tlly

~ldjListed. Correctly rigged control surfaCeS wil I move through prescribed

~[I'C and be synchronized with the movement of the cockpit controls.

Rigging any system requires that the step-by-step procedures be
followed as outlined in the alc maintenance manual. The detailed nature of
several adjustments follow three steps:
Q11.Describe the important guide lines for installation and rigging of control surfaces.
I.Lock the cockpit control, bell cranks and the contra] surfaces in the neutral

3. Adjust the cable tension, maintaining the rudder, elev~ltor or aileron in

the neutral position.
4. Adjust the control stops to limit the control sLlrl~ll'Ctr~lvel tu till'
dimension baiven for the aircralt
. belllu~ 1'JL'<ll'd.

The range of movement orthe controls ~llld L'()IHlul Sllli'~ll'CS should he

checked in both directions from lleLltral.

Incidence is usually checked in at least two specified positions on the

surface or the wing to ensure that the wing is rree II"om twist.
A number of incidence boards are llsed to check the incidence angle.
Some have forward stops at the !'orward edge which must be placed in
contact with the kclding edge orthe wing******


After the rigging of the horizontal stabilizer has been checked, the verticality
of the vertical stabilizer relative to the lateral datum can be checked. The
measurements are taken from a given point on the left and right horizontal
stabilizers. The measurements should be similar with in the prescribed


Engines are usually mounted with the thrust line parallel to the horizontal
longitudinal plane of symmetry. Generally, the check entails a measurement
from the center line of the mounting to the longitudinal center line of the
fueselage at the point specified in the applicable manual.
Q2.What are the equipment used to track the blades of a helicopter?

V/hen the main rotor blades do not "cone" by the same amount during
rotation, it is referred to as "out of track". This may result in excessive
vibration at the control column.
Blade tracking is the process of determining the positions of the tips of the
rotor blades relative to each other while the rotor head is turning, and of
determining the cOlTections necessary to hold these positions within certain
Tracking shows only the relative positions of the blades, nottheir path of
flight. The blades should all track one another as closely as possible.
The purpose of blade tracking is to bring the tips of all blades in to the same
tip path through out their entire cycle of rotation.
In order to track rotor blades 'with minimum time and maximum accuracy,
the correct equipment must be available. The equipment generally used to
track blades include:
Q10.What are the equipments required for analysis the operation of main rotor?
1. Tracking flag with flag material
2. Grease pencil or colored chalk.
3. Suitable marking material
4. Reflectors and tracking lights.
5. Tracking stick
6. Trim-tab bending tool
7. Trim-tab angle indicator.

Before starting a blade tracking operation, new or recently overhauled blades

should be checked for proper incidence. Trim tabs should be set at zero on
zero or overhauled blades.
Q14.Describe the various methods used in tracking the main rotor of a helicopter. explain in detail
about any one methods
One means of tracking is the flag tracking method:

The blade tips are marked with chalk or grease pencil. Each blade should
be marked with a different color so that it will be easy to determine the
relationship of the tips of the rotor blades to each other.
The man holding the flag faces in the direction of blade rotation, watching
the retreating blades. Facing away from the oncoming blades permits the
flag holder to observe the blades as they come in contact with the flag.
The angle of flag to the chord of the~lade is iITlPortant. If the angle)s
too great, the marks will be long and the flag will flutter excessively.
If the angle is too straight the blade may cut the flag.
The most satisfactory angle is about 80 degree to the chord Iiw~ of the
blades. The marks on the flag will then approximately 3/16 inch to ~;Iinch
ling. The flag method of tracking can be lIsed not only to ascertain the
relative positions of the blades but also the night characteristics of the blalks
of different Lp.m and power settings.
In order to plot the flight characteristics of a set of blades, it is necessary to
take a trace at different rpm settings and record the results.
A minimum of three traces is necessary to produce a satisfactory plot.
When the tracking plot is completed, one blade is chosen as a reference

Q18.Explain principle of balancing.


The principle that are essential in the balancing or rc:-b;liancing of the

control surtaces are not to difficult to understand I r some simpk comparison
is used.
For example, a seesaw that is out of balance may be compared to a control
surface that does not have balance weights installed.
It is this out of balance condition that can cause a damaging flutter or
buffeting of an aircraft and therefore must be eliminated. This is best
accomplished by adding weights either inside or on the leading edge of the
tabs, ailerons or in the proper location on the balance panels.
When this is done properly, a balanced condition exists and can be compared
to the seesaw with a child sitting on the shon end of the plank.*****

Assume that the child is placed a distance of 8 feet to the right 01 the
fulcrum point. A simple formula can be used to determine the C\;I([ \Vcl~ht

Vlhen the main rotor blades do not "cone" by the same amount during
rotation, it is referred to as "out of track". This may result in excessive
vibration at the control column.
Blade tracking is the process of determining the positions of the tips of the
rotor blades relative to each other while the rotor head is turning, and of
determining the cOlTections necessary to hold these positions within certain
Tracking shows only the relative positions of the blades, not their path of
flight. The blades should all track one another as closely as possible.
The purpose of blade tracking is to bring the tips ofal! blades in to the same
tip path through out their entire cycle of rotation.
In order to track rotor blades 'with minimum time and maximum accuracy,
the correct equipment must be available. The equipment generally used to
track blades include:

1. Tracking flag with flag material

2. Grease pencil or colored chalk.
" 3. Suitable marking material
4. Reflectors and tracking lights.
5. Tracking stick
6. Trim-tab bending tool
7. Trim-tab angle indicator.

Before starting a blade tracking operation, new or recently overhauled blades

should be checked for proper incidence. Trim tabs should be set at zero on
zero or overhauled blades.

One means of tracking is the flag tracking method:

The blade tips are marked with chalk or grease pencil. Each blade should
be marked with a different col or so that it will be easy to determine the
relationship of the tips of the rotor blades to each other.
The man holding the flag faces in the direction of blade rotation, watching
the retreating blades. Facing away from the oncoming blades permits the
flag holder to observe the blades as they come in contact with the flag.
The angle of flag to the chord of the~lade is ilTlPortant. I.fthe angle)s
too great, the marks will be long and the flag will flutter excessively.
If the angle is too straight the blade may cut the flag.
lhallhe child must h~l\C I() bdldl1Cl~mlml1g the seesaw in to a levclcd
To produce a balanced condition orthe seesaw, the counterclockv/lsc
moment must equal to the clock\vlse nioment Moment is found by
multiplying weight times distance Therefore, the formula to balance the
seesaw 1S

W2 * D2 = Wl * DI
'0/2 be the unknown weight of the second child. D2 would be the distance
from the fulcmm that the second child is seated. Wl would be the weight of
the first child (80) Ibs. D 1 would be the distance from the fulcrum that the
first child is seated (6).
Finding the weight of the second child is nO\v simple matter of substitution

and solving the formula as follows:

W2 * D2 = WI * 01
W2 * S SO Ihs * ()
W2 = 480/8 = 60 Ibs.

So the weight of the second chi Id would have to be 60 Ibs. To prove the

60 Ibs * 8 ft = 80 Ibs * 6 ft
480 ft.lbs = 480 ft. Ibs.

This would result in Cl balanced condition of the seesaw since the

counterclockwise moments around the fulcrum are equal to the clocbvise
moments around the fulcrum.
The same effect is obtained in a control surface by the addition of the
Since most of the repairs to control surfaces are aft of the hinge center line,
resulting in a trailing-edge heavy condition, the weight is added forward of
the hinge center line. The correct re-balance weight must be calculated and
installed in the proper position. *****
At the present time, four methods of balancing control surfac es are in used
by the various manufacturer of aircraft. The four methods are commonly
called the calculation method, scale method, tri,llmethod anda component

The calculation method of balancing a contra] surface is directly related to

the principles of balancing. It has one advantage over the other methods in
that it can be performed without removing the surface from the aircraft.

In using the calculation method, the weight of the material fronl the repair
area and the weight of the materials used to accomplish the repair must be
known. Subtracting the weight removed from the weight added will give the
resulting net gain in the amount added to the surface.

Thc distancc from the hinge CClllcrlllle to tllc lTIHer ur tile rcp,lir arC,"l IS tllell
measured in inches. The distance must be c.ktemlined to the nearest one -
hundredth of an inch.

The next step is to multiply the distance times the net weight of the repair.
This will result in an in-Ibs. If the in-Ibs result of the calculations is with in
specified tolerances, the control surface will be considered balanced. If it is
not with in specified limits, consult the manufacturer's manual for the
needed weights, material to use for weights and installation location for
addition of the weight. *******

The scale method of balancing a control surface requires the use of a scale
that is graduated in hundredths of a pound. A support stand and balancing
jigs for the surface are also required. A control surface mounted for re-
balancing purposes. Use of scale method requires the removal of the control
surface from the aircraft.

Q19.Explain procedure for aircraft C.G. location

The primary purpose of aircraft weight and balance control is safety.
A secondary purpose is to achieve the utmost in efficiency during fl ight.
Improper loading reduces the ef1iclcnc;.: of an alc from the standpoint of
ceiling, mancLlverability. r,)te of climb, speed, and fuel consumption. It can
bc cause of failure to compklc ,] llight UI nTn to start it.


The theory of weight and balance is extremely simple. It is that of the

familia:: lever that is in equilibrium or balance when it rests on the fulcrum
in a level position.
The influence of weight is directly dependent upon its distance from the
To balance the lever the weight must be distributed so that the turning effect
is the same on one side of the fulcrum as on the other.
In general, a lighter weight far out on the levei- has the same effect as a
heavy weight near the fulcrum,
The distance of any object from the fulcrum is called the lever arm.
The lever arm multiplied by weight of the object is its turning effect about
the fulcrum. This turning effect is known as the moment.
An aircraft is balanced if it remains level when suspended from an
imaginary point. This point is the location of its idea e.g. An aircraft in
balance does not have to be perfectly level, but it must be reasonably close
to it. ***** Fig- 3-1.


Weight and balance data can be obtained from the following sources:

l. The aircraft specifications

2. The aircraft operating limitations.
3. The aircraft flight manual.
4. The aircraft weight and balance repon.

The datum is an imaginary vertical plane from which all horizon1 al
measurements are taken for balance purposes, with the aircraft in level fl ight
There is no fixed rule for the location of the datum. In most cases it is
located on the nose of the aircraft or some point on the alc structure itself.
The datum location is indicated on the most aircraft specifications.


The arm is the horizontal distance that ~111 Item 01 \.:quiplllent IS located I'ram
the datum.
The arm's distance is always measured in inches, for a location which might
be exactly on the datum, + sign indicates distance Cl aft of the datum and the
• sign indicates a distance forward of the datum.


A moment is the product of a weight multiplied by its arm.

The moment of an item about the datum is obtained by multiplying the
weight of the item by its horizontal distance from the datum.


The e.g. of an aircraft is point about which the nose-heavy and tclil-heavy
moments are exactly equal in magnitude
It is the point about which the weight of an airplane or any object is


The maximum weight is the maximum authorized yveight of the aircraft and
its contents, and it is indicated in the specilicllions


The empty weight of an aircraft includes alloperating equipment tha1 has Cl

tixed location and is actually installed in the aircraft.


The lIseful load of an aircraft is determined by subtracting the empty weight

frolll th2~maximum allowable gross weight.
The u' ,:'ulload consist of maximum oil, fuel, passengers, baggage, pilot,
co-p;' .. and crew members.
Det.' [(.lining the distribution of these weights is called a weight check.

--.....c.- Vv'EIGHrCG.:

1he empty weight CG. is the CG. of aircraft in its empty weight condition.
It is ail essential pan ,)1' the 'vveight and balance record of the aircraft.


The MAC is the J1 ean average chord of the wing.

The aircraft CC is usually placed at the maximum forward position of the

center ofpressu e on the MAC to obtain the desired stability.
The CO locatio. is generally expressed with respect to the wing.
This is done by s;;ecifying CG. in percent of the wing's MAC
The location ofth(~ MAC, in relation to the datum is given in the aircraft
Compute the e.G. ,)calion In percent of MAC as follows:

I. Find the difference betvveen the distance to the empty weight CG.
location from the datum and the distance to the leading edge of MAC
from the datum.
2. Divide the difference by the length of the MAC
3. Multiply the answer by 100.
4. The final answer is then expressed pin percent.


Reference points are provided for leveling ~he aircraft on the ground. They
are designated by specifications.
The most common leveling procedure is place a spirit level at designated
points on the aircraft structure.
Some aircraft have special level ing scales built in to th.e airframe structure.
The scale is Llsed with a plumb bob to level the aircraft longil udina] 1y and


In weighing an aircraft, the point on the scale at which the w'clght is

concentrated is called the weighing poi nl.
Other structural locations capable or supporting the aircraft, such as .lack
pads on the main spar

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